Auckland, April 15-16, 2000
leader defends historian
Massey University in
Palmerston North has leapt to the defence
of military historian Joel Hayward
after he was accused of being a Holocaust
apologist. Pro vice chancellor Barrie
Macdonald said yesterday that Dr
Hayward was "no longer involved in
teaching, writing or research related to
the Holocaust" and was a respected member
of Massey's aca-demic staff. The New Zealand Jewish Council this
week condemned Canterbury University for
condoning publication of a master's thesis
by Dr Hayward which questioned the extent
of the Holocaust. The New Zealand
Jewish Chronicle reported that the
thesis, written in 1991 and 1992, claimed
there were no gas chambers, far fewer than
six million Jews were slain, and that
there was no means to carry out a plan of
mass murder. It reported that other
revisionist historians who question the
Holocaust, such as David Irving;
tried to use the thesis. The
published a letter from Dr Hayward saying
that he had made mistakes in the thesis
and had withdrawn its main conclusions,
The university had refused his request to
withdraw it from its library. Professor Macdonald said Dr Hayward
completed his master's thesis, on the
historiography of Holocaust revisionism at
Canterbury in 1993. "He subsequently chose to change his
academic focus to military history, in
which he completed a Ph.D." Dr Hayward is programme coordinator of
Massey's defence and strategic
studies.--NZPA. See
his book, Joel S. A. Hayward,
at Stalingrad: The Luftwaffe and
Hitler's, Defeat in the East,
(University Press of Kansas). For his
on David