DAVID IRVING Deportation from Canada 1992
 Including documents
Released Under the Access to
Information Act
Index - Canadian translation: Munich
"conviction" in absentia, July 17, 1991:
fined DM 7,000.
- Canadian translation: Verdict
of the Munich District Court, May 5, 1992:
increased to 10,000 DM fine
- Canadian file photocopy: The Daily
Telegraph, London, May 6, 1992: "German
court rejects Irving appeal"
- From secret Canadian files, a summary
of the early attempts by the traditional
enemies of Free Speech to silence Mr Irving
in Canada
- Canadian file photocopy: House of Commons,
London, Jul 10, 1992: Glenda
Jackson MP asks Government to prosecute Mr
Jewish bodies start planting smears in secret
Ottawa Government files
Last Tour of Canada, October - November
1992:- The
role of the Simon Wiesenthal Centre in
suppressing free speech in Canada
- Documents
on Canada's ban on David Irving: he calls upon
the US Embassy in London, June 1993, to
investigate who tampered with computers
- In
its Winter 1992 journal Response, The
Simon Wiesenthal Centre gloats at its success in
suppressing free speech in Canada
- Oct 9, 1992: the Canadian Government sends
a letter
to Mr Irving in Los Angeles advising him he
may be banned from Canada
- Oct 15, 1992 Vancouver barrister Douglas
Christie asks
the Federal Court for an injunction to
prevent the minister from banning the speaker's
- Oct 27, 1992: Canadian border units
get photo of Mr Irving
- Oct 27, 1992: Immigration
trumps up a charge against Mr Irving (but it
won't wash, as the German "conviction" has to
have an exact parallel under Canadian law)
- Oct 27, 1992: [Constable] George
Heger, of Calgary
Police Service, sends a fax to Calgary
Immigration about David Irving
- Oct 28, 1992: An anonymous agent
tips off Canadian Immigration that David
Irving is to speak at Calgary, Alberta, on Nov 2
| Canadian
journalist Bill Dunphy boasted of how he helped
to destroy free speech in Canada
- Oct
28, 1992: speech at Victoria, BC [ending
with his arrest]
- Oct 28, 1992: 11 p.m., Mr
Irving interrogated at Victoria police
- Oct 29, 1992: The Province, Vancouver,
reports: "Cops
nab Irving ... in Victoria"
- Oct 30, 1992: Canadian immigration Case
Presenting Officer Wilkinson secretly notes
during hearing against Mr Irving in Vancouver:
- October 30,
1992: Brian Fisher's affidavit confirming Mr
Irving's brief excursion from Canada to the
- November
1, 1992: speech at Toronto, Ontario
- Canadian
Jewish News, Toronto, November 3, 1992:
"Irving Defies Law"
Illegal Expulsion, November 13,
1992: The
Legal Actions:July
13, 1993: Judge Rothstein denies leave to appeal
(without giving reasons)