Posted Friday, October 17, 2003

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New York, October 26, 20003


Israeli: Poland wants to charge you

POLAND wants to extradite from Israel a Polish-born Jew on charges he killed German prisoners in a concentration camp after World War II. Salomon Morel, 83, is accused of killing 1,500 inmates at the Swietochlowiche camp in Poland, the Scotsman, a Scottish newspaper, reported. Israel previously rejected calls to extradite Morel, saying the statute of limitations has expired.

Following new testimony from prisoners at the camp, Poland upgraded charges against Morel to genocide. Morel survived Auschwitz and lost more than 30 members of his family during the war. There is no statue of limitations on genocide charges, the Scotsman said.


Doug Collins on John Sack, and how the Jews prevented publication of a book about Jewish concentration camp commandants and mass murderers Help to fund
Dec 11, 1998: Israel has refused to extradite to Poland a Jewish man accused of atrocities against German prisoners
60 Minutes - November 24, 1993 © 1993 by CBS News: The Morel case
Reader's letter: Saloman Morel's cousin pleads that the Polish camp commandant was young at the time of his alleged offences against humanity
The above news item is reproduced without editing other than typographical
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