From Main Index on the Origins of
Anti-Semitism - April 2007 Baseball
player Micheal Ray Richardson fired for saying Jews are
'crafty' and adept at security - He was correct on
both counts says Zev Chafets in The Los Angeles Times
- The Economist
highlights Jewish lobby power in Washington DC
- Radio
talk-show mogul Michael Savage calls popular commentator
Diane Sawyer a 'lying whore' for not talking about
- The Great Shakedown - Israel
Singer (WJC) to lodge $65 billion claim against
Poland | Washington Post: World
Jewish Congress on verge of split | NZZ: Critic
of Swiss neutrality ousted
- Boss Israel Singer fired, his reputation sullied by
report by Eliot Spitzer, NY attorney general, that he
embezzled WJC funds. No criminal charges were filed |
Another fine squabble at World Jewish Congress HQ:
Attorney General Eliot] Spitzer Looking Into World
Jewish Congress money laundering - Great Shakedown leads to Lawyer squabbles - Survivor
outrage at $3 Million Fee for Holocaust Lawyer Burt
Neuborne: Israel Abreiter, survivor: "Mr Neuborne
said many times that he was working pro bono" -- i.e.,
for no fee
| Survivor
payments range from $500 to $2,500 - Blood-libel controversy boils over in Israel:
Ha'aretz: "...If
the author had been Christian the dilemma could have
quickly been solved by branding [him] an
 - ADL's Abe
Foxman speculates that the Internet may be a major factor
in growing anti-Semitism
- "A
good investment" - Cost to Canadians of sending
Zündel to his native Germany: $130,000. The cost
of the trip is not of great concern, said Canadian Jewish
- How they do it - Major
donors to Brandeis University will no longer donate in
retaliation for its decision to host former President
Jimmy Carter, a strong critic of Israel
 - Israeli
Spying: The Mother of all Scandals - a short history of
America's plucky little allies snooping on her
- Kevin MacDonald on the
Jewish Bolsheviks a review of
book 'The Jewish Century' by Yuri Slezkine;
- Leaker
Libby is, ahem, one of those nice follks next door
- like Leo Amery he kept it to
himself, it's Irving Lewis Liebowitz, and the press isn't
reporting that he was lawyer to Marc Rich
- How
a Boca Raton (Florida) businessman shot a 16 year old
prankster in the back and got away with murder
- Jews in the American
porn industry: an investigation by Nathan Abrams for
the UK Jewish Quarterly
- Collection's
organizer, a London physician named Simon Cohen, has
single-mindedly gathered nearly 300 items of
- "I can't believe you rented
to a goy," -- says the voice on the tape
- Jewesses said to be
ones who worst exploited the Black female workers in the
- Columbia campus war: Traditional
enemy accuses Mid-East Profs of anti-Semitism by
traditional enemy
(one asked ex Israeli soldier-student, How many
Palestinians did you kill?) - FBI
turns up heat on AIPAC as confessed Pentagon spy has
stopped cooperating | Jewish
US Leaders fear probe will force AIPAC to file as
'Foreign Agent' under 1938 anti-Nazi laws
- Ottawa
teacher pioneers Holocaust propaganda for the Canadian
- Israeli
movers go on trial in US for extortion and theft -
Twenty-year sentences possible, then removal -- from
- Israeli
advert uses New York's 9/11 terror-image to sell
- Israeli
criminals control 75 percent of US Ecstasy market |
Bad Boy, bad boy Israeli
police nab Ze'ev Rosenstein, Drug-Ringleader |
jailed in Australia over $17m ecstasy haul
 - Article,
"Palestine: The Assault on Health and Other War Crimes,"
by Prof Derek Summerfield in British Medical
Journal | critiques | outrage
from the traditional enemies of the truth
- Oct 19, 2004 Jewish
woman spray-painted swastikas all over Brooklyn and
Queens, outraged at her ex-husband's new young
- The Fate of Loy
Henderson of the State Department, who opposed the
creation of the State of Israel
- Oct 13, 2004: Armenian
archbishop quizzed over spat with yeshiva student:
"Religious Jews ... customarily spit on the ground as a
sign of disgust on seeing the Cross."
- Sept 5, 2004: Ha'aretz headline: FBI
probes Jewish sway on Bush government "The FBI
investigation into the Pentagon mole affair has expanded
... to encompass the entire issue of Jewish influence on
the neoconservative part of the administration" |
issues grand jury subpoenas for officials of AIPAC,
pro-Israel lobby group in Washington, over war secrets
smuggled to Israel
- Aug 30, 2004: Jew
held over Paris fire: Crude slogans at the scene
suggested an anti-Semitic motive
believes Israel spy at very highest level of the Pentagon
influenced Bush regime | Alleged
Leak to Israel Probed for a Year | AIPAC's
- Dossier on Jonathan
Pollard, Israel's former spy at the Navy Department, now
serving life imprisonment
- Dual-loyalty: the
agonizing dilemma of all Jews living outside Israel:
Jewish Journalists Grapple with 'doing the write
- The Forward Poll:
43 percent of Americans (Europeans: 59 percent) declare
that Israel is "a threat to world peace" | Fox
news on same story
- Sen.
Jay Rockefeller asks FBI to investigate the (Israeli?-)
forged documents Powell used as evidence against Iraq
| Jacob
G. Hornberger, The Rot at the Center of the Empire
probes fake papers on Iraq : Investigation into role of
foreign intelligence service Guess whose? - The Mossad
approached FBI translators to serve Israel, rather than
US, promised soft retirement
- Outrage
among New York Jews that FBI is not hiring them
Probes Mossad Espionage at Clinton White House
- The bribetakers Latest
list of your local US lawmakers and the cash they receive
from Israel
Not unconnected: U.S.
Congress overwhelmingly approves Bush's position on
Israel - Aug 18, 2004: Jury
convicts California professor in staged hate-crime
 - Dual-loyalty: the
agonizing dilemma of all Jews living outside Israel:
Jewish Journalists Grapple with 'doing the write
- NZ
government keeps up expensive surveillance of two Israeli
agents | New
Zealand jails two Mossad spies, prime minister Helen
Clark (right) punishes Israel | Jewish
pain in NZ, Australia | outrage
at immediate mystery attack on Jewish gravestones in
| Govt fury
at claims of bias from NZ Jewish Council | Suspicions
voiced that New Zealand Jews smashed up their own
cemetery - Jul 13, 2004: 'Anti-Jewish
train attack' on Mother, baby in Paris now in
- Noam Chomsky on the
inevitable fate of hostile reviews of Joan Peters'
fraudulent pro-Israel history, From Time Immemorial
- Answers question, Why us? Interview
with unrepentant Russian billionaire Oligarch Vladimir
- June 2004: Lev
Trachtenberg (of Brighton Beach, NY) arrested on White
slave-trade charges | Report
slams Israel on sex slavery | Portrait
of a modern slave trader, Ludwig Fainberg
dossier on the shameful case of John Demjanjuk- Israeli
attack on USS Liberty, June 8 1967, killed 34 American
- The
criminal world of an Israeli army sniper
- Forbes
list of Russian billionaires features nine Jews - worries
that it may reinforce anti-Semitic stereotypes
- Jan 2004: ADL's
Abe Foxman justifies 1967 Israeli attack on USS Liberty
which killed many US sailors
- Max Hastings investigates: Anti-semitism
is becoming respectable again in Europe
- Ouch: "Anti-defamers"
finally pay up $12 million for smearing Denver couple
| Denver
Couple whom ADL portrayed as Anti-Semites keep
Judgment | ADL
chief's outrage as Oscars ceremony honours Leni
- Gibson's passion as a Ketchup Libel? Ha'aretz
on Hypocrisy and anti-Semitism | Suspect
Christian pressure-group calls for prosecution of Mel
Gibson's film The Passion for hate crimes | No
distributor could be found in France for Gibson's film ;
community denies blame | Under
Jewish ADL pressure Mel Gibson deletes a controversial
scene about Jews from his film on Jesus Christ |
and Mr
Irving's commentary | Abe
Foxman ADL) declares that movie actor Mel Gibson was
"seriously infected" with anti-Semitic views, based on
his upcoming movie, The Passion of Christ
- One
Year Later [March 2004], Justice Still Not
Served: Remembering the Death of Rachel Corrie
 We wonder if the family of Rachel Corrie have become
"anti-Semitic" yet? - The
world turns, and yet another conference on
 Deborah Lipstadt will star. It is in Canada (a nasty
surprise awaits her, the next time she visits the
UK). - Radical's
Diary: How the traditional enemy tries to prevent the
printing of David Irving's books
- When thieves fall out Feds
charge two Israelis with defrauding US porn merchants
- Blair henchman plays race card Jewish
outrage as Labour Party calls opposition politican Oliver
Letwin a "21st century Fagin"
- What us, gangsters? Israel raids Palestinian banks,
robs $6.5 million Guardian
| Scotsman
| Washington
| Flashback: David
Irving on Israel's "gangster" tactics (2002) - The Forward Poll:
43 percent of Americans (Europeans: 59 percent) declare
that Israel is "a threat to world peace" | Fox
news on same story
- Stephen
Sniegoski (Washington) absolved of Hate Speech crime
(South Africa)
- Chad
Powers: What is "Anti-Semitism?": Deconstructing the
Psychoanalytic Base
- Real
History and the brains behind the international drugs
- Three
Israeli nationals were arrested and accused of trying to
smuggle $42 million worth of hallucinogenic Ecstasy pills
to the United States from Belgium, the largest such drug
seizure ever in Europe, U.S.
- Dr
Andrew E Mathis tries to frighten off Prof Tony Martin
from lecturing Cincinnati conference on Jewish origins of
the Black African slave trade | Jewish
journalist attacks Prof Martin for his
- Billionaire
George Soros shocks NY Jewish elite, says Bush, Sharon to
blame for global rise in anti-Semitism
- WorldNetDaily: European
Union public sees Israel as 'biggest threat' to world
peace: EU commission suppresses unfortunate poll result
| Prodi
soothes US Jewish leaders after Europe votes Israel
world's greatest threat to peace, says he
disagrees - Ha'aretz: 1949
gang rape of young Bedouin girl by Israeli troops, then:
"I saw fit to remove her from the
 - Outrage in Berlin Full
text of Martin Hohmann's extraordinary speech
(German) | in
which he claims Jews are "a Race of
- British
Conservative party set to choose a Jew as leader
- World
Jewish Congress - Edgar Bronfman, Elan Steinberg, Isi
Leibler, call each other names
"One Jewish leader familiar with the work of the World
Jewish Congress suspects that . . . lawyers did
a lot of investigating into the finances of the World
Jewish Congress." - Malaysian
Prime Minister Mahathir repeats that "Jews rule the
world," and accuses President Bush of lying for claiming
he rebuked Mahathir
- Poland
demands extradition of Solomon Morel for genocide at
Polish prison camp
- Outrage
among New York Jews that FBI is not hiring them |
The Mossad
approached FBI translators to serve Israel, rather than
US, promised soft retirement
- Professor Kevin
Macdonald of California State University at Long Beach
analyses the international Jewish origins of the
- Anonymous ex-student
defends St. Anne's College, Oxford, against Dame Ruth
Deech's allegations of anti-semitism
Holocaust Shakedown: Lawrence
Eagleburger admits: His International Commission on
Holocaust-Era Insurance Claims has spent $56 million to
obtain offers of claims payments of $35 million- The Jerusalem Post
calls for the murder of Yasser Arafat
- David
Aaronovitch takes a safe kick at the late Diana Mosley
- New Zealand
Herald sacks cartoonist for two "anti-Semitic" cartoons
on Israel
- Our dossier about
complaints about anti-Semitic cartoons
- New York Times profile of
Yehuda Abraham, gem dealer involved in laundering cash
for terrorist missile sting
- Jewish Telegraph Agency confirms it: Jew
nabbed in missile sting: A US Jew was among
three men arrested in an FBI missile sting
- Jewish
organizations complain about "anti-Semitic" cartoon in
The Philadelphia Inquirer
- Jul 2003: German
taxpayer will give EUR 3 million [$3.5m] annually
to 100,000-member Jewish community
- Jun 2003: Berlin police
seize drugs at home of Jewish leader and TV star Michael
Friedmann | Drogenrazzia
bei Michel Friedmann | Jews
ponder his future | His
lawyer accidentally faxes full report to pizza-man |
Germany's Jewish
council elects replacement for disgraced Freidman: drug
dealing, organised crime
- Vanessa
Redgrave is forgiven by Hollywood Jews for her support
for Palestine -- after thirty year boycott
- Abraham
Foxman warns Mel Gibson not to suggest Jews killed Jesus
at US student newspaper cartoon mocking death of
anti-Israeli student protestor | Israeli
Bulldozer Kills U.S. Woman, 23 | More
shocking photographs
| Rachel
Corrie Died In Palestine Rubble, But Her Issue
Lives- Jenin:
The Israeli Army Bulldozer driver's story
- Former Leader
of Jewish Community arrested in Cracow: Defrauded
Holocaust Heirs
- Forward: Israel's
Role: The 'Elephant' They're Talking About
- Idiot Hour: Alan
Dershowitz and the Ticking Time Bomb
 - Obituary: Crooked
Nazi-Hunter Neal Sher on Mossad chief Isser
- Jewish Telegraph Agency: Prague
about to publish list of Stalin's Jewish
- Joe Sobran: Obsessions
about Israel
- Miami
"furniture removers", and other scams
- 1993 study: Why Are
There Israeli- But Not Mexican-American Dual
A Russian cartoonist's view of "that sh*tty little country" [click to
- Flashback 1883: Pomeranians
torched own synagogue to claim arson insurance
- Survivors demand
Veterans' benefits | And a note by Mr Irving on Menachem
Rosensaft's wife
- What
Dublin official files reveal of ministers' private views
on the Jews in 1950s Cesarani:
Britain was 'wary' of Nazi [sic. Jewish]
- Estonia brings Stalin's
secret police to justice
- Richard
Desmond, owner of Daily Express, can't shake off his
smut-peddler image
- Nov 2002: German
Government Triples Payments to Jewish Community:
Germany has already paid $90 billion, said Jewish Claims
Conference president. "It's a lot. It's a great
- Nov 2002: Most
frequently asked question (FAQ) of French Jewish
students: What to do when I am caught cheating?
- Nov
2002: Berliners protest move to put 'Jewish' back into
street name
- Outrage
as British publisher, citing boycott, refuses to sell
book to Israeli academic
- British
move to indict former Israeli chief of staff
- Tale of a
dog, two San Francisco lawyers, the ADL, and protests of
- Robert
Goldstein's wife arrested in plan to blow up Muslim
- Robert
Maxwell killed by The Mossad: New Book
- Israeli
embassy told to move
- 1997:
Hunt for "War Criminals" in Canada turns ugly: Nazi
snitch line divides Jews
- The end of the Shakedown: Coming
to senses, Swiss voters reject Holocaust
- Harvard
President Sees Rise in Anti-Semitism on Campus |
professors posted on Daniel Pipes Web site
- Ha'aretz reports: Publisher
Hancock's acquittal outrages UK Jewish
- Judge
Diamond wrote threatening letters to herself, N.Y. police
- German
press reports teacher jailed for expressing doubts in
private letter to a Jewish historian: latter turned it
over to state political police
- Ron
Jacobson, hater, fails to goad Mr Irving into a usable
- What goes around: Estonian
offers $20,000 reward for arrest of 1940-41 KGB
- Gabriel Ash: A
glitch in the Matrix - CNN's skewed reporting on the
Middle East
- The
ADL: Still Spying on Americans: now monitoring
- How
the ADL Counts Anti-Semites: An "anti-Semitism index"
that's less than scientific
- Who owns
and controls the Polish press today? Is it any different
from the situation in the rest of the world?
- German
writer Martin Walser hit by Holocaust allegation |
at murder of Jewish critic labeled "document of
- The former
New York Times editor writes on the alleged Jewish Bias
of the newspaper
- Jeff
Jacoby in Boston Globe: A wave of Jew bashing in Europe
follows Ariel Sharon's "self-defense" invasion of
publishes astonishing list of US journalists who back
Israel without qualification
- Documents:
Marconi blackballed Jews from Academy of Italy.
- Lyle
Stuart (publisher, The Turner Diaries) on who secretly
subsidises anti-Semitic publications
- Israeli
medical association (Dec 2001): OK to break fingers of
Palestinian prisoners during interrogation
- Trying
to Blow up a Mosque? Meet the JDL fanatics |
Angeles Times softens the profile of JDL terrorist Irv
Rubin | LA
grand jury indicts JDL members Rubin, Krugel in bomb
plan | The
Irv Rubin story: Never say never again | FBI
spells Finis to Thug's Career: Militant JDL Chief Irv
Rubin Arrested after Gunpowder Plot | Australia
reports | Full
text of charges | IHR
recalls JDL's record | David
Irving, Radical's Diary on Rubin: "He seems to have
enjoyed a life inspired by hatred of others whom he
regards as inferior -- the very archetype of a nazi. |
the Irv Rubin bust to the Stern Gang: The Rich History of
Jewish Terrorism"
 - Jan
29, 2002: Nottingham University cancels David Irving's
address to Forum: 300 messages of support flood in to
students who invited him | Mr
Irving's regret (Radical's Diary) | previously:
opponents of free speech threatened violence |
students stood firm on invitation | Outraged
Jewish Chronicle editorial | Mr
Irving's Radical's Diary
- Soviet
spy "George Blake" was a Dutch-born Jewish
- Embassy
Scandal Consumes British press | French
ambassador to UK can't recall calling Israel "sh*tty"
| Wall
Street Journal shocked at rise of anti Israel feeling in
- Judge
scolds tax officials, but humble Canadian crusader loses
billionaire Bronfman case
- US
asked Israeli Detainees if They Were Spies |
did the Mossad know in advance about September 11 (and
not pass on to USA allies?) | Israeli
"students" identified trying to get into secure US
- America's
TV liberals "twist stories to fit their own
- Brother
of convicted spy Ethel Rosenberg admits to lying under
- "Israel
is outraged at comparisons with Nazi Germany"
- Miami
Herald, Nov 24, 2001: "Israelis deliberately planted bomb
that killed five children"
- Sept.2001:
Israeli Government gives Pollard one-time grant of one
million dollars
- Opposition
(Aug 2001) to the appointment of Israel's chief torturer
Ambassador Carmi Gillon reflects Denmark's recent wave of
hostility toward Israel
- Is
Zionism "a movement based on racial
- Georgia
University fears suits over "Nazi Culture" course,
abandons same
outraged as BBC documentary brands Ariel Sharon a "war
criminal" - Anti-Defamation
League: Censoring the Internet on behalf of
- June 2001: Board
sells stolen "ritual murder" manuscript by Sir Richard
Burton | Christie's
catalogue offers Burton manuscript | Christie's
catalogue entry | Uproar
at failed auction of Burton manuscript on human sacrifice
by British Board of Deputies
- Los
Angeles Times reports May 17, 2001: Holocaust panel
spends $30 million to award $3 million
- The
boss of crusade against anti-semitism confesses to press
that his organisation took huge bribe to influence US
President to pardon billionaire Jewish fraudster | --
"The guy who gives you $100 doesn't get as much attention
as the guy who gives you $10,000" | -- admits
ADL took Marc Rich's $100G before pushing pardon: sees
"no connection" | ADL's
Foxman [left] grovels, March, 2001
York Daily News assails ADL, "Jewish Leaders'
Unpardonable Role" in Jan. 2001 Marc Rich corruption
scandal |-- Elie
Wiesel denies he Threw Weight into Campaign to Secure
Pardon for Mega-Fraudster Rich (but he did) |
Rich Linked To $9 Billion Russian Jewish mafia Money
Laundering Investigation
great names in recent history, whose private papers
reveal that they were rather anti-Jewish
themselves- Mr
Irving gives advice to a student researching
- Porky
ADL leader Foxman beefs at Arab hatred (Feb
- Germany's
Jewish leader Paul Spiegel sees German anti-Semitism on
- Dec
2000 witch-hunt by New Zealand Jews against Auckland
academic Dr Joel Hayward: outrage when they fail
- Dec
20, 2000: Does patriotism equal 'hate site'? Wiesenthal
Center names 3,000 offenders
- Israeli
soldiers watch Jewish settlers attack British
- Interview
of Fritz Hippler about the wartime Nazi propaganda film
Der ewige Jude
- World
Jewish Congress asks Interpol not to arrest Russia's
- Germany
to introduce forced Holocaust education in schools:
antisemitism on increase. 40% of young people in
Brandenburg now anti-semitic: no cause and effect
relationship perceived
- Young
German historian who posted revisionist views on an
Israeli website is sentenced to six months jail
- B'nai
Brith Australia wants to press the delete button on
- The
great 'slave labour' shakedown of innocent German firms
runs into a snag: many refuse to cough up
- Oct 14, 2000: Australian
Judge agrees Jail "not kosher" for three multi-million
dollar fraudsters | Full
background story: Dirty Money
- JTA: Nations
see Jews as key to winning favor with U.S.
- Jewish
masked thugs claim violent disruption of David Irving's
Sep.20, 2000 Chicago meeting
- National Post: Show
survivors the money
defends fund raiser as appropriate 'thank you'
- Gabriel
Schoenfeld: "Holocaust Reparations -- A Growing Scandal,"
in Commentary Magazine, Sept. 2000 | [and German
translation in Süddeutsche Zeitung, Sept.13,
2000: "Der
Skandal um die Holocaust-Entschädigungen wird immer
größer" ]
- Ed Fagan scandal: New
York Times: Lawyer in Holocaust Case Faces Litany of
Complaints | ABCtv:
Holocaust Claims Lawyer Fagan "neglected
Finkelstein writes on The Holocaust Industry |
Standard, London, attacks Holocaust Industry |
Julius on Finkelstein: His people cast aside |
Hilberg on Finkelstein's The Holocaust Industry |
Times outrage | Berliner
Zeitung: Dachau meets Disneyland | New
York Times: A Tale of Two Holocausts | Norman
Finkelstein writes on The Holocaust Industry |
Will The Holocaust Industry Incite Anti-Semitism?
| Links
to newspaper and TV interviews | more
links | Piper-Verlag
to publish Finkelstein Book | Buch
hat in den USA ein rätselhaftes Medienecho |
Zeitung: Finkelstein's book silenced by US media
oligarchs | Piper
Verlag refuses Jewish demands to drop Finkelstein
Book- Deli
Strummer Case: Popular [Baltimore] Holocaust
Survivor Doubted" | Strummer
Addresses Her Critics: Deli Survived, But Will Her
Story? | Internet
Neo-Nazis Avoiding Case
- Jewish
broker 'conspired to kill New York judge'
- French
Court to rule on Yahoo! Nazi auction sites
- Jews
demand New Zealand probe into alleged "Nazi" PhD student
Kupka | New
Zealand's Holocaust denial problem | 'Holocaust'
student drops PhD study
- Corruption
latest: Joseph Gutnick may sue Australian premier
- Shas
fans, foes clash outside Rabbi Yosef's home
- Financial
Post: Ottawa tries to cover up who's behind the $800m tax
waiver [Bronfman]
- Wall
Street Journal on a major French literary row:
Anti-Semitism or Censorship?
- Jewish
Numbers Grow at the State Department: Salon report,
- Spain
to Give to Sephardic Holocaust Fund
- Wiesenthal
Center want to Ban Opposing Thoughts on the
- Should
Jonathan Pollard go free? by Joseph E. diGenova, former
U.S. attorney for the District of Columbia, was lead
prosecutor in the Pollard case
- Ruth
Werner, Jewish, helped atomic spy Klaus Fuchs in the
1940s (obit.)
- Berner Mossad-Prozess: Der
Anvisierte als Zeuge | Mossad-Agent
steht in der Schweiz vor Gericht | Agent
Namenlos vor Gericht | «Herr
Mossad» auf der Anklagebank
- Berliner
Holocaust-Mahnmal auf Sand gebaut
- British
Government's Corruption Exposed: Prime minister's friend,
tycoon Lord Levy, paid just £5,000 tax
- NZ
Witchhunt against historian Stuart Hayward: the
remarkable details emerge | New
Zealand Jews protest award of degree on Holocaust to Joel
Hayward, demand thesis withdrawal | University
defends him
- French
court throws out second suit against Yahoo on "Nazi" web
site | Yahoo!
to pay damages on anti-Semitic charges
- Richard
Duffy writes on the folly of attacking the Traditional
Enemies of the Truth
murder trial: A first in U.S. history?- The
Ostrovsky Files : A Message From Hell
- British
Jews resume Nazi-style tactics to "persuade" British
libraries not to stock Irving books
- Holocaust
author's house searched in fraud investigation
ordered (Apr 29, 2000) to pay Denver couple $10.5m.
Charges of bigotry backfire
- Russian
Official: Mossad counts on Jews' dual loyalty
- ABC Australia: Israel
and British Jews call for Australia to bar 'Holocaust
- A
professor expresses horror when a US student selects an
Irving book to review
- Mr Eric
Epstein's problem (and threats to David Irving)
- Forward, New York: Isi
Leibler seeks reprimand -- Irving's Case Getting Aid from
- Forward, New York: Holocaust
Seekers Online, a Tangled Web
- Jewish
fanatics held for curse ritual against pope
- Jews
who wore a Nazi uniform
- Wiener
Library Refuses to provide Historical Evidence for
- Rabbis
accused of faking exorcism
- Univ
Chicago mag. asks: Who decided to capitalize the noun
- Stinging
rebuff for ADL: NBC will re-air "SNL" sketch after
- Demjanjuk affair: Neal Sher, the OSI, and John
Demjanjuk, and Canadian Ukrainians | Patrick J
Buchanan writes in 1990 that the
closer Demjanjuk comes to the gallows, the more certain
his innocence appears | how
the Israelis, American OSI, and West Germans collaborated
to in a forgery in an attempt to hang an innocent man
| Demjanjuk
fights back: sues
U.S. | U.S.
Judge orders new trial of Demjanjuk, Feb 2000
- Dr Korherr, Himmler's statistician, analyses in 1943
disproportionately high percentage of Jews in Russian
communist party
- Holocaust survivors outrage
at $13.5m bill submitted by attorneys in the class-action
lawsuit against Swiss banks
- Financial Times reports: Dutch
insurance company stands firm against World Jewish
Congress blackmail, and is threatened with ruin
- Anti-Jewish
upsurge in Germany as US lawyers demand factories
chief's [Irv Rubin] death threat to David
Irving at Oct, 31 , 1999 LA Show
- Ultra-Orthodox
couriers ran drugs for major international ring,
reports Reuters
- Parents of
Columbine gunman Klebold sue local authorities for
failing to prevent son's bombs-and-bullets rampage
- Outrage when Jewish
resident of north Ontario town of Penetanguishene gets
Lord's Prayer banned at council meetings
- World Jewish Congress launches defamation
campaign against present-day German corporations in new
demand for Gold
- Prof. Raul Hilberg
condemns such renewed "blackmail"
- A Chinese definition of the roots of
- Anti-Semitism in Germany as U.S.
lawyers demand German factories £20 billion
- Ignatz Bubis, German Jewish leader, admitted he
in suspect Swiss Gold in the early 1950s and with
Degussa, a firm which melted down dental fillings of
Holocaust victims | Bubis
complains Jews still strangers in Germany | Bubis,
A Memoir, written
for Action Report in 1997 | Jewish
Chronicle, London, assesses Bubis' life
- Patrick J Buchanan writes in 1990 that the
closer Demjanjuk comes to the gallows, the more certain
his innocence appears
- Adam LeBor rebukes
UK Jewish Students Union for disruption plan; says made
"same mistake" with David Irving speeches in
- Michael Posner smears
Mr Irving in Globe & Mail
- "Holocaust Educational Trust" demands that British
government scour
officers' messes for looted works of art
- Outrages against buildings of Jewish community and
other minorities are often vicious hate crimes, but not
always: Miami,
1996 | Germany,
1960s |
- Canadian Jewish newspaper warned
that revisionists have seized the Internet high
ground, called for more police censorship
- Jerome Brentar reports on the
OSI's attempts to conceal the truth about John
Demjanjuk and to railroad an innocent man to the
- When a British
reporter in Hollywood raised international dust by
writing about Jewish control of Tinsel Town
- One of History's most Controversial
Questions: How far was the KGB Jewish? NSA
decodes show atom scientist Rudolph Peierls betrayed
Britain his adopted country during the 1940s: Peierls
and his wife Genia "were Soviet spies"
- Terry Lane and Phillip Adams, leading Australian
media men, explain in The Australian Jews News why
they will never write on Jewish issues again. They
- Germans all sound
like concentration camp guards anyway, sneers
Jewish-American architect of Berlin Holocaust memorial |
Prof. Nadler
comments on this
- Opinion by the US Court of Appeals in case of
Demjanjuk v. Petrovsky: OSI
engaged in prosecutorial misconduct
- If one wants to generate antisemitism in England,
a cowardly
attack on the Royal Family is not a bad idea...
- Paul Findley's 1985 book, They Dare to Speak Out,
investigates the
Israeli attack on the USS Liberty June 1967 and its
extraordinary aftermath
- Norman Finkelstein rebukes Israel
Gutman for implying that it makes no difference whether a
"Holocaust survivor" was in Auschwitz or a Swiss
finishing school, that it's all the same if 'the pain
is authentic'"
- British spy writer Nigel West claims NSA decodes show
atom scientist
Rudolph Peierls betrayed Britain his adopted country
during the 1940s to Soviet Union
- Medical
student arrested in Basel 1983, for campaign of
antisemitic graffiti, harassment and death
- Hellmuth Auerbach, Jewish-expert of Institut für
Zeitgeschichte in Munich, smeared
David Irving in secret 1990 letter to Munich police
- Allegations of
antisemitism used to ruin Florida businessman, who
was consequently awarded $5.5m libel damages
- Alan Jacobs asks Has
anyone here ever dealt with Elie Wiesel's agent? What
kinds of fees are charged by Wiesel for
- A 1989 case: leading
Jewish student at the State University of New York in
Binghamton charged with painting anti-Semitic
- Another 1989 case: acquittal
of Waterbury man charged with harassment because he
made anti-Zionist calls to radio talk show
- Government inquiry finds in 1986 that Sol Littman of
Simon Wiesenthal Centre, lied when he said that Auschwitz
physican Joseph Mengele once applied for a visa to
enter Canada
- Different Canadian
views on Iranian Jews arrested in Jun 1999 on spying
- April 1994, Canadian Ukrainians
and Three Other Congresses Take B'nai B'rith Canada
Official To Task for anti-East European remarks
- The New York Post reflects on Stanley
Kubrick, the Self-Hating Jew
- Ellensburg student says that hearing
Irving speak at the US university was unpleasant
- Attack 1981 by French thugs on revisionist
student Michel Caignet and 1989 on Professor
Robert Faurisson; Klarsfelds gloat
- Children
of Jewish survivors of the Holocaust are preparing to
sue Germany for reparations for the trauma
- ADL 1988 report equates
criticism of Israeli policies on Palestine with
- Montreal lawyer Julius Grey said in 1995 Jewish
leaders were trying to manipulate the community using the
- As a WW.II veteran David
Rubitsky claimed that he single handed killed 500
Japanese soldiers in the battle for New Guinea on Dec
1, 1942: oops, it wasn't true.
- In 1987 a Winnipeg jury found that Tory candidate
Fedorkiw was maliciously libeled by League of Human
Rights of the B'nai Brith Canada, the Jewish human
rights group
- Joseph
Sobran's article on Fear of the Jews, in The
Wandererer June 9, 1994
- Radical's
Diary, Feb 1993: the day that a fake "OSI" document
smearing David Irving fell into his hands
- Brisbane, Australia, newspaper report, Aug 15, 1998:
army races to spy on fellow Australians" (the new
Jewish "monitoring" agency Racewatch)
- Globe & Mail letter protests at Cheapening
the Holocaust
- The Hungarian secret police stooge
who helped frame Cardinal Mindsenty
- A Mr Michael Feiler sends us a
message marked "congratulations..." But ...
- Shmulik was here -- what
students get up to now in the death camps
- An Argentinian e-mails a
billet doux to us which we advise easily offended
non-Jews who understand Spanish to pass over
- John Podhoretz
denigrates the "Holocaustologians" | then calls
Mr Irving a "piece of sh*t" [and Mr Irving's
appalling response]
- Rabbi Ephraim Buchwald in the Los Angeles Times, Apr
3, 1992: "The
Holocaust is Killing America's Jews" (criticism of
proliferation of Holocaust museums)
- Brisbane, Australia, newspaper report, Aug 15, 1998:
army races to spy on fellow Australians" (the new
Jewish "monitoring" agency Racewatch)
- Same Brisbane newspaper reports, Aug 29, 1998:
dating agency wins permission to discriminate"
- Globe & Mail Editorial: Pursuing
Johann Dueck: Original article: "Persecution"
| Canadian readers vent their fury at Canadian Jewish
Congress in Globe's Reader's
Letters page
- B'nai Brith Canada report on antisemitism
in Canada 1999
- If
a columnist voices unpopular opinions (publisher
should sack him), says Paula Brook, Vancouver Sun
- John Martin's reader's letter in the Toronto Globe
& Mail: Misplaced
revenge is not so sweet
- Edgar Bronfman's shameless
boast about the Swiss Gold
- Institute of History, Munich, smears
researcher Irving to public prosecutor, Sep 4,
- Institute of History, Munich, smears researcher
Irving to Moscow
archives chief, Jun 29, 1992 (We challenge
Munich's institute of history to show a secret 1992
letter it sent to Moscow warning against assisting Mr
- Mr Michael Feiler sends Mr Irving on Mar 17, 1999
message marked "congratulations...". But ...
- Obituary of a Hungarian secret police stooge
who helped frame Cardinal Mindsenty
- Canada's
Jewish leaders do profound disservice to Jewry and
- Now could scarcely be less opportune for the
of [movie] "Idle Hands," suggests New York
- Department
of Justice again moves against John Demjanjuk |
Demjanjuk "deeply
saddened" by the government's latest filing |
continues witchhunt | Demjanjuk timeline
| Globe
& Mail article, Jun 21, 1999
- Antisemites
from A-Z
- Website
page about the Kol Nidre

The late John Sack, a Jewish revisionist
historian whose book An Eye
For An Eye was relied on extensively in the
paper on Jewish
Crimes Following WW II had a web site at
which can be consulted for additional information
on this subject. |