| Left:
anti-Semitic Nazi postcard, "The Boss" (IRVING
COLLECTION / RASMUSSEN) | "Anti-Semitism is nothing
but the antagonistic attitude produced in the
non-Jew by the Jewish group. The Jewish group has
thrived on oppression and on the antagonism it has
forever met in the world." -- Albert Einstein, in
Collier's Magazine, November 26,
1938 An Index
Possible Causes and Origins of the Ugly and
Irrational Phenomenon known as anti-Semitism.
Possible Answers, Diffidently Offered, to the
Question, "Why Us?" | CONTINUED
ON PAGE 2 THIS IS the foul children's
book produced by the presses of Julius
Streicher, hanged at Nuremberg in 1946. Eighteen-year old author
Elwira Bauer penned a lengthy children's
poetry book ("a picture book for large and small")
entitled Trau keinem Fuchs auf grüner Heid
und keinem Jud bei seinem Eid ( Stürmer
Verlag, Nuremberg, 1936) -- Trust No Fox on his
Green Heath And No Jew on his Oath. To see a fine English translation
of this book, which was written in the German
original in copperplate Sütterlin handwriting,
see the German
Propaganda archive of Calvin College, 3201
Burton SE, Grand Rapids, MI 49546, USA. Very few copies of this work have
survived. One is offered for sale on the website of
Reich Auctions. at $3,500.
vendor] |
- Our
dossier on the activities of the Oligarchs in post-Soviet
- This brave new world: US
Congress mandates Holocaust education in grades K-12;
science and math requirements to be dropped
New legislation would also replace arts and crafts in
senior citizens' homes with workshops on Holocaust
denial. - Washington Post: Michael
Gerson writes More on Walt and Gearsheimer: Seeds of
| Touched the third rail: John
Mearsheimer's book The Israel Lobby and U.S. Foreign
Policy is fried by those nice folks next door
 - speak
too | withdraws
invitation : AWPOW!
 - More on those nice folks next door to Lebanon:
under investigation in murder case and on espionage
 - World safe again: The
fashion chain Zara withdraws anti-Semitic
- Front Page magazine sneers- The
Passion of Norman Finkelstein
| Playing hardball - Finkelstein
deal ends DePaul University tiff
| Finkelstein defeated - for now: Controversial
DePaul Professor Denied Tenure | Our
Finkelstein dossier | Flashback:
Tenure furore | The
Chronicle of Higher Education and reader-comments |
Threatened with Expulsion for Sit-In at DePaul University
- Told to stay as long as you want, then driven out by
Security - Toronto
billboards with reference to Nazi gas chamber: Bell
Canada pulls 'death camp' ads - wrong people making
money out of the horrors | AWPOW: Are we powerful or
what? DePaul
University pulls the plug on Professor Norman
Finkelstein's final year | Norman
Finkelstein's fine Eulogy on a Real Historian, Raul
Hilberg: he settles some scores too | Hilberg,
the Holocaust scholar who was hard on the Jews | Yet
another academic hate campaign Alumni
Group Seeks to Deny Tenure to Middle Eastern Scholar at
US Barnard College
| Outrage as "University
Sponsors Holocaust Denier Lecture With Taxpayer
Dollars" - surprise, it's Norman Finkelstein, so he
now joins the legions of the Undead
| As
Tenure Drama Comes Down to the Wire: Dershowitz v.
Finkelstein: Who's Right and Who's Wrong? Dershowitz
has refused to comment | Furore
over tenure for outspoken Chicago Professor Norman
Finkelstein - your support is asked Schmutz
und Schund: New
York Times reports on one of Israel's dirty little
secrets. In the early 1960s a series of Nazi-porn books
called Stalags became best sellers...- Dam springs more leaks: North
German TV station fires Eva Hermann, talk show host, for
praising Nazi family policies in Hitler era, especially
the esteem in which mothers were held: "That's too
much!" scream the muckspreaders: NDR fires Eva on the
spot, after twenty years [in German]
report | and
the International Herald Tribune. AWPOW again - are
we powerful or what! - AWPOW: Are we powerful or what? Traditional
enemies muzzling Free Speech in Australia. Barry Cohen
whinges about Foxtel having shown a Hitler
documentary scripted by David Irving | Foxtel
network pulls plug on documentary -- "acutely
- Risking outrage - The
Economist identifies the common denominator in Russia's
Oligarchs | Our
dossier on the activities of the Oligarchs in post-Soviet
- Then why did cop apply for the job? Las
Vegas detective sues police Lawsuit claims: Policy
against skullcap, beard violates his rights
 - AWPOW: Are we powerful or what? Lecture
cancelled after those nice folks threaten protest
 - Jewish Telegraph Agency blurts out: George
W Bush's Pro-'surge' group in Iraq is almost all
- Coincidence, says one, "half of the donors contributing
to its $15 million ad campaign are not Jewish" - and most
of the GIs, too - President
Bush has a productive meeting with community
- What
has happened to the billions raised for Holocaust
survivors? Money's not reaching them, it's been
embezzled by world organisations | A
Very Useful Prayer, the Kol Nidre sworn by the Orthodox
each Yom Kippur
- Firing
Foxman: ADL developments by Paul Gottfried | Not all
genocides are equal - Megalomaniac
Abe Foxman fires New England's ADL leader on issue of
Armenia: Turkey's friendship is svital to Israel | on
which see the
ineffable Lipstadt blog
 - A VERY unbiased symposium
(Lipstadt, Alan "Torture Them" Dershowitz, et al.):
Holocaust Denial
i.e. what we call Real History. - And, in unrelated news: Putin
aide attacks UK foreign minister Miliband over his
Warsaw-ghetto grandfather - The Daily Mail finds a
sneaky way of revealing that he is Jewish. Previously:
hatred for Russia "runs in family" -- and see the
readers' comments | Putin
aides attack Miliband over Litvinenko saga
 - Cracks
in Jerry-built Holocaust memorial cause headache for
- Great Shakedown Showdown: Survivors'
protest makes foreign journalists gasp, security
vanish Soundbite: "Israel took the money we should
have received. Where did our money go?"
 - Little relief for British taxpayers - London
synagogue gets same status as Stonehenge:
 - The Great Shakedown - Where
did all the money go?
 - The Great Escape - Orthodox
Jews break into Majdanek death camp
 - NY Sun senses distress - Rupert
Murdoch, son, differ sharply over Israel: pro-Israel
stance of News Corp. media could waver
- Outrage
as BBC refuses demand to remove a posting about Talmud
from its Web message board
| A Very Useful prayer,
the Kol Nidre - Wayne Madsen Report: Libby
a Long-Time Mossad Agent | More on Irving Liebowicz
("Scooter Libby" to you): Justin Raimondo: "Marc
Rich's lawyer, you probably don't remember, was
Libby." | Bush
commutes prison sentence on Liebowicz |
- Israeli
president resigns but avoids jail time - Moshe Katsav
signed a plea bargain - rape charges, no jail time |
public's fury at plea deal | Shimon Peres: The
New President of Israel, an unflattering
- The Taubs? Those nice folks next door? - Forty-five
diamond dealers charge that Alfred Avi Taub, 28-year-old
Israeli national; brother Oren, father Shalom and an
associate took $3.3 million in diamonds on consignment
and refused to return them
- Flashback: An
expert reviewed David Irving's history of the German
atomic bomb program, and a Prof Laurence Rose's attack on
a German Noble prizewinner: "Getting even with
- Guess who's laughing - French
courts order author Georges Theil to pay $135,000
penalties, plus prison, for non-conformist book on WW2
- That'll teach them #2 - Sippenhaft latest: Five
children of anti-Zionist Teheran-conference rabbi
expelled from Austrian school. Court to rule
clamps down on political prisoner Germar Rudolf: sent
to tougher jail | No freedom in Austria either Calls
for prosecution of David Irving's successful Lawyer Dr
Herbert Schaller
 - Basket case? Alan
Dershowitz, would-be Torturer in Chief, "champions
freedom of speech" - in London Times
 - Yawn - Israeli
MP arrested at airport with tens of thousands in cash and
checks - and the point is?
 - Israel
Today says British opposition leader David Cameron labels
himself 'a Zionist' -- that'll win him the money, but
lose him the votes
 - Unlike anywhere else Israeli
teenagers are a nuisance in Poland
 - Upgrading Auschwitz, buying Klimt's Golden Adele,
pays off: World
Jewish Congress elects Ronald Lauder as President -
he also led the blackmail shakedown of Swiss banks to
extract billions
- Online
encyclopedia created by anti-Zionist Jews under attack by
Internet "police"
 - Has rest of world to thank for all this - 'I
was put in a gas chamber,' whines Israeli doctor after
hassle at SF airport
 - How they do it: Alan
Dershowitz vows to "devastate and bankrupt" UK lecturers
who support academic boycotts of Israel | Anti-boycott
campaigners petition for Norman Finkelstein to be denied
tenure | more|
Dershowitz had an opponent's Harvard lecture
- All the usual suspects: Australian
cops seize Israeli smugglers, $37m Ecstasy haul
(Should've stuck to soap) | with our dossier: Israel's
links to the lethal global "ecstasy" trade ... - ADL's
Outrage that Swiss Foreign Ministry Floated the Idea of a
Holocaust Seminar with Iran
 - Contrary to some stories: ADL
outraged that Prison Term only Hardened David Irving's
Extremist Views - and the lesson is...?
 - Happy Campers: David
Margolick reviews Tova Reich's My Holocaust for the New
York Times:
"The story revolves around the barely disguised United
States Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington and the
fictional character Maurice Messer, a Holocaust survivor
and the presidentially appointed poo-bah in charge. The
elderly Messer has gotten rich off Hitler's genocide with
a company called Holocaust Connections Inc...."
read on...] - Update:
Larry Silverstein's Family were all Running Late on 9/11.
Fortunate coincidences spared all three Silversteins from
 - Anti-Defamation League: Most
Europeans feel Jews are too powerful in business |
Presse Agentur agrees: Europeans 'still hold anti-Jewish
attitudes' | Comments
| Jerusalem
Post: ADL's Foxman is baffled: "Millions of Europeans
continue to accept ... the charge that Jews are more
loyal to Israel than to their home country."- Thank
goodness for the ADL, then: the world would not be safe
without the ADL
ordered to keep away from Elie Wiesel | Wiesel
receives $250,000 prize for life's work- Seems there's a lot of money from somewhere floating
around out there - $1.5
million prize awarded to US scholar for study on the
Holocaust in American literature
 - More incorrigible anti-Semites - British
doctors call for new Israel boycott
 - More on those nice folks next door: Moscow
lawyer who came to New York to make porn films |
Likely paid for Chandler Mansion in Phoenix
- Alan
Dershowitz to Teach at "Mossad University" - IDC
Herzliya's Radzyner School of Law
- He "is well known for his strong pro-human rights
advocacy" | Uh, is this the same Dershowitz
who urged in a Nov. 2001 Los Angeles Times column that
prisoners be tortured, and isn't backing away from that
position one bit? - Justin Raimondo's prediction for the espionage trial
of the AIPAC officials: The
"lobby" will argue that good Americans spy for
Israel. Journalist Dorothy Rabinowitz argues that
there is a First Amendment right to engage in espionage
 - The Great Shakedown, Round 2: New
York lawsuit: Recognize 2nd generation as Holocaust
victims ("Holocaust Trauma") | Survivor
feels 'guilty for staying alive' - but not for
robbing modern Germany blind | Der Spiegel: Children
of survivors to sue Germany | But: New
research at University of Haifa proves Holocaust
Survivors' Trauma is not Passed Down to the Second
 - New
York Court throws out war crimes lawsuit against Israel's
Minister Avi Dichter - he ordered one ton bomb
dropped on Gaza City apartment building, Jul 22, 2002.
Judge finds he was official, acting under orders. Ah, we
understand - uh, no we don't
 - "Only democracy in Middle East" craps in own pants:
convicts nuclear whistleblower Mordechai Vanunu again
- after 18 years in jail, is now accused of talking with
journalists. (If Israel ever admits it has nuclear
weapons, US Congress is banned from providing financial
aid, as Israel refuses to sign the Nuclear
Non-Proliferation Treaty)
| Sh*tty
little country polls highest among 25 of world's nations
eager to use torture  - JDL Thugs
Attack Paul Fromm | Globe
& Mail: "Activists confront [rough up]
controversial educator" (don't you just love that
word "confront"?)
- Hold it right there - Slain
"American journalist" Daniel Pearl honored with Holocaust
victims | Let's get this story straight: Pearl was an
Israeli, not American (at
the request of Pearl's parents living in Tel Aviv the US
media "hushed up" this fact; but Israeli newspaper
Ha'aretz blew the gaff on him)
- Blog
re-examines argument that Churchill's mother had Jewish
- Oligarchs latest - Berezovsky
says he's planning Russian revolution
 - Eight more months to pantomime season Holocaust
lesson in Texas gets out of hand
 - Prof. Kevin MacDonald essay: MidEast
Policy -- Immigration Policy: Is The Other Boot About To
 - Outrage
as Spanish town cancels Holocaust Remembrance Day,
chooses to highlight Palestinian genocide instead
- More
outrage as Berliners use Lea Rosh's memorial as
toilet: Neo Nazis blamed: David Irving's
- Christian Science Monitor, Jan 26: The
hidden cost of those congressional trips to Israel
- Outrage in Vienna: Leading
Viennese newspaper publishes OpEd by Mr Irving's attorney
Dr Schaller | Die
Jüdische demands editor's head | National
Zeitung interview of victorious defence lawyer Dr
 - FPÖ
demands that Vienna's "Resistance Document Center" stop
acting as Communist-front spy agency
 - Memory-hole beckons The
precipitous departure of Zim Shipping from the World
Trade Center
- Outrage,
as National Security Agency report calls Holocaust
deniers "scholars and researchers" Jewish institute
demands report be recalled
ON PAGE 2, with many many more disturbing
examples |