4, 1992 (Monday) Koblenz
-- Munich, Germany At
Bundesarchiv [German government
archives] 8:30 a.m., deposited my
Sammlung [document
collection] with them. I drove off at
9:45 a.m. to Munich, stopping once for a
cup of tea and once for a fifteen minute
snooze, arriving at Bayerischer Hof on the
dot of 3:29 p.m. Alas, hotel had no sign
of my 4:30 p.m. press conference; quite
the contrary, manager told me he had
cancelled the booking because of Ewald
Althans's horrendous invitation
leaflet. I was furious. I spoke at
Bayerischer Hof with a couple of reporters
including local Daily Telegraph. Jews
demonstrated outside the Bayerischer Hof,
and inside our press conf., but I handled
them tactfully. Two hour
conference. Althans
is getting bumptious, out of control. No
sign of my lawyer Klaus Goebel.
That's annoying. Hope he turns up
5, 1992
(Tuesday) Munich, Germany Althans
came to the hotel for breakfast. Took two
taxis to the Amtsgericht
[courthouse] after loading the
boxes of books; 9 at court. Many of
Althans's friends were in court. I wish he
had not done that, I specifically asked
him and the others not to put on a display
of force at the courtroom. Outside the
court room later Jewish demonstrators were
allowed (!!) to gather. The two
Wachtmeister [police officers]
made no attempt to remove them or their
offensive banners. In
court 9 to 12, then back in court 12:45 to
4:30 p.m. After
I confirmed the statements quoted in the
Strafbefehl [indictment],
the judge, a nasty, pale-faced young chap
wearing jeans under his gown, and pebble
glasses, and stifling yawns and gazing
repeatedly out of the window, said the
case could end there and then with an
Urteil [sentence]! My
lawyers indicated they had rather more to
say, and put up a brave
defence.  DAVID
German lawyer Hajo Herrmann
(centre) was a wartime fighter pilot
ace (below, decorated with the Knight's
Cross for bravery; right in this
January 13, 1993 Munich courthouse
picture is his other attorney,
Schaller. Hajo
Herrmann was rather slow at getting
off the mark, and lost himself in his
papers a lot. Klaus Goebel was
brisker. It hardly mattered. The judge,
Stelzner, dismissed every single
application by us for the introduction of
defence evidence and witnesses including
Franciszek Piper, Berndt
Martin and Dipl. Chemiker Germar
Rudolf, who was in court to testify.
The judge withdrew four or five times, to
consider the applications, but no doubt
after consulting higher quarters he
returned each time with refusals.
Staatsanwältin [public
prosecutor], a woman of about 30, also
withdrew once for a recession, during
which she evidently obtained orders from
above too, according to my lawyers.
3 p.m, the judge stated he intended to get
a decision today. We asked for a recess,
and my two lawyers then decided to make a
demonstration in the only remaining way,
namely by laying down their mandates and
walking out. I had to remain alone, as I
had Erscheinungspflicht
[mandatory attendance].
returned at 4 p.m., so did the judge.
Goebel announced his withdrawal, standing;
so did Herrmann, who was unhappy as he had
a fine Schlussplädoyer
[closing argument] ready. The
public galleries applauded. The judge was
very shocked, and said so. He also
expressed annoyance at the applause.
announced that were it not for the
Erscheinungspflicht, I would also
withdraw, because it was evident that the
verdict was already ready, and nothing we
could do would alter or affect it. Thus
when the judge now moved to the part of
the trial where he asked my financial
means, which the Prosecutor had declared
were evidently ample, I said, "As it is
obvious that nothing I state will have the
slightest effect, I decline to make any
statement on my circumstances." More from
the prosecutor, who demanded 100
Tagessätze [daily
units] assessed at 100 DM per day,
i.e. DM10,000. I
was then allowed a final speech, which I
made without notes for 15 minutes and
which Ewald Althans illicitly taped. There
was a burst of applause as I finished. The
judge retired, returned at 4 p.m. to
announce his verdict: guilty, sentence as
asked by the prosecution, DM.10,000. The
increase from the original DM.7,000 fine
was for my obstinacy and
Uneinsichtigkeit [refusal to
change my mind]. No matter. I refused
to look at him while he read it out. I had
managed during the day to quote Goebbels,
"Das einmal Gesagte ist und bleibt auch
wahr," and to say that this all reminded
me very much of Goebbels's tactics. I was
inclined, I said in summing up, to detect
in the trial today den Hauch eines
Geruchs eines Schauprozesses [the
whiff of an odour of a show
trial]. 5:30
p.m. phoned my London telephone
answering-machine. Usual voice:
hope your next plane journey will come
down and you'll drop dead like
Lockerbie you bloody bastard." (Common,
uneducated voice.) --
Several blank calls. [--]
drove me over at 8 p.m. at to the Danuben
house, Möhlstrasse 21, where I
addressed an appreciative and convivial
audience with a witty speech about the
perils of public speaking (and the
"Holocaust"), well received by a packed
audience of around 40, including my lawyer
Goebel and a judge.  For
more on
go to the full-length draft
brochure which Focal Point
Publications are
preparing:- [175K]  |