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New York, November 7,
2003 Jewish
Leader Says Mel Gibson 'Infected' With
By Marc Morano
New York (CNSNews.com)
- A
Jewish leader
declared that movie actor and director
Mel Gibson was "seriously infected"
with anti-Semitic views, based on recent
comments the Hollywood star has made
regarding his upcoming movie, The Passion
Christ.  David Irving
I have held
this website aloof from the nasty
and eminently predictable
squabble between Mel
Gibson, whom we have not
admired much as an actor, and the
ADL, whom we have admired even
less. But now that his Jesus film
is breaking surface, if not wind,
allow me to make a few comments
on the protagonists. How was
Mr Foxman appointed a "leader" of
his community? Not by any
democratic process of which we
are aware -- in fact decent Jews
have persistently called for the
removal of this corrupt and
cowardly person from office
because of the damage he does to
their cause. Secondly, his
language ("infected with
anti-Semitism") is reminiscent of
the Nazis, who referred to the
Jewish "plague bacillus" that
infested country after
country. One critic's
remark, quoted in this piece,
that the ADL "leaders" appear to
be living in an asylum, comes
close to my own view: inside its
monastic calm, breathing only the
rarified oxygen that surrounds
such Olympian peaks, and perhaps
inhaling other substances as
well, they seriously believe that
the man in the street dislikes
the Jews "because they crucified
Jesus Christ". ("They talk of
nothing else in the pubs of
Wapping, m'lud," a learned
barrister might say). Rubbish: What
turns the ordinary hard-working
people, Christian and Moslem
alike, off the Jewish people as
"a club" -- to use Foxman's
unfortunate phrase, having
disavowed the word "cabal" -- is
the behaviour of which George
Soros, one of their own
number, complained on the same
day, to the same ADL 90th
meeting: their venality,
criminality, and murderous
George Soros shocks Jewish elite,
says Bush, Sharon to blame for
global rise in
attack on much loved community
leader: "Abe Foxman: Disgrace to
my Religion"
Abraham Foxman, the national
director of the Anti-Defamation League
(ADL) said of Gibson, "I think he's
infected -- seriously infected -- with
some very, very serious anti-Semitic
views." Foxman made the remarks at a panel
discussion titled "Mel Gibson's The
Passion: A Conversation on Its
Implications for Jews and Christians." The
discussion took place during the 90th
annual national meeting of the ADL in New
York City on Thursday. In an interview with CNSNews.com
following the panel discussion, Foxman
reiterated his comments about Gibson. "[Gibson's] got
classical anti-Semitic views. If he can
say that there is a cabal out there of
secular liberal Jews who are trying to
blame the Holocaust on the Catholic
Church, that's a classic anti-Semitic
canard -- that
Jews operate in cabals to get
their way."If he can say that somebody will
not permit him to make another movie --
who? Jewish Hollywood? The ADL? When he
can say that he now understands how
Jesus felt now -- not before he made
the film, not because the gospel
inspired him, but now -- because he has
been criticized and attacked. That's
anti-Semitism," Foxman told
CNSNews.com. But William Donohue, president
of the conservative Catholic League for
Religious and Civil Rights repudiated
Foxman's comments about Gibson being
"infected" with anti-Semitic views. "I would regard this as the most
singular irresponsible statement we have
heard yet from any one of Mel Gibson's
critics," Donohue told CNSNews.com. Donohue said the comments about Gibson
and his movie at the ADL panel discussion
are what you would "expect from people in
an asylum." Donohue, who has seen the
movie, noted that none of the three
panelists featured at the ADL meeting on
Thursday had yet to see the film. Conservative media critic Michael
Medved also lambasted Foxman for his
comments about Gibson. "I respect the
ADL, but what [Foxman] is
doing is marginalizing himself," Medved
told CNSNews.com. Medved, the author of
the book Hollywood vs. America and
a nationally syndicated radio talk show
host, said it's "ridiculous" to say that
Gibson holds anti-Semitic views. "I think it's very sad, I really do.
Sad and unnecessary," Medved, an orthodox
Jew, said of Foxman's comments. Foxman did attempt to qualify his
assertion regarding Gibson's views towards
Jews. "I don't think [Gibson's]
the type of person who gets up in the
morning and says 'I want to get the Jews.'
But does he have attitudes that are
anti-Semitic? Yes," Foxman said. The Passion of Christ, set to
open on February 25, 2004, depicts the
final 12 hours of Christ's life in bloody
detail. The $25-million movie, produced by
Gibson's Icon Productions and distributed
by Newmarket Films, strives to achieve
authenticity by featuring only Latin and
Aramaic dialogue with English subtitles.
The Passion of Christstars actor James
Caviezel as Christ and actress
Monica Bellucci as Mary
Magdalene. During the panel discussion, Foxman
warned of the danger that Passion plays
about the crucifixion of Christ have
historically posed to Jews, because they
frequently reinforce the notion of
collective Jewish guilt for the death of
Jesus. Foxman cited Nazi leader Adolf
Hitler's praise of a Passion play from
the 1930s to illustrate his point. "When Hitler walked out [of a
Passion play] in 1934, he declared
that 'the whole world over should see
. . . this Passion play, then
they will understand why I despise the
Jews and why they deserve to die,'" Foxman
told the crowd of about 400 attendees.
EVEN discussing the crucifixion of Christ
in Church services has had a deleterious
effect on Jews worldwide, according to
Foxman. Foxman claimed that "hate crimes
[against Jews] go up Easter week
worldwide" because in many Christian
churches, "the sermon is given about the
passion (the suffering of Christ)."
Foxman noted that the reforms of the
Second Vatican Council, which Gibson
reportedly opposes, responded to centuries
of anti-Semitic interpretations of
Christ's crucifixion by issuing a document
in 1965 called Nostra Aetate. That
document officially repudiated
anti-Semitism and the deicide charge. The
church also issued guidelines in the 1980s
for performing Passion plays designed to
avoid anti-Semitic caricatures and
overtones, according to Foxman. Foxman vowed that he will not give up
his public criticism of the Gibson's
film. "After [the] Holocaust, I don't
have the luxury to keep quiet about
concerns about" anti-Semitism, Foxman told
reporters following the panel
discussion. Asked why many prominent Jews in
Hollywood have not joined him in
criticizing Gibson, Foxman responded,
"It's sad, but that's the way it is." "It is a club, like any other club of
doctors or lawyers. So you have a club of
Hollywood people, who are not willing to
criticize and stand aside from that club,"
he told reporters. 'Not
something I would say'Sister Mary C. Boys, a liberal
Catholic nun and a professor of
Judeo-Christian Studies at New York's
Union Theological Seminary, said based on
what she has seen and heard, the movie
"certainly goes 100 degrees against
Catholic principles of interpretation of
scripture." Boys was among an ad hoc group
of scholars who produced a harsh public
critique of an early script version of
Gibson's film last spring. But Boys distanced herself from
Foxman's declaration that Gibson was
"seriously infected" with anti-Semitic
views. "That's [Foxman's] view, it's
not something that I would say," Boise
told CNSNews.com. "I have never called [Gibson]
an anti-Semite nor have I ever demonized
him," she added. Boys mocked Gibson's reported comment
that the "Holy Spirit" guided him during
the production of the film. Boys noted that the movie is already
"dividing evangelicals and Catholics --
Catholics and Catholics, and Christians
and Jews." "I don't believe that [given the
divisive] result that he could claim
that the Holy Sprit is behind this," Boys
said. Boys summed up her concerns about the
film, stating, "Our concern is what
happens after people see the film? Will
anti-Semitic actions happen or will
attitudes against the Jews be exacerbated
by this film? That is the question." Steve Lyons, an ADL member from
California who watched the panel
discussion, said that Gibson might very
well be an anti-Semite. "From what I have read, it appears that
way," Lyons told CNSNews.com . 'Toxic
tradition'Another panelist, Paula
Fredriksen, a professor of Theology at
Boston University and also one of the ad
hoc scholars who harshly criticized the
film last spring, believes Gibson's
production will prove to be "an
inflammatory movie." Fredriksen said the movie continues the
"toxic tradition of blaming the Jews for
the death of Jesus." "A movie like this could very possibly
elicit violence against Jews," Fredriksen
added. But William Donohue of the
Catholic League ridiculed Fredriksen's
warning that Gibson's film may incite
violence, andhe noted that there have been
no reported incidences of violence
associated with the recent release of the
slasher film, The Texas Chainsaw
Massacre. "We are supposed to believe that Mel
Gibson's movie will do what the even
The Texas Chainsaw Massacre did not
do, which is bring violence into the
streets?" Donohue asked. Kenneth
Jacobson, the associate national
director of the ADL, said the solution
to ending the film controversy is for
Gibson to alter the film and present
the story "in a way that could be
pleasing to Christians and not offend
Jews." Medved, who has seen the film said,
"Mel Gibson is obviously uninterested in
Foxman's input on the film and the movie
will come out, win critical praise and
become a box office hit in spite of any
ADL fulminations." Medved said the ADL's criticisms of
Gibson's film are not helping Jews. "My concern is that the campaign
against The Passion is provoking far more
anti-Semitism than the movie itself ever
could," Medved said. "It's a battle, frankly that the Jewish
community doesn't need," he added. 'Verbal
hate crime'Jennifer Giroux, the foundation
director of the group Women Influencing
the Nation (W.I.N.) called the Foxman's
statement that Gibson was "infected" with
anti-Semitic views a "verbal hate
crime."  | Website
Foxman, wealthy and
controversial chief of the Anti
Defamation League, likes to refer
to himself as a "Holocaust
survivor." As a biography
on this website shows, he was not
even born when Hitler invaded his
native Poland, and he was looked
after by Polish Catholics
throughout the war; his parents
also "survived".
"Never Again? The Threat of the
New Anti-Semitism," foreword by
($24.95, 304 pages). | Giroux, who founded the See the Passion
website, called the ADL panel's rhetoric
"intellectually reckless and
irresponsible.""I think [Foxman] has now
defined what a verbal hate crime is,
because he just committed it against Mel
Gibson [on Thursday]" Giroux told
CNSNews.com. Several efforts to contact Gibson's
Icon Production seeking reaction to the
ADL's panel discussion were not returned,
but Gibson has repudiated any suggestion
that he or his movie promotes
anti-Semitism. On June 13, [2003] Gibson said
in a statement published in the
entertainment trade paper Variety,
"The Passion is a movie meant to
inspire, not offend." "My intention in bringing it to the
screen is to create a lasting work of art
and engender serious thought among
audiences of diverse faith backgrounds,"
Gibson stated. "If the intense scrutiny during my 25
years in public life revealed I had ever
persecuted or discriminated against anyone
based on race or creed, I would be all too
willing to make amends. But there is no
such record," Gibson added.  
dossier on the origins of
Another fine
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