Himmler visits the Peenemünde rocket research site in
1943. From David Irving: The
Mare's Nest
(London, 1965), and Deutsches Museum Munich, Peenmünde
Index to some items on
Heinrich Himmler 
legal battles mostly behind him, David Irving has resumed
work on Heinrich Himmler: 2,000 pages of handwritten
draft already -- including right, in
an original Vienna prison ring-binder Documents Diaries
of Heinrich Himmler (and wife) - The private
diaries of Heinrich Himmler, 1919-1922: transcribed by
Kurt Bertrams: his student years (PDF, 250Kb);
we invite reader-comments on these
- Diary of
Heinrich Himmler, Dec 1934 - Dec 31, 1935: The
original was provided to David Irving on loan by
collector R C Schneider, of Longboat Key, Florida. It
begins with a few entries from 1934. First transcribed by
David Irving 1977; he donated colour photographs (of each
page with entries) to the Bundesarchiv Koblenz.
Transcribed again with minor corrections as we get wiser,
Friday, August 3, 2012 (PDF, 216Kb);
we invite reader-comments on these
- The
private diary of Himmler's wife Marga 1937-1945: pdf,
0.5MB. Translated into English; edited and annotated by
David Irving | German
original text (pdf; extracts only)
- Our
transcription of Himmler's pocket diary Feb - Aug
1937. Mostly locations, a few names
- Pocket diary
of Heinrich Himmler, 1939 (pdf, 16MB) courtesy of the
late James Townsend | David
Irving's new transcript of Himmler's 1939 pocket
- Our
dossier on Marga Himmler
- A Nuremberg lawyer
questions Himmler's wife
- On
Oct 31, 1938 Himmler wanted Germany's Jews allowed to
emigrate without obstacles. A letter to Hitler's
- May 2, 1939:
Himmler's knowledge of the Warnen peoples (a memo by him,
in private hands)
- History: a little film by Alan Heath on Himmler's
Personal Nazi Party book for 1940, 1941, with monthly
membership-due stamps
- Work in Progress: Transcription
draft of early (1919-1923) diaries and family letters of
Heinrich Himmler (rough transcripts by David Irving,
from white-on-black originals in the archives of the
Hoover Insstitution, Stanford, California)
- Last 20 days of
Third Reich as described by Schwerin von Krosigk in a
lecture in Ludwigsburg (in German)
- Sir Philip Gibb,
Extract of Conversation with Herr Himmler on foreign
policy on Apr 29, 1938 (probably written soon after
May 21, 1938)
of Heinrich Himmler
items, for rest of items see special index on this
topic] - Churchill
told First Sea Lord on Apr 13, 1945 that he was inclined
to spare Himmler's life
- Original
typed dispatches by Selkirk Panton of Daily
Express who witnessed the events after Himmler's
death in May 1945 (from Australian archives) |
Selkirk Panton writes (May
1954) on Himmler's end |
handwritten notes
by David Irving | FLASHBACK: May
28, 1945: "Himmler tore his signature into 48 pieces",
article in Daily Express
- Letter: What
were the prevailing outside light conditions at the time
of Himmler's death?
- Statements
by Captain Donald McPherson |
Colonel Michael Murphy |
Sergeant Britton
- Description in Feb
1964 by former colonel (British Army) Michael Murphy on
the death of Heinrich Himmler, May 1945, written to
biographer Heinrich Fraenkel
- Faked documents
planted in British archives "prove" that British Secret
Service did liquidate Heinrich Himmler after his 1945
capture | documents
on Himmler's arrest 1945 | Forgeries
revealed in the Public Record Office, England |
Fenton on the forgery of the documents alleging Himmler's
murder | Our
dossier on the death of Heinrich Himmler
- David Irving, A Radical's Diary: On
new finds on Himmler's death...
- Himmler's
arrest by British Sergeant Arthur Britton (Arthur
Verden Britton Schrijnemakers): Flemish and French
newspaper accounts and photos
- Pathé newsreels of Himmler's death scene
- watch the newsreels of the aftermath of Himmler's
demise, and make stills (click on the "Stills" button
under the screen and check either 1, 5 or more seconds
- Spot the flaws: British yellow press publishes
fictitious soldier's "diary" of how Heinrich Himmler
died: The
Sun | The
Daily Mail | "diary" of a British soldier who wanted
to be the bride at every wedding, and corpse at every
funeral - psychiatrists call it the "I was there"
Syndrome | Our
dossier on Himmler's death
on Himmler "The
Himmler decodes"
a 100-page selection by David Irving of secret messages
passed from 1941 to 1945 between Heinrich Himmler, his
headquarters, and local police and SS commanders (in German;
as decoded by British Intelligence) Himmler
and the "Final Solution of the Jewish
Problem" - Himmler writes to Finance Ministry, Aug 17, 1942,
about plan
to transport French Jews via Auschwitz to the
- Hitler
authorises Himmler to sell off Jews for foreign
currency, December 10, 1942
- MI5
documents on Eichmann's "Jews for trucks" offer |
of Joel Brand | Interim
report, J11ul11, 1944
- Notes on Richard
Korherr, Himmler's statistician
- David
Irving, A Radical's Diary: Peter Longerich now agrees
that Heinrich Himmler did not inform Hitler what he was
- Did Himmler
ever admit to 'Three Million'? The Grand Mufti of
Jerusalem recalled that Himmler spoke frankly with him in
1943: We invite reader comments
Recent David Irving activities in Poland on film:
secret headquarters | Remains
of Hitler's HQ The Wolf's Lair | Visit
to Auschwitz and Birkenau sites | Private
discussion in Warsaw- David Irving, a Radical's Diary: ... He
runs a critical eye over the East Prussian bunker
headquarters of Adolf Hitler and Heinrich
- Document: David
Irving's 1971 interview with Himmler's brother Gebhard:
the word Holocaust was not used at that
- Albert
Speer was involved in the mass murder of Jews despite
lifelong claims to the contrary -- new documents | Mr
Irving's scathing comments |
Flashback Himmler/Speer
1943 correspondence on Auschwitz
- Wannsee conference [note: Himmler, Hitler
were not present]: Dossier
on | Wannsee
and the Hitler Order for the Holocaust | conference
"did discuss killing" the Jews | involvement
of Dr Robert Kempner in discovering the protocol |
Hitler was
mentioned once | the
precise meaning of three words used
- Walter
Frentz, with Heinrich Himmler, eye-witness of the August
1941 Minsk Massacre
- Interrogation of Gauleiter Albert Hoffmann on
visit to
Auschwitz with Himmler and Bracht
- Himmler is asked Oct. 1942 if concentration camps can
deposit dental gold from dead prisoners at Reichsbank, as
they already
have 50 kilos (i.e. from perhaps 100,000 dead)
- Himmler writes to Finance Ministry, Aug 17, 1942,
about plan
to transport French Jews via Auschwitz to the Reich
 - Heinrich Himmler orders
Heydrich "no liquidation" of Berlin trainload of Jews,
Nov 30, 1941; more Himmler documents on Hitler's
role, including the latest finds from the Moscow secret
- British codebreakers
intercepted Dec 1, 1941 code messages from Himmler
ordering the SS murderer Jeckeln to report to
Headquarters, to be reprimanded for overstepping his and
Heydrich's guidelines in liquidating thousands of German
Jews at Riga on Nov 30, 1941 | Click document |
Documents on Adolf
Documents on Rudolf
Documents on Auschwitz- New York Times, January 21, 1998: "Hitler's
Genocide Order: 5 Days After Pearl Harbor?":
Christian Gerlach's thesis based on the December 18, 1941
Himmler document | Dr
John Fox comments on this | Another comment
| Prof. Michael H. Kater (Toronto) admits: "Looks
as if David Irving can still not shell out" -- as no
documents yet qualify for the reward
offered for proving Hitler's guilt
- Heinrich Himmler speaks on
phone with Heydrich about executions of Jews in Riga, Dec
1, 1941
- Excerpts from the stenographic Diary of SS
Sturmbannführer Rudolf
Brandt, Heinrich Himmler's assistant, 1942, in so far
as they relate to Auschwitz
Documents Magra
Siegroth geb. Boden, wife of Heinrich Himmler:
index on Other  In
1938 Heinrich Himmler gave Göring's daughter Edda this
solid silver christening gift: SOLD through our website for
$6,170 - Daily Mail gets wrong end of stick, headlines:
was a great man,' claims David Irving on his Nazi death
camp tour [just about every word in the
article is mistranslated or a lie] | Corriere
della Sera: "Hitler?
Un grande uomo. Il viaggio-provocazione di Irving." Il
negazionista guida in Polonia un gruppo di nostalgici
- Italian Journalist's exclusive report after
accompanying David Irving by invitation on the tour of
Hitler and Himmler HQs (in Italian)
- Nazi
memorabilia secures auction best sale in five years -
"Buying a genuine antique is probably a safer bet at the
- Nice folks, eclectic tastes - Multi-millionaire
Charles Saatchi (left) buys a Himmler because it is
ugly | flashback
on Saatchi | he did not know who Himmler was; Saatchi
once wrote a reader's letter to the Daily Telegraph
protesting at an "anti-Semitic" photo of himself
- Correspondence
from the Allen Dulles (OSS) papers about Carl Langbehn
and Himmler
- Nov
22, 1936 Himmler wrote to SS Gruf Karl Wolff about
excavations at the Externsteine in Westphalia
- Evidence
that 'Gestapo' Müller brokered a secret deal between
the KGB and SS in 1938
- Transcript of Himmler Speech: Der
Reichsführer SS bei der Amtseinführung von
SS-Gruppenführer Dr Kaltenbrunner, Berlin, 30.Januar
1943 (from NARA: XE-000440). Pdf file, 3.3MB
New website dossier on
Reinhard Heydrich, Himmler's chief of security- David Irving asks:
Who can read Gabelsberger script, the shorthand that
Himmler and his scribe, Rudolf Brandt, both
- British Foreign
Office documents on Himmler, held at the Public
Records Office, Kew, London: Research report by former FO
official Hugh Haig-Thomas for David Irving
- Gregory
F. Rose asks about records on Himmler, the Ahnenerbe, and
10th Century England
- David
Irving is working on a Himmler biography
Photographs of Himmler
and Reinhard Heydrich
Sunday Times publishes new
Hitler, Himmler photos 
unpublished Original Photos of Ernst Röhm (right),
the SA Stabschef, 1933-1934, and other top Nazis incuding
Himmler- British
Intelligence resume of Heydrich's life, issued on day of
attempt on his life, May 27, 1942
- Himmler Diary 1941-2 edition reviewed (German)
(English, The
Guardian, May 10, 1999)
- Wiesenthal Center
accepts (Dec 15, 1999) that Gestapo-chief Heinrich
Müller (100) may be dead
- Sound
Recordings of Heinrich Himmler speeches at the Hoover
Library and US National Archives
[ Auschwitz
Index | Himmler | Hitler
| Heydrich
] |