League of Human
Rights of the Bnai Brith Canada press
releases http://www.bnaibrith.ca/press2/pr-990225-03.htm | Toronto, February 25,
INCIDENTS RISE 14% IN CANADA IN 1998 millennium
madness takes hold as hate on the internet becomes
more vicious For Immediate
Release (Toronto,
February 25, 1999...) There were 240
reported incidents of antisemitic harassment and
vandalism in Canada last year, according to
the 1998 AUDIT OF
ANTISEMITIC INCIDENTS, a 62 page report,
released today by the League for Human Rights of
B'nai Brith Canada. This represents a 14% increase
from the 212 incidents reported across the country
in 1997. "After two consecutive years of declining
incidents, antisemitism and hate appear to be on
the rise again", said Dr. Lawrence Hart,
National President of B'nai Brith Canada. "The
League has been compiling statistics across the
country for 17 years; but since the peak years in
the mid-1990's when organized hate groups and their
leaders were the prime perpetrators, the incidents
of antisemitism in Canada have become more diffuse
in nature and the faces of hate are becoming harder
to identify", said Hart. Harassment, including the distribution of hate
propaganda, threats, and slurs, comprised the
largest proportion of antisemitic incidents in 198
with a total of 198 reported cases. This is an
increase of 29% from the 154 cases cited in 1997.
The spread of virulent antisemitism and Holocaust
denial via websites on the Internet, while
monitored and of great concern, is not documented
for statistical purposes. Only specifically
targeted e-mail or named threats were included in
the harassment category, and such incidents are
clearly on the rise and becoming more vicious. Hate
on the Internet "I have received some pretty disgusting hate
mail over the last several years", said Frank
Dimant, Executive Vice President of B'nai Brith
Canada, "but I must admit it was particularly
terrifying to be the target of a death threat on
the Internet and to know that thousands of readers
saw the call to put a bullet in my head and read
the rallying cry to 'KILL ALL
JEWS!'" he told an attentive gathering of
over 50 people at the League's press conference in
the B'nai Brith National Office this morning.
Dimant was referring to a death threat posted last
summer on the Readers' Forum of NOW Magazine. At
first NOW's policy was to post all entries without
editing. After the death threat against Dimant and
the call for genocide of Jews, both criminal acts,
NOW began to filter the postings on the Readers'
Forum and to remove hateful messages that were in
violation of the Criminal Code of Canada. With the number of hate
sites increasing at a significant rate, B'nai
Brith has escalated its efforts to counter hate
on the Internet. B'nai Brith's first
International Symposium on Hate on the Internet
was so successful, that a second one will be
held March 20-23 in Toronto, bringing together
legal experts, government officials, ISPs,
police personnel, educators and community
activists working in this important area to stem
the tide of cyberhate. | Legal/Legislative
Interventions The 1998 Audit of Antisemitic Incidents provides
an overview of the state of hate in Canada, and an
update of the recent court cases and human rights
tribunals in the struggle against antisemitism and
hate, including the case of Zundel's website. The
Canadian Human Rights Tribunal met sporadically
throughout 1998, and will continue well into 1999,
with Marvin Kurz, National Counsel to the
League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith Canada,
intervening on the League's behalf in this
precedent setting case. "We hope that the results
of the Tribunal will stop this Canadian national
embarrassment once and for all", said Kurz,
referring to the fact that Zundel, through his
Samisdat publishing and Zundelsite on the Internet
is still considered one of the greatest purveyors
of hate propaganda and Holocaust denial in the
world. Other significant cases in which the League
intervened in 1998 included B'nai Brith member
Harry Abrams' complaint against journalist
Doug Collins for his continual antisemitic
behaviour in the North Shore News in B.C. The
Tribunal found that the cumulative effect of
repetitive articles exposed Jews to hatred and
contempt. In the Liebmann case, in which Senior
Counsel David Matas intervened on the
League's behalf, the Federal Court agreed that the
Armed Forces discriminated against the naval
officer because he was Jewish, but ruled that the
discriminatory practice was allowable when
determining postings in volatile situations where
race or religion might be an issue jeopardizing a
mission or putting members of the Armed Forces at
risk. League interventions with BC Tel and the CRTC
urged that ISPs and connectivity providers take
responsibility for ensuring their clients comply
with Canadian law and industry policies. Messianic
Churches Target Jews - Millennium Madness
Increases 1998 saw a dramatic increase in the incidence of
messianic Christians targeting Jewish people for
conversion. Of particular concern is the fact that
they prey on unsuspecting Jewish immigrants from
the former Soviet Union who are seeking Jewish
religious affiliation with very little knowledge
base. "Missionizing groups, such as the Chosen
People's Ministries and the City of David,
fraudulently represent themselves as Jews"
explained Dr. Harriet Morris, National
Co-Chair of the League for Human Rights, "Their
so-called synagogues are really elaborately
disguised churches. As the millennium approaches,
they are becoming more aggressive, increasing their
deception by co-opting our symbols and language and
actively targeting Jews for conversion." In the
fall of 1998, the Chosen People's Ministries went
so far as to file a trademark application for the
menorah, claiming they have used it for 10 years, a
Jewish symbol that B'nai Brith has used for more
than 120 years in Canada. | Vandalism
Declines in 1998 There were 42 reported incidents of antisemitic
vandalism in 1998, down a significant 28% from the
58 incidents reported last year. This trend is
consistent with police reports across the country
and may be the result of crackdowns by the police
Hate Crimes Units, major court cases against some
of the leaders of the hate movement, the move to
the concept of 'leaderless resistance' by hate
groups, and the shift towards hate propaganda and
the Internet, and away from more traditional forms
of hate crime. Geographic
Distribution - Toronto highest, with greatest
increase in smaller communities
Toronto - There were 123 reported incidents of
antisemitism in Toronto, an increase of 26% over
the 98 incidents reported in 1997. Toronto, the
largest city in Canada with the largest Jewish
population, accounted for 51.3% of the Canadian
total for the year.
Regional Ontario - Hate mongers sought greener
pastures in rural and suburban communities as
the Hate Crimes Units in urban areas continue to
become more effective. The areas outside Toronto
saw 33 incidents, including a cemetery
desecration - a rise of 65% from the 20
documented incidents in 1997 - the largest
increase anywhere in Canada.
National Capital Region - There were 35
antisemitic incidents in Ottawa - ten up from
last year and a 40% increase over 1997. Tensions
on university campuses were of particular
Montreal - With 20 reported incidents (one down
from last year), Montreal stayed relatively
close to its 1997 total, although specific
antisemitic incidents were not available from
the police this year the way they were in the
past, suggesting a likely increase, especially
since the hate crimes unit reported an overall
increase in hate and bias crimes without
breaking down the victim groups.
Winnipeg - There were 5 reported antisemitic
incidents as compared with 18 the previous year,
representing a 72% decrease. Aboriginal people
are more frequently the targets of racism and
hate in this area.
Saskatchewan and Alberta - The prairie provinces
reported 5 incidents, a slight decline from the
7 in 1997.
British Columbia - There were 17 reported
incidents in 1998, a decrease of 10.5% from the
19 in 1997.
The Maritimes - This region had one reported
incident in 1998, down from 2 in 1997.
1998 ANTISEMITIC INCIDENTS In addition to many examples of systemic
antisemitism in schools and institutions, several
incidents serve to illustrate how prevalent
incidents of antisemitism are throughout the
January - A letter addressed to Frank Dimant
stated that the Holocaust is a lie and
threatened, "Maybe some day somebody will find
you in an alleyway. Eh?"
February - In Nepean, a suburb of Ottawa, a high
school was vandalized with graffiti reading
March - A Jewish newspaper in Winnipeg received
a phone call stating that "their time is up" and
that there is a bomb in the building. No bomb
was found.
April - Forty-three headstones were vandalized
in a cemetery next to B'nai Israel Synagogue in
St. Catherines, Southern Ontario
May - A Holocaust denial flyer announcing the
meeting of the Muslim Brotherhood Study Group,
was faxed directly to the police in Ottawa.
There was no such group.
June - Following a Toronto television appearance
in which she stated that her daughter was in the
Israeli army, a woman received a pamphlet from a
Christian proselytizing organization and an
antisemitic hate letter.
July - A fight over a parking space in Toronto
turned ugly when a man called a woman "You
rotten Jewish bitch, you should have been
August - The Last Call International, an
antisemitic newsletter, was distributed around
Jewish neighbourhoods in Toronto, to
identifiably Jewish homes with mezuzahs on their
Frank Dimant's life was threatened on the
Internet when somebody posted that Mr. Dimant
needed a bullet in the head and that all Jews
should die.
September - A man in downtown Toronto displayed
a placard at a major intersection
exclaiming, "JEWS ARE KILLING
October - There were three arson attacks on
Jewish targets during the week of the Jewish
high holidays.
November - A Jewish man in Kitchener, Ontario
was terrified to receive a death threat with
antisemitic diatribes on his answering
December - A Jewish merchant in Whitby, Ontario
found a swastika and other graffiti
spray-painted on his store.
"The Audit of Antisemitic Incidents is an
example of the importance of research and accurate
documentation in understanding the nature and
extent of racism and hate in Canada today," said
Dr. Karen Mock, National Director of the
League for Human Rights who oversees the
compilation and analysis of the data. "The 1998
data reveal an increase in antisemitic incidents in
provinces that have rescinded anti-discrimination
and equity legislation, and a decrease in areas
where anti-racism policies and practices are alive
and well" added Mock. The 1998 Audit highlights the
League's proactive initiatives in police and
prosecutor training, research, human rights
awareness, community action, intercultural dialogue
and public education campaigns, in the ongoing
struggle to counter antisemitism and hate crime in
Canada.  |