Alan Edwards of the Military Intelligence
Museum , Chicksands, Bedfordshire, writes to Mr
Irving, October 6, 2005: "After you left I carried
out some further research in the collection and
found the accessional data on the items you
photographed. An extract is enclosed from Accession
No. 22387. This was given to us by a then Captain
Donald McPherson who worked in the Control
Commission Germany." [Text
HERE is the story. On 21 May 1945 Himmler
set out with some other SS officers to try to pass
through the Allied lines and reach his native
Bavaria. He had shaved off his moustache, wore a
black eye patch over his left eye, and put on army
uniform. His party was stopped between Hamburg and
Bremerhaven by British guards at a control point.
At some stage Himmler took off the eye patch, put
on his pince-nez, and identified himself. He was
taken to Second Army Headquarters where he was
stripped and examined by an army doctor. When the
doctor tried to examine his mouth, Himmler bit into
a vial of cyanide in the space between two teeth. A
stomach pump, emetics, and artificial respiration
were tried in vain in an effort to resuscitate
him. Towards the end of May, shortly after this, I
went to see another officer at Control Commission
on some matter and noticed that he was wearing a
black eye patch over one eye. I said: "Are you
trying to play Himmler?" He replied that he was
wearing Himmler's actual eye patch, that all his
belongings had been sent to our Headquarters from
Second Army and had been put in a room, the number
of which he gave me. "If you hurry along, there may
be something left." All that remained were the blanket in which
Himmler had been sick, the framework of his
rucksack, and some razor blades and a tube of
shaving cream which he had acquired in Denmark. I
took the shaving cream and razor blades which I now
send to you. Others had taken his black silk
shirts, silk pyjamas, silk socks, silk
handkerchiefs, and his cigarette case, all
monogrammed with his initials, two overlapping H's.
One officer used to parade in the mess sporting
Himmler's braces, sticking his thumbs under the
straps and stretching them back and forth, for they
were made of that wartime rarity, the finest
Heinrich Himmler
Statement dated
February 11, 1964, by former colonel (British
Army) Michael Murphy on the death of Heinrich
Himmler, May 1945
The capture of
Heinrich Himmler and other Leading Nazis, May
1945, report by Sergeant Britton