Sydney, Thursday, October 19, 2000 AUSTRALIA Pressing
the delete button on hate sites
move to banish Holocaust deniers from the
Internet is a step in the right direction,
writes Alan Gold.
A DECISION last week by
the Human Rights and Equal Opportunities
Commissioner, Kathleen McEvoy, sets
a precedent which will alter the way the
Internet is used as a means of political
expression. For the first time in this
country, so-called terrestrial laws (as
opposed to the lawless nature of
cyberspace) have been used against a Web
site owner publishing racist
material. McEvoy ordered Frederick Toben,
of the Adelaide Institute, to remove
offensive material from his historical
revisionist Web site and to apologise for
his Holocaust-denial statements. The
determination was that Toben had published
material which incited racial hatred, and
hence was illegal. Almost since its inception, the
Internet has been the playground of
humanity, and as a result has attracted
some dubious elements. Because traditional
outlets such as newspapers, radio and
television are closed to their extremist
views, the Internet has been a godsend for
propagating the perspectives of racists,
vilifiers and extremists of every nature.
Anyone with any political, social or
racial views has felt free to create a
site. Among the first to realise the value of
the Internet for propagating their
viewpoints were the historical
revisionists, people who use
pseudo-science and prostituted academic
research to rewrite history. For years,
Australia's Toben, along with England's
David Irving, Canada's Fred
Zundel and many others, have been the
conductors of a rapidly growing orchestra
of revisionists whose purpose has been to
deny the experiences of millions of
Holocaust survivors. Their thesis is that
the Holocaust didn't happen, that millions
were not murdered by the Nazis, that the
concentration camps were not death camps
and that thousands of Jewish and other
deaths in World War II were due to
overcrowding and typhus. Although most people ignore the
spurious research these revisionists claim
to have conducted, and ridicule the
insipid facts they trot out in denial of
the hundreds of thousands of eyewitness
accounts, the Internet is used to spread
revisionist gospels to an increasingly
credulous audience of young and
less-informed minds. The decision by McEvoy to order the
removal of the material from the Adelaide
Institute's Web site is one of the first
serious moves to be made against the real
menace which the Internet has made
possible. While the Federal Government
tinkers around the edges in banning
pornography from Australia's Internet, it
has largely ignored the number of
vilifying, hate-filled Web sites which are
growing daily, using the concept of
freedom of speech to gain access to a
wider audience. Although
McEvoy's determination is that of a
tribunal, and so doesn't have the
weight of precedence which a court of
law carries, her decision should
rightly send shockwaves through the
Internet community, to the racists who
publish their viewpoints and service
providers who allow their businesses to
be used by these people. Her decision is likely to be greeted
with howls of protest. We will doubtless
be told that this result is an abuse of
free speech, that it will squash
legitimate inquiry, that it will forever
alter the value of hearing unorthodox
views and will stymie the wider
implications of publishing fringe
material. This is because the Internet is
still a relatively new medium, and
legislators have not yet come to terms
with whether it is possible to confine and
control it -- or indeed, whether it should
be controlled at all. The attempt by the Howard Government to
legislate against pornography published in
Australia hasn't touched the thousands of
adult sites which beam into Australian
homes from America and Europe. The dangers
of these anti-Semitic, anti-Asian,
anti-black, anti-gay,
anti-anything-which-is-different sites
have largely been ignored by most
governments throughout the world. The United States, with its First
Amendment, is loath to place constraints
on any aspect of the Internet; European
nations have talked about it but done
little; Australia has buried its head and
pretended it doesn't exist. Which is why
McEvoy's decision will have such
far-reaching effects, not because she has
put an end to the inglorious career of a
Holocaust revisionist (a man who recently
spent time in prison in Germany for
precisely these offences), but because she
is one of the first people in the world to
show that the Internet can be treated in
the same way as any other publication. Indeed, when the revisionists step into
the mainstream and attempt to legitimise
their viewpoints, they tend to fall flat
on their faces, which is why they cling
with such ferocity to the uncontrolled and
anarchic world of the Internet. David
Irving, for example, recently
sued Professor Deborah Lipstadt
for slander
and lost badly when the British court
found him to be racist and
anti-Semitic. Neither Toben nor
Irving nor any of the other deniers
would be able to find a mainstream
publisher. That's why the Internet has
proven to be such a valuable outlet for
their discredited theories. But this
decision will, in the future, make it
harder for those racists and revisionists
in Australia to use the Internet in place
of mainstream publications. Now they will
have to temper their words and thoughts to
conform with the legislation which applies
to all citizens. McEvoy has opened the door on a room
where few governments have so far been
willing to enter. She has said that racist
material is racist material, no matter
where it is published. And that whatever
is published must abide by the laws which
govern the nation where it is published.
It will be interesting to see whether her
lead is followed by the Australian and
other world governments. Alan Gold is president of the B'nai
B'rith anti-defamation unit Related story on this
Fred Toben's
Australian Website ordered to stop
"denying Holocaust"
comment: It is noteworthy that Mr Alan
Gold is joining the band of almost solely
Jewish claqueurs who are demanding the
muzzling of the Internet. There are very
few non-Jews joining their hate-campaign,
which can only lead to an increase in
anti-Semitism. It is ironic that the chief
of an anti-defamation unit publishes such
lies as Mr Irving not being published by
any mainstream publisher: or does this
merely reveal their ulterior