[JDL chief Irv Rubin] has
two previous criminal
convictions, of course, he will
go to jail for life under
California's three-strikes


December 12, 2001 (Key West, Florida, USA) HARRY S. phones me from Los Angeles,
have I heard the news? No. He says there
are two novedades -- Irv
Rubin, chief of the Jewish
Defense League, was arrested by the
FBI in Los Angeles last night with a no
less ugly sidekick for having plotted to
bomb a mosque in Culver City; and Fox news
reports that 60 Israelis have been
arrested in the USA as Mossad agents, some
of whom are believed to have had prior
knowledge of the September 11 attacks. Well whaddy'a know, say I. It will be
interesting to see what their buddies on
the U.S. media make of these, ahem,
awkward stories. The last that I saw of the delightful
Mr Rubin (right) was when he and his gang
of roughnecks came bulldozing down an
aisle at the Los Angeles Militaria show
where we had a stand in October 1998; he
confronted first bookseller Lance
Frickensmith (World War II Books),
then my stand; he snarled and shouted and
huffed and puffed, and then, as
Frickensmith bravely came up snapping at
him like a terrier who should know better,
Mr Rubin withdrew shouting at me: "We'll
be back. We'll kill ya!" Frickensmith
ran after him wagging his finger and
shouting, "I heard that, and I am a
So far as I can detect, Rubin did not
live up to his promise. I am still around
but, if guilty, Rubin is not. In fact he
may well go to jail for a long time,
perhaps even the rest of his life, as this
bomb-manufacturing thing is, if proven,
clearly a Hate Crime; which multiplies the
mandatory sentence to be imposed by many
factors. Possession of explosives with
intent to commit a felony carries a
mandatory 30 year minimum. If he has two previous criminal
convictions, of course, he will go to jail
for life under California's
"three-strikes" law. The Christian in me feels slightly
sorry for him. There is something perhaps
genetically wrong with his mental and
chemical make-up, a kind of psychological
Gautier's or Tay-Sach Disease. He seems to
have enjoyed a life inspired by hatred of
others whom he regards as inferior -- the
very archetype of a nazi. It would be interesting to hear what a
neutral psychiatrist would make of him.
The problem is, it would be hard, in this
country at least, to find one who was not
of the same religious bent. His only defence would seem to be
entrapment. As I watch on CNN the two p.m.
press conference given by the Los Angeles
police and secret service authorities, it
becomes evident that the man who provided
Irv Rubin (regrettably, they call him
"Irving" throughout the press conference)
and his accomplice Earl Krugel with
the plot, locations, plans, maps, and
photographs of the Culver City mosque that
was to be the target, and -- as recently
as last night -- with the two 2-inch by
12-inch metal pipes, explosive powder and
trigger-devices, was, or became just in
time, an FBI informant. Rubin is as ugly as sin (even Simon
Wiesenthal would have to agree that);
of that there is no doubt. But he is also
innocent until proven guilty, as they say;
so, well, we shall see.
items on this website
Radical's Diary
death threat to David Irving at Oct
1998 L A Show
Rubin denies hit "contract" on David
Cole, Apr 1998