News from the Institute for Historical
Review Los Angeles, Wednesday, December 12, 2001 JEWISH
Rubin and the JDL Have Long Terrorist
Record TWO members of the
Jewish Defense League, a militant Zionist
group with a long record of terrorist
activities, have been arrested on
suspicion that they were preparing to blow
up a Los Angeles mosque and the office of
an Arab-American congressman, federal
authorities said today. Irv Rubin, 56, chairman of the
Jewish Defense League, and Earl
Krugel, 59, another JDL activist, were
jailed this morning at the federal
Metropolitan Detention Center in Los
Angeles. The two were arrested Tuesday night
after "explosive powder," the last
component of a bomb, was delivered to
Krugel's residence, a federal prosecutor
said. Other bomb components were seized at
Krugel's home. The two are believed to have been
preparing to attack the King Fahd Mosque
in Los Angeles and the office of US
Representative Darrell Issa
(R.-Calif.), a grandson of Lebanese
immigrants. In 1985 the FBI identified the JDL as
"the second most active terrorist group in
the United States," linking it to 37
terrorist attacks carried out from 1977 to
1984. (Orange County Register, Nov.
19, 1985). Another federal agency, the
Department of Energy, similarly
characterized the JDL in a 1986 report:
"For more than a decade, the Jewish
Defense League (JDL) has been one of the
most active terrorist groups in the United
States." In 1987 the FBI announced that
Jewish extremist groups had carried out 24
terrorist acts from 1981 through 1986, 17
of which were the work of the JDL. The Institute
for Historical Review, a leading
non-conformist history research and
publishing center based in southern
California, was a target of systematic
JDL violence and harassment during the
early 1980s. The attacks included a
drive-by shooting, three firebombings,
vandalization of IHR employee-owned
vehicles, 22 slashings of tires of
employee automobiles, demonstrations
outside the IHR office, and numerous
telephone threats. This campaign culminated in a
devastating arson attack on the
Institute's offices and warehouse in
Torrance in the early morning hours of
July 4, 1984. Damage was estimated at
$400,000. Two days later, JDL leader Rubin showed
up at the site of the gutted IHR offices
publicly to praise the fire-bombing. The
JDL, he declared, "wholeheartedly applauds
the recent devastation of the offices of
the Institute for Historical review."
Denying any personal responsibility
himself, Rubin said that the arson had
been carried out by a former JDL activist
named Larry Winston (Joel Cohen).
No one was ever arrested in connection
with this crime. In February 1989, JDL intimidation
forced the cancellation at two hotel sites
in southern California of a three-day IHR
conference. The meeting was successfully
held at a makeshift alternate site, in
spite of further harassment by a handful
of JDL thugs led by Rubin. The IHR trusts that Rubin and Krugel
will be prosecuted to the full extent of
the law, especially during this time of
heightened awareness of the dangers of
terrorism. Further information about
Rubin and the JDL can be found in "The
Zionist Terror Network," a detailed IHR
report that is posted on the IHR web
site: ----------------------------------------------- Institute for Historical Review P. O.
Box 2739, Newport Beach, CA 92659 Tel. 949
- 631 1490 Fax: 949 - 631 0981 E-mail:
[email protected]
Web site: Related
items on this website: David
Irving, A Radical's Diary Website
dossier: Origins of
FBI spells
Finis to Thug's Career: Militant JDL
Chief Rubin Arrested after Gunpowder
Plot | Australia