photo for index of mostly copyright-free high resolution
photos of David Irving and his career | "Der
SPIEGEL wird seinen neuen Autor im Auge behalten:
Während sein Bericht in diesem Heft beginnt, reist
Irving schon wieder durch Deutschland, um Material für
eine neue Dokumentation
zusammenzutragen" Der
Spiegel, Germany's leading news magazine, in
1965 ". . . a British historian, David
Irving, perhaps the greatest living authority on the Nazi
era . . ." Stephen Spender, New York Times Review of Books
text] "SUCH PEOPLE AS David
Irving have an indispensable part in the historical
enterprise, and we dare not disregard their views."
Professor Gordon
C Craig, The New York Review of Books, September 19,
1996. "ES IST EIN GLÜCK für uns . . . einen Irving zu
haben, der den Historikern zumindest neue Anstöße
gibt." Professor Hans
Mommsen, Ruhr-Univ. Bochum, 1978: now
see his panic! Charakterschweine gibt es ja
überall. "FOR BETTER or for worse . . . the best known historians
of the Nazi era are now [Daniel] Goldhagen and the
British writer David Irving."-- Holocaust and Genocide
Studies, vol. 11, no. 3 (Oxford University Press, in
association with U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum). Alphabetical site index
(text) |
David Irving:
Index Page 
Running, a 1985 biographical brochure. [
Now on-online
Two-page leaflet (140k)

Irving hosted a farewell dinner at the Hilton Chicago before
returning to Windsor, UK

Irving talks on the campus of Harvard University
Irving speaking in Phoenix, Arizona | David
Irving in Person: - Family ancestry:
biographies of father, grandfather, etc
- An Index of
Personal Things
- Draft unpublished
memoirs, chapters of
- Some copyright-free high
resolution photos of David Irving
- Reminscences by
friends of David Irving at Brentwood School,
- At London University 1956-59, becomes a writer |
contemporary recalls
- May 1959: The
Carnival Times scandal | or 50
years on: David Irving, Apartheid and ULU | front
page | orgies
artoon | apartheid
- 1956-1959 documents: Applies
for RAF officers' commission, Linguist Course, refused on
alleged medical grounds (pdf file, 12MB)
- How Der
Spiegel, Germany's leading news magazine, praised its
newcomer author David Irving in
1965 (in German)
- David
Irving: Information for Counsel on my Background
- 1970: Susan
Barnes (wife of Rt.Hon.Anthony Crosland, MP) writes a
positive multi-page profile for The Sunday Times,
September 1970: "Portrait of a Gentleman"
- Late
in 1977 the Institut für Zeitgeschichte director
Prof Dr Martin Broszat publishes a virulent 37-page
attack on David Irving's biography, Hitler's War,
in their quarterly journal (pdf, in German); they refused
to publish a reply
- Canadian
Globe & Mail newspaper published a warm view of Mr
Irving's talents as an historian and
biographer -- in
- The Spectator interviews Benté Hogh:
with the Enemy"
- July 1982: Stunning
blonde in the life of Hitler apologist David
- A
balanced account of David Irving's historical career
written by an Israeli Institute (we do not endorse
all its findings of course): "From Revisionism to
Holocaust Denial - David Irving as a Case Study," by Roni
Stauber of the Steven Roth Institute for Racism and
anti-Semitism, Tel Aviv University. Dated evidently in
- A less balanced account, a smear
sheet on David Irving issued by the Anti-Defamation
League of the B'nai Brith in New York, 2004
Running. A 1985 biographical
brochure about Mr Irving (and his 1983
role in exposing the Fake Hitler Diaries scandal) The
Other Controversies: Banned from countries around the World READ
Irving's topical newsletter
online, updated daily |  |