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August 8, 2003 http://www.rense.com/general39/antisem.htm Philly 'Inquirer'
Cartoon Called Anti-Semitic By Dave
Astor NEW YORK--A number of
readers and Jewish organizations are
complaining to The Philadelphia Inquirer
that a Tony Auth cartoon may be
Auth said this isn't true. "If you look
at the body of my work, you can't cling to
the belief that I'm an anti-Semite," he
told E&P Online, noting, for instance,
that he has frequently done cartoons
critical of Israel's opponents. His July 31 cartoon showed a
Jewish-star-shaped fence penning in
Palestinian men, women, and children. It
was referring, of course, to the real-life
fence Israel is building for
what the country
says is security reasons. "When I
created the cartoon," said Auth, "I asked
myself, 'How can I do a drawing showing
that building a fence separates
Palestinians and is an obstacle to peace?'
I did not do it gleefully but with
sadness." About 150 people wrote the
Inquirer as of Aug. 7, with most
mail critical of the cartoon. Some said
Israel is using the fence to protect
itself from terrorists, not to imprison
Palestinians. Others complained that
Auth's use of a Jewish star was
problematic because that symbol represents
not only Israel but Jews in general.
Israeli Consul General Giora Becher
told the Jewish Exponent
publication: "It was
for the cartoonist to use the Jewish
symbol of a Magen David, and to use it
with barbed wire and some connotation of
the concentration camp." And Harold Goldman, president of
the Jewish Federation of Greater
Philadelphia, told the Exponent:
"To me, the Tony Auth cartoon crossed a
line between what is acceptable political
commentary and satire to what is clearly
anti-Semitic and anti-Israel
commentary." But, Auth
said, criticizing Israeli policies
doesn't automatically make a
commentator anti-Semitic. He did note
that he's giving some thought to
whether using a Jewish star was the
right thing to do. The cartoonist
acknowledged that the star may
represent Jews in general, but added
that "it is the symbol of the state of
Israel. It's on Israeli jets and tanks
and the flag." Lee Salem, executive vice
president and editor of Universal Press
Syndicate, said in an e-mail to a critic
of the cartoon: "From what I've read in
the Israeli press, not even the Israeli
populace is unanimous [about] the
present policy. But that seems to have
little avail here in the States.
Questioning or criticism of Israeli policy
by Americans is just labeled
anti-Semitism." None of Auth's 50-plus newspaper
clients complained about the cartoon to
Universal as of Aug. 7, according to
Kathie Kerr, the syndicate's
director of communications. She added:
"When Tony did a cartoon critical of
radical Islam, there was an outpouring
claiming he was anti-Muslim. It's the lot
of the editorial-cartooning profession."
The Islam-related cartoon brought in about
3,000 critical responses. Auth said the Inquirer has been
"very supportive" of him with the July 31
cartoon and over the years. He joined the
newspaper in 1971, and won a Pulitzer
Prize five years later. 
Our dossier on
the origins of anti-Semitism
