Frankfurt, September 5, 2000 - Feuilleton - Seite 49 [German original text]
Piper Verlag won't drop Finkelstein PIPER Verlag (German publishers) are going ahead with publication of the controversial book The Holocaust Industry by Norman Finkelstein. (Jewish leader) Salomon Korn and Socialist Party member of parliament Reinhold Robbe had called on the publisher not to publish the work. In particular they had indicated that given the background of present debate about right wing violence in German a publication could be harmful. The publisher intends to invite the author to Germany to enable a direct debate between him and his critics. "Finkelstein's book is actually very polemical and pointed, but this is precisely the quality which has led to the debate." A translation of the book by Paul Novick, which
adduces similar arguments with fewer polemics, ":The
Holocaust in American Life," is to appear next year in the
Deutscher Verlagsanstalt.
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