David Irving[Photo by
Michael Hentz, for The New York Times]
David Irving's Letters to
Newspaper Editors [Published and Unpublished] | Index
- To The Guardian,
Sunday, August 30, 2009: The Nuggets of Andrew
- To The Times , Apr 12,
2007 setting the record straight on Werner Maser and the
Hitler Diaries
- David Irving threatens The
Times in Aug 1996 with libel action for a Bernard Levin
- A "bullying neo-fascist
conman" (Mr Irving) replies to The Observer, Jun 17,
- Michael Shrimpton's letter
on the bombing of Dresden, to which Mr Irving
- Puzzled that the Sunday
Telegraph (May 6, 2001) describes the Alanbrooke Diaries
as being previously suppressed. They were not
- A comment on the Nick
Cohen article in The Observer, Mar 18, 2001 on David
Irving's use of the libel laws
- Letter on The Lies of John
Lukacs, in Evening Standard, Jan 31, 2001
- The Sunday Times: Unmoved
that Speer "disliked" me
- The Independent:
David Irving is "sorry to spoil the party -- me being
called a racist"
- The Times, Apr 14, 2000,
re sources of mr Irving's funds
- Globe and Mail, Oct
22, 1996, correcting Jacob Heilbrunn's report
- Churchill's nights
on the roof of No. 10 Downing Street -- David Irving's
letter in Toronto Globe & Mail, Mar 11, 2000
- Frankfurter Allgemeine
Zeitung, Mar 4, 2000, protesting about a lie about
Michael Naumann
- To The Times, Jan 30,
2000: "Churchill 'offered land to Mussolini'"
- To the Sunday Telegraph,
Jan 16, 2000, correcting Andrew Roberts article on
Lipstadt trial
- Nov 1989: The
Spectator published David Irving's letter about the
deathrolls in Auschwitz and Hamburg
- Stalin's oldest son
Yakov Dzugashvili was not "shot" by Nazis, he committed
- In 1983 to the Jewish
Chronicle: Dr Gerald Fleming falsely attributed Himmler's
words, in a speech to army generals on Jan. 26, 1944
- Jan 17, 1997: Letter
about David Cesarani's review of Van Pelt's book in The
Jewish Chronicle | Cesarani's
livid reply Jan 24, 1997
- Aug
8, 1999: to the London Sunday Telegraph about selling out
Poland, 1939
- Response to Warren
Kinsella smear in National Post, Jun 2, 1999
- To the Daily Telegraph, Apr
13, 1999: did Dr Kissinger's law Þrm have Slobodan
Milosevic on its bankroll some years ago?
- Protest about bombing
Belgrade, to the Daily Telegraph, Apr 4, 1999
- To the Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung, July 8, 1977: no proof Hitler ordered
- Letter to the
Solinger Tageblatt, December 10, 1982: reasons why
historians have got it wrong on the Final
- To The Daily Telegraph,
December 18, 1998, protesting at RAF bombing of
- To the Sunday Times,
London, April 13, 1958: Learning Russian
- To The Times, March 21,
1991, reporting Polish tests on the Auschwitz
- Protest to The
Independent about article's "video Nazis" headline, May
23, 1992
- To The Australian,
July 26, 1994, protesting about libels by Deborah
Lipstadt during her Australia tour
- To The Daily Telegraph,
August 26, 1994: protesting a "Jewish cemeteries"
- The Seattle
Weekly, Nov. 19, 1995, on post-war fakery at
- Frankfurter Allg. Zeitung,
March 27, 1995, defending an organiser of a
- Der Spiegel, April 26,
1995: Von einer ,,Auschwitzlüge" spreche nur die
deutsche Presse
- Berkeley's Daily
Californian, Oct. 25, 1995, about Rabbi Shapiro's role in
the anti-free speech riots