" September 12th, 2000 http://jta.virtualjerusalem.com/index.exe?0009129
defends fund raiser as appropriate 'thank
you' By Michael J. Jordan NEW
YORK, Sept. 12 (JTA) --
The World Jewish Congress succeeded in
raising close to $1 million this week at a
black-tie banquet here, which also honored
a dozen American and Israeli public
officials for their support of the
Holocaust restitution process.
But the WJC windfall from the event -
which included as honorees President
Clinton and his wife, U.S. Senate
candidate Hillary Rodham Clinton - seems
to have come with a heavy price. The WJC is now under fire on several
fronts, including from many Holocaust
survivors, who are clamoring for
compensation to subsidize their
health-care costs and are offended by the
notion of any sort of celebration related
to the Holocaust. Rick Lazio, New York's Republican
candidate for the U.S. Senate, was also
angered, charging that the WJC was playing
politics by inviting Hillary Clinton and
not him. WJC officials, however, were
unfazed. The funds raised will be allotted for
Holocaust research, said Elan Steinberg,
WJC's executive director. And such an event was necessary, he
said, because the WJC has not pocketed
"one penny" as it spearheaded a four-year
battle for Holocaust restitution that has
extracted $9 billion from the likes of the
Swiss banks and German government and
industry. When asked whether the fund raiser,
publicly announced two weeks ago, was
worth the ensuing bad press, Steinberg
told JTA: "It's done no harm to the WJC
reputation. "We honored those public officials who
helped us, regardless of their political
outlook. I think it's incumbent upon the
Jewish people to say thank you to those
who brought about this revolution in moral
responsibility and historic memory." The blue-ribbon honorees indeed spanned
the political spectrum, awarding
Republicans and Democrats, Labor and
Likud. In addition to the Clintons, the list
included former Sen. Alfonse
D'Amato (R-N.Y.), who chaired the U.S.
Senate banking committee; Rep. Jim
Leach (R-Iowa), who chairs the House
banking committee; Stuart
Eizenstat, the U.S. deputy treasury
secretary and the U.S. point man on
Holocaust restitution issues; former U.S.
Federal Reserve Chairman Paul
Volcker, who headed a commission
investigating Swiss banks' handling of
Holocaust-era dormant accounts;
Lawrence Eagleburger, the former
U.S. secretary of state who chairs the
International Commission on Holocaust Era
Insurance Claims; New York City
Comptroller Alan Hevesi; New York
Gov. George Pataki; former Israeli
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu;
Knesset Speaker Avraham Burg, a co-
chairman of the World Jewish Restitution
Organization; Chairman of the Knesset
Restitution Committee Avraham
Hirchson; and Israeli Minister for
Diaspora Affairs Michael Melchior,
who appeared on behalf of Prime Minister
Ehud Barak, the fund-raising
event's honorary chairman. Among the charges leveled against the
WJC is that it has plunged into domestic
politics. In a widely quoted September
issue of Commentary magazine, senior
editor Gabriel Schoenfeld predicted
in his article, "Holocaust
Reparations -- A Growing Scandal,"
that the banquet would be "an exercise in
self-congratulation that promises to drag
the mass murder of European Jewry into
ethnic politics at its crassest." Some observers, both inside and outside
the event, viewed it as a quid pro quo
between the WJC and Hillary
Clinton. The star power of her and her
husband would fill the $10,000 per table
ballroom; in return, her appearance would
further boost her status within the Jewish
community. With the U.S.
elections less than two months away,
Clinton's support among Jews seems to
have soared recently. The latest poll
by Zogby International indicates she
now holds a 70-23 percent advantage
over Lazio. For his part, Steinberg insists his
organization continues to be above the
political fray. "I think there were people who tried to
inject politics into the dinner, and I
think they were mistaken doing so,"
Steinberg said. A spokeswoman for Clinton's Senate
campaign, Karen Finney, told JTA
she understood Monday's event was a "gala"
to which both Clintons were invited, and a
fund raiser for the WJC. In restitution, however, Hillary
Clinton's role is a dubious one, say
critics. Steinberg said her prime achievement
was as facilitator -- introducing Edgar
Bronfman, WJC president and a major
to Bill Clinton, and "ensuring bipartisan
and administration support for Holocaust
restitution." On Tuesday,
the Israeli daily Ha'aretz wrote
that Bronfman is also "one of the
chairmen of the Jewish committee for
Hillary Clinton's election." Steinberg said he did not know if that
was true, but said: "We do not endorse
candidates. Individuals are free American
citizens, who in their personal capacity
can do as they wish." Meanwhile, Lazio's campaign has noted
his role in Holocaust restitution as a
member of the U.S. House banking
committee, where he introduced a bill that
extended the life of a presidential
commission investigating what became of
Holocaust victim assets that fell into
American hands. Steinberg said the House banking
committee chairman, Leach, was
honored, but "we did not invite the 45
other members of the committee, though we
recognize that Mr. Lazio indeed played a
constructive role in the restitution
For some Holocaust
survivors, their primary gripe is not that
restitution for Nazi plundering may have
been drawn into New York politics. Nor do
they begrudge the WJC's need to raise
Rather, many survivors have been up in
arms since Steinberg announced recently
that a newly created
Foundation for the
Jewish People -- to be made up of
the estimated hundreds of millions of
dollars in unclaimed restitution funds --
would determine spending priorities for
the excess cash. Survivors and
their advocates demand that survivors
alone should decide how it's spent, and
that it should be allocated entirely
for the health care of needy, ailing
survivors. They note that 1,000 or so survivors
around the world die each month, some
reportedly without adequate health
care. In addition, many survivors were upset
that such a lavish
fund-raising event was held in
relation to the Holocaust. "It's so preposterous, because no
celebration would be happening if it
weren't for the Holocaust; it's the
equivalent of celebrating during Tisha
B'Av, or dancing during Yom Kippur," said
Leon Stabinsky, 66, president of
the California Association of Holocaust
Child Survivors. "It's very disturbing and a sad
commentary that there are some people
taking advantage of this restitution
process for political reasons, financial
reasons, whatever. "It's no coincidence that more people
are writing about the creation of a
so-called 'Holocaust
industry,' " he said. Steinberg, however, said the event was
not a celebration, but "a tribute and a
thank you to those public officials who
brought about these settlements." Still, Stabinsky's views were echoed by
a handful of elderly survivors who
protested Monday night on the edge of
Central Park, across the street from the
Pierre Hotel, where the fund raiser was
held. However, their concerns were
overshadowed by the few dozen other
protesters with them behind police
barricades. Many of these seemed to be fringe
elements simply there to engage in
Hillary-bashing, waving posters that, for
example, accused her of supporting
Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat
and terrorist groups. Amid the crowd, a young Jewish man
named Gil entertained both
protesters and curious onlookers by
rapping into a megaphone little ditties he
had written, like "WJC, how shameless can
you be?" and "One-two-three-four, show
Hillary the door. Five-six-seven-eight,
kick her out of New York state!" Gil's rapping, though, took an ugly
turn when he spotted and hectored a
middle-aged man in tuxedo and yarmulka
speed-walking toward the Pierre: "Hey,
tuxedo man! Shame on you! Take off your
yami, disgusting Jew!"  Related item on this website:
National Post: "Show
survivors the money"
see Jews as key to winning favor with