Picture above: July 18,
AUSCHWITZ [Polish state archives] Extract from BAOR Interrogation [032/CASE No.
0164/HOFFMANN] of Gauleiter Albert Johann Adolf
Hoffmann, born 24.10.1907, Gauleiter of Westfalen
Süd (NSDAP since 1926, appointed Feb 10, 1941 by Hess
to be Deputy Gauleiter to Gauleiter Bracht in Upper Silesia;
also to be Gauobmann of the DAF and Gauwirtschaftsberater,
with officers at Kattowitz):- "69. Subject is still convinced that National
Socialist emphasis on the annihilation of the Jews was
justified, since they represented a body of undesirables
in Germany. His comments on the methods of treatment
employed against the Jews, is, that he considers them to
have been 'unfair.' "70. Subject has personally visited two
concentration Camps. Well before 1938 he inspected
Dachau, where he found conditions to be excellent, and in
1941 he had occasion to accompany Himmler to Auschwitz.
Here, he states, conditions were considerably worse.
Maltreatment did occur and subject has actually seen the
ovens where bodies where being burned. He totally
disbelieves the accounts of atrocities as published in
the Press. ..." Hoffmann was captured Oct 4, 1945. His papers and
typescript memoirs (Erinnerungen, dictated 1950) will be
found in the Bundesarchiv-Koblenz, in file Kl. Erw. 854/1. |