- "IT
IS SURELY against this fraught and
unstable background -- the marriage-war with
Magda [Goebbels], the sniping from his
enemies -- that we have to examine the historic
episode which immediately follows." Thus David
Irving opens his chapter
on Kristallnacht, the Night of Broken Glass,
November 1938.
- The
writing of Hitler's War: David Irving
explains to his publisher, May 1968
- San Francisco Court rules that ADL
must come clean, disclose files
- David Irving protests to The Times
about the
proposed bombing of Iraq [and visit
- New Zealand's leading Holocaust historian
says a
word or two about David Irving
- In 1977 David Irving's Hitler's War
provoked a world-wide storm; he wrote
a commentary a few days later
- "More women died on the back seat of Edward
Kennedy's car at Chappaquiddick than in
that 'gas chamber'," replies David
Irving to Auschwitz-I commandant's daughter,
whose mother says "those were not there" |
account of a library
meeting on the Holocaust in Fairfax County,
- Document: settling
old scores with "historian" John Lukacs
- New York "rights" body markets "anti-porn"
software which blocks truth-seekers on WW.II
history and the Holocaust, and switches them to
... its own Website
- Obituary of a Hero: a Father
of the Modern Computer -- cracked the
"unbreakable" Nazi code-teleprinter
- Document: After reading The Leuchter Report
Lord Donaldson, Britain's most senior High Court
judge, writes to David Irving in June 1990 "I
think there is a case,
for history's sake, for a full inquiry" into
Auschwitz | A 1991
critique of the Leuchter Report, and a
phoney SS "crematorium" document
exposed [in
German] | How the Allgemeine
Jüdische Wochenzeitung reported the
Irving's Goebbels Diaries scoop in July 1992
- Protests
at new anti-British Holocaust documentary
outside Tampa, Florida, movie theatre0
- Major new
history of KZ Belsen confirms: No gas
chambers, not an extermination camp
- South African Stock Exchange flees
Black heart of Johannesburg city
- Five years ago: the New Zealand
Herald analyses origins of Jewish
influence on successive Australian governments
in banning David Irving
- Real History dossier: Did the Nazis make
from human skin?
- Documents: Prof. Laurence Maher states in
The Age, Melbourne: Sept. 19, 1994 the
Migration Act was passed
"to keep David Irving out of Australia." |
How David Irving
replied to Lucy Dawidowicz's smear in
"The Holocaust and the Historians" |He
a sarcastic letter to Prof. Jäckel, and
recommends he research in archives rather than
railway hostelries, after Jackel endorses a
of a1946 (post-war) Hamburg railroad
photograph as Holocaust evidence
- British Member of Parliament drops
bombshell: Four
Israeli spies were on UN inspection team!
- Canadian TV discovers that the Mossad
is still using Canadian passports
- Le Pen's Prosecutor
interviewed about That Crime
- Canada's promising new national newspaper
Treads on
 - Don't
Repeat Canada's Mistake warns Britain's
leading national newspaper; with our own
- New Zealand expert's neutral assessment
of David Irving as an historian | Debate
on Internet WW2 group
- Closing Ranks: German Publisher Defends
Phony Holocaust Memoirs
- How Hitler's secretary
disowned her own "memoirs"
Walks out of Down-Under Human Rights
Hearing- Public Canadian
Criticism of Wiesenthal Centre following Sol
Littman's attack on the wisdom of Canada's
judges | Ten years ago David Irving testified
in Toronto
[reports in
 - More documents
on Canada's ban on David Irving: He asks the
US Embassy in London, June 1993, to investigate
who tampered with US-INS computers
- From David Irving's personal files: A 1978
remark about "Resistance"
Heroism | The Facts about the Nazi
air raid on Guernica | The 1934 Goebbels
Diary Proves that Adolf Hitler was not
implicated in the Dollfuss Murder | A
dossier on the 1970 PQ.17 Libel Action with
biographical items | In a private
1968 letter to McLachlan, first editor of
The Sunday Telegraph, David Irving
relates the background | How Germany first fined
him a small fortune for having told the truth
about Auschwitz in Munich in 1990: the 1991
Strafbefehl (Indictment) | His diary
of his 1992 Munich trial | He writes to San
Francisco Police Department for
his ADL dossier | 1994: on not declaring an
in Schindler's List |
ghoulish displays of the effects of victims
of tragedy | 1993 appeal
to the American Historical Association about
world-wide Persecution of Historians
- Conspiracy corner: When Argentina's press
suddenly warned (1991) of an "
agitador internacional"
- Can't Debate, Shan't Debate: German
chickens out at London Question Time (and
two Loudmouth Opponents Flee)
- Uproar in Australia as Government
Lets in Punk Weirdo (but still bans Irving)
| Thank you, Australia, for e-mailing to us
photographs of the Billionaire Leibler
brothers, enemies of Free Speech.
- British press condemns Blair's
arrest of General Pinochet as shameful
"contempt for the law"
- Document: Winter 1992, and the Simon
Wiesenthal Centre gloats at its success in
suppressing free speech in Canada
- What Bavarian prime minister Franz-Josef
Strauss wrote about David Irving's
- Zev Ben-Shlomo reviews
an authoritative Russian book about Lenin's
- Two 1979 readers' letters expressed
doubts (before Germany passed laws banning
- Dr John Fox gives the
low-down on a "conspiracy"
jails Pedro Varela for Five Years- Dr Robert Faurisson: How the European
Court Covered its Tracks
- How the British
Commandos manhandled the invalided Nazi
field-marshal Milch | Göring ruled that
was not a Jew
 - Slapped with Zündel "conspiracy"
lawsuit, Canadian Jewish Congress announces it
will "vigorously fight" [link]