recognises me, I recognise him; neither of
us speaks to the other. Eyelashes are left
unbatted. This is England, after

29, 2007 (Thursday) London
(England) IN
the mail I find the original telegram that the
Intelligence officer at British Second Army
Headquarters sent to his commanding general, M.
C. Dempsey, announcing the "suicide" of
Heinrich Himmler. Its owner, a private
collector in Australia, has sent it to me. The bits
of the puzzle are slowly coming together.
At 6 pm I am at the Kew home of Hugo
Haig-Thomas, a researcher who has done fine
work for me in the Himmler files held at the Public
Record Office. He tells me he is puzzled to find
himself credited in the latest Williams biography
on Reinhard
Heydrich, by an author for whom he has
never worked. He has a friend, Colin Macmillan, whose
father was in the Scots 51st Highland Division in
World War II, and has two albums of post-1945
photographs. One of them is a 1945 copy photograph
taken by the proprietor of a Hamburg Foto
Werkstatt, Hans Hümpel, of the May 22,
1945 British army report on the arrest of "Heinrich
Hizinger" (sic) -- the name adopted by Himmler as
he tried to break through British lines. It
appears that somebody took a plate-camera
photograph of the document; the glass plate
cracked, and a print made from that has been
Colin says his father bought a print at a time
when such bootleg prints were being sold cheaply
around the British army in northern Germany. It is
an interesting document, and I will compare it with
the original in the British archives to see if
there are differences. Its date, May 22, is odd: Himmler's actual death
was one day later. Where did he spend those last
two days? The whole mystery interests me deeply. An
American in Idaho tells me in an email this morning
that he has ninety-two original photographs showing
Himmler and Hitler, including Himmler's death. "I have one photo of Himmler taken at his death
site. It is similar in layout to the sketches done
in the Illustrated London News in 1945. It shows
Himmler on his back with the strings strung near
the body, as seen in the news paper, pencil sketch
(I quess the strings were to keep people from
disturbing the body), the eye glasses had been
placed back on his face, as seen in the pencil
sketch as well. Bruises are obvious on his lips, so
some one did try to pry open his mouth." 
Still opening mail, I find an original
photograph of Adolf Hitler and Himmler, sent
by veteran document hunter Charles Snyder
The picture is taken from behind Hitler as he
addresses the Nazi Old Guard in a Munich beerhall
on November 9, 1943, a month after Himmler's
ominous speech at Posen. Hitler has just cracked a
joke, and the Reichsführer (center front
row) is applauding appreciatively, his hands in
a blur. I
INVITE A., my barrister friend, to dine at an
Italian restaurant near my hotel in Belgravia. The
waiter seats us by the window.
At the table next to ours I notice Lord
Archer, left, deep in furrowed-brow discussion
with a gentleman of swarthy countenance. He
recognises me, I recognise him; neither of us
speaks to the other. Eyelashes are left unbatted.
This is England, after all. Archer was sent to a British prison in 2001 for
four years for telling porkies in the High Court. I
have just come out of an Austrian prison for
venturing a true but illegal opinion on history,
over seventeen years ago. Two unrepentant jailbirds, wing to wing: former
people's perjurer, and former political prisoner. I
know which I prefer. [Previous
Radical's Diary] Donate
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dossier on the Holocaust-
Stumer wonders why ex-jailbird Lord Archer can
visit Australia but Mr Irving