THIS WEBSITE knows that the following are in need of Christian sustenance, for the brave fight that they or their loved ones put up for the cause of Free Speech and scientific inquiry. If our visitors know of others who are suffering, please contact us. [For the latest victims click here.] [Now read the German Government's 1998 Attempt to Justify its Suppression of Free Speech and their replies to Britons who have protested about this violation of free speech]. |
Original Colour photograph from David Irving: Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reich (picture by Walter Frentz)
Remer's widow has written to us. Read her letter. | Anneliese Remer The widow of
Otto-Ernst Remer, highly decorated German army
general, who died in her arms aged 86 in exile on October 4,
1997: |
| Margarete Walendy The wife of publisher Udo Walendy, (left), who has been imprisoned by the Germans -- as the judge shamefully announced, not for what he had said, but for what he had "left unsaid." Dipl. Pol.
Margarete Walendy [A German-language dossier on the Walendy case] Write
to him in prison: |
ex-schoolmaster and father of a young family, now serving his fifth year in prison in Germany for interpreting the scientific lecture by execution technology consultant Fred Leuchter in 1990, and for chairing a lecture by British writer David Irving at Weinheim in 1991. Several Britons have protested to the German embassy about this violation of free speech. His address in prison is: Günter
Deckert - politischer Häftling - | |
was a wartime
German officer in Italy. Now eighty years old, he was
acquitted on August 1, 1996 by an Italian court on charges
relating to his minor role in the wartime Nazi shooting of
hostages after communist partisans ambushed and killed a
German army patrol in Rome. Priebke was put on trial again
after a public outcry, and sentenced to five years'
imprisonment; taking his twenty months' prisoner of war
internment into account, this would have resulted in his
release later this year (1998). In 1998 however he was put
on trial by a military court for a third time, and given a
life sentence. He has written to us: "Would you be willing
to help me?" | The reputable Italian body, Associazione Uomo e Libertà, asks that people around the world protest Priebke's case, writing to Amnesty
International, Letters of encouragement can be sent to Erich Priebke
[German-language dossier on the case] |