" Jewish Telegraph Agency, September
13th, 2000 http//jta.virtualjerusalem.com/index.exe?0009133 BEHIND THE
see Jews as key to winning favor with U.S.
By Michael J. Jordan NEW
YORK, Sept. 13 (JTA) -
It's after Labor Day,
which means kids are back to school, the
football season has kicked off and the
presidential race is heating
With much less fanfare, the Jewish
diplomatic season is also under way. The three-day U.N. Millennium Summit
last week presented American Jewish
leaders with a unique opportunity: about
150 presidents, kings and prime ministers,
gathered together to discuss the lofty
goals of global peace, prosperity and an
end to infectious diseases. Meanwhile, on the sidelines of the
summit, Jewish leaders scrambled to meet
with dozens of these rulers. Regardless of
the summit, this is typically peak season,
with the United Nations set to resume its
annual sessions. Leading the way was the
American Jewish Committee, followed by the
Conference of Presidents of Major American
Jewish Organizations. Also networking were
groups like the Anti-Defamation
League, the American Jewish Congress
and the leading pro-Israel lobby, the
American Israel Public Affairs
Committee. Why U.S. Jews want to meet with world
leaders is clear and well known: The focal
point of most of these meetings is Israel
and how the Jewish state can foster
stronger alliances around the world. Why world leaders would want to meet
with Jewish groups is more interesting,
less publicized, and to some Jews, a bit
discomfiting: These leaders believe in
Jewish power. In past years, such discussions between
Jewish leaders and various heads of state
centered on the Middle East peace process
and soothing the hostile treatment toward
Israel at the United Nations. Now, though,
American Jewish leaders detect a shift in
international opinion toward the Jewish
state. This shift, they say, is due to the
fact that Israel is seen as making greater
efforts in the peace process, has fully
withdrawn from Lebanon, and now has more
or less equal status at the United
Nations. During the summer, Israel was
finally accepted into the Western European
grouping of the world body. This year,
the peace process was certainly a popular
topic, as was how to apply international
pressure on Iran to release 10 Iranian
Jews the Jewish world believes were
unjustly convicted in July on espionage
charges. In some cases, talks between American
Jewish leaders and their counterpart
across the table are a question of
deepening relations with Israel. In other
cases, there may be a state interested in
establishing relations with Israel, but
under pressure from other countries not to
have formal ties. Such meetings are often confidential,
said Jason Isaacson, the
AJCommittee's director of government and
international affairs. "There are
instances where tentative feelers are
being put out, where we can assist and be
an important interlocutor," Isaacson
said. "But if even the discussion of
modalities can be highly controversial, it
serves no good purpose to publicize those
meetings. If our interest is to encourage
a more formal relationship, the best way
may be to act discreetly and
diplomatically and not in the public
view." In its publicized meetings, the
AJCommittee met with, for example,
President Ahmet Sezer of Turkey,
which has a growing military alliance with
Israel; President Abdurrahman Wahid
of Indonesia, which is the largest Muslim
country in the world; and President
Thabo Mbeki of South Africa, which
is the economic and military powerhouse on
the African continent. The Presidents Conference met with
Sezer as well, but also with less
prominent states like the former Soviet
republics of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and
Azerbaijan. These meetings went beyond
Israel and the fate of the local Jewish
community; they also included discussion
of global issues such as nuclear
proliferation, international terrorism and
Islamic fundamentalism. It's hard to imagine any other
religious or ethnic community in America
with as active or ambitious an agenda as
U.S. Jews. This outward- looking
worldview, say Jewish leaders, is rooted
in Jewish history and the Jewish people
having lived for thousands of years in the
Diaspora. "We are an internationalist community,"
said Malcolm Hoenlein, executive
vice chairman of the Presidents
Conference. "We have a much broader
perspective, not bound by the borders of
this country. Foreign affairs is not
exactly a burning passion of most
Americans. But we pursue it far more than
others do." More interesting, perhaps, is why these
foreign heads of state are willing - in
many cases, in fact, eager - to meet with
American Jewish leaders. Though they were
generally in town for 24, 48 or 72 hours,
with jam-packed itineraries, many made
American Jewry a priority. One Jewish
leader was even surprised when a foreign
dignitary called and apologized profusely
for having to cancel his planned
meeting. In fact, Jewish leaders nowadays
receive mostly red-carpet treatment. They have access to the corridors of
power in most capitals around the world. A
slew of foreign embassies in Washington
have diplomats assigned to the "Jewish
portfolio," said Isaacson, from the
Chinese and Japanese; to the Germans and
Poles, to the Egyptians, Jordanians,
Moroccans and Tunisians; to the
Argentinians and Australians. At Passover, they and others turn out
in droves for diplomatic seders held in
Washington and New York. American Jewish leaders explain all
this buttering up in euphemistic terms,
suggesting that foreigners have a
"fascination" with or "appreciation" for
American Jews. But when pressed, Jewish
leaders admit the true driving force
behind it is the lingering belief that
Jews are capable of making or breaking
relations with the United States and
capable of wreaking havoc on the world's
financial markets. This belief is
derived from the century-old hoax,
Protocols of the Learned Elders of
Zion." It is
never articulated, say Jewish leaders,
except for the rare gaffe by a less
sophisticated diplomat. But the message
is loud and clear when dignitary after
dignitary says his country views the
American Jewish community as a "central
address" for improving relations with
the world's lone superpower. Several Jewish leaders say they used to
try to disabuse various rulers of their
perception of "Jewish power," in light of
the misery this myth has caused Jews. To
no avail. Then they realized how it could
also work in their favor. On the flip side, they admit that on
occasion, a Jewish activist here or there
is guilty of fanning this mythology to
advance his own agenda. He'll intimate to
a stubborn head of state that the road to
closer ties with Washington runs through
American Jewry, presenting, in effect, an
offer they cannot refuse. "We don't traffic in that fear or
suspicion, or exaggerate our depiction of
the community's position," Isaacson
said. But he added, "I've been around
politics for 20 years, and I've come to
realize that perception is reality. If
there's a perception of Jewish power, then
that's the reality and you have to deal
with that reality. What we do is we
judiciously and with great care make use
of that reality for noble ends." Indeed, American Jews are viewed as
vigilant and vocal, denouncing regimes
that persecute Jews and other minorities,
like Iran, and pressuring Congress, not
always successfully, not to do business
with rogue states. Likewise, Jewish groups praise leaders
and states that respect human rights, and
sometimes put in a good word for them on
Capitol Hill. In the case of Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan
and Azerbaijan, the trio pins their hopes
for the future on ties to the West, not
with Russia. These countries seem to
believe that chummy relations with
American Jews and Israel will help secure
a beachhead into the United States. So
they wanted advice, and assistance, on how
to boost their image in Washington, and
urged foreign investment, Jewish and
otherwise, said Hoenlein. "We reach out to them," he said, "and
they reach out to us." ©
Jewish Telegraphic Agency
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