courts generally reach a plea
bargain with the pimps and
sentence them to a few months
of community
service. . .

 Toronto, Sunday, December 8, 2002 Report
slams Israel on sex slavery Associated Press Jerusalem - About 3,000
women, mainly from the former Soviet
Union, are sold each year into Israel's
sex industry, which takes in about
$1-billion (U.S.) annually, a
parliamentary report said Sunday, slamming
the country's justice system for being lax
on punishments. The women, seeking to escape poverty at
home, are usually smuggled in by
traffickers who promise them legitimate
jobs. Once in Israel, they are sold to
pimps for between $3,000 and $6,000 each,
the preliminary report said. The women receive between $25-$30 per
customer, of which the pimp takes between
80 and 90 per cent, the report said. The
women work about 12 hours a day, six or
seven days a week and receive an average
of 10 to 15 clients daily, it added.
Often, the women live in dismal conditions
and sometimes they are physically abused
or live in fear of their pimps. Israeli courts
generally reach a plea bargain with the
pimps and sentence them to either a few
months of community service or up to an
average of two years in prison,
punishments which the committee said
are too weak to serve as
deterrents. It suggested that these crimes should
have minimum prison sentences to deter the
sex traders, who often jail, blackmail and
enslave the women. In July of 2001, a U.S. State
Department report placed Israel on a black
list of countries whose laws don't meet
U.S. criteria for dealing with this crime
and threatened
economic sanctions. Israel has reformed the law somewhat
since then, but the committee said it is
not enough to confront the problem
effectively. In addition to changes in the
law, the committee suggested an authority
be formed to fight the "war against
trafficking in people."