News, Wednesday, July 11, 2001
Traditional enemies of
Free Speech try to torpedo the Cincinnati
conference Dr
Andrew Mathis tries to frighten off
Professor Martin [Who
is Dr Andrew Mathis?]Dear Prof. Martin: THERE is an old saying -- I don't know
who coined it -- that goes like this: "The
enemy of my enemy is my friend." Such
thinking led to such alliances as the
Nazi-Soviet Pact of 1939, in which the
parties agreed to partition Poland between
themselves. Each nation had its own
reasons for hating Poland: The Soviets
despised Polish nationalism as contrary to
their hegemony in Eastern Europe, while
the Nazis were angered over German
territory lost to sovereign Poland in the
Treaty of Versailles of 1919. So two
nations, the ideologies of which were
polar opposites and whose dictators had
flung invective at one another for close
to a decade, agreed to make friends for
the greater goal. Of course, less than two
years later, the Nazis invaded the Soviet
Union, and in the following four years,
tens of millions of soldiers and civilians
on both sides were brutally murdered on
the Eastern Front. Why am I telling you this? You have a
Ph.D. in history, so this is surely
nothing new to you. My reason for writing
to you now is to suggest that by agreeing
to appear on a platform with Holocaust
denier David Irving, you are
playing into the same trap used by the
Nazis sixty-two years ago. Never mind that I
disagree wholeheartedly with your
conclusions about Jewish involvement in
the African slave trade. Never mind
that I'm a Jew myself. Put our own
personal differences on hold for a moment
and consider a very basic fact: David
Irving does not like people of African
heritage. How do we know this? Mr. Irving,
while pressing his failed libel
suit against Prof. Deborah
Lipstadt of Emory University last
year, read a diary entry of his very own
into the court record -- a short poem
composed by the man himself upon seeing an
interracial couple walking down a London
street. He shared this poem with his
pre-school-aged daughter: I am a baby Aryan / Not Jewish or
Sectarian / And I shall never marry / An
ape or Rastafarian Charming, no? Furthermore, Mr. Irving
has consistently decried the influx of
non-white immigrants into the U.K. In
addition, in the late 1990s, he addressed
the National Alliance, which is our
nation's largest neo-Nazi organization.
(Incidentally, when I call the National
Alliance "neo-Nazis," I'm not engaging in
empty rhetoric. The organization is run by
Dr. William Pierce, who was a
lieutenant in Commander George Lincoln
Rockwell's American Nazi Party.) If
Dr. Pierce had his way, you'd be on the
next slow boat back to Africa, despite the
fact that I'm reasonably sure you are
probably a native-born American citizen.
These are the kind of individuals that Mr.
Irving associates with, and these are the
kinds of individuals that you will be
sharing a dais with in Cincinnati. If it satisfies you to share a forum
with such a rogues' gallery, then please
do. I have no problem with people
expressing their beliefs, however
wrongheaded and hateful they happen to be.
And there will be plenty of that at Mr.
Irving's conference in Cincinnati. Nor is
your appearance in Cincinnati likely to
hurt your academic or professional
reputation at all. All I ask is that you
consider for a moment if you want white
racists -- the same sort of people who
fought tooth and nail to keep Africans
enslaved throughout the world -- to be the
promoters of your research. I'll close with another historical
anecdote -- another that I'm sure you're
aware of. In the early 1960s, Malcolm
X helped organize a meeting between
the Nation of Islam and the aforementioned
American Nazi Party of Rockwell. However,
when Malcolm returned from the Hajj, he
realized the meaning of true Islam and not
the manufactured version of W.D.
Fard and Elijah Muhammad.
Hearing through the grapevine of a
possible plan on the life of Rev. Dr.
Martin Luther King, Jr., Malcolm
warned the Nazis that, should any harm
befall Dr. King, the revenge on the Nazis
would be swift and brutal. Malcolm learned
the lesson that Stalin never did.
enemy of your enemy might be your friend,
but there's no guarantee that, once the
short-term goal is achieved, your
new-found friend will become your newest
enemy. Respectfully, Andrew E. Mathis, Ph.D.
Villanova University. Related
items on this website: Cincinnati
conference Real History 2001
Who is Dr
Andrew Mathis?-
Irving has written to Cincinnati speaker
Prof. Tony Martin:
HOW well organised the enemies of real
history are! And the levels they stoop to!
Nothwithstanding the smear tactics that
they (and particularly the
multi-millionaire lawyers defending
Deborah Lipstadt in my recent libel
action) used, you will find that my
attitude towards minorities is
considerably more liberal than theirs.
cross examination about this on the
witness stand during that libel action, I
drew attention to the fact that there was
not one colored face to be seen among the
forty lawyers and their assistants acting
for her in that courtroom, nor had there
been for six weeks; while I have never
hesitated to employ as my personal
assistants ethnic minority people, based
entirely on their personal abilities. I
produced photographs of these (very happy)
staff members in Court. The judge was not
pleased by this! You can see their
pictures on