Documents on the International Campaign for Real History
Posted Saturday, December 20, 2008
© Focal Point 2008
It almost hurts to write these words, but the laughter ringing round the world just won't stop.
December 18, 2008 (Thursday)
Windsor (England)MIKE St. sends me scans of the four nude photos retrieved from "Hitler's yacht" Ostwind in 1945. I review them briefly and reply: "Sorry to disappoint you, Mike, but I am sure those photos are NOT of Eva Braun or her sister." In fact I do not believe the yacht ever belonged to Hitler.
A well-connected North Carolina friend reports on events surrounding the arrest on Thursday last week of the 70-year-old Manhattan financier Bernard Madoff on a single count of securities fraud at his Park Avenue home; it seems that he was actually turned in by his sons -- who probably woke up and "smelt the coffee", as they say over there:
I was speaking with a friend of mine who works for the FBI and was involved in the apprehension of the wonderful Mr Madoff. Incidentally, my friend was also present at your New York event last summer, and was rewarded by Gabriela with a copy of Hitler's War for his efforts at keeping the peace. Anyway, when they entered Madoff's lavish lair to apprehend him, one of the senior agents apparently told him "Congratulations. You've ruined more Jews than Hitler." The agents all broke out in laughter. I wonder what Madoff's response was. Perhaps more appropriate would be to compare Madoff's thefts of Jewish property with Hermann Göring's, who now appears small-time.
The word among the financial cognoscenti is that the missing fifty billion dollars have gone to Israel. Madoff is quietly promising his closer friends that compensation may come from there.
Among the friends he fleeced were Hollywood's Katzenberg and Steven Spielberg (in cap, left), who in turn partly financed Deborah Lipstadt's $13million defence against my libel action; and scores if not hundreds of Jewish millionaires who all thought they were admitted to an exclusively Jewish "club", and that Madoff was financing the ten to thirteen percent interest he was paying them from illegal insider trading and fleecing only the goys not admitted to their ring. Ouch. It almost hurts to write these words, but the laughter ringing round the world just won't stop.
December 19, 2008 (Friday)
Windsor (England)Computer is out of action all day. The Mac is still running a TechTools maintenance programme, and has a long way to go, another 50,000 files to defragment, at the rate of about one a second.
Jessica phones, she'll come out today to stay in Windsor, as she has a bad flu and B. wants her out for acute health reasons which I understand. We drive first to the Apple store in Regent Street. The technician there says he thinks TechTools works better on the Intel versions of the Mac, which I will not be buying for a while as they cannot handle the Classic OS.9 applications on which I am heavily dependent.
I have ordered half a ton of coal from Mabbots. Nice to be able to order the real stuff, after being confined to smoke-free brickettes under the anti-pollution laws for thirty-five years while living in Duke Street.
In the evening we watch two or three episodes of Family Guy, a ghastly US cartoon comedy, a boxed set of which Jessica has bought. At one point, apropos of nothing, she suddenly asks, "David," -- Aaargh! -- "does this recession affect us?" I ask: "Us? England or our family?" "Our family."
I reply: "Yes, it does. Book sales are collapsing, as books are not high on people's survival list." I am sure she is quietly worried about her school fees for the coming term. Today's newspapers report that many families are pulling children out of private schools. I will keep her at Latymer, if I have to make every other sacrifice to do so.
December 20, 2008 (Saturday)
Windsor (England)UP before dawn as I have a lot to catch up on. Eventually, around eight a.m., I can reboot the Mac, which has finished its optimization.
S. sends a $500 contribution from Chicago to help keep this website running. I thank her: "That was a really kind and thoughtful of you," but I comment: "Your bloody President GWB is to blame for the economic mess, with his war; and our own Tony Blair; not to mention those nice folks whose religion I momentarily forget."
Interesting is an item in December 15's Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung: Reviewing the 1,000-page academic-turgid Heinrich Himmler biography by Peter Longerich, journalist Rainer Blasius states that the German-born professor admits that Adolf Hitler may not have been informed of what Himmler was up to: "Several careful wordings chosen by Himmler in his speeches indicate for Longerich that he [Himmler] may in fact have taken the decision to murder women and children on his own responsibility, firmly convinced that such a procedure would meet with the approval of the Supreme Leadership."*
In other words, Hitler may not have been informed -- which is what I have been saying all along. In fact the conclusion is inescapable, if you study Himmler's speeches carefully.
But, um, do I not recall this self-same Peter Longerich, highly paid by Deborah Lipstadt's Hollywood friends as a neutral defence expert, testifying in his expert report to precisely the opposite opinion -- that Hitler alone was totally responsible for the Holocaust, and that I was a maniac for having written anything different? On which basis the judge Sir Charles Gray partially based his vicious and perverse Judgment against me in my libel action against Lipstadt? Gradually the make-believe world of the conformist historians is falling apart, even as the world's wealthiest Jews are finding themselves financially, ahem, embarassed too.
Australian television proposes to come and film me for a television series "about the enduring question of truth and science and the courage of truth in the face of prejudice and dominant opinion."
That's nice; I accept without false modesty:
I am of course willing in principle to participate in your series. I live ten minutes from Heathrow airport in a large country house, which will make an ideal setting for your interviews. I imagine there will be particular Australian interest in what I have to say, given that I am banned from Australia since 1992 and John Howard (right) even told Parliament they would change the law again to keep me out (I have a fourth daughter who is an Australian citizen, lives in Brisbane with her two Australian children and husband). On YouTube you will find the interview I gave to Rex Bloomstein for his film The Independent Mind. It is the final ten minutes of this link.
One in the eye, or rather another one in the eye, for those nice folks, the traditional enemies of free speech.
* Precise German text: Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, 15.12.2008, Nr. 293 / Seite 8: "Einzelne Formulierungen, die Himmler in Ansprachen wählte, deuten für Longerich darauf hin, "daß er die Entscheidung zur Ermordung von Frauen und Kindern tatsächlich in eigener Verantwortung getroffen hatte - im festen Vertrauen darauf, daß eine solche Vorgehensweise dem Willen der obersten Führung, dem Willen Hitlers, entsprach."
That nice Mr Madoff: Jewish leaders fear anti-Semitic backlash over Madoff scam - and $50 billion used to be a lot of money | Bradley Burston in Ha'aretz: Life imitates anti-Semitism. Um, d'you mean the antisemites often get it right?
Jaenelle Antas: page and photo gallery 2008-2012
Surely not that nice Mr Madoff next door? One of biggest pyramid scheme swindlers ever (allegedly near $50 billion) arrested and released on bail | Huffington Post | New York Times | Anne Applebaum in Slate | His Jewish victims include real-estate magnate Mort Zuckerman, the "Foundation for Humanity" of Elie Wiesel (lost $10 million), Sen. Frank Lautenberg and a charity of movie director Steven Spielberg. | Victims slideshow | Main news on BBC | Huffington Post again | Boston donors bilked out of millions | Ha'aretz: Madoff Wall Street fraud threatens Jewish philanthropy
More on that nice Mr Madoff: Jewish leaders fear anti-Semitic backlash over $50 billion Madoff scam - and $50 billion used to be a lot of money | Bradley Burston in Ha'aretz: Life imitates anti-Semitism. Um, d'you mean the antisemites often get it right? | ADL says Madoff has made "a perfect storm for the anti-Semites": Anti-Semitism floods Internet after Madoff scandal: campaigners | Alexander Cockburn: CounterPunch Diary on a major ethnic "cleansing" | Rense | What the Madoff scandal reveals about Hollywood Jews: they network, and exclude non-Jews: well, who'd a thunk it | The Times: Elie Wiesel's "Foundation for Humanity" victim
David Irving