about 1970 I persuaded Hitler's film
cameraman Walter Frentz in the wee
hours of one night to tell me about an
episode when he accompanied SS
Reichsführer Heinrich Himmler
to Minsk in August 1941, and witnessed a
massacre of civilians. I have often
narrated what Frentz told me on that and
subsequent occasions. (For further sources
see below). Here is what I told
at Washington State
Pullman, on April 13, 1998."
Frentz: Eye-witness of the Minsk
Massacre. . . THIS isn't my only
claim; I am not the only person who says
that -- Professor Gordon Craig, who
is the doyen of the American historians
says the same; Steven Spender says
the same. You'll find this printed in many
places, you won't find it in the leaflets
that's been handed to you outside this
evening. What has made me the leading authority
on the Nazi Party, which I think is one of
the guiding forces of evil in the 20th
Century, is the fact that I took the
trouble to do the ground work. I went to
the archives around the world. I spent
twenty years tracking down Adolf
Hitler's private staff, and
interviewing them and winning their
confidence, and winning over their private
diaries and their letters, and I try to
find out. This is the job of the historian --
Winston Churchill once said this: "The job
of the historian is to find out what
happened and why." We know what
happened; we know what happened in World
War II. We haven't really been able to
investigate the question why. It's
the "why" question that frequently doesn't
get asked and answered. Daniel Goldhagen has written a
very good book on the Holocaust. He has
written a book telling us who
pulled the trigger; who caused the
deaths; who did the shooting and
the mass exterminations on the eastern
front. But he overlooks the basic
question, which is far more important to
my mind, and this is the question
"why"? Why did the Holocaust happen, for
example? Why did the Germans, the
Ukrainian, the Latvians and all the other
nations which took part in the Holocaust
find it so easy to kill the Jews? Why were
the Jews so hated? The questions that
really matter don't get asked. Is there a difference in the German
mentality? I think there is, and I think
Goldhagen in this point, (whom I otherwise
share very little in common with), is
right. I can give you one example of this.
Outside this lecture theatre, you'll find
some very big pictures in colours, which
were taken by one of Adolf Hitler's
personal cameramen. He is a personal acquaintance of mine;
he's considered a skilled camera man. He
is still alive; he's aged ninety. He lives
in Lake Constance, and he witnessed a mass
shooting. And he told me this one morning,
at two in the morning, when we were having
a bottle of wine -- in Lake Constance --
he and his wife and I. He said: "You know
Mr Irving, I went on a trip to the Eastern
Front with the Chief of the SS,
Heinrich Himmler. Himmler said to
me: 'Herr Frentz, it gets a bit
boring here in Hitler's
headquarters. You want to come on a little
excursion with me?' And Frentz said:
"Well, yes, I'd like to go, Herr
Reichsführer, it would be very
interesting." He went for three days, in a little
column of three six-wheel motor cars,
driving around the Eastern Front, visiting
the SS police battalions who were doing
the shooting. And one evening, Himmler
says to this photographer, Walter
Frentz: "Herr Frentz, tomorrow morning
we are going to be having a mass shooting.
Do you want to come along and have a look?
A mass extermination, tomorrow morning,
first thing. Do you want to come along and
have a look?" And this is where I think an
Englishman's mentality is a bit different
from the German mentality. Because, if
Himmler had said: "Mr Irving, we are going
to have a mass shooting tomorrow morning.
Do you want to come along and have a
look?" I would have said: "Mr Himmler,
tomorrow morning is completely
inconvenient for me -- any other day of
the week I would have been glad to come
along and have a look, but not
tomorrow." Frentz said: "I'd love to go," and he
described to me what he saw, when he
arrived the next morning when he arrived
in this village outside Minsk in White
Russia, on the Eastern Front. Seven in the
morning -- a big field, the SS officers
standing at one end in their elegant
uniforms, and at the other end they had
dug out great big pits, and lorry loads,
truck loads of civilians were being driven
up, and being stood on the edge of the
pit, and machine-gunned into the pit; and
eventually one of the gunners comes
running across to Frentz -- who is wearing
a Luftwaffe uniform, German air-force
uniform -- wide-eyed and staring, and
saying "I can't do this anymore, can you
get me posted to somewhere else?" At this point incidentally, Mrs Frentz,
who is listening to this description to
me, interrupts her husband and says:
"Walter -- I have never heard this story
from you before!" (This is the kind of
suppressed history, which exists in the
German mentality. You got to dig deep to
find this kind of real truth . . . Real
History, I call it. "Real History" with
capital R and capital H.) Walter's a bit embarrassed and says to
his wife: "I thought I told you this." And
his wife, you know the way wives are, she
begins to niggle a bit: She says: "Walter, these people being
shot . . . were there women and children
being shot, too?" And he says: "I can't really
remember!" But of course he can remember, he
doesn't want to say it. I give this example, as an example that
the fact that, if you spend enough time
with these people, you can win their
confidence and you can win their trust and
you begin to get to the real
[bedrock] of what happened and
why. And the other place for findings are in
the archives. I am not going to start too
much about eye-witnesses, because I am
very mistrustful about eye-witnesses, and
I leave it to you, particularly the
historians amongst you, to decide how far
you as individuals should really believe
you can trust the evidence of
eye-witnesses. Most of our Holocaust history, which is
now available in the library in your
university, and in the newspapers and
elsewhere, is based on the eye-witness
testimony. And sometimes I am a bit
tasteless when I say that the eye-witness
testimony is really "a matter for
psychiatric evaluation." Not that I am implying that the people
are in any way mentally unbalanced, but
there is a psychiatric phenomenon, which I
myself have been prone to, (I have
discovered over the years), that after a
time you don't remember what actually
happened . . . you are beginning to
remember memories . . . and then
you remember memories of memories,
and after a time the memories becomes
confused and polluted with what you
have read and what you have been
told . . . and here we are fifty years
after the event, and you are no longer
quite sure what you actually saw with your
own eyes and what you've read in the
meantime, or seen in the movies. So [with] eye-witnesses, I
plead with you, be very careful, and trust
instead what the magistrate's court would
believe in: Like forensic evidence or
documents. [...] 
See also the references by "Holocaust
denier" (!) Mr Irving to the same
episode in the verbatim transcripts of
the Lipstadt Trial, Day
2 and Day
19: (they are large text files),
and search for "Frentz" or bulk
download the whole trial (1MB, text
document, StuffIt expander needed).
Frentz also took the photos
of Hitler and Ribbentrop, and of Hitler
with his generals
colour photographs of Hitler, Himmler,
Puttkamer, Bormann,
Irving's dealings with Walter

On page 424 of the 1991 edition of
War David Irving wrote as follows:No
direct report by Himmler or Heydrich to
Hitler on the barbarous massacres of
Russian Jews they themselves had
witnessed has ever come to light. At
supper on October 5, for example,
Himmler, who had just returned from his
extended tour of the Ukraine on which
he had visited Kiev, Nikolaev, and
Kherson, related to Hitler his
impressions of Kiev. Werner Koeppen,
who was a guest at Hitler's table that
evening, recorded Himmler's comments:
Kiev . . . the number of inhabitants
is still very great. The people look
poor and proletarian, so that we
could easily dispense with 80 or 90
percent of them! Hitler's
surviving adjutants, secretaries, and
staff stenographers have all testified
that never once was any extermination
of either the Russian or European Jews
mentioned even confidentially at
Hitler's Headquarters. Colonel Rudolf
Schmundt appears to have suspected what
was going on; for when Hitler's movie
cameraman Walter Frentz accompanied
Himmler to Minsk on an outing with
stage designer Benno von Arent, he
found himself the horrified witness of
a mass open-air execution; Schmundt
advised him to destroy the one color
photograph he took, and not to poke his
nose into matters that did not concern
him. |