The Australia Israel Review Pseudo-history New
Zealand's Holocaust denial
problem By Dov Bing Holocaust
Denial, which refers to itself as
Holocaust Revisionism, is not history
at all. It is one of the most notable
forms of antisemitic propaganda to
develop in the post-war period. Holocaust deniers like David Irving,
Frederick Toben, Roger Faurisson and
Mark Weber have tried to give the
movement academic respectability.
Universities have generally been very
vigilant not to associate their
institutions with Holocaust deniers.
Universities in Australia, the United
States and Europe are very much aware that
association with Holocaust deniers could
be deadly for their reputation. It must have come as a surprise to many
observers therefore that two cases of
Holocaust denial have recently been
uncovered at New Zealand universities,
prompting protests on campus and
attracting much media attention around the
world. The Hayward
thesisIn February 1993, Canterbury University
student Joel Hayward submitted a
Master's thesis entitled: 'An Historical
Enquiry into the Development and
Significance of Holocaust Revisionism'.
The thesis was accepted for examination by
the Chief Superviser, Associate Professor
Vincent Orange of Canterbury
University's History Department. The
External Examiner was Professor John
Jensen of Waikato University's History
Department. Mr Hayward received First
Class Honours for his Master's degree. In the concluding chapter of his
thesis, Hayward wrote: "A careful and impartial
investigation of the available evidence
pertaining to Nazi gas chambers reveals
that even these apparently fall into
the category of atrocity propaganda." His main argument is actually based on
the discredited Leuchter
Report, commissioned by Canadian
Holocaust denier, Ernst Zundel, and
written by an "engineer" later shown to
have no formal qualifications whatsoever.
Hayward argued that "Leuchter's unorthodox
conclusions, which at first seem
incredible, do appear to be supported
by ample evidence." The other conclusion in the Hayward
thesis refers to the number of Jews
murdered in the Holocaust. On page 336 of
the thesis, he writes: "The total number of deaths is
probably impossible to determine... the
total would undoubtedly be more than
one million and far less than the
symbolic figure of six million." Elsewhere in the thesis, he was not so
generous. On page 17 he suggests the
figure to be "hundreds of thousands of
Jews or even more". After Hayward received his degree, the
issue then slumbered for many years
because the thesis remained embargoed in
the Canterbury Library, at the author's
request, until it was recently made
public. The April 2000 edition of the New
Zealand Jewish Chronicle (NZJC) contained
five items on the Hayward thesis. The
media took up the story both in New
Zealand and abroad. In a letter to the
NZJC of April of this year, Dr Hayward
(now a Senior Lecturer in Defence and
Strategic Studies at Massey University)
withdrew the main conclusions of his
thesis and says: "I stuffed up. The
conclusions are wrong". In the same letter
he now states that "without doubt, around six
million Jews perished during World War
II. They were murdered by Nazis and
their allies. The perpetrators used a
range of methods, including gas
chambers, shooting, physical exhaustion
and starvation, to carry out this
monstrous crime." The New Zealand Jewish Council while
accepting Hayward's
subsequent apology and withdrawal
of his main conclusions, wondered how a
Holocaust Denial thesis could have been
accepted for examination and approved with
a First Class Honours at Canterbury. The
President of the New Zealand Jewish
Council, David Zwartz, called upon
the University to
cancel the
Master's degree awarded to Hayward on the
basis of his thesis. The response of Canterbury University
was sensitive and swift. Its Chancellor
Dame Phyllis Guthardt announced
that the University Council would
immediately set up an independent
Committee of Enquiry. The Canterbury Vice
Chancellor, Professor Daryl LeGrew,
issued a public statement on 20 April
indicating that "the university is
dismayed at the level of
upset to the
Jewish community and regrets this deeply"
and stressing, "We wish to work with the
Jewish community to resolve these
matters." The Kupka
doctorateHowever, in the
second prominent Holocaust Denial case,
the University involved has been much less
sensitive and forthcoming. The case is
that of Hans Joachim Kupka, who is
writing his doctoral thesis at the
University of Waikato on the topic: 'The
Use of German in New Zealand'. Mr Kupka
makes it clear that as part of the thesis
he intends to analyse the contribution of
immigrants from Germany and Austria to New
Zealand society. Many of these immigrants
are, of course, Jewish refugees from Nazi
Europe and/or Holocaust survivors. The
topic would have been unexceptional were
it not for the fact of Kupka's neo-Nazi
activities. Mr Kupka was one of the leading lights
of the German Neo-Nazi 'Republikaner
Partei' before he emigrated to New Zealand
in 1992. (This was known in the German
Department of the University of Waikato.)
In the 1980s Kupka was the regional party
Chairman in lower Bavaria. In October 1987
he became Deputy Chairman for the Bavarian
section of the Repuiblikeiner. Mr Kupka
was also responsible for the
'Ordnungsdienst' of the Party, that is,
their bodyguards and bouncers. When Kupka arrived in New Zealand in
1992, he continued his neo-Nazi activities
on the internet via several discussion
groups. About 3000 pages of his
correspondence published since 1996,
mostly in German, have been archived. Six experts in
the field of Holocaust history have
classified Kupka's writings as antisemitic
Holocaust Denial. These experts were
Professor Konrad Kwiet of Sydney
University; Emeritus Professor John
Moses of the University of Queensland;
Ms Luise Freudenberg, a Research
Scholar of the University of Berlin;
Professor Peter
Longerich of the University of
London; Professor A. Sywottek of
the Institute of Contemporary History in
Hamburg and Professor Marion de Ras
of the University of Waikato. - Professor Kwiet stated : 'Herr
Kupka presents himself - and is pleased
with his role - as an intellectual who
does not hide his antisemitism,
Holocaust Denial and racism."
- Ms Luise Freudenberg agreed: "It is
absolutely clear to me that he is a
neo-Nazi, a rabid antisemite and
apparently denies that there was a
Holocaust. ...Also, the tone and
language he uses to write about Jews
and about the Holocaust is openly
antisemitic. He uses stereotypes and
polemical expressions that seem to come
straight from Goebbel's speeches... The
idea that a German Jewish refugee who
escaped by the skin of his teeth and
whose whole family was murdered should
receive someone like Kupka in his home
is more than disgusting."
Waikato academic Norman Franke
and I raised the issue of Kupka's
antisemitic and racist writings on the
internet with Professor Knuferman,
Kupka's sponsor in the University's German
Department. Our request for a copy of
Kupka's doctoral proposal was turned down
by Knuferman and by the Chairperson of the
Postgraduate Research Committee, despite
the fact that Franke was a member of the
German Department. Once we finally gained
possession of the Kupka doctoral proposal
via a different
channel, it became clear to us why
there had been so much secrecy. Kupka's
doctoral proposal involved an analysis of
the contribution of German and Austrian
immigrants to New Zealand society which
would involve Kupka in researching the
contribution made by Jewish refugees and
Holocaust survivors to New Zealand. In order to respond to concerns about
Kupka's antisemitism and racism put
forward by myself and Franke, an ad hoc
committee was set up by the Dean,
Professor Peter Oettli. Oettli was
himself not disinterested, having been
involved in approving Kupka's entry into
the German Department with inadequate
academic qualifications, and approved that
his research project be written in German
and not be externally assessed, both
exceptions to university policy. The
Committee consisted of Knuferman, Oettli,
both native German speakers, and Dr Ann
McKim, who had no knowledge of that
language. After
examining only 150 pages of Kupka's
internet writings, Knuferman and Oettli
decided that the Kupka internet
writings "could in no way be
interpreted as being remotely
rightwing." Franke and I also wrote a 9-page letter
to the University's Ethics Committee,
alerting the University to the
unsafe' and academically
problematic nature of the Kupka doctoral
outline. We pointed out that no serious
study about 'The Use of German in New
Zealand' could be undertaken without
extensive reference to the many Jewish
refugees and Holocaust survivors from Nazi
Europe; that such a study could hardly be
undertaken without the co-operation of
these refugees and their families; and
that to allow this doctoral study to be
undertaken without reference to the
contribution of the Jewish immigrants,
would make the study effectively
'Judenrein'. However, the convenors of the
various University Committees refused to
receive and table our correspondence. A
request to the Faculty's Human Ethics
Committee to receive a delegation of
Jewish academics to discuss the issue was
denied. The University responded to
correspondence from myself and other
Jewish academics by referring part of the
issue to the Human Rights Commission. The
Legal Adviser of the Office of the Race
Relations Conciliator wrote that it would
be difficult to establish whether Kupka's
internet writings were likely to excite
hostility against the Jewish people. The
University used the advice and argued that
the Kupka case had to do with free speech.
This was of course a red herring. The main
issue which had been raised with the
University was that of the inherent
academic problems and "cultural safety" of
the Kupka doctoral proposal. When public
pressure became too strong and the
New Zealand Jewish Council entered the
debate, asking for an independent public
enquiry, Vice-Chancellor Professor
Gould responded by arguing that it was
his opinion that Kupka's writings did not
constitute Holocaust Denial. The
implication was that the
six international
experts had all been wrong in their
assessments of Kupka's writings despite
the fact that Professor Gould admitted
that he was not an expert on the subject.
The University - albeit at this late stage
- has now agreed to deal with the core
issue of 'cultural safety' and academic
standards raised in our correspondence of
26 November. In a recent newspaper article, Kupka
states that "no interviews with Holocaust
survivors are explicitly intended or
necessary in the context of my research."
If this approach has been approved by
Prof. Knuferman and the Ethics Committee,
it would mean that the University of
Waikato has now purged the thesis of its
Jewish content and made the matter
worse. It seems that Professor Gould and his
senior academic staff (Knuferman and
Oettli in particular) are unwilling to
admit that they have made serious errors
of judgement. The academic
staff of the German Departments of
Victoria, Massey and Canterbury
Univerities have all written to the
University of Waikato advising the Vice
Chancellor that Kupka is not a suitable
candidate to undertake doctoral
research on the topic 'The Use of
German in New Zealand'. The University of Waikato stands alone
in its stubborn and steadfast support of
the neo-Nazi Kupka. Professor Knuferman has now resigned
from the University and Kupka is
apparently now keeping a low profile in
Australia. The requests for an independent inquiry
by the New Zealand Jewish Council, the
Waikato Jewish Association, and the
University's own Law Faculty should now be
honoured. Only an independent inquiry set
up by the University Council can restore
Waikato's tarnished
reputation. Professor
Dov Bing teaches in the
Department of Political Science and
Public Policy at the University of
Waikato. Related files on this
Hayward: Varsity
leader defends historian |
Hayward web page (mirror) |
History |
University won't revoke degree for
student who queried the
Kupka: 'Holocaust'
student drops PhD study
of anti-Semitism