British Intelligence authorities
had no interest in saving the
Jews of Hungary or anywhere else;
and even less in unleashing such
an unwholesome torrent into
17, 2003 (Tuesday) London
(UK) ALL DAY at the Public Records Office
until seven p.m. I spend the hours,
without a break, reading and digesting a
British Intelligence file on the Hungarian
Jewish leader Joel Brand (and
typing 6,500 words of notes from it).
Brand was sent by Adolf
Eichmann to Istanbul on May 19,
1944 on a top-secret mission to negotiate
the notorious "trucks-for-Jews deal" with
the British and was promptly arrested by
Britain's SIME [Security Intelligence,
Middle East] and held incarcerated in
Cairo until it was too late. I
already knew of Eichmann's side of the
story from his papers, which one of his
family friends gave to me in Buenos Aires
in October 1991 (and which I donated to
the German Federal Archives).
Joel Brand took with him from Budapest
an interesting fellow traveller, a Jewish
carpet-smuggler and Gestapo-agent -- yes
there were such creatures --, Bandi
(Andor) Gross, who claimed to have
been given a mission by Eichmann's
henchman von Klages, on the orders
of "Four-eyes Heinrich" (Heinrich mit
Augenglas) himself, to approach the
British with a separate peace deal. Some
of the intercepted Jewish
letters. . . | Perez Zvi Rafi wrote
from Hungary on July 12, 1944,
that the funds had been received
from 'uncle' [the treasurer
of the Jewish Agency]: 'We do
all in our power and there should
be no limits for the means to be
put at our disposal.' The
possibilities were boundless.
'The transport of approximately
1,700 people is gone.' [The
Censorship examiner added the
note: 'The ultimate destination
of this transport was Spain, in
accordance with an arrangement
with the Germans, but under the
appearance of a deportation
transport' meant for
the benefit of]]
the Hungarian authorities. This
transport took place before the
notorious "Willi-Joel"
discussions took place.'] 'We had to
prepare it by means of conspiracy
against the Hungarian
authorities, We succeeded better
than we could hope. The
conditions are of no importance,
but sufficiently good. That sixty
persons had to travel in one
wagon was due to ourselves
because we increased the group in
the last minute and without the
knowledge of our Aschkes
[German agents] by almost
30 percent. Nevertheless,
everybody could take with him
what he wanted.: three trucks
loaded with food were attached at
the end of the train; the doors
were kept open; the guard was
very small
We have already
our own news from Vienna [the
transport was directed to an
exchange camp near Hanover
Belsen]] and
passed Vienna.] which confirm
absolutely the official
information received from Aschke
[Germans]. The transport
spent a few hours in Vienna and
was awaited there with provisions
(the transport was called by the
Aschkes [Germans] "the
show-off Jews" (Parade-Juden)
' | Joel
Brand sent a telegram to the
Jewish Agency in Istanbul, in
which he hinted at the scale of
the project: | In this wire, he said that he
was in contact with "Willi", i.e.
Wisliceny, and that he had
mentioned 'Gisi's' points --
i.e., the deal for which Gisi
Fleischmann had been trying to
rise finance, to buy out the
Slovakian Jews -- | For
several weeks the wires of the
underground Zionist network ran
hot. In Zürich there were
several meetings on the Joel
Brand and Kastner plan -- the
British Intelligence intercepted
records of them in due course,
and easily decoded the hidden
meanings. | On June 7,
1944 one such meeting report
read: 'Joel is now in Kuschta
[Istanbul] and brought
with him a great Tolchnith
[plan]. This Tochnith is
as fantastic as it is devilish.
The Ashkenasim [Germans]
at present allow only a small
Jeziah [emigration] to
E.I. [Palestine]. Should
however Jehuda Halevi
[Spain] and Port
[Portugal] permit the
transit, Ashke [the
Germans] would be prepared to
let all Jehudim [Jews]
from Zivia [Poland] Slova
[Slovakia] and Hagar
[Hungary] go. Schnajim
Elef Alafim Stefan [two
million dollars] must be paid
besides all Hozaoth Derech
[travel expenses], as
well as all Hozaoth
[expenses] incurred
before the beginning of the
Aliyah [emigration to
Palestine]. Kaspi
[money] would not be the
stumbling bloc but the question
of certifications is still
unsolved, as the Memschalah
[the government] has a
very negative attitude towards
Aliyah [immigration] and
has only accorded 20,000
certificates. Wenia [Wenia
Pomeraniec, Istanbul] has
immediately gone to E.I.
[Palestine] to discuss
the whole Tochnith [plan]
with the Schohnut [the Jewish
Agency]. Much depends on the
necessary understanding of the
Menschala. [the Palestine
Government]. . . 'Various
enquiries have shown that only a
small percentage of the local
Plitim [Jewish refugees in
Switzerland] is prepared to
emigrate to Palestine. The same
state of things prevails among
the youth. . . 'The Schaliach
from Ashkenas [the emissary
sent by the Hechalutz
organisation to Germany] has
returned. He brought with him the
receipt confirming that our
people have received meah elem
[hundred thousand mark?],
that the Darkiah
[passport] for a Chaverah
of Jaari [a girl belonging to
the Hasomer Hazair
Organisation] has been
obtained and that the general
Chomer [material, informatory
material] has been delivered.
. .'
ON June 15, 1944 Reszö
Kastner wrote this letter in
German to the Jewish Agency in
Jerusalem, Palestine. 'In
connection with the negotiations
conducted by Joel Brand, we have
assumed the obligation to deliver
to the authorities charged with
Jewish affairs certain quantities
of goods. These goods are to be
repaid with human lives, i.e. the
deportations are to be
stopped. 'Most of the
required goods are such as are
needed by the civil population,
for instance cocoa, medicaments,
shirts, etc. We promised the
persons with whom we were
negotiating to get the goods from
abroad, and we began to act
immediately with a view to
obtaining them in Axis-controlled
territories. Our efforts in this
matter directed by Julius
Link (who suggested the
affair in this form) are likely
to be successful. It should be
noted that the goods are not to
be imported from overseas (this
question was likewise discussed
by Brand, but we do not know as
yet what the agreement is which
he has made), these are goods
which are to be found in these
territories and need only to be
collected and paid for. 'The payment
must be made in Swiss francs,
that is also the only way in
which goods can be bought. The
first instalment should be made
over in a very short time, and
requires approximately 8,000,000
francs. The lot of the Jews will
be alleviated by our partners in
proportion to the amount of the
goods which we will provide, Many
hundreds of thousands have to be
saved from deportation and from
its consequences, we must
accordingly be helped to carry
out this operation. 'The JDC
[Joint Distribution
Committee] is expected to
contribute $10,000,000 dollars
[sic], a big sum, but
small enough if compared with the
hopes based on it. 'In both cases,
that of the above mentioned
8,000,000 francs and the matter
of the dollars, the money could
be regarded as a loan, to be
repaid after the War out of
Jewish property. Make the
following proposal:- 'Some
financiers should provide the
sums required in both cases,
guaranteed by the whole property
of the Jewish community of
Budapest, which possesses in real
estate terms, much more than
50-60 million dollars. You can
work out the details. It is as
yet possible to help and to save
the lives of many hundreds of
thousands of Jews, no time must
be lost, do everything necessary
for the success of this
endeavour. We may suppose that
our partners are serious about
their proposal. (Signed) JOE.'["Presumably Kastner of
Palestine Office,
Budapest"]. | There
is also something of a final
report on the history of the
mission, dated July 12, 1944
written by somebody in Hungary to
the Jewish Agency. | I wonder if that mission ties in with the
August 31, 1944 "special message" from
Heinrich Himmler which "C" sent to
Churchill, and which the prime minister
destroyed after reading, as he noted in
his characteristic red ink:
'C. Himmler
telegram kept and destroyed by me.
WSC.31.viii'.The bargain that Himmler had allegedly
authorised Eichmann to offer was one
million live Jews for ten thousand army
trucks to be supplied by the Allies (for
use on the eastern front only), brand new
and laden if possible with comestible
goodies -- coffee, tea, cocoa, etc. The British Intelligence authorities
had no interest in saving the Jews of
Hungary or anywhere else; and even less in
unleashing such an unwholesome torrent
into Palestine. Brand was subjected to
several leisurely interrogations from June
15, 1944 and throughout July, and finally
released to Palestine on August 5, 1944
after Moscow objected to his being
returned to Budapest (where his wife and
children were held hostage by the
Nazis). Lord Moyne, the British Minister
in Cairo, was firmly opposed to Brand's
return to Budapest; Jewish terrorists
assassinated Moyne -- Churchill's friend,
alias Walter Guinness -- a few
weeks later.
JUDGING by the interrogations of Brand and
Gross, and their secret mail and telegrams
-- intercepted and translated from the
German and Hebrew by the British
Intelligence in Jerusalem -- huge sums of
money flooded into the hands of the
Hungarian Jews from the Treasurer of the
Jewish Agency (referred to in their secret
messages as "uncle").
At one stage Brand deliberates on
whether to pay cash to his first contact,
the tall, fat, well uniformed
Sicherheitsdienst officer Dieter
Wisliceny, in return for Jews, or
diamonds and Gold instead. His colleagues
urge him to offer diamonds, of which they
have large hoards: they scheme to
over-value the diamonds grossly, but they
will of course pay the full commission to
their fellow conspirators. In the end the wily SS officers settle
for cash -- 200,000 dollars (or
stefanim, as the Jews referred to
dollars) are paid over to Wisliceny in one
such transaction; I do hope Wisliceny had
a chance to enjoy them before the Czechs
hanged him after the war. Under
interrogation, Brand confirmed that
Eichmann and his men were asking for
dollars, or Swiss francs, or -- with
slightly more emphasis -- South American
"pesetas". There is one interesting sidelight on
statistics and "missing Jews". In
Slovakia, an enterprising Jewess, Frau
Gisi Fleischmann, had arranged with
Wisliceny in 1943 for the Jewish community
to provide him with two million dollars in
return for favours and concessions. In the
event, she had been unable to raise all
the money in time and, says Brand, she
died at Auschwitz. However Palestine
Censorship intercepted a letter written by
a Mrs G Fleischmann in Bratislava, the
Slovakian capital, on Nov 7, 1944, to
Jerusalem, showing that she was still very
much alive then, active in the Hechalutz
and other Jewish labour organisations,
sending jam etc to the Jüdische
Unterstützungsstelle in Krakau,
THERE is one other vein of information I
have still to drill down into -- I read
the dossier already some years ago, in the
wartime Ministry of Information files: it
contains more intercepted letters between
Joel Brand, languishing in the Middle
East, and his masters in Jerusalem and
Budapest including the unfortunate Jewish
community leader Rezsö Kastner
-- unfortunate in that he survived the war
in Nazi controlled Europe, only to be
assassinated in 1957 by Jewish zealots
after winning a libel action in Tel
Nobody else ever seems to be looking at
these files, and I am damned if I am going
to draw their attention to them. [Previous
Radical's Diary] |