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 John Mearsheimer points out: Hitler Never Used Chemical Weapons (unlike Israel and the USA - white phosphorus, Agent Orange, etc.) The Germans had 30,000 tons of the deadly Sarin and Tabun nerve gases ready for use, but Hitler embargoed their use - he insisted that the enemy must use them first, and he would then strike back. The weapons were dumped in the Baltic after 1945, and the German government is now engaged in salvaging their remains.

The real haters don't give up. The Independent: "David Irving - the hate that dare not speak its name"

Irving's "sick jibe" at LGBT community for "their part in the AIDS epidemic" - while Manchester celebrated Pride Week - Are they now denying it? First they hijacked the word "gay" and now they have stolen "pride", neither of which seems appropriate in the circumstances | Mancunian Matters: Traditional enemies of the truth mobilise as David Irving set to give talk at secret Manchester location (they failed to stop him)


Feeling the heat: Assemblyman Dov Hikind (center) is pictured with Noah J. Hanft, general counsel and chief franchise integrity officer for MasterCard Worldwide (left) and Richard Santoro, MasterCard Worldwide's vice president of government affairs. Photo courtesy Assemblyman Hikind's office

Brooklyn to censor Websites: MasterCard will cease doing business with "hate" groups | Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Another victory for the real haters?

Bradley Smith (CODOH) teases the US Holocaust Museum in Washington DC on the stolen Rosenberg papers, asking, "Why not simply scan and post the documents publicly?"


Along came a plagiarist and - Adolf Hitler's drug habit revealed: Führer took cocktail of medication - "based on recently-discovered records and letters from his physician Dr Theodore Morell" - but all these records were actually revealed by David Irving when he discovered and published Dr Morell's diaries in 1983

And who else? Israel's diplomatic policy chief forced to apologize over offensive Facebook remarks about Japan and Hiroshima ("they had it coming")

Read and marvel: New Nixon tapes show more anti-Semitism

Who's lying now? Jewish Chronicle on our UK speaking tour: "After years in a Florida retreat" (um, no) Irving back in UK to absolve Himmler; quotes Gerald Gable, the convicted Jewish bungler and housebreaker



Dragon-slayer, libeller: More from Deborah Lipstadt on her heroic single-handed Battle to Beat the Denier, David Irving: uh, at her trial she refused to go into the witness box. Amazing what money alone can do [Our Lipstadt dossier]




But hey, who cares? It's the money, stupid:
"Holocaust journeys" can cause mental health problems, say experts

Let this be a lesson to the English: Outcry as Labour's Negress Diane Abbott (above) demands more immigrants into UK

Why the Germans are how they are: Nazi Toys. Daily Mail: "The toys that brainwashed German children" - Hitler, a marching band, and Rudolf Hess

Damn, he might have waited. Aged Hungarian Nazi "war crimes suspect" dies before judgment. Fury at Wiesenthal Center

Occidental Observer: The Corrupted Kingdom: Power and Privilege in Modern Britain. How the liberal media conceal the truth about corrupt coloured cops and sex criminals

"Holocaust-denier David Irving defies Berlin ban": "Inundated with offers" of accommodation after Hotel Association calls for ban | Truth check: In reply to Berlin journalist Tom Bristow's query Mr Irving said: "It is a cheap and nasty lie to call me a Holocaust-denier. Every time I visit Auschwitz, five times so far - this year will be the sixth - I lay a wreath at the foot of the execution wall where the Germans executed Polish heroes." No word of this in Mr Bristow's report. "Hypocrite," sneers convicted Jewish bungler Gerald Gable, the editor of Searchlight (who never visits the site, or lays a wreath)

Once again they are brought out to sell the Daily Mail: Rare colour pictures of Hitler by personal photographer Hugo Jaeger - from the Getty archives

More Daily Mail excitement: "Adolf Hitler's address book discovered in personal collection belonging to housekeeper" - It's that old rogue auctioneer Richard Westwood-Brookes, offering what is in fact just a printed Yellow Pages at a rather ramped-up price | oh, and Westwood-Brookes is also hawking a copy of the famous Karl Wolff letter about Treblinka, and it is another piece of lucrative Holocaust fakery

IB Times UK: Controversial historian David Irving is to hold a talk on SS chief Heinrich Himmler later this month in Newcastle, Edinburgh. The Left threatens usual troubles. A Police Scotland spokesperson said: "Police in Edinburgh will be monitoring the situation and will have an appropriate response if needed."

We said so all along: Former Australian deputy prime minister Tim Fischer slashes "increasingly shrill" Jewish lobby for unfairly criticising the wartime Pope. Calls Israel's "Dr Goebbels" Mark Regev a key figure in campaign to vilify Pius XII | Sydney Morning Herald

Taki: "A fascist takeover of Greece? We should be so lucky"

Male Holocaust survivors have a longer life-expectancy. Does that entitle them to more money, or less? We are confused.

Who are the Real Haters? ADL's Abe Foxman vs. Internet freedom | His stooge Dov Hikind wants credit card clampdown on those he hatesFoxman | Foxman attacks Australia

Scathing Die Welt Op-ed calls Wiesenthal Center's Nazi hunt "a farce" - huge billboards in Germany offer gigantic rewards for digging out the last Nazis

Germany's Helmut Kohl "wanted half of Turks sent back" - but who invited them in the first place, and why? He told Margaret Thatcher the Turks "did not integrate well," as of a different culture. That's not hate, that's commonsense.

He will pay price too: Top U.S. General says: "We Pay a Price for Backing Israel"

This new Europe: Czech police charge two with publishing Hitler's speeches 1939-42: publisher, Pavel Kamas, and expert, Lukas Beer: publicity | English translation | Book "says Hitler spoke about Czechs with appreciation, respected Slovaks, sought peace, wanted weapons of mass destruction destroyed, wished sincere friendship with Britain" | and ... the book is pulled from Slovak bookstores

Hamburg air raid victims

Real History in Hamburg, July 1943: after a devastating firestorm deliberately set by RAF Bomber Command, tens of thousands lie dead in the city streets - a small boy has sought shelter in a fireman's arms, and both are dead. Original photo: Erich Andres / Focal Point Publications

Seventieth anniversary of British firestorm raid on Hamburg which left 48,000 dead: Germany to open bombing-war museum | Until now Germans' own government felt unable to admit the truth. As a Briton, David Irving was able, in 1961, to break the taboo and publish in Neue Illustrierte, Germany, a 37-week series of articles on the "strategic bombing" offensive which left millions dead. Now finally the cowardly conformist historians come trotting along and admitting the same things

Australian compensation claim upheld as Holocaust story believed - in other words, it seemed unbelievable: said he was a Russian Jew, aged 5, who helped SS extermination squad

UK safe again: Widespread distress as genealogists research Kate Middleton and find no Jewish blood after all: The Myers and Goldsmiths in her ancestors were not Jews. Scout's honour. Jewish Chronicle reassures us.

"Kill the pig":
British police charge immigrant Nicholas Jacobs for hacking cop Keith Blakelock to death, in riot on London's Broadwater Farm Estate 28 years ago; was same age as Li'l Trayvon at the time. But his five mob-accomplices escape justice | role of DNA evidence | The Guardian

Ghosts and ghost-writers: More on the supposed memoirs of Hitler-adjutant Fritz Darges

German history journal argues that Rommel was one of the July 20 traitors - uh, "may have been". Die Welt publishes a joyous article. (In fact the journal says there is no final proof either way.) Talk about bending history to suit their frantic needs! David Irving published the real facts 36 years ago.

Survivor: Jewish and Communist fury as Rome's life prisoner Erich Priebke turns 100

That'll teach 'em: Germany to take children of "neo-Nazis" into care to stop them being brainwashed - i.e., what the Nazis called Sippenhaft


World Jewish Congress gloats on Berlin hotels' united front against David Irving event | Germany's Die Welt publishes Op-Ed defending his right to free speech | Gedankenpolizei | The Australian

Die Welt: "Beck won't succeed in keeping Irving out of Berlin. We may disdain Irving's person and positions, but he has already managed to expose Beck as a loudmouth, and for that we should be grateful to him." - The location for our Sept.10 Berlin meeting is already firmlybooked, and we thank all those Berliners who have showered us with invitations this last week.

Left: Volker Beck. Did somebody blackmail him to attack Irving?

German "anti-Nazi" newspaper tarts-up the story and literally every single sentence is a lie. Example: "Ein Exemplar von "Pogromoly", das den Holocaust verherrlicht, sei an David Irving verkauft worden, berichtet der Tagesspiegel." ("Tagespiegel reports that a copy of Pogromoly, a game praising the Holocaust, has been sold to David Irving.") - Let's see how long before the world's press picks up on that lie too. 

Right: Historian David Irving enters appeal court in Vienna, 2006, after thirteen months held in solitary confinement

 More: Berlin Green Reichstag-Member Volker Beck mans up, tells Berlin hotels to boycott David Irving speech -- too late, we are now overwhelmed with private invitations too | [Wikipedia on Beck] | his letter | his appeal | Times of Israel | Berlin Kurier | Süddeutsche Zeitung | UPI | Berliner Zeitung | Taz | but now see a thoughtful Op-Ed in Die Welt | How to book | Others threaten our 2013 visits to "Reinhardt" sites Auschwitz, Belzec, Treblinka, Sobibor, Majdanek, Lublin -- also too late

David Irving, A Radical's Diary: Elephant trekking; Far East bug takes Jessica down and worries me sick; MI6 and the Sarin nonsense; I am not an historian; Wikipedia's alarming list; a grave in the Outback; the Dresden decode; a State Farm advert; what happened to Germany's Sarin gas, and why was Emmett Till's father executed in 1945? The Fred Leuchter report; and, return of a Prodigal Fifty


Took 'em long enough to guess: Sixth person arrested in violent 2012 Chicago mob attack on right-wing luncheon -- and guess what, it's the other Hammond twin - both already have criminal records thanks to Jaenelle's timely ambush in 2009

New German party has its eye on the far-right torch. The torch is Christian Worch. One of the brightest young men we knew in the 1980s. Have not heard anything of him for years. Five years in "free Germany's" prisons have not dimmed his ardour

Jewish and Springer-Press in Germany starts wailing about our September event in Berlin and our tour of the famous WW2 sites in Poland

ADL chief Abraham H. Foxman ($1m a year) forces newspaper to apologize for "Shylock" clue in crossword puzzle, accuses it of perpetuating "classic anti-Semitic stereotypes of Jews as evil and money-hungry," when of course they are not evil


World not safe: The Mystery of the Forest Swastikas in Germany - a message from God perhaps?

"Freedom" in the New Europe: Le Pen loses immunity | France to prosecute her for "racism" after comparing Muslims praying in street to Nazi occupation of France - Mustn't say that

More jail-bait: Polish politician says Hitler unaware of extermination of Jews - Mustn't say that either

 Jewish Telegraph Agency logo
As though we didn't suspect something of the sort: Jewish ex-interior minister to be investigated for illegal payment of $400,000 he made to Carlos Telleldin, auto mechanic who provided the car bomb which killed 84 in 1994 Jewish center bombing in Buenos Aires

Springer press and traditional enemies of free speech hope to stop David Irving speaking in Berlin: trotting out the familiar smear

The real haters: Stop shocking our kids about Holocaust, Minister tells teachers

World still not safe? Hermann Göring's train-set village found among Nazi-era relics in Berlin depot

LIFE photo archive releases color photos of GIs and German troops captured in Battle of Normandy in WW2: Fine young men on both sides. The laws of war prohibit the publication of photos of captives, which is perhaps why these were not published in 1944. Click for more


Why us#1? Global expert Deborah Lipstadt slams Holocaust Claims conference leaders over handling of fraud probe

Why us#2? Senior Australian rabbi Boruch Dov Lesches says boy victims may have consented: warns that involving police will "open a can of worms" | Israel's Chief Rabbi Metzger (left) arrested for money laundering, etc

Gosh, and we thought that nice Mr Pollard was the only one: Prof. Kevin MacDonald on Israel and the NSA Scandal | Technical director in NSA Operations Directorate secretly gave Israel advanced analytical and data-mining software

Daily Mail belatedly comes round to our view: Could there be anything more twisted than these Holocaust fantasists? Dumpster-diver Guy Walters believes it encourages extremists who deny the holocaust ever happened. He dredges up stories we have published over recent years.

Paula Deen makes public apology, but still fired by Food Network for calling a spade a spade

We knew that, and he knows that; but do you? Russian President Vladimir Putin made a historic admission during a visit to the Jewish Museum and Tolerance Center. He said that the decision to nationalize Schneerson library was made in the 1920s by the first Soviet government, "80 to 85 percent of whose members were Jews"

Bernie Madoff's UK unit was "warehouse for stolen money" - says liquidators' representative in British High Court: QC says U.K. firm "should have known"; it made fraudulent payments to Bank Medici founder Sonja Kohn for worthless "research" and other tricks

U.K. Holocaust Centre receives £500,000 Lottery award. Is there no end to the madness? Will they never ask themselves, Why us? What on earth had this tragedy to do with the Brits?

Hollywood's Creepy Love Affair with Adolf Hitler, in explosive new detail: movie moguls collaborated with Nazis, tried to avoid upsetting Germany

Netanyahu opens Auschwitz Holocaust Exhibition: Based on 6,000 children's drawings from around the world, it replaces a communist-era display which most visitors have disgracefully "chosen not to enter": They must now be marched through it, like schoolchildren; which most are anyway


Left: Autographed portrait of Rosenberg
given to David Irving by his chief aide, Koeppen

Holocaust Museum and Homeland Security find the missing Alfred Rosenberg diary | Jewish Review | The Star | Daily Mail | David Irving was way ahead of them; he searched for the missing Rosenberg Diary for forty years; he established that the (Jewish) lawyer Dr Robert M W Kempner stole it from the Nuremberg courthouse. But Kempner denied it to him, and when he died it was not in his effects. He had given it to his mistress, who lived with N.Y. academic Herbert Richardson. USHMM says diary proves established historians wrong (but does not say over what). See: Whatever happened to the Papers of Rosenberg? | Bucks County Courier Times, Pa., reported in 1999 that Richardson had removed them | Our dossier on Kempner | and a list of the files he stole, which we inspected at the salvage collector's home in Philadelpha in 2001 (and recommended should be acquired by the US Holocaust Museum) | Reader's Letter | Oddly, Kempner had secretly warned the FBI against David Irving. So who was the real crook? | Now Homeland Security and the FBI have swooped on Richardson's home at Amherst near Buffalo and seized the diary: world safe again

Roots of anti-Semitism: Israeli Speaker Yuli Edelstein writes to his Jewish London counterpart, House of Commons Speaker John Bercow demanding punishment of British MP for calling an Israeli soldier a "bloody Jew." We wonder if a British MP would call for somebody to be "punished" for calling him a Bloody Brit?


Eva Braun's brave last letters from the Führer Bunker surface once again: nothing really new, however, as David Irving found and published them in 1977 | German author also suspects her diaries are in the USA | well, she might like to research here about that too

Holocaust survivors call for independent probe of multi-million dollar fraud at Claims Conference. Why are we not surprised?

: Sneaking into Hitler's Bunker - SPIEGEL publishes fascinating images of the last days of his bunker



RIF soapHitler's tax inspectors oblivious to what was happening, says new book. German Jews had 16 billion Reichsmarks in 1933, took four billion as they left Germany; Reich took rest | Film director wants to debunk the myth of Nazi soap made from Jews. Uh, it is in the nature of myths that they can't be debunked | Our dossier on the soap myth | Yehuda Bauer on myth

Abe Foxman, National Director,


Anti-Defamation League (USA)

Abe Foxman's outrage at cartoon in Norwegian newspaper: "The image harkens back to the centuries of anti-Semitic illustrations depicting Jews engaged in ritual ceremonies involving gratuitous and fabricated bloodletting" | Foxman's ADL gets $7.5 million grant (from whom? he does not say) to find out why they're not liked. We offer a two-word starter-clue: Madoff; Gaza. Oh, and Dick Fuld

Danish journalists enter Syria illegally - embedded with Islamic terrorists, murderers and criminals - while meanwhile Mel Gibson is proved right again about who is behind all the wars in recent history. In vino veritas, say the Latins; ask Dan Quayle

"Anonymous" hacker Jeremy Hammond pleads guilty to Stratfor breach: Clever in some ways, stupid in others: we remember how he tried to smash our Chicago dinner and got his collar felt - thanks to a gorgeous blonde, who had called cops before his mob even arrived

They want special treatment: Australia's Attorney-General Dreyfus asks Tony Abbott not to scrap law which imposes censorship: a new Dreyfus affair?

Subtle: J.C. Penney superstore places huge billboard advert over Interstate-405 for kettle "that looks just like Hitler" | Huffington Post

No surprises here: How British dealt with alleged French double agent in WW2: "being quietly disposed of tonight... damage regretted". Documents released to archives. The true facts about General Sikorski next?

Slowly catching up, the journaille: Rommel, Rundstedt and Stülpnagel were on Allies' hit-list for targeted killing during WW2, says The Independent. In David Irving's 1977 Rommel biography they would find whole chapters on the two failed British operations to assassinate him

Knew that too: MI6 kept Spain from Hitler with $232 million bribes | no surprise; why else do you think France's General de Gaulle came to Britain in 1940? The documents show Churchill bribed him too, just as Washington bribes both today's main UK parties, and a few others round the world


Black Nigerian murderer (alleged)

DECAPITATED: British Army soldier Lee Rigby, 25, left, and his Black killer, machete in his bloody hands.

Pictured: The dramatic moment London killers are shot by officers after one charged at a police vehicle


"Racists" were right: Woolwich UK beheading suspect, a Nigerian, was inspired by banned Muslim cleric: Britain's immigration nightmare continues

It's about the money, stupid: Pressing Poland on Holocaust restitution presents dilemma for U.S., Jewish groups

As if we didn't guess: Vice President Joe Biden: "The Jewish influence is immense" | says Jews drove homosexual-"marriage" changes. Cites NBC TV series "Will and Grace" as example. Quote: "I bet you 85 percent of those changes, whether it's in Hollywood or social media, are a consequence of Jewish leaders in the industry." The interesting question is: Why? To deflect hatred from themselves?

Just so you know: German chancellor Merkel awarded the Jakobovits prize - defence of "illegal" circumcision cited

Richard Wagner: The jealous obsession with Germany's composer continues: Family dampens hopes on Hitler letters - snubs "historian's" demand to snoop their private corrrespondence | The Age: Wagner family opens up to reveal Nazi secrets. What the press doesn't mention is that the "historian" Heer was a violent member of the far-left Sozialistischer Deutscher Studentenbund, which supported the banned Communist Party, and he has real criminal convictions. As a political extremist he was banned from employment in the public service e.g. as a teacher

Why them? Jewish groups now ask USA (Kerry) to fight anti-Semitism in Hungary - alternatively, they might start asking, Why Us?

Pledge to fight anti-Semitism sweeps Australian federal Parliament: scores of craven Australian politicians, some with names like Dreyfus, rush to be seen licking, uh - Yuk!! It shows how much they fear the global boycott movement; but then they started boycotts in 1933

Revising history, latest: JFK on Hitler: "errors", says Berlin newspaper. Lucky Kennedy's dead, or they'd be locking him up too

More naked anti-Semitism: Israel's prime minister Netanyahu spends £975,000 on hairdressers and shoes - while sh*tty little country faces £4.5billion in austerity cuts

Hitler's defence too: Do Germans Obsess About Jews? "Tenenbom himself came under investigation for Nazi salute to 900 neo-Nazis; his defense was that he was merely trying to provoke them"

Lord Ahmed resigns from British Labour Party, blames hostile media oligarchs for his downfall - AWPOW*

Birthplace of democracy: Ignoring EU demand, Greece won't ban right-wing Golden Dawn party: Council of Europe's commissioner for human rights wants party booted out of Parliament. Golden Dawn describes Council as a Zionist institution which says nothing about the murders, rapes and robberies of Greek people by "the barbarian hordes of Asia and Africa"

Outrage in SF: San Francisco bus ads condemn Israeli apartheid: backlash begins | but Church of Scotland climbs down over illegal Israeli settlements | BBC: Israel demands report's withdrawal and new "introduction" - AWPOW*

Millions at stake in ugly squabble: Rival Anne Frank charities in dispute over archive | with one side comparing the other to Nazi Germany. History notes: Anne Frank died of typhus in a Nazi camp as WW2 ended; Nazi doctors in Auschwitz kept her sick father alive. The Anne Frank House (Holland) and late father's "charity" (Switzerland) have been at each other's throats for years

Forward: How $57 million Holocaust fraud unfolded at Claims Conference: why are we not surprised?

Mustn't say that: "I cannot stand Jewish people": Danielle Morris, 34, lawyer, risked career over office rant about queue-jumping Orthodox man at medical centre: endured a three-and-a-half year investigation by tribunals over remark to a colleague in Lancashire

How frightfully gay: German foreign minister Guido Westerwelle postures to World Jewish Congress: "Anti-Semitism has no place in Budapest. We have to tackle the root causes of anti-Semitism" - uh, do those causes include how they behaved in Eastern Europe post-WW2, and more recently in Wall Street? | Inside the Hungarian town where Jews fear for the future: Daily Telegraph journalist Colin Freeman visits the town of Tiszavasvári. Has he never heard of those nice folks Béla Kun, Rákosi, Farkas, Gerö, Revai...?

This new Europe: Cash-strapped Greece promises World Jewish Congress to introduce 20,000 euro ($30,000) fines for criticism of Jews, homosexuals; "denying" the Holocaust or giving "Nazi" salute: that should fix Greece's budgetary problems, if nothing else

Ought to be a law against it? Study reveals White Britons are "retreating" from areas dominated by ethnic minorities

World safe again: Germany arrests 93-year old accused of being sentry at Auschwitz | SS cook faces trial as Berlin makes desperate bid to jail fifty former SS men before they can die peacefully of old age

Whatever happened to David Cole? The Guardian finds out - and there is much outrage | Biography of "David Stein" - let's see how Wikipedia handles this one, and guffaw

The Chronicle of Higher Education: British Court decision may foster academic boycott of Israel

Winning, uh buying, the Jewish vote: Scotland gives £500,000 taxpayer money for forced school visits to Auschwitz - teaching hatred where it counts

... and why not ask them to pay for it themselves: Forbes-Israel: The Billionaires: Special Edition lists 165 Jewish billionaires, 17 Israelis, 16 Jewish women, 812 cumulative billions - including (right) Ronald Lauder, who funds facelifts for the Auschwitz theme park nowadays | Steve Sailer in TakiMag: Jewish Wealth By the Numbers: "Jews are usually said to comprise about 0.2% of the world's population, so 11% of the world's billionaires means they're doing pretty well"


Another horror story from Connecticut: UConn Law School student faces a judge, accused of allegedly making anti-Semitic, racist and homophobic comments to university officials
In response to suggestions for a new Dean, she wrote to the Student Bar Association, "Let's celebrate diversity by having the next Dean not be Jewish." Three professors "worried she was ruining their reputations". Should be an interesting trial, ending with massive damages for her

Mustn't say that: Outrage as Greek Right-wing Party Golden Dawn targets leading Jewish group: accused of charging that Zionists control US and Greek policy

Can't say you weren't warned: Israeli official objects to recent references to Israel in the American media: "These series present Israel as a country which one should be very careful not to offend, and that anyone daring to criticize it is reprimanded by the Jewish lobby," a senior state official says..."

Michigan mom wants Anne Frank's 'pornographic' diary censored from her daughter's school reading list 

Got the wrong guy: Driver charged for killing cyclist David Irving

The Independent: Five jailed over Kosovo organ-trafficking ring
Customers for the new kidneys were millionaire Israelis, as is the mastermind, Moshe Harel: The same sstory appears in the New York Times, but without revealing that

What is the solution? Islam immigrant jihadists grabbed by UK police on way to attack an English Defence League rally: Guns, machetes, swords, and a home-made nail bomb found in their car. What lunatics let in these two million fanatics to spite the British?


Next time, try a prime number: Holocaust denial cases "up 77percent in Canada", audit finds. What on earth does that actually mean? Phony audit's author is the, uh, "League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith Canada": the Bernie Madoff Bureau of Statistical Integrity

Torpedo Running

Right: David Irving interrupts "Stern" press conference in Apr 1983 to expose the "Hitler Diaries" as fakes

Faking history #1: Thirty years ago: the Hitler Diaries scandal - German government accepts fake Hitler diaries in archives | FAZ: Trevor-Roper und die Hitler-Tagebücher: Jedes rationale Argument sprach gegen die Echtheit - a look at his private files shows how he was tricked

Faking history #2: Czech President Zeman defends Sudeten Germans "transfer" after 1945: calls it a more moderate punishment for their high treason than death penalty. High treason? As Germans, they opted for Germany; and Britain, France, and Italy agreed at Munich in 1938. And the Czechs slaughtered thousands of them after 1945. Mustn't forget that

Council of Europe hints to Birthplace of Democracy: Greece Could Ban Right-wing "Golden Dawn" Party

Another Daily Mail scoop: Ortho-Jewish mastermind of £35m cocaine bust sues UK prison chiefs for "denying him kosher food". Whines that Muslim crooks get treated better. Reminds us of the (Jewish) Menendez brothers; they murdered their parents, pleaded to court they were now orphans | our dossier on Israel's link with narcotics epidemic

It's hard cash they want, Justin, not humour. Bieber faces outrage over note in Anne-Frank museum's guestbook, saying he hoped she would have been a fan

We didn't know they had 'planes back then: Daily Mail publishes unorthodox photo of new TSA passenger rules? (Orthodox Jewish man photographed covering himself in plastic bag during flight "because faith forbids him to fly over cemeteries")

Illustrate your essay with pictures comparing Weimar 1930s depression with world's 2008 financial collapse? US teacher's assignment to students: Explain why Jews are evil - teacher faces disciplinary action after "parents" complain | BBC News | Washington Post | and the story goes on

Christian heritage under attack: The Southern Poverty Law Centre labels Christians as "extremists and haters" - Well, whatever it takes to keep the SPLC in business. It is a business, right? | Our dossier on the SPLC

Jewish community outraged after British Judge blasts pro-Israel activist for bringing harassment case against university teachers' union. Calls his pompous lawyer Anthony Julius, right, a gargantuan loudmouth. "It's what we have been praying for for 2,000 years." | Our dossier on the Board of Deputies of British Jews

Better hurry: Germany to prosecute elderly men who once served as guards at Auschwitz, "deadliest extermination camp in history" (um, but it's not even listed in the Korherr Report?)

Los Angeles Times: Roosevelt on the "Jewish Question": said privately that the Jews whined, were dishonest, and (in Germany) to blame for their own misfortunes: Rafael Medoff belatedly finds the same documents we quoted in Churchill's War and other biographies: FDR boasted to a senator he had no Jewish blood, talked of their "wailing" and "sob stuff" (Suggestion: now read private diary of FDR's secretary, or Morgenthau's Diary)

They do WHAT? Herpes infection smites two babies because of ritual post-circumcision blood-sucking in New York. Those nice folks certainly keep quiet about this one: "The Jewish practice of metzitzah b'peh requires a practitioner to suck the baby's penis to 'cleanse' the open wound . . ." - Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and other civilised countries ban ritual slaughter. But this seems like a human perversion.


Another Daily Mail scoop: Remarkable colour pictures from Dachau 1945, Himmler's showpiece concentration camp. Mostly Eastern Europeans. Looks a bit like Chiswick High Road, but better fed

The Ancient Curse of Irving: Journalist Clifford Luton, aged 88, arrested for indecent assault against young boys: "He also interviewed infamous historian David Irving in the 1950s"
David Irving says: Yes, Luton was the Daily Mail reporter who on May 1, 1959 ran the story "Mild fascist pulls a fast one," which those nice folks nextdoor have draped around my neck ever since. As a Christian, I feel sorry for him. 88! The British media have two current obsessions, racism and paedophilia. Being named Luton was not a good start in life for him: Cheltenham or Gloucester perhaps; or Wellington or Nelson. But it might have been Neasden. (Sorry, non-UK readers: you won't get it).

It's 1933 recycled: Greek Golden Dawn party calls for boycott of WJC chief Ronald Lauder's cosmetics monopoly: Due to his "hostile attack on Greek sovereignty, freedom, and interests" | EARLIER: Is annual Day of Hatred needed? Greek rightwing party Golden Dawn questions Holocaust memorial day in Greece

Nicholas Levene robbed clients in £316m Ponzi fraud, must repay just £1: has Mr Levene got something we folks don't (I don't mean £316m)? Clue: He also owned a £5million villa in Israel

It's always about money? Traditional enemies of free speech hit Twitter with $50M suit over refusal to identify anti-Semitic tweeters

Hurrah! Saplings from Anne Frank tree in Amsterdam take root. But are they on sale yet? Can we smoke them? Anyway, it's another gift that goes on giving. - We read once a list of 170 little girls called Anne burned alive in one British firestorm raid on Würzburg in March 1945, and wondered if any of them had kept a childish diary which her father Otto had turned into millions


Australia's tax dollars at work: gives half million to tart up Auschwitz

Photo: childless (despite many partners) Prime Minister Julia Gillard skilfully lights candle (her current "partner" serial drink/ driver Tim Mathieson lobbies for Israel). Note the faux-menorah, designed with all the quiet taste for which their people are famous. Could that be Himmler's ghost standing behind them? At her elbow is professional-survivor Kitia Altman (Irving on Australian TV: "How much money have you made from that tattoo, Kitia?"). Little-known fact: Orthodox Jewish women shave their heads bare and wear wigs

Well, isn't it, partly?: Spanish party dismisses Holocaust Remembrance Day as "Israeli propaganda"


Die Welt: Seventy years ago the SS statistician Richard Korherr composed "one of the most important documents" - eines der wichtigsten Dokumente über den Genozid der Nazis.
David Irving was the first historian to publish it and the associated documents in Hitler's War. However: conformist historians overlook that Himmler ordered the document amended "for camouflage purposes", namely to dupe Hitler, and that it makes no mention of Auschwitz deaths. Oops. [See our dossier on the Korherr Report]

Greek prime minister promises those nice folks next door a law against Holocaust denial

Should help fix Europe's economic woes: Prime Minister Antonis Samaras (above) proposed in a meeting with World Jewish Congress President Ronald Lauder - who is spending his cosmetic millions giving Auschwitz facelift - Jewish Agency Chairman Nathan Sharansky and Israel's ambassador to Greece, a law to bar "parties that denied Holocaust" like right-wing Golden Dawn, from running for parliament

Mustn't say that: German university fires Romanian professor. Told Romanian academy: "In Romania there was persecution against Jews, 20,000 Jews died, but this is not a Holocaust." (Yad Vashem prefers version that 380,000 - 400,000 were murdered)

Eeeeugh, with neighbours like those, who needs enemies! Israeli security forces spray raw sewage at Palestinian homes

How lies become History: Daily Telegraph publishes the obituary of a German Army thought-traitor, Ewald von Kleist
"Others were subsequently hanged with piano wire, or on meat hooks, after being tortured by the Gestapo. Hitler had some of the gorier deaths filmed for him to watch."  - His adjutants told us that this story is an outright lie. When Fegelein tried to show Hitler photos, he swept them angrily off the desk and told the SS officer, later executed for desertion, that he had put it all behind him. As for Kleist, he was an idle nondescript who was never involved in the army's feckless plotting, but surely dined out on his story after 1945

Outrage at Antwerp murder cover-up allegations: says wealthy community hitmen rubbed out a Holocaust sceptic. One way to deal with inconvenient history

The memory of Doug Christie is heaped with tribunes: Thoughts and Tributes on the passing of a brave man


Douglas Christie, the battling barrister

We report with very great sadness the death last Monday in British Columbia of Douglas Christie: Globe & Mail | - smeared even now by Canadian media for defending Zündel and "Nazis"

Grim news from British Columbia: Doug Christie, the heroic Canadian barrister and fighter for free speech, faced his final battle | See him in action: "Is free speech for everyone - or just for your friends?" | "On freedom and purpose in an unfree world" | BBC

Sends the wrong message: New York city attorney asks judge to ban Jews from Jury - Attorney Frederick Cohn criticised for even making the request

Unwelcome results in secret Austria poll: 42 percent say "Not everything was bad under Hitler" - in German | Globe & Mail in English

Your weekend reading: List of German inventors and discoverers - we look forward to the lists of Native African or Native American inventors and discoverers

This New Europe: Germany sentences Tübingen publisher to eleven months and $40,000 penalty for "incitement to race hatred" - published book hinting at doubts on 1941 Babi Yar massacre | Publishing Real History in Germany is getting riskier: David Irving has been indicted again by Germany because he published here the earlier indictment on the charge that he set foot on German soil for two days in 2010, and resulting $10,000 fine. In Germany it is a criminal offence to publish an indictment. Irving's comment to fellow historians: "Nacht und Nebel, ich höre dir trapsen."

Australia's fury over Mossad agent's mystery death: Israel's handling of Australian Jew, part of Dubai hitman gang - "There's a lot that's odd. [He] went off to live in another country [Israel], took out citizenship, worked for its intelligence service."

CNN: Hugo Chávez, influential leader with mixed record, dies at 58 - a genuine man, says David Irving, and one who upset a lot of applecarts. I remember the moment, watching CNN coverage of Hugo Chávez mounting the podium directly after President George W Bush, sniffing around, and saying, "Sulphur. The Devil has been here." A glorious moment and I fell off my Vienna prison bunk, in 2006, laughing. Bush and Bush, two men with millions of lives on their consciences. Yes, sulphur. Hugo, you are not forgotten.

Pedro Varela: Victory in European Court of Human Rights: Strasbourg orders Spain to pay him damages and costs. (In French)

Mustn't say that: US, Israel and the UN condemn Turkey's Prime Minister Erdogan for branding Zionism a "crime against humanity" - With luck, that will squelch Turkey's attempt to join EU

Jewish demos in Buenos Aires: Argentine Congress approves joint investigation of 1992, 1994 bomb blasts | Foreign Minister Hector Timerman: "It is clear that none of you ever lost anyone in the Holocaust. You keep using the Holocaust politically" | President Kirchner talks of Mossad "false flag" ops; Timerman signs pact with Iran to investigate bombings of Jewish buildings in Buenos Aires (in one, a car bomb went off -- by accident? -- inside the garage) and is smeared as a "self-hating Jew"

Can't invent this stuff: British Liberal MP who condemned "the Jews" over Palestine horrors to escape punishment but must undergo "training" in how not to be anti-Semitic. - AWPOW*

Waterboarding is cheaper: German intelligence agents paid $240,000 to "neo-Nazi" informer linked to murder suspects - and will produce the same kind of junk results

We salute the good life of our friend Dr Gerhard Frey, of Munich, Germany, founder of the National Zeitung. A shrewd German financier, Frey backed the right-wing German People's Union through difficult years, fought and won hundreds of legal actions against municipalities which illegally tried to block his meetings and against newspapers which smeared him, and somehow permanently escaped prosecution under Germany's draconian laws for the suppression of free speech. English | Stern | Deutsche Welle | Focus

Gerhard Frey, "extremist"  

Deny it as much as you like, but. . : Abe Foxman (ADL) slams Oscars for "legitimizing anti-Semitism" - (uh, Abe, it's legitimate anyway)

Democracy at work: Germany revokes subsidies to right-wing party NPD - over a trumped-up accounting charge

Budapest court overturns ban on Nazi and Communist symbols

Why us? Exodus to the UK as French Jews run from antisemitism caused by rituals like animal-slaughter

Spot the disinformation and damage control: Prisoner X revelations "hugely damaging" says Israeli professor: Did those nice folks liquidate a renegade Australian Mossad agent in Israel - Dubai hit-man who blabbed: Zygier "planned to expose deadly use of Mossad's fake Australian passports", says Sydney Morning Herald | Our dossier on the Mossad and fake passports | Australian's suicide in Israel: Canberra turns a blind eye? | Netanyahu: Security interests can't be dismissed | CNN

Surrender or Capture? Historian claims that Stalin's elder son was not in Nazi camps |more on Stalin's son | FLASHBACK: Himmler dossier on son's death in a prison camp »»


Above: "This channel is not available in your country." Those always democratic and freedom-loving Germans in Berlin have blocked YouTube videos of Dresden funeral march: The rest of the world can view them, but not the German people. (They also block certain Google searches, with the assistance of Google)

Never forget: 4,000 German police stop February 13 mass funeral march in Dresden organised by Aktionsbündnis gegen das Vergessen | videos |

Arthur Harris with David Irving 1962"Bomber" Harris with David Irving in 1962

Unrepentant: Sir Arthur "Bomber" Harris gave the green light for the 1945 bombing which reduced Dresden, Germany, to rubble | Die Welt: Dossier behauptet Tiefflieger-Angriffe: Zum Jahrestag wird neu über Opferzahlen und Tieffliegerangriffe spekuliert. "Erkenntnisse der seriösen Forschung bleiben dabei allerdings auf der Strecke" -- the well-paid conformist historians are on the run! | "Nackte Leichen überall, vom Phosphor entkleidet" (News report: Bodies everywhere, stripped naked by the phosphorus) | Our Dresden air-raid dossier | Our dossier on the death roll

Exclusive: The Dresden target map (right) proves that military targets were excluded from the attack »»»

Outrage (a bit misplaced, coming from those nice folks who ran the Black slave trade into North America): Packard plant tagged with "Arbeit macht frei" sign

Yawn: Aberystwyth professor accuses musician Gilad Atzmon of anti-Semitism

UK watchdog "charity" - the thuggish Community Security Trust - helps lead Israel anti-boycott group | Our dossier on the CST

Another Assh*le Down Under: Fresh Questions Swirl Around "Nazi Mascot" Case: Holocaust Claims Conference Investigates Bizarre Claim of Alex Kurzem

Millionaire's SPLC website "inspired Washington DC terror attack": The first person convicted under 2002 anti-terrorism law admits he was inspired to attack a conservative Christian lobbying group as a result of "Southern Poverty Law Center" propaganda

We celebrate: Dr Herbert Schaller, brave Vienna attorney who secured historian David Irving's release from solitary confinement in 2006, is 90

Supervisor of Intelligence Estimate Hailed for Preventing War with Iran - another Mel Gibson convert

Bad news for Austria? Anti-Semitism pushing out Hungarian Jews, says head of Vienna community: "We are a wealthy community and in a position to help." | But still: Hungary orders "Holocaust denier" sent to Auschwitz or Holocaust Museum. Both equally cruel or unusual punishments? Held up poster at rally: as punishment, must visit Auschwitz or Budapest's Holocaust Memorial Centre three times, and "write down his thoughts"

Rudolf Höss, closest to camera, was hanged by the Poles. "Nearly 300,000 people of various nations died" in Auschwitz 1941-1945, so his Polish judges determined in 1948. Trial video

What the butler saw: New biography of Auschwitz commandant Rudolf Höss based on his domestic staff | Our dossier on Höss | The Krakau Trial of the Auschwitz Criminals: summary (German) with photos | video [avi] [exe]

A new bestseller in Germany: Boomtime for Hitler: He's back! Er ist wieder da!

Malice aforethought: Adolf Hitler's birthplace could be used to help integrate immigrants: Charity will provide language and integration courses - CEO Karl Osterberger says this will send a "great signal" | USA Today

Race-purity news: Israel admits forcibly injecting Ethiopian Jewish immigrants with Depo-Provera [contraceptive]

Platinum watch Hitler gave Eva in Feb. 1939 found in Munich museum

Unearthed: Neville Chamberlain praised Hitler Youth: "All the hopes of Germany are set upon you; to your care is committed your national heritage and traditions, your national honour and your national prosperity. All this is entrusted to you for safe keeping, and I am confident that you will prove worthy of the trust."

Rupert Murdoch apologises to Israel for "grotesque" Sunday Times cartoon - (right). Jewish leaders said the cartoon, published on Holocaust Memorial Day with a caption: "Israel Elections: Will cementing peace continue?", was anti-Semitic | The Independent: The truth is more complex

Bloomberg: Dr Goebbels' Step-Grandchildren Are Hidden Billionaires - didn't they do well!

World safe again: Angela Merkel's Persian rug was Herman Göring's: to be removed, covered with embarrassment

Mustn't do that - Berlusconi praises Benito Mussolini as a good leader | he could be prosecuted in this New Europe for saying that

The Hitler home movies: how Eva Braun documented the dictator's private life | but the article and film clips' commentary are littered with elementary howlers (perhaps "Skunky" Evans was their advisor)? | Our dossier: How Gutierrez found the Eva Braun movies in 1945

Madagascar might be safer? Europe parliament president says Jews live in fear in Europe | Mustn't say that: Liberal Democrat MP David Ward suggests they learned nothing from the Holocaust - outrage, wailing, as he compares Israeli atrocities in Palestine with WW2 "death camps" | Elie Wiesel outraged at being "correctly" quoted by him

Occidental Observer on The media drumbeat: "The West is evil"

A red-letter day for everybody's engagement calendar: Professor Richard J "Skunky" Evans (left) speaks against the motion "Neville Chamberlain did the right thing" on June 5 at the Royal Geographic Society. We wonder how much they're paying him? ("They" paid him half a million to denounce David Irving in the Lipstadt Trial)

This New Europe: Twitter refuses to identify "anti-semitic" account holders. Off with their heads! | But fortunately a French court obliges, and orders Twitter to comply

Whitewashing Fawlty Towers: Fury as BBC censors "racist" lines in classic episode. Basil Fawlty and the major exchange their normal pleasantries before the conversation moves on to women in general. The major recalls taking one to see India play cricket at the Oval: 'The strange thing was, throughout the morning she kept referring to the Indians as niggers. "No, no, no," I said, "the niggers are the West Indians. These people are wogs".' | See the clip: words complained of are at about 5:25 minutes. We are deeply shocked. Not.

A Washington Post journalist - on auto-pilot - is outraged about a White House petition to "stop White Genocide." (Read the comments, they reflect real peoples' concerns) | YouTube | Sign the petition

Right: We regret to announce the death on Jan 17 of Wellesley College Professor Tony Martin, right, expert on the dominant role of Jews in the Black slave trade. He spoke at our Cincinnati Real History conference in 2001 | Trinidad and Tobago News

Why us? U.S. Porn producer to be sentenced in obscenity case

British Bishop Williamson re-tried in Regensburg: a fair and balanced online media report (in German) | Regensburg court fines him again, arguing that his off-the-cuff remarks (broadcast by Swedish TV) "might have been" downloaded in Germany (in German). Ne bis in idem, says the law, but some exceptions apply (the first conviction was thrown out) | In English

Democracy at work: German supreme court rules that Commerzbank and other commercial banks can cancel accounts of right-wing publishers (in German) |

BELOW: Seventy friends packed into a familiar West End location in London Saturday to hear David Irving talk on the Rudolf Hess case. Click image for more.


Mein Kampf signed by Hitler in his bunker 1945 emerges for sale - but in our view the signature and dedication appear to be pure Konrad Kujau

Getting desperate - this new Europe: Vienna court jails right-wing writer Gottfried Küssel for nine years for being the founder of the Alpen-Donau website | VOA | German: Neun Jahre Haft für Küssel

Islamic outrage as Australia grants Dutch right-wing politician Geert Wilders a visa, claiming country "is robust enough to withstand his views" | Banned from Australia since 1992 under pressure from the traditional enemies (for "bad character" - Mr Irving applies yet again to visit family, friends Down Under. - They had no problems with letting in the IRA murderer Gerry Adams

Gypsy news: to petition the British Government against allowing Romanians to flood in later this year, here is the online petition to sign

Now on YouTube: David Irving on Free Speech - interviewed for Rex Blooomstein's award-winning documentary An Independent Mind (11 minutes). But: Seemingly not available to the Germans: "This video is not available in your country." World safe again, phew!

Cue loud outrage in the usual quarters: Ontario traditional Bishop Bernard Fellay identifies enemies of the Catholics as "Jews, Freemasons, Modernists"

Wiesenthal Center Rabbi calls "Der Spiegel" columnist Augstein anti-Semitic; demands apology to Jewish world for citicising Israel | ADL slams him - mustn't criticise that sh*tty little country, ever!

Trial news: Indiana thugs who attacked European Heritage Association guests in Chicago restaurant get three- to six-year sentences for armed violence - their lawyers tried to suppress police traffic-stop evidence that their clients came armed with clubs; regret only that the several victims hospitalized included "innocent bystanders"

Vienna Philharmonic whitewashing Nazi past, Austrian lawmaker says - first Herbert von Karajan, now an entire orchestra who thought Hitler was a good thing: whatever next?

New book tells of a "Londoner" (with an oddly German name, Fritz Lustig) who eavesdropped on Holocaust horrors - the Intelligence files which historian David Irving first used in 1971 are "discovered" once again

This New Europe: We are proud to announce the award of the 2013 Roland Freisler (right) Award for Judicial Excellence to Oberstaatsanwalt Andreas Grossmann, the public prosecutor in Mannheim, Germany, for his agency's relentless persecution of schoolteacher Günter Deckert. On Jan 2 our friend commenced his prison sentence (until May 31) for translating a book. The prison address is Herzogenriedstr. 111, D 68169 Mannheim, Germany


Death of the Desert Fox: Daily Mail publishes Manfred Rommel's 1945 account of his father's last moments -- poignant, but it yields nothing not already revealed to us by Manfred in 1977

Milking fake history: New TV Documentary Claims Adolf Hitler died in 1965: i.e., the insanity continues

Jeremy Hammond faces life term for WikiLeaks and hacked Stratfor emails

Says his lawyer Michael Ratner: "Jeremy is a political activist - he's only 28 years old now, but he has been a political activist for a number of years. He went after everybody, from Holocaust denier David Irving..." - No mention that his other political activities involved wearing masks, carrying billy-clubs, attacking dinner guests, and stealing 5,000 credit -card numbers

No blubbering please: Website asks "Ashford House 5" supporters to "Pack Courtroom" next month - The As-Ho-5 are the thugs (including the Hammonds) who invaded a nationalist luncheon in Chicago and now face up to thirty years to life for unrelated Federal offences

The Curse of Irving:
"Anonymous" hacker ... faces life in prison -- this is Jeremy Hammond, who also led the attack on our Chicago "Edelweiss" dinner in 2009. He was caught thanks to Jae's alertness, and went on to even greater felonies. He faces thirty years to life in jail


And the difference is? Germany "exporting" old and sick to foreign care homes

Christmas in History: Germany in 1942. We understand that they weren't told to say Happy Holidays either

Peace at last: Remains of Swedish beauty, Carin von Fock, first wife of Hermann Goering found, identified, reburied | The Daily Mail belatedly discovers the story

Below: The original reburial at Carinhall on Jun 22, 1934, after Communists vandalized her grave in Sweden (photo from David Irving: Göring - A Biography).


Otto Uthgenannt (complete with yarmulka) after his most recent Holocaust talk in a German town hall, Nov 7, 2012. Photo: Ostfriesen-Zeitung

Falscher KZ-Häftling räumt Fehler ein: Fake Concentration Camp prisoner (an ASSHOL*) admits "mistake". For years Otto Uthgenannt claimed he was a Jew imprisoned in Buchenwald and lost 72 relatives in Hitler's Holocaust including both parents and a sister. Now he admits he made it all up (and was never a Jew). - Curioser and curioser: His current age, 77, matches a 53 years old Mr Otto Uthgenannt, a German arrested in 1989 in Idaho: in his car police found forged documents, notary stamps, multiple licenses and chequebooks, and "equipment used to make documents." He spent eight months in jail in Coeur d'Alene fighting extradition to Arizona. [click for story]. He had forged and cashed thousands of dollars in payroll checks [click for story]

We post this week as a small Christmas gift to our historian readers David Irving's new transcript of Himmler's 1939 pocket diary: pdf, 0.7MB.

German authorities have been ordered to pay the full costs of David Irving's successful court appeal against their ban: pdf, 3MB. He is now planning his re-entry to Germany and Austria, beginning with Dresden, under the historic motto: "Nun Sturm brich' los"

Spiegel's nightmare: Is Germany in the grip of its Nazi past once more?


But not their entire heritage? Ha'aretz: Hungary's Jews face down new anti-Semitism, embrace their heritage. - No mention here of those nice folks who ran the Red Terror in Budapest after WW2: Farkas, Gerö, Rákosi, Révai et al.

De Mortuis: Conformist Austrian historian smears Herbert von Karajan for his "Nazi" past - it seems he did not like the Jews.
Well nor did John Ogdon, who won Moscow's Tschaikovsky Prize jointly with Vladimir Ashkenazi, and guess why. . . And Winifred Wagner told us personally that Hitler banned Karajan from conducting Wagner after he fumbled the opera score on Jun 2, 1939

More outrage from the usual quarters: Swiss Army Officer Lauds Nazi General Erwin Rommel

"Spine-chilling" pictures of Jews from German soldier's album. Warning: no atrocities, just folks obliged to do menial tasks (washing a car); unkempt transients pictured "because they fit the stereotypes," kids (wearing ghetto-police hats) giving Hitler salute. Must read captions for spine to be properly chilled

Can we see any vague connection between "Jewish lobbying" and the tragedy referred to? "Holocaust studies compulsory for New South Wales, Australia, schools after Jewish Board of Deputies lobbied the state government" - So what is being junked to make room for this? The History of the British Empire?

Dual loyalties: "British" potty-mouth comedian Ben Elton writes of his ancestors: Two Jewish brothers, one fought for Germany, the other for Britain. Changed their names of course - Gottfried became historian "Geoffrey Elton"

Letter: A reader disagrees with us about the 1943 Höfle-Telegram

This New Europe#1: Mass Austrian trial of thought-criminals nears end. Grazer Prozess wegen "NS-Wiederbetätigung" im Endspurt (in German)

This New Europe#2: Germany sends Günter Deckert to jail yet again (for a translation)

This new Europe#3: Germany moves closer to ban on Right-wing NPD party

Daily Mail's unsubtle reminder to British voters that the Milibands are Polish Jews: "How we lost 43 of our family in the Holocaust": David Miliband tells the extraordinary story

The Curse of the Six Million: Dominique Strauss-Kahn to pay New York hotel maid $6 million - Nice work if you can get it (and you can get it, if you try)


Daily Mail publishes more unknown color photos of everyday life in prewar Hitler's Germany - mono-ethnic and orderly, before the Allies changed all that

Don't hold your breath: Norway police apologise for Oslo Jewish WW2 deportations. Real news would be "Israel apologizes for Palestinian deportations"

Outrage as Right-wing Hungarian politician demands Government list Hungarian Jews holding Israeli passports, as a "national security risk" | denounced | Budapest Times story (in English) -- And, in related news: Murder Incorporated: Israel's Yitzhak Rabin approved an operation to kill Saddam Hussein. Meanwhile, History reveals Hitler forbade targeted killing of foreign leaders

But she does not suggest they ask themselves Why Us? Haaretz: Angela Merkel meets German Jewish leaders, deplores anti-Semitism: Says Germany's Jewish population was "decimated by the Holocaust". Well if she says so, one-in-ten; though that surely counts as Holocaust-denial


We offer a cash reward of UP TO $200 PER PERSON to anybody who can pin a name and identity to the faces of the criminal Minneapolis scum we picture here | CLICK IMAGE FOR MORE | Also: a set of photographs of the town's known Jewish, Marxist, and Leftist agitators. Can you do better? We have already paid our first rewards for information, which we are passing to the Minneapolis police

Ask the Rabbi: BBC apologises to Britain's Chief Rabbi for broadcasting his unguarded comment on the Gaza crisis; he said: "I think it's got to do with Iran actually". (General Petraeus's mishap too? Got to do with Israel/Iran actually?)

It's déjà vu all over again: New Zealand's (tiny) Jewish community calls for compulsory Holocaust studies after (bogus) "attack" on cemetery | FLASHBACK: They used a similar "attack" to prevent David Irving speaking in New Zealand, in 2004 | He offered $10,000 reward for capture of the "attackers" - who were of course never caught

David Irving kündigt Deutschlandreise an (in German) - Irving announces Germany tour

This new Europe: More horror tales from the Vienna woods: Persecution of rightwing historians and writers continues (in German) - mass trial under 1945 "Reactivation" laws, witness testifies by video link from Spanish courts



November 2012: A number of uninvited caped crusaders arrived for our Portland, Oregon ("Rose City") talk. They were dressed in black, misunderstanding perhaps that this hotel was the decoy and that masks were not de rigueur. Or perhaps these uglies came for a Halloween party? Disruptive activities continued at a secondary Portland location, the Embassy Suites hotel, where the masked Leftist crusaders failed even to find the meeting room. Leftist thugs also tried to break up David Irving's lecture at Seattle's downtown Hilton Hotel. They failed. The hotel security staff fought back courageously, police and firefighters did the rest, and arrests were made. The talk at the Hilton went ahead as planned.


JTA logo«« Jewish Telegraph Agency: Microsoft, Israel agree to strategic cooperation - quoi de neuf? "Strategic?" | and in other cultural news: Opera focusing on Nazi atrocities will premiere in Austrian parliament building on Holocaust memorial day

Lawyers in leniency plea for Chicago's Red thugs | dossier: Ashford House Attack

"Mr. Bean" star Rowan Atkinson calls for repeal of British hate- speech law

Edinburgh doctor brainwashed Nazis in WW2

Why are we not surprised? Nicholas Levene, City financier, jailed in London - defrauded investors out of tens of millions of pounds to fund his extravagant lifestyle - spent millions on school fees, luxury holidays, yachts and properties, and a home in Israel


Two-faced disbarred Holocaust mega-lawyer Ed Fagan loses again. US Federal judge "finds no trace" of a Holocaust survivor group Fagan purported to represent. "Fagan is no stranger to the tactic of acquiring a partial interest in Nazi-looted art for the sole purpose of pursuing restitution lawsuits." (Some lawyers thank God for Hitler's Holocaust.) | More on Fagan

Stuttgart, Germany, court has refused our demand to halt the broadcast of the blockbuster Rommel movie (our Strafantrag | their Judgment: pdf files, German) | we shall need funds for the next stage, the main trial of our plagiarism claim: DONATE | Rommel film gets 6.8m viewers | See the Rommel film on YouTube and judge for yourself

The Independent: Row over film that portrays Rommel: it "relies on" David Irving, say critics | German press enthralled by the movie: Ulrich Tukur brilliert als Erwin Rommel | ARD zeigt neuen "Rommel"-Film | Hitlers Liebling

Once above the law, now beyond it: BBC's arch paedophile Jimmy Savile was Israel supporter and devout Zionist

How Britain tortured German WW2 prisoners: Horrifying interrogation methods

Outrage as David Irving's lawyer wins case against German government's twenty-year old ban: Tagesschau | Tageszeitung (in German). - Our PDF documents: the lifetime ban on Mr Irving | Court lifts the ban | Europe-Online: Historian Irving overturns German ban (spot the difference in the language) | Note: Canada, Australia, and every other country based their bans on the (now "illegal") German ban. . . | Previously: The usual slime: German press Schmierfinken report "Nazi apologist" David Irving's court appeal | Daily Mail: David Irving is allowed back into Germany... thanks to EU rules that allow free movement ... but he's still barred from Australia, Canada, and New Zealand. Do we hear faint cheers?

Süddeutsche Zeitung, before court ruling: "1993 hatte Irving vor Gesinnungsfreunden in München behauptet, dass die den Touristen in Auschwitz gezeigte Gaskammer eine Attrappe sei, die nach Kriegsende von den Polen gebaut wurde. Dafür verurteilte ihn das Landgericht München I ... zu einer Geldstrafe von 15.000 Euro. Die Münchner Ausländerbehörde wies ihn unbefristet aus." Translation: Irving "was fined $25,000 and permanently banned from Germany for saying that the gas chamber shown to tourists in Auschwitz is a post-war fake." Oops: The Warsaw government now admits it was erected in 1948, and the plaque outside the building confirms it - in tiny print

Daily Mail's dogs dig up more old bones: They find MI5 chief Guy Liddell's diary | which has been our website for five years now | and they reveal that Churchill recommended shooting top Nazis without trial, which we published in 1996, with better documents, in "Nuremberg, the Last Battle" - Wake up, Daily Mail: you'll find these stories on our website but better! | Then The Guardian belatedly copies the Daily Mail: Britain favoured execution over Nuremberg trials for Nazi leaders | and see our Churchill's lynch-law dossier [1] [2]

Chancellor Angela Merkel to open yet another Holocaust memorial in heart of Berlin, designed by Israeli, cost 2.8million euros - "historians say" Nazis killed half million Gypsies. No comment.
«« David Irving found: on Apr 20, 1942, Himmler (or Hitler) ordered Heydrich: "Keine Vernichtung der Zigeuner," gypsies were not to be destroyed: how many "historians" mention that?

NY Post: Brooklyn child-molest monster "got away with it" after fleeing to Israel »»
- just as Hitler predicted in Mein Kampf | in which connection, Bavaria again tries to ban Mein Kampf | German Jews' leader Charlotte Knobloch now opposes even annotated Mein Kampf

How low can you grovel, Nick? Britain's deputy PM makes the obligatory visit to Auschwitz - sees gas chamber (which Poles acknowledge was built three years after WW2 ended). He should remind his hosts that they were killing British soldiers in Palestine and assassinating British ministers while Britain was fighting Hitler; or perhaps he is too young to know that


BBC History - The WW2 Luftwaffe interrogator who used kindness over violence

Shocking mural portraying bankers removed from London's East End - local Jews totally outraged

How they do it: Toben grounded - Australian Jews gloat as Revisionist Toben is forced to surrender passport after action brought by one of them, "Jeremy Jones"

Free speech update: Twitter blocks a "neo-Nazi" account in Germany, implementing a policy to ban local content for the first time | Twitter agrees to remove a flood of anti Semitic tweets in France

David Irving to visit Portland, Oregon on Nov.3: "Anti-fascists" Will Confront Event - (if they can find it!)

The Great Shakedown latest: New York Holocaust gang pleads guilty to stealing from survivors

Profile in greed: Southern Poverty Law Center, a wellspring of manufactured hate - and they don't like us either

We would expect no less: Socialist-Green coalition government of Austria will erect downtown memorial in central Vienna honouring WW2 deserters

So the Right is rising in Germany, and the Left knows not why? With a database, Germany tracks rise in far right - "The Germans think we have too many foreigners in this country," says Kiyak [an immigrant]

Even Dr Goebbels could not have invented this: Jewish Groups sue New York City over Snip-n-Suck rule - (right) Warning: May upset sensitive readers

It's in their blood: Rabbi who peddled fake Holocaust torahs is jailed - Defence attorney says in a 69-page brief his client was a respected, compassionate member of the community but with a psychological compulsion to lie

An October surprise? Jewish Telegraph Agency reports: Israel, U.S. considering joint "surgical strike" on Iran - surgical, as in, This won't hurt you at all?

We have wondered too: Is history doomed to repeat itself? - "All a kid sees, then, is news footage of orthodox Jewish settlers pushing the wretched Palestinian off his remaining bits of dirt, or vision of the IDF smoking entire houses in Ramallah, our television screens filled with the dirty faces of bewildered children and be-robed women howling for their dead sons. About how Israel plans to bomb the Iranian nuke program and how it assassinates scientists involved and hacks into Iran's computers. They watch CCTV images of Israeli assassins taking out enemies like Mahmoud al-Mabhou in a Dubai hotel and are forever told the world is on a knife-edge with the Middle East because of our support for the Jewish state." - See our dossier on the origins of anti-Semitism

The story so far: The Brandenburg, Germany, superior court has ordered a German film production company to show us the film and screenscript of their blockbuster "Rommel" movie, due to be screened on Nov 1. German screenwriter Niki Stein boasts that he relied on David Irving's bestselling biography. ("Selbstverständlich habe er Irving gelesen, sagt Stein, und auch Szenen aus seiner Darstellung entwickelt") The film company's lawyers are resisting our injunction tooth and nail. And now, Niki Stein turns to a fresh topic: Hitler's War, an eight-part series. Hmmm: May see him in court on that, too | Focus: TV-Serie über Hitler (in German) | And still they scratch away: Scottish historian's Hitler book now a TV series - his ground-breaking research debunked Hitler

But would Adolf have liked him? Arnold Schwarzenegger admits he once said he admired Hitler

May all good authors live that long: Sven Hassel, novelist who depicted Nazi soldiers' lives, dies at 95

This new free Europe: Regensburg court issues new Strafbefehl against British bishop Williamson (Strafbefehl: an iniquitous German method of trial in absentia, which omits any initial hearing and obliges the defendant to appeal against punishment, or else). Recall: the earlier conviction was overturned | click here for lots more on Williamson

Outrage as UK auction house sells Nazi memorabilia on Yom Kippur, the most solemn day in the Jewish calendar (that's when they chant the Kol Nidre, which formally clears them to lie and to violate all contracts for the next twelve months. Yes, sounds solemn enough to us)

The unheard anger mounts: "This isn't the Britain we fought for," say the "unknown warriors" of WWII - FLASHBACK: On Jan 12, 2000 David Irving told the Judge in the trial of Deborah Lipstadt: "I regret the passing of the Old England. I sometimes think, my Lord, that if the soldiers and sailors who stormed the beaches of Normandy in 1944 could see what England would be like at the end of this century, they would not have gone fifty yards up the beach. I think they would have given up in disgust." (Trial transcript at page 132)

Why us? More: Jean-Marie Le Pen claims B'nai Brith prevented him from joining French government: B'nai Brith denies it, then tells daughter to sack him

"Hobsbawm was the Marxist version of David Irving": that's nice; in fact Eric Hobsbawm had due praise for Irving, as did Norman Mailer

After the circumcision scandal, more body-horrors: Israeli parents tattooing offspring with their camp numbers - scholar Michael Berenbaum is enthusiastic | And ... yet another Holocaust profiteer's book is unmasked as a lie in Australia

Outrage in Greece as police send crime victims to far-right Golden Dawn party, for protection from "immigrant scum"

Strange bedfellows: Obscene anti-Semitism is rife in left-wing online outlets like the "anti-Fascist" Indymedia

Despite media noise: Joseph Goebbels love letters fail to sell

Freedom of Information latest: US military has designated Julian Assange and WikiLeaks as "enemies" of the United States - like al-Qaeda and Taliban

Book Publisher Penguin goes to Court to recoup hefty Advances from Holocaust-Liars (above) | original story

Penguin signed "Holocaust survivor" Herman Rosenblat for $40,000 to describe how he "survived because of a young girl who snuck him food. 17 years later the two met on a blind date and have been together ever since, married 50 years." Rosenblat's story was hailed by Oprah Winfrey as the "single greatest love story" she had told on the air. Like much else, it turned out to be a lie. Now Penguin wants him to repay.


US changing sides at last? Iran's Ahmadinejad defends holocaust denial at UN: U.S. Sticks around to listen, Israel walks out


David Irving speaks to university students in Ghent, Belgium

A Jew ("Jeremy Jones") bankrupts Fredrick Toben in Australia, says it is an administrative ruling. "It has nothing to do with the legal or moral argument at all"

Should be a hanging offence: Antisemitism among friends: It's not acceptable to let it slide

Developers may turn Austrian pub where Hitler was born into flats | Braunauer Stadtchef gegen Gedenkstätte (in German)

Profound sorrow grips Wiesenthal Center's Los Angeles concession: Germany rules that Mauthausen doc Aribert Heim died a fugitive in Cairo in 1992 - premature end for a lucrative manhunt | Efraim Zuroff: Why Nazi hunting is still a worthy pursuit - uh, he means profitable?

This new Europe: "Holocaust denier" extradited from Portugal to Germany for prison term. Seven years on the run. "Used Internet to spread far-right propaganda" between 2002 and 2004. Off with his head!

Fighting back: Outrage in New York as Hungary intensifies its condemnations of Claims Conference - urges it to "refrain from misleading, intentionally misguiding, and provoking"

Bange Frage. German ritual-circumcision ruling ignites feud. Cute German Jewish leader (note ritual wig, right) asks: "I seriously have to ask myself whether this country still wants us." As said, good question

Utter rubbish: Darkest atrocities of Nazis laid bare in secretly recorded conversations of German prisoners of war | "Candid recordings sat gathering dust on the shelves of the National Archives in Kew, all but forgotten until they were picked up by historian Sönke Neitzel in 2001." -- Uh, David Irving was the first historian to use them, in Hitler's War (1975), then in Göring (1987), Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reich" (1996), Churchill's War", vol. ii: "Triumph in Adversity (2001) and other books; and he released two hundred of the conversation transcripts in his online book Overheard in 1988 (free download) | London Observer review of the Neitzel book

Here we go again: Netanyahu Makes Appeal to US voters over Iran - insists he doesn't want to insert himself into US politics

That other Holocaust: Memos show US cover-up of Stalin's 1940 Katyn slaughter | CBS | the memos | Authentic photos of the horrors of Katyn | Germans were hanged for Katyn | Russians Joined Poles at site in 2000 |  Original German 1943 documemtary film of the Katyn discovery (8 mins)

Germany stumbles upon a final solution? Jews and Muslims demonstrate in Berlin, say they "cannot live in Germany if circumcision is outlawed". Two birds with one stone?






Dr Joseph Goebbels

Exclusive : Over 3,000 pages of important early private diaries, letters, and personal papers of Joseph Goebbels found. The François Genoud collection is now up for sale | UPI/Ha'aretz reports

Heads must now surely roll: Modern Germany decorates Hitler's last surviving U-Boat captain Reinhard Hardegen - decorated twice by Hitler for bravery

People are still asking why? British historian Beevor sees sales boom in war books

See them squirm: Outrage about Breaking the Silence report on Israeli soldiers' atrocities against Palestinians and children

Unthinkable: Hungary stops Holocaust payments, demands refund, saying that Claims Conference has failed to account for where the money went - no surprises there; billionaire World Jewish Congress is outraged

Mustn't say that: Light-hearted jibe ("Jewish not-for-profit - you're kidding!") lands Australian councillor in deep trouble. For a real belly-laugh, look up what an eruv is. Not many know, but we've got them in London too

The Australian publishes a cowardly attack on the late Eric Butler, founder of the League of Rights, after the Press Council upholds a complaint against a "traitor" smear. We knew Butler, a fine and true patriot. The real traitors were those who mindlessly destroyed the British Empire

But hardly a Who-Dunnit: France opens Yasser Arafat murder inquiry | EARLIER: Swiss institute finds polonium in Arafat's effects | body to be exhumed - A real can of worms to be opened?

Force-feeding latest: New UNESCO survey examines how schools worldwide teach the Holocaust - i.e., teaching children how to hate

Should have been done long ago: Israeli archaeologist maps Holocaust death camp Sobibor

Multi-billionaire philanthropist and Auschwitz-benefactor Ronald Lauder ("Why us?") bleats that rightwing politician Heinz-Christian Strache is a danger for Austria (Strache has published a cartoon about a fat multi-billionaire banker, with tiny Jewish cufflinks) (in German) | World Jewish Congress | Latest free-speech news from Austria: Staatsanwaltschaft prüft Straches Facebook-Karikatur (in German)

That Chicago riot: "Ashford House Five" lawyers call their arrest "invalid" - but don't deny that their clients, masked and armed with billyclubs, crossed state lines to smash violently into a peaceful right-wing dinner function - a Federal offence? Lawyer's name is Aaron Goldstein | Violent clash had roots in shadowy movement

Ron Rosenbaum argues: Calling people Holocaust-Obsessed is the new Holocaust Denial. Mustn't say that either?

AWPOW* World Jewish Congress urges German prosecutors not to indict rabbi for performing circumcisions

Mountain Dew name debâcle: Top-rated name choice suggestion, "Hitler did nothing wrong" | Musn't say this either: Macquarie Group banker names Hitler as "skilled leader" | and ... duly apologises, grovels

Militärverein organisiert braune Feier: Usual folks are outraged as Austrians organise ceremony honouring fallen WW2 paratroops (in German)

Wenn das der Führer wüsste. Documents show that Hitler's own adjutant Fritz Wiedemann was a traitor to him

Cables show that United States government intends to chase Julian Assange, Wikileaks founder | The Age

Teaching students to lie: Historical method through hoaxes

Though shalt not mock: Germany fines NPD politician $10,000 for mocking Holocaust Day. He had "insulted the memory of dead." Judge: Pastörs' prepared notes in parliament showed significant "criminal energy" that could only be interpreted as Holocaust denial (No we don't understand those words either. Orwell, where art thou when we need you?)

What is going on in Syria? Don't be vague, Hague: A photographer captured by "insurgents" says his captors were Britons with "not a Syrian in sight" - whose war is British blood being spilt in now?

Food for thought: Being Jewish is more Mind than Matter: "Most Jews exhibit a distinctive genetic signature of a common Middle Eastern ancestry" - that is, they are a different human race?

Karl Hoeffkes finds extraordinary film footage showing prisoners and Nazi guards laughing and joking inside Colditz

Helene Mayer, a Jewish athlete who competed for Hitler's Germany in 1936: an Olympic mystery

Freedom wars: Tony Abbott attacked for his vow to ditch racist speech law: Australian Jewish community outraged at new campaign for free speech

Dual-loyalties update: Wartime MI5 super agent Lord Rothschild (left) "spied [for Moscow and Mossad] as the Fifth Man"

Limbo Olympics: How low can you sink? Germany to demand democracy pledges from athletes after forcing rower to quit London Olympics: her boyfriend was National Democratic Party member | In Germany, it is the talk of the Olympics | Rosa Silverman in Sunday Telegraph heaps scorn: 'Nazi stag party' MP Aidan Burley attacks multicultural Opening Ceremony | Greece expels White triple jumper from Olympic team for Twitter joke about African immigrants in Greece. She's lucky, she would have found rather more of them in London | Daily Mail

The Lefty philistines demand: "To reclaim Richard Wagner, his family must leave the Bayreuth festival" - and remove the Prince of Denmark from "Hamlet" too?

Obituary: Leading British historian Sir John Keegan: testified for David Irving in the Lipstadt trial | Keegan on WW2 books including Irving's

DOCUMENTATION: Diary of Heinrich Himmler, Dec 1934 - Dec 31, 1935 (PDF, 216Kb)

Alleged letter to Roosevelt from Hitler's nephew William Patrick, begging to enlist in U.S. Army to fight the Nazis

Adolf Hitler tops poll to find world's most recognisable face - he told an unhappy Eva Braun that the postman's hat and crinkly boots were vital for his image. Remember: World has him to thank for the autobahn and the Olympic torch relay | Conservationists race to save Germany's 1936 Olympic village

Kevin Myers of the Irish Independent: On the BBC staging a play with a Black Duke of York. Political Correctness gone mad

The Economist: Ghosts from Hungary's tortured past. The right-wing fights back against Jewish persecutors

Associated Press: US sees Israel, tight Mideast ally, as spy threat

Pork-barrel latest: President Obama names seven wealthy donors to Holocaust memorial council - all "have given predominantly to Democrats"

Australia's pro-Israel Prime Minister Julia Gillard gives $500,000 of taxpayer money to prolong Auschwitz-Birkenau

Tall stories: Jewish British Airways steward "headbutted colleague who said Jews deserved what they got". Sacked. Turns out he had started it: "Only good German is a dead German"

Lost the plot: Billionaire World Jewish Congress chief smears International Olympic Committee: "completely out of touch" for refusing a minute's silence for 1972 Munich Games massacre at opening ceremony

California bigots: UCLA professor cleared of anti-Semitism accusations. (But what causes the anti-Semitism?)

Not widely publicised: Colorado shooting suspect worked at a Jewish summer camp, says L.A. report | Jewish Telegraph Agency | Curioser and curioser: Accomplice opened exit to let him in

The curse of the swastika: Bayreuth (Wagner) bans Russian singer for swastika tattoo (in German)| CNN in English

World still not safe? Pro-Nazi text is found under a statue in Vienna, Austria. Will they now have to check beneath every statue, just in case?

Thou shalt have no other...: Germany to seek renewed prosecution of British bishop Williamson for "denial" (in German)

AWPOW*: Hungary (President about to visit Israel), arrests Csatáry, 97, the "most wanted living Nazi" - Wiesenthal's Efraim Zuroff "overjoyed by the news": "Hallelujah," he said | Oops: Reporting this, German TV accidentally labels Simon Wiesenthal a "war criminal" (in German) | persecution continues: "Most-wanted Nazi" denies war crime claims

Shock, horror: Stephen Goodson, South Africa Reserve Bank's Holocaust denier

Death by chocolate: How Nazis plotted to assassinate Churchill with exploding confectionery - nice story, except that the Lahousen diary proves that Hitler forbade Canaris to plan to assassinate foreign personalities

Judge: $975,000 bail for "Ashford House Five" is 'proper': Washington Times Flashback: Chicago thugs - Anarchists fail in Chicago but succeed in suburb during NATO 2012 | Eye witness account of attack on Right-wing restaurant event

New Dresden air raid scandal: City workers find mass grave beneath city square - city found it 2002, kept it secret (in German). NB: Germany's policy is to pretend British air raid's deathtoll was far lower | More | our Dresden holocaust dossier

Can anyone apply? Holocaust survivors in line for new German $300m payout - the gift that keeps on giving, as "eligibility requirements" are relaxed

Discussion points: Irishman Benny Lewis has 17 cultural reasons why this European never wants to live in the United States -- including importunate waitresses

Ouch: Jewish leaders protest Cologne court ruling that circumcision is illegal: Ruled "parents don't have the right to impose their faith on a child" | Wiesenthal Center is outraged: Yes they do! | The Europeans' skewed view: Chief Rabbi Sachs pleads for special ruling | German government to change law, authorises Sonderbehandlung of Jews again: as an exception, circumcision will not be illegal after all | Daily Mail: Merkel promises to flout court ban


 Worth reading. Before it vanishes. A Times of Israel journalist Manny Friedman boasts: We DO control the media - and some. "We also control the ads that go on those TV shows..."

He adds: "We no longer have to change our names. We no longer have to blend in like chameleons." But the article is written under an assumed name.

... and while we're on the subject: We don't know about Bob Diamond, disgraced "American" CEO of international rate-rigging Barclays Bank, but we do about his disgraced chairman Marcus Agius (who ludicrously also headed Britain's bank-oversight agency!); or do we? In 2009 Wikipedia, that inflexible paragon of truth, said Agius was born into a Jewish family; today it says he's Roman Catholic. So that's alright, then - he would have escaped Hitler's Holocaust, even though he is married to a Rothschild

A bit one-sided? Germany to fight "right-wing extremism" with multi-million dollar database: meanwhile Europe bans the DNA database needed to fight real crime

No wonder, given that so many of these gentlemen frisk and frolic in Dave Cameron's Cabinet: Liberal leader Nick Clegg flies the Gay Pride flag over Whitehall: Can other folks now ask for the Jolly Roger, or even a Swastika, to be flown on their high holy days?

Yet more proof of Real History: 1940 letter reveals that Hitler ordered SS chief Himmler to leave his WW1 commander, a Jew, alone; survived to 1980s | Daily Telegraph

The new Austria: Eighteen months' jail for "Hitler salute." Not like the old days, then (in German)

The fruits of Dresden: German neo-Nazis make gains in Saxony against bumbling government crackdown | Germany issues guidelines to hoteliers on how to ban them: "How Not to Be Fooled by Right-Wing Extremists"

Real History takes Root: Newspaper columnist says, Everything people believed about Hitler's intentions toward Britain was a myth created by Churchill

Chilling Letters to Hitler, Lost for Decades and Recently found: Why "chilling"? They express a perhaps overweening admiration for the statesman who saved Germany from corruption and decline, and then all Europe from Judaeo-Bolshevism

Hungarian Jews seek removal of anti-Semitic writers from curriculum

Wiesenthal Center is outraged: District Court of Cologne, Germany, bans circumcision as illegal. Rules "parents don't have the right to impose their faith on a child"


Tactless. . .: Flying swastika causes alarm at Jersey Shore, USA | Plane towing swastika buzzes Manhattan

Gitta Sereny by Gary. . . but true: Ultra-Orthodox Jews arrested for Hitler Holocaust graffiti
" Zionists wanted the Holocaust" and "If Hitler hadn't existed, they would have invented him."

World owes them a living? Austrian-Jewish survivors want increase in compensation - But wait! Weren't most of their tormentors Austrians?

Up Turds and at 'em: Elie Wiesel renounces Hungarian award in protest at Nazi "whitewash"

Obituary: conformist author Gitta Sereny (right) has died. David Irving says: "Minor flaws aside (I sent her eight pages of errors from prison), her biography of Albert Speer was brilliant. It was sent to me in that Austrian prison, and I could not put it down." | Telegraph

Coincidence: A "neo-Nazi" angle to Olympic history: German Neo-Nazis "helped to carry out Munich Olympics massacre" - says alleged "neo-Nazi" who is now going straight. Hmmm

French academic revisionist Roger Garaudy dies, aged 98: former communist, joined anti-Nazi resistance in WW2; then anti-Israel

End of an era? Right: The man who did not know Hitler's first name.
(No, not Heil)

Democracy at work: Outraged German Parliament expels eight far-right German legislators over wrong-brand "neo-Nazi" T-shirts

Obituary: Tony Hancock, Britain's rightwing "practical idealist" dies of heart failure

Why are we not shocked? Holocaust Fund scammer faces 40-year sentence - FBI found 3,839 Jews had made fraudulent hardship claims

Couldn't make this stuff up: Ukraine dismisses call by Simon Wiesenthal Center to boycott two restaurants deemed anti-Semitic: One offers diners black hats with artificial sidelocks to make them look like religious Jews. Customers are expected to haggle, "a notorious anti-Semitic stereotype".

New boy shapes up well: Historians praise new German president's apology to Prague for Lidice atrocity (but Czechs have yet to apologize for atrocities against Germans 1945-47)

That's a relief: Top Jew says German football team has no business at Auschwitz

NEWLY available DVD, David Irving
and Mark Weber on Hitler's Place in History.
140 minutes. $35 our price $25

Rare pics of D-day in color. David Irving said in 2000: Would British troops have gone even forty yards up that Normandy beach if they could see Britain now?

Cultural news: Tel Aviv university cancels concert of music by Hitler's favourite composer, the late Richard Wagner, after Holocaust survivor outrage

Football news: German National Team Blasted over Auschwitz Visit: Only three footballers went, not whole team | PREVIOUSLY: Holocaust survivors will deliver talk to England's football squad ahead of Euro 2012 visit to Auschwitz - The madness invades sport. What on earth does football have to do with this?

Outrage, as court orders Holocaust survivor's family to return stolen Gold artifact to Berlin museum: mystery as to how he obtained it | Flamenbaum "may have" swapped a pack of smokes to get it

The Irish Hitler: Bridget Hitler and the Nazi leader. While others simply emigrated, his Irish sister-in-law and her son Patrick "escaped" to the US

What happened to Gen. Patton? - New book ventilates an old (and discredited) "murder" theory. FACT: Patton was killed in 1945 by a Black truck driver who swerved to frighten an oncoming Jeep, and found after he hit it that it was a four-star general. Patton died in hospital, and his young niece Jean Gordon killed herself when told. Now that's the really interesting bit (see David Irving: War Between the Generals)

How about on bended knee? Apology for Obama's "Polish death camp" gaffe deemed "insufficient"

Rommel film producers consider libel action against critics
but agree now to allow David Irving to preview autumn TV blockbuster - in Germany! - as it is based on his famous biography: "Trotz aller berechtigten Kritik am Holocaust-Leugner Irving würden dessen Rechercheergebnisse nach wie vor von allen Rommel-Biografen genutzt..."

Huffington Post raises an outrageous point: Business Insider's Henry Blodget on Why do people hate Jews? (Later amended to "Why do Some People hate Jews?" but even that has not appeased them). Huff's post has attracted over 1,400 hilarious comments

How they do it - Edmund Connelly on The film "Margin Call"

Patrick J. Buchanan : How Bill Kristol Purged the Arabists from Republican Party - and the draftdodging warmonger-scum and neocons floated to the top

Poll finds: UK has changed for worse under Queen Elizabeth: those polled did not say how, probably for fear of offending against Britain's Orwellian race laws

My friend the assassin: Czech Republic remembers the assassination of senior Nazi Reinhard Heydrich (left) 70 years ago, and the reprisals which followed |
 Wartime German newsreel: Prague in mourning

Spot the difference: David Irving arrested this week in Wisconsin. Perhaps for identity theft?

Race relations: Benzi Gopstein objects to Facebook chief "Mordechai" Zuckerberg marrying a non-Jewish Chinese - you can't make these names up

Zionism update: Sacha Baron Cohen is an apparatchik of Hollywood's most profitable brand


BBC: Exam's "Why us?" Jewish GCSE question criticised: asks pupils to explain why people don't like Jews | Michael Gove criticises "bizarre" question: "explain possible reasons behind prejudice against Jews" - uh, is this one of those "multiple correct answer" questions? "Sir, can I use extra sheets of paper?" | and in unrelated news: Key suspect in Kosovo organ case arrested in Israel


Endlessly sorry: German doctors apologize for Nazi-era crimes
FACT-CHECK: In July 1934 Göring introduced a law, unique in the world, prohibiting vivisection on animals; many life-saving medical discoveries thereafter (e.g., the now commonly-used stent, and the connection between smoking and lung cancer) resulted from "Nazi doctors" testing innovations on themselves. These discoveries have been cynically exploited by the pharmaceutical industries of the WW2 victor-nations

Cartoon 1934, Simplicisissmus: the grateful laboratory
animals of the world salute Hermann Göring
(from David Irving's Biography Göring)

World safe again: Swastika-shaped Austrian school rebuilt at cost of £6m

Nazi legacy: The troubled (i.e., brainwashed) descendants of Höss, Göring, Himmler talk of their "guilt" - some have sterilised themselves to avoid producing more descendants



Discussion point: How Hitler thwarted the international bankers | Outrage as Germany's former central banker Sarrazin calls country hostage to the euro zone, forced to pay out billions for the Holocaust "| Sarrazin claims Germany's European policy is motivated by Holocaust guilt. Reminds us of Rudyard Kipling: That if once you have paid him the Danegeld / You never get rid of the Dane

Boston Globe publishes Astounding color photographs of Russia a century ago

Sounds familiar? Thirty hooded leftist blackshirt scum armed with bats attacked nationalist meeting Saturday night in Chicago restaurant; eight hospitalised, five arrests | thugs boast of criminal violence | Chicago Tribune | CBS News | Update: Five charged in mob attack | James Fulford on the Tinley Park, Chicago, attack: Anarcho-Tyranny in America | ABC News: "Anti-Racists" from Indiana Attack White Heritage Group in Family Restaurant - Please send us any follow-up stories

How they do it: Texas student says Holocaust "lesson" went too far: A teenager tells Federal Court he was seriously injured, required to role-play as a Jew while taking orders from students in the role of Nazis

Jaenelle, Gerwich, and a cautionary tale about shyster lawyers:

Tourists go home: A dangerous move to relax UK libel laws: It will soon be carte blanche for the international Schmierfinken and libellers, it seems.

How they do it: Parliamentary gains by right-wing Golden Dawn panic Greece's tiny Jewish clique; call it "a serious attack on Greek democracy" (sic) | WordPress squelches website of Greek Golden Dawn. So much for democracy

That's awkward: Jewish art collector in Paris collaborated, Nazis spared her multi-million dollar collection. Met. still muddled on Gertrude Stein's past

Four times married Vidal Sassoon, hair-stylist to the stars, philanthropist and fighter against British in Israel, dies at 84

UK's self-inflicted injury: Fears of racism allegation "left Asian gang free to rape [White] teenage girls": It was in their culture. British police were reluctant to stop them

Nuremberg, Germany, firm contrite over anti-Semitic email: The owner said Günter Grass was right | Rolf Hochhuth quits Berlin Academy of Arts over that Grass poem: Calls them all "anti-Semites". Hmmm. (in German)

Adolf Hitler postcard to a comrade, December 1916 | Huffington Post | The Independent | and More Hitler art works sold

But then, what did they know? BBC reports, a WWII Adolf Hitler profile suggests "Messiah complex"

The Mossad comes clean(er) on Adolf Eichmann's Capture

US to allow Israelis to sue Swiss banks over cash allegedly deposited during Holocaust | German: Vermögensverlust nach Holocaust | Hmmm. So US law allows foreigners, Israelis, to sue foreign states in US law courts where the Holocaust is invoked. And they talk about "libel tourism." This is greed tourism.

Why do we no longer gasp? Canadian Jewess among 27 accused in $57million Holocaust survivor fraud
". . . became known in the Russian-speaking community as someone who could help get money for being a victim of the Holocaust - even if you weren't really from Nazi-occupied Europe"

Jonathan Bowden, one of the outstanding figures of the New Right, has died at the age of 49. David Irving says: "He was one of the most gifted English speakers and dialecticians I have ever heard. To sit in his audience was always a treat."


We hope his descendants get the royalties.  German government to permit reprint of Hitler's best-selling Mein Kampf after all - with suitable footnotes to correct his "wrong" views.
HISTORY FOOTNOTE: George Weidenfeld paid half the royalties for Hitler's Table Talk, a check for £40,000, to Hitler's sister Paula (so François Genoud, who got the other half, told us in utmost confidence, and we must ask those who read these lines to keep the secret too).

No, no. Not them, those! Muddled Israeli students cheer Nazis in Holocaust Remembrance Day play, applaud their brutalities

Denmark: Flew German battle flag with swastika on Hitler's birthday - Not illegal - Police confiscated it anyway

Ex-CIA director George Tenet agrees: CIA Investigation could be construed as Anti-Semitic. Agency fired Jewish agent because of his " lack of candor about contact with Israelis and Israeli-Americans": It's that dual-loyalty thing again

History Flashback: Chaim Weizmann's letter to Mr Churchill, September 10, 1941: Jewish leader promises that US Jews can drag USA into war again, just as they did in WW1

You just gotta like them: Vienna, Austria, removing "anti-Semite's" name from avenue | Business Week: Austrian Nationalists protest
Dr. Karl-Lueger-Ring will be renamed University Ring: he (and not Göring) famously declared, "I decide who is a Jew." But the same city recently commemorated mass-murderer Che Guevara with a statue | Pictures: Time/LIFE celebrated Hitler's fiftieth birthday (1939) in color

Latest force-feeding news: Hitler Youth film produced for Austrian schools

More outrage in Austria: Hitler-Porträt von Künstler Clementschitsch im Internet | our page


"I know you won't disappoint me, Günter. . ."

ADL calls Mel Gibson "serial anti-semite, serial bigot"

Not ethically? : Australia's top Catholic says Jews "intellectually and morally inferior" | and . . . (wait for it) . . . apologizes


Two stories linked in some invisible way?
#1 Salon: Israel's aversion to free speech
#2: David Irving banned from free, democratic Germany another ten years: Einreiseverbot für David Irving bleibt bestehen   

Convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard


Glad tidings coming: Convicted Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard in US hospital - traitor's ordeal over soon?

Israel Interior Minister declares Gunter Grass persona non grata (because he opposes attack on Iran)

Rudolf Hess: Inside the mind of Hitler's deputy - new 1941 medical notes from his tormentor, Major Dicks, have been found: Dicks was the Lithuanian born psychiatrist hired by MI6. He tried truth drugs in May 1944 but got nowhere. At the end of the session he asked the prisoner his name. Hess, proudly: "I am Rudolf Hess!" He had been alert all the time.  

Nobel laureate Günter Grass attacks Israel for planning attack on Iran| his poem | outrage at Grass - it is now "anti-Semitic" to express concerns about those planning to risk world nuclear war by attacking Iran | in English | Reuters | Die Welt | Occidental Observer | The Guardian: Günter Grass and changing German attitudes towards Israel

Prof. Richard "Skunky" Evans (left) snaps at another writer's heels (and lives to squirt again): A N Wilson rebukes him: "The war is over. Hitler is dead. Get a life."

Pay-TV piracy: Israeli hackers working with Rudolf Murdoch to hack, destroy rivals
"The issue is particularly sensitive because Operational Security [a secret unit within Murdoch's News Corporation], is headed by Reuven Hasak, a former deputy director of the Israeli domestic secret service, Shin Bet"

Graveyard desecration: Grave of Hitler's parents secretly leveled: Under pressure from Leftist lobby and Mauthausen committee (in German)| Austrian TV | Berliner Kurier | Outrage around the world, but Israel kvells | Fox News (in English) | Radical's Diary: An Austrian priest has dismantled the grave of Hitler's parents (but a tree still marks the spot)

Grave of Hitler's parents

Right: Always covered with flowers, the now destroyed gravestone marking where Hitler's parents lay safely for over a hundred years in Leonding. Millions of tourists visited the site, and Hitler too, after the Anschluss in 1938 »»


Berlin judge #1 nears end of career? Police ID checks by skin color OK, says German Court

Berlin judge #2 nears end of career? Rules historic Berlin shul, Jewish congregation is a fraud: orders it to repay subsidies

David Irving, a Radical's Diary: Libel tourism; setting up our US tour; fighting Germany's permanent ban; more on the Dresden deathroll; armed theft of a historic Röhm putsch album; a US Immigration ordeal, and The Piranha's surprise reincarnation

Codebreaking: Condor Legion Enigma machines found in Spain

Daily Mail: The year of vengeance: How neighbours turned on each other and anarchy erupted in the aftermath of WWII

The Toronto Globe & Mail outs Canadian PM Harper's shifty friend Saulie Zajdel:

Roger Schlafly: How Einstein Ruined Physics: Was Albert Einstein the smartest man and the greatest scientist who ever lived? Millions believe so

John Demjanjuk has the last laugh: Germany confirms "he died an innocent man": He died before his final appeal could be heard, and under German law "a person is presumed innocent until proven guilty" | Death of a much-prosecuted man: John Demjanjuk, who guarded Nazi death camp in World War II, dies aged 91 | YouTube new| Incorrigible: He "escaped justice" says Israel's Holocaust centre chief | A fair obituary in The Daily Telegraph

Booming: Yet another Hitler art auction - ends April 20

But still does not ask, Why Us? "The Tragedy in Toulouse" by Elie Wiesel

Daily Mail: Rommel love affair, illegitimate child led to woman's suicide, and a daughter

Now available IN HARDBACK:
the Focal Point Classic edition for only $35.00  


Freedom of expression under attack - Canadian lawyer Damian Penny whines about "libel tourism" because David Irving sued Lipstadt in the UK courts for the libels she peddled in England; but does not mention that (under the usual pressures) Canada has banned Mr Irving since 1992 | contact Penny - tell him what you think




True story of The Great Escape

How he earned that name: Professor Richard "Skunky" Evans squirts on yet another Hitler biography | Reply to Evans's lie that author Wilson does not read German | For Evans' own profound ignorance of the language, see his testimony on the slang phrase "daran glauben" in the Lipstadt trial

Newly released: British Report into Rudolf Hess 1987 death fails to answer unexplained questions about whether he really did kill himself | Daily Mail

Sounds like it to us: Leading Catholic writer suggests the "Why us?" question to the Jews
Mr Read denied that his argument amounted to a justification, commenting: "If I were Jewish I would want to know why people were antisemitic"

Like much else: Berlin's Holocaust memorial at risk of crumbling

Christian Science Monitor warns: Obama help with Israeli preemptive strike on Iran would violate international, US law - not to mention, killing a whole bunch of innocents | US asks Russia to deliver war ultimatum to Iran. Mel Gibson was right (So: Fill up your gas tanks while you still can)

Mustn't say that: "Hitler was the perfect boss." Former maid breaks silence on "charming" dictator | Hitlers Ukrainian bunker revealed

America's Jews: The Specter of Dual Loyalty Goes Back to the Presidential Election of 1868 : Tablet Magazine

The Independent: In search of the Hitler memorabilia collectors | Auction news: Tray given Hitler for 50th birthday sells for 28 times its asking price after fetching £28,000

FBI gets its man: Chicago riot suspect Jeremy Hammond, arrested in international hacking bust | Daily Mail | Wall Street Journal | Hammond led the thugs who attacked David Irving's "Edelweiss" dinner in Chicago, Nov 2009 (Radical's Diary) | FLASHBACK: Radical's Diary, March 27, 2010: Hammond and thugs sentenced | notorious hacker among those arrested | DOCUMENTATION: Our Correspondence with the FBI about Jeremy Hammond

Should be okay there: Budapest's Award-winning Jewish writer Akos Kertesz seeks political asylum in Canada

Mustn't say that: Munich police chief bans police union's wall-calendar over "racist" cartoons

Arrested Negro: "What do you mean Verdunklungsgefahr?" (A legal term: literally Danger of Darkening, in police courts it means Interfering with Witnesses).

Massachusetts school fixes racist typo on menu - "KKK chicken". (Uh, real problem is food given US schoolkids, not spelling?)

Beautifying Kiel: Leftist mayor erects 500 plaques throughout the German port against "neo-Nazis" | NDR (in German)

Our publisher friend Pedro Varela will be released from prison on March 8 (in Spanish)

Germany safe again#1: Germany extends the 1993 ban on David Irving for another ten years [PDF file, 10mb] Frightened of what? [dossier] So much for free speech. . .

Germany safe again#2: Berlin police officer pictured giving Nazi salute on Facebook

That should enhance their value: Paintings Found which "belonged to Hitler" | in Czech Republic

Don Guttenplan on The Wiener Library, World's Oldest Holocaust Museum, in London
In which Guttenplan, doyen of the fashionable silence-first-then-smear school of journalism, writes of "David Irving, who says the Holocaust never happened". Uh, does he?

For lovers of art: a brilliant new website commemorating the life, art, and works of David Irving's mother, a professional illustrator, by his daughter, Beatrice

A small victory for free speech: German court quashes British Bishop Williamson's "Holocaust" conviction | Abendblatt

The Chronicle of Higher Education takes issue with Wikipedia: The "Undue Weight" of Truth on Wikipedia:
Wikipedia's faceless "gatekeepers" have a political agenda of their own

How confusing for them: Berlin antifa thugs attacked by Kurdish immigrant gang

Watch out, Iran: President Obama's Jewish Mega-Bundlers: his campaign discloses more prominent Jews among his top fundraisers

Problem solved: Town votes to change name of Jew Pond - but is that vote anti-Semitic?

How they do it: Pro-Israel handbook explains how to attack professors and "co-opt" coloured students

The New Blacklist: My days as a political analyst at MSNBC have come to an end, says Pat Buchanan.

Mustn't say that: France convicts Jean-Marie Le Pen for saying Nazi occupation was not "particularly inhumane" | Daily Mail (it is a criminal offence in France to "contest" anything stipulated by the Nuremberg Tribunal: uh, where does that leave Katyn?)

Dangerous times for academia: University of Vienna wields Holocaust Denial Lawsuit to silence Economics Professor, Skeptics smell Blood | University sacks professor, calls for imprisonment, after he admits he "knows nothing" about Nazi gas chambers (in German) | In Austria, University wields 'Holocaust Denial' lawsuit to silence Professor

Totally unlike our modern blow-dried leaders: Hitler's secret photos reveal Nazi leader's vanity. A well-known collection of photos, practising speaking poses, is published  


Dresden demo, Marxists
True Holocaust deniers: Hired Marxist demonstrators in Dresden, Feb 13, 2012, with official Government-line slogan: "STOP THE MYTHS ABOUT THE VICTIMS!"

Fury of Germany's violent Left because David Irving's 1990 speech in Dresden sparked annual mass demo in remembrance of the 1945 massacre | Violent Leftists aid Government campaign to trample on the true Dresden deathroll (in German)

And still the Germans wrestle with that dreadful truth: Der 13. Februar in Dresden: eine Chronik .... 13. Februar 1990: "Holocaust-Leugner" David Irving spricht vor 500 Zuhörern in Dresden" | Jahrestag des Dresden-Bombardements: In Trauer entzweit | Bombenangriffe auf Dresden 1945: Das Ende der Legenden

Montreal auctioneer gives "fossilized remains" of Treblinka victims to Jewish congregation

More Tall Tales from the Mail: Auction house offers scalpels of "Nazi Camp Commandant Anton Bürger" for sale, says Daily Mail (Fact: Anton Bürger & Co was the Dresden factory that made them) | And: withdrawn from sale | Family withdraws them from auction after "really unpleasant" threats from survivors
- uh and we forgot to mention, they're fake ("The wooden box of tools belonged to Anton Burger, a major in the SS who oversaw Theresienstadt concentration camp between 1943 and 1944". No, they didn't)

So it can be done: Viktor Orban and the National Question In Hungary: Budapest's new broom is expelling gypsies and other phoney immigrants, has declared a new category of second-class nationality for recent immigrants. Traditional enemies are in uproar

Jaenelle Antas writes: "Only Whites are Racist in Duluth"

Silly Sods: Outrage at group photo of US Marine unit in Afghanistan - the Sniper Scouts. That's what the SS stands for, says commander. (What about "Sue Somebody" - for famous-trademark violation?)
(Military officials say they have already probed the photo and confirmed it was not racially-motivated. So that's okay, then)

Could happen to anybody: Claude Lanzmann, film director ("Shoah", 1985) and friend of Roman Polanski, is stopped at Israeli airport after "sexually harassing" security woman. Next time, remember: they can grope you, you mustn't grope themAuschwitz fake memorial

 Right: Memorial to "four million" dead, since removed by embarrassed Auschwitz authorities

Obituary, Kasimierz Smolen: Communist who kept the books in wartime Auschwitz, then set up the museum and fostered the "Four Million Dead" legend | Action Report on Smolen (1997) | our Auschwitz dossier

Jewish Telegraph Agency: Istvan Csurka, a far-right Hungarian writer and politician, has died

New York Rabbi admits to Auschwitz Torah scam, faces jail

White Australia: Jaenelle Antas writes on Patriotism and Prejudice in Australia

Okay to sell Hitler schnapps: Austrian police abandon investigation into sale of alcohol with Hitler's face on bottle - seller was motivated by profit and not ideology: "spotted a gap in the market"

Mustn't say that: Outrage in Austria at Far Right leader's pithy comments about gala ball: "We are the New Jews" | Austria cancels award to Strache

Julian Assange's extradition battle enters final round | His lawyer claims Swedes issued "invalid" extradition warrant

Table knife and fork from Adolf Hitler's dinner service go on display. Not much interest in flatware of other world statesmen

Clumsy timing: Berlin's Deutscher Oper to stage Hitler's favourite opera "Rienzi" on April 20 (his birthday). Outrage from all the usual quarters. Our advice: Get over it.

British education minister Michael Gove (right) gave £2million taxpayers' money to Jewish vigilante body which he had "advised" since 2007 | Outrage at The Guardian for revealing the scandal on Holocaust Memorial Day (Tip: Better not stage "Rienzi" that day then, either) | our dossier on the CST

Temple hits up Mel Gibson for money, cites Anti-Semitism allegations - (he said: "They're behind all the wars, aren't they?")

The Great Shakedown continues: Now Norway says sorry: Yes, it does rather seem that nobody wanted them

Says Ha'aretz: Holocaust denial trumps freedom of expression

Norway announced on Wednesday, January 24, 2012 the death at 46 of their leading author and champion of Free Speech, Stig Sæterbakken. Artistic director of the Norwegian Festival of Literature since 2006, he resigned in October 2008 over the controversies following his invitation to David Irving to be keynote speaker in 2009. Mr Irving's visit to Oslo was accompanied by riots. See our Radical's Diary: May 26 | May 29 | Jun 2 , 2009. Upset by the ongoing controversy, we are now told, Sæterbakken has taken his own life leaving two young daughters

Hero in the Fight for Free Speech: Following Politicized Dismissal, Norman Finkelstein gives details of Tenure Battle

Another unlikely Daily Mail story: "Hitler painting" The Nocturnal Sea to go under the hammer. But: Hitler never painted seascapes (Fact: his native Austria was landlocked)

Kitty Hart talks of surviving two years in Auschwitz: as the Daily Mail says, an "extraordinary" story (seasoned historians use a different adjective). Her story was not even used at the Lipstadt Trial. She stars in many 1990s documentaries. She took her son to Auschwitz, but he asked a lot of inconvenient questions (like about the swimming pool). She claimed to sunbathe nude whilst watching the chimneys. Carried in her pocket her mother's tattoos, preserved in formaldehyde. In short: a career-survivor who once accused revisionists as being "in it for the money"


Hitler's "Wolf Lair" hidden deep in Polish forest to become major tourist attraction | Die Welt: site temporarily closed, new lease sought (in German) | Mr Irving will lead our usual select tour of the Nazi sites in Sept
Axel Springer's Berlin newspaper weeps that so many tourists come to see Hitler's last stronghold: Touristen-Magnet „Führer-Bunker" but nobody wants to see where Springer died


<< HITLER'S WAR now also comes for the
first time in a limited (200) boxed
presentation de-luxe edition


 Another blow to Mossad: Accused Nova Scotia spy to remain in jail | EARLIER, ON THIS WEBSITE: Canadian Border Patrol to investigate kiosk girls in Nova Scotia, suspected Mossad spy ring | Israeli illegals enter guilty pleas | more Israeli spies in Canada | "sales agents" arrested

Photos: exclusive to AR-Online »

Jewish Squabble Escalates (no, not Iran): ADL condemns "Outrageous" Atlanta Jewish Times column - it called for Mossad to "take out" U.S. President Obama | AtlantaJewishNews denounces it | Publisher Andrew Adler resigns

British researcher claims to have located mass graves at Treblinka death camp site, using Ground Penetrating Radar


Obituary: Death of Sir David Hirst QC: The highlight of his career was fighting David Irving in 1970 libel action - see our dossier on the PQ.17 trial

Their tortured world: New York police charge Jewish man with anti-Semitic threats - NY Post

Warsaw Business Journal - Lessee needed for Hitler's Wolf's Lair headquarters - originally had one careful owner | we take another troup group there this September

Auschwitz museum lodges complaint over smuggled WWII files

Is this still the best proof they can offer, after seventy frantic years of digging? "Holocaust Document of Horror Disclosed." Der Protokollfund. Die Welt rediscovers the Wannsee Protocol! - But the Axel-Springer journalists are careful not to reveal that there is not a single explicit mention of killing Jews in its pages, or of Adolf Hitler. Nor do they talk about the Schlegelberger Document, in which Hitler ordered that nothing be done until the war was over »»

Newly-discovered German newspaper archive: Priest rescued four-year-old Adolf Hitler from drowning | In German: Wochenblatt

This does seem so important in the present economic crisis? Anti-semitism training planned for British Members of Parliament

Independent (Dublin) columnist Kevin Myers scolds Trinity College over freedom of speech. "Speaking about freedom of speech at a place like Trinity is like discussing virginity in a brothel. . .TCD has been denying freedom of speech for some considerable time: most notoriously, and most frequently, the historian David Irving." - Example: Trinity College Dublin cancels planned talk by David Irving

A new gallery: More of Hugo Jaeger's fine color photos of military life in the Third Reich, 1938 to 1941

A turn-up for the books: A British WWII veteran tells how he was a goal-keeper in the Sunday football league at Auschwitz

David Irving, a Radical's Diary: our bookstore recovers; our coming tour of the Nazi HQs; "Goebbels" returns; short shrift with scammers; after 30 years, Establishment's outrage that I got the Churchill diaries is revealed

Wall Street Journal Book review: Leon Trotsky: "A Jewish Revolutionary" (with much to answer for)

Churchill Desk Diary Nov 1940Latest archival revelations under Britain's 30-Year Rule: Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher threatened in 1981 to veto BBC programme; fury of Churchill's family that historian David Irving had obtained Winston's diaries; and curiosity about General Sikorski's plane crash in 1943 | FLASHBACK to 2001: Files released under the 30-year rule show that in 1970 British Govt. wanted to prosecute Mr Irving over secret war documents he had obtained | Independent on Sunday: Secret of Churchill's diary revealed | Right: How the diary revealed the true story of Churchill's movements on the day that Coventry died | David Irving: "Churchill's War"

Right: from the Churchill desk diary.
Image Copyright: David Irving

When Hitler died: Irish president De Valera's expression of sympathy to German ambassador condemned

Portrait of Casino-boss Sheldon Adelson: The deep pockets behind U.S, Presidential candidate Newt Gingrich - some people like the Newt (but women see him as a love-rat who will drag the U.S. down)

David Irving, a Radical's Diary: British politician in Nazi uniform at a stag party; the gibbering gentlemen of the Journaille; the Madagascar Plan


Daily Mail shows: "Hitler and fellow Nazis celebrating Christmas by a giant tree at the start of World War II" -- which it then identifies as Dec 18, 1941. That was not the start of WWII, except for some guys. Jaeger's picture is pre-war anyway, as Hitler is in pre-war uniform; the Führer's adjutant Wilhelm "Ovambo" Brückner (far left) was sacked in Dec 1940. Good ol' Daily Mail. A reader identifies it as the Dec 1938 Christmas Festival of the Old Guard (Alte Kämpfer) in Munich's Löwenbräukeller

Christmas picks by Huddersfield (UK) Waterstones bookseller: Hitler's Mein Kampf as "perfect present" - oops; and the usual pressure is then applied to this major bookseller chain: no surprises there

Mit dem Hakenkreuz auf die Straße: Communist Neues Deutschand takes a shocked look (in German) at Pedro Varela's Europa Bookstore in Barcelona - but he's held in a Spanish jail until October 2012

Common sense: Stop teaching British children about the holocaust, says British minister, Lord Baker: British history is more important

Brooklyn DA arrests 85 Orthodox sexual abusers | Taki's hilarious take on this kamikaze-DA: "Here's a Toast Before We're All Toast"

Nostalgia corner: A gallery of rare high- quality WWII photos

Nothing new here: United States alone as Israel is condemned in UN Security Council

Ain't stupid: "Hitler wasn't all bad": One in ten Austrian teens think Nazi leader did "good things", survey finds

Die Welt agrees: Hitler did not give "the" order for the Holocaust
but dismisses David Irving as "not a serious historian", unlike those who have waffled for half a century about "the Hitler order" without a shred of proof (In German)

Fake documents and the Knut Hamsun legend: Wenn mit einem Mal stichhaltige Beweise vorliegen- Ein norwegischer Filmregisseur und seine falschen Hamsun-Manuskripte (In German)

World safe again: British Prime Minister sacks "foolish" MP Aidan Burley who hired Nazi uniform for stag party - Despite frantic efforts to salvage his political career - including a groveling apology to The Jewish Chronicle and planning a pilgrimage to Auschwitz - David Cameron acted decisively | Burley pays bill as Oxford-educated louts toasted Third Reich and chanted "Hitler, Hitler, Hitler" | "One of his superiors there is Transport Minister Theresa Villiers MP - She has defended the controversial jailing of historian David Irving ..." for his views | And ... the MP is sacked: grovel, grovel. . .

Christiopher Hitchens

We announce with regret the death at 62 of writer Christopher Hitchens:
fearless journalist who led the attack on Austria's imprisonment of David Irving, in a Wall Street Journal OpEd | Jewish Ideas Weekly: The Trouble with Hitchens (pdf, 1 MB) | Germany's Axel-Springer press (or rather their Jewish journalist Hannes Stein) smears Hitchens: "He called the Nazi-fan David Irving an important historian, and received him in his Washington home, when Irving's history-lies already stank to the heavens" | and an opposing view on Hitchens: a hate-filled, hate-radiating person | Yes, Hitchens drew hatred from the effete: Michael Gove, who wrote "David Irving is a discredited figure of the far Right, Hitchens a celebrated gadfly of the New Left. . . Irving is a study in wickedness, Hitchens one in mischief" | Irving: Like myself, Hitchens cannot be bought and cannot be bought off | A brave journalist | Christopher "Hellhound" Hitchens | Hitchens-Blumenthal feud escalates | Hitchens asks: Wiesel Words: Is there a more contemptible poseur and windbag than Elie Wiesel? - For ninety more references to Hitchens on this website, use the SEARCH WEBSITE button above  

Billionaire Simon Wiesenthal Center announces new Nazi-Hunting Drive in Berlin: "Operation Last Chance II" - Major "new rewards" announced (for whom?)

David Irving, a Radical's Diary: Secrets of the Oxford Interviews; surgery will shut me down for three months; bad enough, but then our best girl opts for a new life Down Under

Hitler and Goebbels documents: Nazi Memorabilia Boom: "The People Want Souvenirs" - Brass desk where Hitler wrote 1938 Munich Pact fetches $423,000 at auction | A Disquieting Book stolen from Hitler's Library: some folks are easily disquieted | The disturbed world of Holocaust collectors: much of it is visibly fake (but make an educated guess about the salesman)


Walther Hewel walks with Hitler (foreground) and 'Blondi" in the Alps

Our gift to historians and German-readers: The Walther Hewel papers. On Dec 8, 1970, while researching for his Hitler biography, David Irving visited the widow of Walther Hewel, seen at right with Heydrich and Schaub, and above wiith Hitler himself; Hewel was liaison officer for Joachim von Ribbentrop at Hitler's headquarters. Among other items she loaned Mr Irving exclusively Hewel's 1939 notes, and his lengthy private handwritten diary for 1941, of highest historical importance

The Curse of Irving strikes again: Former partner at [Lipstadt's] law firm sentenced in £17.5m swindle

 This new Europe: Austrian prosecutor investigating man selling wine with pictures of Hitler on labels

The great Why-Us debate: White House defends US envoy Gutman over Israel's-to-blame remark | Mustn't say that: British MP Paul Flynn says "UK ambassador to Israel is more Zionist than British"

Best served cold: German police raid homes of six men over 1944 Nazi massacre | and in German: Sechs hochbetagte Verdächtige sind im Visier der Ermittler | Oradour

US auction house sells Hitler and Goebbels items:
Darunter ein geheimes Kassenbuch und Liebesbriefe an Joseph Goebbels

David Irving, a Radical's Diary: The helpful Holocaust archives; Key West beckons - but a bike is gone

Times-Picayune in New Orleans doesn't like him either: "Even in Austria, David Duke is embarrassing"

British High Court allows WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange to appeal against extradition to Sweden - We hold no brief for Assange, who posted hundreds of our hacked emails and addresses on the Wikileaks site in 2009; but this is a free speech issue

The Edmonton SwastikasThe Swastikas (right): The 50 Worst Hockey Team Names of All Time

Huffington Post: Researcher outs Creepy Secret Hidden in Millions of Smartphones | and Lawsuit over "Not a Jew" phone app is dropped: Apparently Jews don't like people knowing that they are Jews?

Jeremy Jones: Anti-Semitism in Australia increases by 31 percent: Jones blames Internet not behavior of Israel or Jews

Sense of humor failure: Czechs order homeowner to take down Auschwitz sign ("Work Will Set You Free") from his garden gate

Traditional enemies of free speech #1: Jewish Group applauds Germany's Arrest of David Duke

Traditional enemies of free speech #2: The man behind the man in charge: Michael Kapel, above, chief of staff of Victoria's premier: boasts of "exposés about Holocaust denier David Irving" - yes, the oligarchs are still kvelling about a victory they bought with their millions in 1991, twenty years ago

For Whom the Bell Tolls (Hermann Göring): Memorial embarrasses (modern) German community

But how was the question framed? Three-quarters of Germans polled want "neo-Nazi" party NPD banned - Yup, the new German Democratic Republic steps up to the plate, where 49 millions (99.7 percent) once voted Yes for Adolf Hitler | and in related news: Germany arrests David Duke | in German; held for deportation as undesirable alien

Hitler's sheet and pillow case hit the auction block

Gary Kamiya:The boys who cry "Holocaust" - The same neocon hawks who lied us into Iraq are using the ultimate argument-stopper to push war with Iran

"Hanukkah pricing" ads called anti-Semitic: ADL outraged | Controversial "anti-Semitic" vodka billboard taken down in NYC

He ought to know: Henry Kissinger Called Jews "Self-Serving" and "Bastards"

Did he steal somebody else's identity? Lawsuit against Elie Wiesel set for January 24 in Budapest

The Member for Paranoia City: German politician says he is now Nazis' terror target because he banned David Irving talk  ("Later I slapped a permanent entry ban on him. That's why the terrorists took note of me" - uh, yes, grandpa, that must have been over twenty years ago)


News from On High: Heinrich Himmler's communion certificate goes up for sale

Variety: Rommel TV biopic stirs controversy | It plagiarizes David Irving's Famous Biography - so now production company is accused of unfair portrayal | Süddeutsche Zeitung: script author admits relying on Irving's book (in German)

The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Holocaust survivors seek $20 billion for Nazi-era policies

Hesitating on which car to buy next? Here's a pointer: Volkswagen Corporation says it will donate $1 million to the Anti-Defamation League
So VW buyers are also contributing to a notorious hate campaign run by the multi-millionaire Abe "The Claw" Foxman, right. The ADL has paid huge sums in libel damages and has convictions for criminal activities

Outrage of German Jews as Greek Government negotiates with Georgios Karatzaferis, right-wing leader who compared Israeli forces' war crimes to Hitler's

Your taxpayer dollars: State Department's Anti-Semitism fighter, Hannah Rosenthal, focusing on Holocaust denial - says Nazi Germany systemically murdered millions of Jews in Dachau [sic] and Auschwitz

Are we forgiven for asking why? Germany's entire Gold reserves are held in a vault in New York. Deutschlands Gold liegt im Tresor in New York : The phrase "short and curlies" comes to mind.

Hartwig Benzler (in German) writes on Iran: Peinliche Lügen im IAEA-Bericht | Western media unquestioningly repeat the old CIA lies about Iran's "atom bomb project", but who is behind them? | Netanyahu urging attack on Iran - so Mel Gibson proves right again | Wiesenthal Center outrage, as European Commission Poll rates Israel "Biggest Threat To World Peace" | Israel vs. Iran -- U.N. Should Censure Israel -

Another "sh*tty little" moment: Sarkozy on Netanyahu at G20 meeting: "I can't stand the guy, he's a liar" | Der Spiegel: in German: "Ich kann ihn nicht ausstehen, er ist ein Lügner"

Goes around, comes around: Croatia's first interior minister, former communist guerrilla, arrested for post-World War II crimes

More on Mr Cameron's nice friends: Israel jails former woman soldier for leaking documents proving policy to assassinate Palestinian "militants", in violation of court rulings

Field-Marshal Rommel: brainwashed grand-daughter's fury at new TV film | Screenwriter "lifted key passages" from Irving's famous Rommel biography, so "expert historian" quits - Film even begins with the same scene as the book | Focus | BILD | Süddeutsche Zeitung | Die Welt (in German)
FLASHBACK: How the world's press praised David Irving's pioneering Rommel biography | "Der Untergang" (Downfall) lifted large chunks of his book Hitler's War too

Report: German youth suffering from "Holocaust fatigue"

He's been hiding in London with Eva all this time? Seen on a London bus last week.

Beatle Paul McCartney to Convert - but has not been to Auschwitz yet? | On the right path: Angelina Jolie (an aspiring film-star) makes a surprise visit to Auschwitz | so did we, last month, but Hollywood has not called | Another revisionist success: Poland to reopen dormant Auschwitz probe - into crimes committed there and elsewhere during World War II | Disneyworld Sun-Sentinel

This modern world: Convicted burglar Gerry Gable is honoured by the University of Northampton | our dossier on the thief reaches back 48 years

Losing their grip: The appointment of right-wing Istvan Csurka to direct Budapest's New Theater causes outrage from Hungary's 100,000 Jews

Spanish revisionist publisher Pedro Varela reports he has received 1,632 letters since being imprisoned for mauvaises pensées (thinking bad thoughts) last December. He is in good spirit. Write him.

This author need not fear imprisonment: "British mustard gas attack didn't blind Hitler: His trenches myth concealed bout of mental illness" - more slime about "the Führer"

Russians open secret files to refute claims Hitler escaped from bunker

Hitler "personally" planned 1934 putsch in Vienna (what tosh) (German author rediscovers Goebbels diary entries which David Irving first published in The Sunday Times in 1992)

So much for that First Amendment: Black Teacher Fired for Criticism of Banker Jews at "Occupy" Rally - (she talked of "Jews who are running these big banks and our Federal Reserve" - Lessons from History: if we were US Jews, we'd be studying airline timetables right now)

Speechless:President Obama's teleprompters stolen - How cruel - that's like cutting a puppet's wires: Stolen truck carried hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of teleprompter and podium equipment that travels with US President. You mean he has a White man write his speeches? Gosh 

Was Mossad using Liam Fox and Adam Werritty as "useful idiots"? Alarm bells ringing | Fox knowingly served Israel | Fox was warned over his relationship with Werritty | But both his successor Hammond and his other boyfriend British foreign secretary William Hague also seem compromised: Hammond lists Fox's benefactor former Goldman Sachs banker Michael Hintze as a major donor before and after he became a Cabinet minister. Werritty was chief executive of UK "Atlantic Bridge" while Hague was on its advisory council. Huffs Hague: They were just names on a letterhead: "It doesn't mean that you know how the thing is run in detail." Perhaps Fox, Hammond and Hague should visit the Gaza Strip and see Hintze's other cash donations at work | Readers sleuth: Atlantic Bridge's web presence has disappeared

Letter from Albert Einstein warning of Nazi peril fetches $14,000 at auction | The Australian | CNN | But even this clever man omitted to ask, Why Us?

Not those nice folks again ...? US Feds Nab Eight in Fund Scam - stole $57 million intended for Holocaust victims

Reuters: Diary shows Germans could have known of Nazi horrors

Guy Gibson VCDying British airman admitted in 1992: I shot down, killed Dambusters hero Guy Gibson in 1944 by mistake - RAF knew, covered it up | Reader's letter asks: Was Gibson an unpopular commander?

Previously: Stephen Fry chooses to alter history: in his new Dambusters film script, Gibson's faithful black Labrador "Nigger" is renamed Digger. Why not Tigger, or Snigger - or even more appropriately in Stephen Fry's case, B*gger? As Churchill said about Tom Driberg MP: "B*ggers can't be Choosers" | BBC | Order now: the first new book from David Irving's pen in five years: The Night the Dams Burst. A thrilling war story of British genius and heroism   

Lessons of History: Poll reveals anti-Semitic sentiment in Argentine society

82 percent believe those nice folks are preoccupied with money and unpatriotic; 49 percent say they "talk too much about the Holocaust," and 68 percent believe they "have too much power in the business world." If we were a Jew in Argentina, we would flee while there is time

And, talking of lack of patriotism: see the bottom-of-page diagram here to see how (outgoing) British Defence Minister Liam Fox and Israeli front-organisations are secretly connected - by money, how else?

Walk this way! Yiddish sign in Brooklyn orders women to move over. Time to send in NATO air-strikes!

More news from London's myth factories, as Jews force Hitler auction withdrawal: Hitler's Nazi collectors' items for sale
Spot the six errors here: "David Irving, the self-styled historian jailed in Austria for denying the Holocaust, set up a website selling Nazi memorabilia. He claimed his items included a piece of Hitler's bone and strands of his hair as well as his walking stick. A glance at a neo-Nazi website, in which users repeatedly ask for details of Irving's (now defunct) web address, shows" etc. Defunct? Or maybe there was never any such website?
Previously: Adolf Hitler auction uproar | Reading glasses likely to fetch £5,000 - most of the items come from the Ealing collection of John Horne, reviewed by us in 2005: we consider some of them are of dubious authenticity - perhaps this is real reason for the withdrawal?


Now we see whose side Cameron is on: UK changes war-criminals law so Israel's former foreign minister, the thoroughly nasty Tzipi Livni, can enter Britain

Euro collapses, but Germany's witch-hunt continues: Hundreds of ancient Nazi probes to be reopened - Wiesenthal Center kvells

This New Europe: French police interrogate film producer Lars von Trier over Hitler comments (in German)

"Did You Know Gertrude Stein Nominated Adolf Hitler for a Nobel Prize in 1938?" (It Gets Worse) | Exhibit leaves out how she survived Holocaust

Prof. Brigitte Hamann tosses another spanner (US: wrench) into the works of the conformist historians: Hitler's favourite Jew: The strange case of Dr Eduard Bloch

Traffic to be halted automatically every ninety seconds on North Circular so London Jews can cross without touching button and violating weird Sabbath law. Chaos, shmaos

Enigma machine sells for world record price previously: code machine to go under the hammer | She broke codes of Abwehr and RSHA (Reich Homeland Security Agency): Codebreaker and her husband worked solving the Enigma machine

Below: decoding Real History. The British crack a March 24, 1945 message reporting that 80,000 to 100,000 citizens of Dresden are still registered as missing after the firestorm raid - and keep it secret until now


The German self-flagellation continues: Quandt dynasty (BMW) breaks silence (they built fighter-plane engines)

Witch-hunt: As book is published, Hugo Boss offers apology for "Nazi past" - i.e. he too stayed in business during the Hitler Renaissance period

And in stale news, BBC: Wanted Nazi "was West German spy"
Nazi who designed a mobile gas chamber became a spy for West Germany after WW2

Compulsive liar? President Barack Hussein Obama says his father served in WW2. CNN News clip (18 secs) Fact: Barack Hussein Obama Sr. (Obama's father), born Apr 4, 1936, was nine when WW2 ended; his stepfather Lolo Soetoro, born Jan 2, 1935, was ten | And his latest gaffe: Obama confuses Jews with janitors. Wrong: janitors not really to blame for Lehman Bros., world economic collapse

Hitler tried to get out of speeding fine by claiming it was his lookalike chauffeur: German archives reveal 1931 ticket. Claimed his chauffeur Julius Schreck was behind the wheel when he was clocked at near twice the speeding limit near Ingolstadt, Germany

Jeffrey Goldberg: John Mearsheimer Endorses a Hitler Apologist and Holocaust Revisionist (Gilad Atzmon) - worth reading, but not for reasons Goldberg would approve of

Original 1936 Olympic torch - "Nazi Olympics" - for sale on eBay | Manufactured by Krupp (whose logo was not dissimilar)

Jeremy Jones whines: Appalling bigotry and hatred on anti-Semitic path - but fails to ask himself, "Why us?

Al Jazeera director resigns amidst "US intelligence links" row | resignation raises fears for channel's independence

Why us? BBC: Jewish US army translator who interrogated the Nazis | Hmmm. As Hitler predicted, they worked for the enemy who invaded their country

TV documentary: United States planned massive war with British Empire in 1930 with bombing raids and chemical weapons (but Brits would probably have won?)


Your taxpayer funds at work: "How an Anti-Terror Program Became a Jewish Earmark" -
Those nice folks admit getting three-quarters of Dept of Homeland Security cash. Of 995 grants 2007 - 2010, 74 percent went to Jewish organizations; the 2011 figure is 81 percent. Says The Forward: "Jewish community [can] be proud"

Crashed in flames: Independent's Johann "Martyr" Hari apologises over plagiarism and hands back Orwell Prize
Some articles by him - on Jörg Haider, The Gay Fascists | on Winston Churchill: The dark side | Hari's book reviewed: The Two Churchills | Churchill and the 1943 Bengal famine | on David Irving: 'I'm Hitler's biographer'


Mussolini's escape clothes, found in upstate New York, to be auctioned
our Duce dossier | short photo gallery

Left: The mortal remains of Mussolini and Clarita Petacci, shot by communist gunmen on Churchill's orders (photos: Focal Point). Churchill went to Northern Italy in August 1945 to search for the Duce's missing suitcase, believed to contained his secret letters to the fascist leader | click to enlarge

Toronto professor, a Jew, defends himself against slur. Center calls for caution before calling just any statement anti-Semitic

New York Jewish intellectuals: Another moral debacle? "As the international noose winds tighter about Israel's throat, the learned classes are not asking the right questions"


Left: our group's Hugo Haig-Thomas, ex FO diplomat, exploring a 40-foot high General Staff bunker at "Mauerwald," East Prussia

News on US closest ally: Noted Scientist gets thirteen years jail in plea bargain after "Mossad-agent" sting, was offering US secrets to Israel

"Why us?" - Well, Israel considers retaliation against Turkey over Gaza convoy | secretly plans to equip and train Kurdish terrorists against Turkey

David Irving's figure for Darmstadt firestorm raid criticised -
as in Dresden, the modern German government is anxious to whitewash over (i.e., deny) the ugly truth (in German. In fact Mr Irving had the deathroll from Darmstadt city's statistical office in 1962)

Surely a cruel and unnatural punishment: German judge orders 16 year old girl offender to read Anne Frank Diary

L.A. rabbi refuses to testify against fellow Jews in tax evasion case: "son of Holocaust survivors" (i.e., not much happened to him at all), cites mesira, a prohibition against informing on fellow-Jews

Ferdinand von Schirach confronts his grandfather's Nazi past in new book


Sounds a bit like Hitler's Madagascar "humane solution" for Europe's equally popular Jews
Danny "Turtleface" Danon (above): Boot out Israel's Black immigrants -- to Australia (gee, thanks, says Oz Member of Parliament)

NHS hospital "usual equal-opportunities rubbish" job advert sparks investigation

The Biter bit: US government spied on Israel's Washington embassy

<< This Olympic England: Grandmother faces court for placing Golliwog in her window in dispute with Black neighbour | John Cleese: London is no longer an English city and that's how it got the Olympics

Chamberlain's secret bid to reach a deal with Hitler, revealed in newly released documents.Wonder who stabbed him in the back?

Nigel Parry: Guardian Investigator David Leigh (and brother in law of its editor) boobs - accidentally reveals top secret Wikileaks password ... in his book! Releases unedited torrent of entire Wikileaks trove

Outrage called for: Swastika, Ontario. It is a small, quiet town that once had a number of gold mines. It refuses to be politically correct

Go figure: Hitler's mountaintop tea house attracts 300,000 a year: but virtually nobody wants to see where ex-President von Weizsäcker and his venal gang took tea?

Mustn't ask that: French radio host gagged after asking listeners whether ex-IMF chief Strauss-Kahn escaped rape charges because of "Jewish lobby's" support

After pressure from distressed Israeli family: UK wax museum Tussaud's puts guard on Hitler to stop visitors saluting



 Obama family in Kenya

President Obama's family in Kenya, 1987; click for the whole family. Below: Uncle Omar, illegal immigrant, police mugshot

"I'll call the White House": What Obama's Uncle Omar (right, in police mugshot) told US police, arrested for drunk driving outside fried chicken eatery

Jett Rucker: a new profile of British historian David Irving in Inconvenient History

This New Europe: Wikileaks releases intercepted US cables which discuss David Irving's imprisonment in Austria: [1] [2] [3][4]. He was given a stiffer sentence because he had written many (well received) books, and there was "no indication of a diminished mental state" in his case.
He is even said to have written books denying the Holocaust. Mr Irving: "Name just one, but what else d'you expect after the lies about WMD?"

Prime-minister Cameron forces minister to back down after he accuses Israelis of land-grab (than which nothing could be further from ..., uh, forget it)

Skunkies of the world unite! One hundred "leading historians" say David Starkey's comments on U.K. race riots disgrace academic world

The trials and tribulations of being a Jew: How to get a "get"

Is nothing sacred? Rabbi Youlus, "Jewish Indiana Jones" charged with Holocaust-Torahs fraud Rabbi YouLose defrauded his own charitable nonprofit organization, Save a Torah Inc., says U.S. attorney: You can't make this stuff up. Torah-Buyers he suckered call him You Louse

Why are we not surprised? Australia prosecutor says Greens' Israel boycott "is anti-Semitic" - You just gotta like 'em (like 'em or not)

Who is Angela Merkel? The Communist-state and uneven family background of Germany's "conservative" Chancellor


Don't mention the Blacks: "The Witch-finders already have their sights on me": BBC Historian David Starkey hits back in "race" storm

Detroit? Sixth Street, Washington DC? No, "Recent Brits" looting in London August 2011. A photograph reveals everything that BBC commentators may not articulate. The truth hurts: Enoch Powell was right.

Deborah Lipstadt's heroic libel-trial memoirs reviewed on Amazon website

Significant news: Egypt to withdraw ambassador to Israel over ambush

Madame Tussauds in Hitler row as it refuses to stop customers giving Nazi salute: staff trained to intervene only if visitors behave "disrespectfully"


Fearless foe of fascists Gerry Gable (left) is honoured by the University of Northampton | our dossier on convicted burglar Gable goes back to 1963

Others are outraged: Holocaust survivor Karl Pfeifer finds that Hungary has made a hard turn to the right, and can't see why

. . . and in related news: US taxpayer awards Israeli-front body MEMRI a $200,000 State Department grant to research why people don't like Jews

 Germany as it used to be: a prewar youth poster >

Gilad Atzmon and the question of Why Us?: An Exchange with a Jewish anti Zionist

That'll teach 'em: German government proposes to take children of "neo-Nazis" into care - Every reader's comment is against. What next, snatch children whose parents criticise ruinous immigration policies?  | NPD in trouble again: Twenty thousand posters call "Step on the Gas" - Far-Right German Party accused of Holocaust gag

Mulberry-bush, here we go round the: Israeli Holocaust survivors sue Austria all over again. It's about money, stupid

Mustn't say that: BBC historian David Starkey provokes storm with "Whites have become Black" comment | Priceless moment when he reads out a text sent by a girl out looting

Only the "democracies" have these problems.
Right: A Scotland Yard photo of one of the
"Recent Brits" sought for looting and rioting

And in further looting news: Rabbi Shmuley Boteach's Orthodox nephew in Orlando, Efraim Diveroli, faces 10 years jail: awarded $298 million US Army contract, this 21-year-old provided dud ammunition to US forces in Afghanistan - why aren't we surprised?

Nice family: Half-caste gangster Mark Duggan, shot by London cops, revealed as nephew of Manchester crime lord Desmond "Dessie" Noonan, an Antifa thug who boasted of 27 murders. Will Dave Cameron now tear up his membership of "Unite against Fascism"? Probably not, that takes moral courage

Maarga and HeiniMore work on Heinrich Himmler in progress: David Irving's transcriptions of selected letters: to his parents, Oct 1931 | from Marga to him, 1927-1932 >>

Wonderful news: A hoard of gold coins smuggled to London by Jew who fled Nazi Germany is returned to his descendents

Outrage as the real Dresden 1945 death toll is increasingly embedded in history: Repeating Nazi Propaganda, from Kurt Vonnegut to National Public Radio - Raphael Mostel says "only 25,000" were burned to death that night in Dresden. He does not include the 100,000 missing

Calls to ban NPD, far-right German party, "pose propaganda risk"

"Holocaust Survivor" was born 1948: 63-year-old Russian Jewish immigrant gets year in slammer

Black mobs riot and loot in London for three nights after police shoot armed half-caste drug-dealing gangster. Shops, buses, cars torched, 2,275 arrested, fifty British police injured
Time to turn the clock back? Twenty-six years after a rioting Black mob from the Broadwater Farm project armed with machetes decapitated the unarmed British policeman Pc Keith Blakelock the problem is still there, thanks to our multi-cultural morons who refuse to learn the lessons of history



Police inquiry closes in on Guardian Newspapers Ltd: Yard to question Jewish reporter David Leigh after phone hacking admission | David Irving tells Yard: "Guardian" hacked into my computer for story too


Facebook refuses demand by Dvir Abramovich to take down "Holocaust Denial" sites: The traditional enemies of free speech; it's in their blood.

Rarest photos (2,852) from collection of Hitler's late army adjutant, Gerhard Engel, on sale for 225,000 euros - any more genuine than his published "diary"? Our expert reminds us: The vendor André Hüsken, formerly of Hamburg, Germany, served a prison term for selling items stolen from the US Mission's Berlin Document Center and other museum collections. Lately he sells more fakes than previously

Entertainment news: Top 10 Greatest Jewish Male Film Actors (Living) - and the list starts with ... Harry Potter

Did a good job: Original portraits of Hitler's parents up for auction | French troops probably looted them in 1945 from the Berghof | Huffinton Post

Fight against Holocaust denial "far from over" - Thank goodness, so the money can still keep rolling in to them

German Goverment radio: Police raid homes of "far-right extremists"
| That'll teach them: Germany to take children from parents, to beat brainwashing at Neo-Nazi summer camps. Didn't the Nazis do the same kind of thing?

Watch how the press spins this one: Anders Behring Breivik (right) who killed 78 innocents in Norway outrage: freemason, anti-Islam, pro-homosexual, and pro-Israel | Jerusalem Post: His 1,500 page manifesto "mentions Israel 359 times and Jews 324 times" | Jewish Telegraph Agency: right wing, Zionist - that's awkward | Anti-Defamation League doesn't mention this | Report: madman was "an Ardent Supporter of Israel" | New York Times: "Christian Extremist" | Occidental Observer | Y-Net: Norway and Israel - a thoughtful article, which overlooks Mossad's murders in Lillehammer | UK Daily Mirror: "Revealed as Nazi sympathiser" (um, no he isn't; he is a fruity nut-case and gun-freak)


Not that nice Mr Gould next door? St Louis stockbroker Joshua Gould jailed eight years for stealing $5m, co-defendant David Rubin to be sentenced later


How they fix history in the new Germany.
Authorities have "dispersed" ("aufgelöst") the grave of Rudolf Hess in Wunsiedel (in German) - click the image to see what that means; too many people were visiting the last resting place of this truly noble man | photos | body exhumed against grandaughter's wishes, cremated, ashes scattered at sea | BBC | Yahoo | Vienna journaille gloats | stomach-churning article by one Olaf Przybilla in Süddeutsche Zeitung | Jerusalem Post kvells - and, remember the whine that comes when one of their gravestones is mysteriously knocked over or defaced? | And what of the other family members' remains? "Dispersed" too? | Download our Hess biography | even better, buy it >>


Josef MengeleDiaries of Auschwitz doc, Josef Mengele
(right) auctioned

Menachem Rosensaft in New York Daily News: Holocaust hawker is a disgrace: Profiting from Nazi memorabilia should be banned | Oops: Ultra-Orthodox man buys Mengele diaries for $245,000

Jewish Telegraph Agency: Amid Murdoch scandal, Israel backers worry about muting of pro-Israel media voice - Um, not mentioned so far in UK media: his aged mother is Jewish

And in familiar-sounding late breaking news... Deadly NZ earthquake uncovers Israeli spy ring - three Israelis were among dead, one was carrying "at least" five passports

Black eye for the Nazi-hunters: Budapest court acquits man named by Simon Wiesenthal Centre as top Nazi criminal: not guilty of 1942 murders | outrage at decision

Sister of Australia's Foreign Minister Kevin Rudd accuses Labour politicians of being brainwashed by a "global gay Gestapo" over homosexual marriage plans. Predictably: Holocaust survivors outraged

Not that nice couple next door? The Waxes? FBI: New Jersey couple kidnapped Israeli to force Divorce (getting a get)

More mad Mail stories of WW2: Hitler "ordered Nazis to make sex dolls for soldiers" - evidence was destroyed in the Allied bombing of Dresden - where else? | But: The Daily Mail fell for a hoax | The (fictitious) "Borghild Project"

Robert Fisk: Why I had to leave The Times (Rupert Murdoch "had turned The Times into a tame pro-Israeli paper shorn of all editorial independence")

Not that nice Mr Katsav next door? Former Israeli president paid investigators to harass witness in rape case

Cuz you can't come back here no more, no more: Braunau drops Adolf Hitler as Honorary Citizen | largely due to increasing media pressure, says Israel's Ha'aretz (and we know who the media are) | German links: Stadt Braunau | Süddeutsche Zeitung and comment | Spiegel | Springer's Die Welt - Our view: Small-minded Austrian jobsworths kicking the ashes of their town's greatest son, whose troops saved Western Europe from the scourge of Judaeo-Bolshevism. Once an Honorary Citizen, always an H.C. - it's like becoming a field marshal: nobody can fire you. PS: Remember how they cheered when he marched into their country in March 1938!

Below: Hitler greets the Duke of Windsor, once King Edward VIII, at the Berghof in 1937: from David Irving: The War Path (photo: Walther Hewel/Irving Collection).


History won't be the same without him: The death on Jul 4 of Archduke Otto von Habsburg


Hitler bugBugs with ill-considered camouflage invade Malaysia: >>
How can you Nazi the resemblance? Travel advisory
for these bugs: Avoid Germany - no sense of humour there

This New Europe: The German press jackals are howling against the British bishop. Summary: in Germany you are first punished in absentia(!), then informed, then have to appeal. The Bishop, fined $15,000 for an opinion, is at the latter stage. Meanwhile the German press condemns you in advance, which would be flagrant contempt of court in Britain. During the trial, the judge is in constant phone contact with the Minister of Justice. Only the swastika armbands, heel-clicking, and piano-wire are missing. Der Spiegel | Deutsche Welle (Government radio): Appeal begins for Holocaust-denying bishop | Prozess gegen Bischof Williamson Plaudern über Gaskammern | Williamson-Prozeß: Bunter Vogel, brauner Schwarm | Eine Schande für die Kirche: Der Bischof muß für den Unfug streng bestraft werden ("Bishop must be severely punished") | Bavarian Government TV | YouTube | Holocaust-Leugner Williamson "will nicht freigesprochen werden" - ("does not seek acquittal") | Deutschlandfunk: Der Holocaust-Leugner erneut vor Gericht (in German) | previously: German government "outs" new lawyer hired by Bishop as former leader of Wiking Jugend. Und? | Irish Times: Holocaust-denying bishop's appeal opens | Full-length Zuerst magazine profile on the bishop (4 MB, pdf, in German) | verdict: Germany fines him $10,000 dollars | Bayerischer Rundfunk | ZDF - you gotta believe it

Meanwhile: Italy sentences nine ninety-year old German veterans of Herman Göring division to life imprisonment -- while NATO's illegal bombardment of Libya continues

If the beanie fits - Outraged World Jewish Congress condemns Polish priest who said Poland "hasn't been ruled by Poles since 1939" - Simon Wiesenthal Centre demands Vatican excommunicate him

Outrage in Moscow: President of Romania (left) praises "Barbarossa", Hitler's preventive attack on Soviets, calls Nazis "Allies" (in German)

Hitler's Vinnitsa headquarters: Marxist outrage at Ukraine plans for museum on Wehrwolf site



News on our imprisoned friend the writer, bookseller, and publisher Pedro Varela (seen right with historian David Irving). His Barcelona cell is now No. 102. The prison address is here, along with those of other revisionists imprisoned by the New Europe. He is in good spirit, and will survive | prison letters



Highland councillor labelled "Hitler" in error after operative uses That Name as computer password - like probably zillions of others? How long before that becomes illegal

Not even the Nazis did that: Concentration camp at Sachsenhausen charging visitors to enter. (But before Hitler came, next of kin did traditionally get billed for execution expenses)

Way to go: Fox Talk show host Glenn Beck will address a Knesset committee in Israel - From Kniefall to flat-out grovel mode

Paranoia city: New Book Reveals Secret Meaning of "Neo-Nazi Codes" like 14 and 88

Knew that there had to be a Nazi connection: Ex-Nazi doctor linked to medical disaster involving thalidomide - Or were the parents who took thalidomide for easier pregnancies a tiny bit to blame?

Mustn't sell that: eBay bans sale of one-inch Hitler | Daily Telegraph

Mustn't say that: Steven Spielberg orders lovely Megan Fox fired from Transformers 3: she compared her director with Hitler | MSNBC

Can sell that: Joseph Goebbels' Berlin lakefront estate Schwanenwerder up for sale

popular visitor risks brief return to GermanyRecycling news: Israelis sentenced for theft of Auschwitz mementoes | BBC

 A rare but once hugely popular statesman risks brief return to Germany?

Our ongoing Himmler project: A patriotic Munich university student Maria R. sends him her lengthy account of the failed November 1923 Munich putsch and her own feelings (in German)

Stolen album's "Nazi Photographer" is quickly identified - So is his wife, who was killed by US bombs in Nov 1944 with their 2-year-old daughter. Oops. . .

No surprises there: Yale caught in new controversy: University president, Richard C Levin, allows "unscholarly" Institute for Study of Antisemitism to reopen after all

Heider Heydrich sparks outrage with offer to restore crumbling Jungfern Breschan castle where his father ruled the Czechs | our Reinhard Heydrich dossier

Above: Heider with his brother, consoled by Hitler at the state funeral of their murdered father SS Gruppenführer Reinhard Heydrich, in June 1942. Also visible: Frick, Goebbels, Bormann, Göring, Himmler; and - behind Hitler - Heinz Heydrich, Reinhard's brother who killed himself in 1944. Exclusive photo from David Irving's forthcoming Himmler biography.

Coming your way soon: Israel's Jewish Exodus. Leaving the sinking ship

Supporters of Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard shut down White House switchboard. Now, why didn't Julius and Ethel Rosenberg think of that?

ISIDORE LEIBLER   Belgian-born billionaire pal of Jewish jailbirds like Gerald Ronson and Soviet oligarchs; former chairman of World Jewish Congress; bribed his crony Australia's prime minister Paul Keating to ban David Irving since 1992; wants to be pronounced Leebler, not Libeller


Isi Leibler urges British Jews to whisper insidiously into Government's ear, not shout or grovel: David Cameron and the Anglo-Jewish leaders

Globe-trotting Nazi hunter touches down in Perth, Australia, promoting book - enjoying the luxury life while there is still aged prey to "hunt"

Marvels of this 21st Century: Rabbi Levin, rabbinical court, "order Israeli dog stoned to death: says fractious lawyer's soul entered the dog twenty years ago": victim escapes | Israel dog stoning reports strongly denied



"Hitler's glassware" to go under the hammer
Probably the best place for these items. ("Hitler's sword" . . . Hmmm!) They are the fakes that dealer Wolfram Deibel used to sell in the 80s. Hitler's real glassware (left) used the short-winged "political" eagle, etched and lightly gilded, and reflects his simple classical style. Says our kitchenware expert: the elaborate feathered-winged style eagle was also used on many fake "Allach" porcelain plates and cups which turn up at militaria fairs. Those in the know don't touch them

ArgosyNew York Post: The Führer with the golden gun - Health warning: Take this story with a pinch of salt. There is no record of such a gift in the official 1939 birthday gift list. Nor would Hitler have been seen dead (or alive) with such Hollywood-style Kitsch | FLASHBACK to more gun mysteries: Geli Raubal's suicide gun | Dealer offers two more Walther pistols of Hitler | Jewish gun dealer faked archive documents, Hitler death gun in multi million-dollar scam | JDL leader faces fraud charges | US dealer offering Hitler's guns for sale "from Russian source" (1998) | Gary Goodenow warns (Sept 1998): They are fake!

Israeli Foreign Ministry caught with trousers down | Mossad agent captured in Egypt is US citizen, Israeli paratrooper


Amsterdam magazine Folia publishes inside story on the last-minute banning of David Irving's May 26, 2011 talk to students at the university, under official Jewish pressure (in Dutch)


More on those nice folks next door: New Arrests, Guilty Pleas in $50 Milllion Claims Conference Fraud

New York auction house touts $50,000 Himmler dossier on tragic death of Stalin's son in Nazi prison camp. Taunted by British fellow prisoners for his animal habits, he killed himself. [NB: The Americans kept the ultra-sensitive captured dossier secret for decades for diplomatic reasons. It was last held in a safe in the US State Department in Washington DC - the Historical Office chief Dr Arthur Kogan secretly showed it to David Irving in 1967. Hmmm.]

Denmark's TV News Editor Arne Notkin threatened to beat up opponent after live debate on anti-Semitism - violence, often the only argument they know

The debate begins on an unpopular, unnecessary and illegal war which even the Germans will not join: "NATO's 50 terrorist strikes in Libya a day". The Treaty of Rome created NATO for just one purpose: the defence of Europe. So why this?

Liverpool Echo: Adolf Hitler: the unwanted Liverpool house guest?

Best proof they can find against him? Rabbi Marvin Hier of US Wiesenthal Center pays $100K for a 1919 Hitler letter - Daily Mail and others wrongly proclaim it sets out his plan to annihilate the Jews - Real historians (H-Net) refute that - hit is his closely-argued call for the Entfernung, distancing, of the Jews from Germany and clearly means segregation or expulsion, not "systematic liquidation" - Perhaps Hier just wants to pull the devastating text out of circulation? | New York Times says: It may be the original. Only "may"? | click to see the signature: is it a Konrad Kujau" fake"? | Wiesenthal Center is determined to go down in flames | And in related news: Sobibor death camp museum shuts on fund shortage |

A socking story: Australian PoW Ron Lowe "survived being gassed at Dachau by piddling on his spare socks." Oh, and Ukrainians on horseback liberated the camp - yet another ASSHOL* candidate

Yale Pulls the Plug on Anti-Semitism Institute: "did not meet our academic standards" - Anti-Defamation League outraged at decision

Henry Siegman in The Nation: Can Obama Beat the Israel Lobby?

JTA: Weiner's downfall is a reminder of perils of Jewish pride: "When the Son of Sam turns out to be David Berkowitz or the greatest Ponzi scheme ever is perpetrated by Bernie Madoff or a humiliated politician is named Eliot Spitzer or Anthony Weiner," Rabinowitz said, "you can almost hear it as a community: Why did it have to be our guy?" | Michael Santomauro asks: Do normal folks think this way?

Spain acts to restore free speech: High court overturns conviction on "Nazi" propaganda - outrage from some, and our friend Pedro Varela stays in jail

Eastside Westside Genocide: Don't mention the war: Artists reminded that Hitler's no joke - Outrage in New York

Asia Times: Hitler and the Chinese Internet Generation:
They admire Hitler for his ability to unify his country and restore it to a position of respect. Another job for Superman / Foxman

Can't make this stuff up:
Brooklyn amputee's suing spree against businesses that aren't handicapped- accessible
RIGHT: Suing machine Zoltan Hirsch

 Implausible, but not wholly impossible: Vladimir Putin thinks that the IMF Chief was set up. Was he about to blow the whistle about Fort Knox Gold?


Guy "Dumpster Diver" Walters asks belatedly: "Did this British PoW really smuggle himself into Auschwitz?"
Well, for a start, this ASSHOL* writes he was captured by the Afrika Korps in Libya in November 1940. Uh, The Afrika Korps didn't exist then, and there were no German forces in Libya until February 1941. See our Rommel biography. It's a no-brainer, Guy. We've been onto this case for months already.

More about those nice folks next door: UK's Southern Cross Healthcare destroyed by Stephen Schwarzman's private equity firm Blackstone

Winston Churchill's relative's descent into Nazism exposed by documents

David Cameron resigns . . . as patron of the Jewish National Fund

Unlikely to start a trend: Jewish heir fights restitution, wants German museum to keep art it bought in Nazi era

British experts have rebuilt Tunny, HESS book the world's first super-computer, used at Bletchley Park to crack Nazi codes

Hitler stories, thick and fast: 28 page 1948 account in Russian archives by Karl-Heinz Pintsch, Rudolf Hess's adjutant, suggests that Hitler was behind the 1941 peace mission | Der Spiegel: Wusste Hitler? Germany's conformist historians doubt it - no surprises there. In Dec 1955 Pintsch already confirmed that the flight was "Hitler's unspoken wish" The latest edition of our Rudolf Hess biography (right) reveals the Gestapo interrogation of this adjutant, which already revealed this fact in 1941


A Himmler Mystery: In a California university vault is the late-1919 private diary written by Heinrich Himmler, later the SS Reichsführer. In a secret pocket at the back, David Irving found five tiny, faded snapshots, each about one inch wide . . .



David Irving went to Amsterdam a week ago to address Dutch students. The city's mayor (right), an ex-lawyer like most Nazi KZ-commandants, banned the talk at the last moment, under pressure from Dutch Jews. How do you say moron in Dutch? - sukkel | De Volkskrant | Nieuws | In TV interview, Mayor Eberhard van der Laan calls Mr Irving an "English nut", which is free speech.
Says Irving: "I could call Laan leeghoofd, but my English friends won't understand. Instead, I'll say he is an unwashed Dutch bigot; which is also free speech, but truer." (PS: Mr Irving met his guests later in the five-star Hotel Amstel, and Laan could not stop them)


The Obama Birth Certificate: A computer expert detects significant tampering with the pdf file issued by the White House: it contains "layers" | Criminal complaint charges Obama birth record "forged"| FLASHBACK: De Telegraaf, November 25, 2008. Keniaanse ambassade: Obama in Kenia geboren: both Kenya's ambassador to the U.S. and Obama's grandmother publicly state that he was born in Kenya, in the British Empire: In Britain, we are so proud of him

Daily Mail claims: German sailors "tried to surrender" before the Bismarck was destroyed costing 2,000 lives. As David Irving first revealed in Hitler's War, her crew opened the seacocks to scuttle the crippled battleship and prevent her capture

Moscow finally admits that Lenin was a Jew: museum puts his Jewish documents on display (so Mel Gibson was right)

Yet another fake Hitler document goes on sale. £5,000 asked for "Adolf Hitler" letter


-- but wait, there is more: the salesman is none other than Richard Westwood-Brookes, of Mullock's saleroom in Ludlow, Shropshire, who has sold other Hitler fakes in the last two years. Our opinion: the signature is fake, the document probably a product of master-forger Konrad Kujau [below for comparison: a genuine Hitler signature of the period]


Convicted Nazi death camp guard John Demjanjuk leaves a courtroom after his verdict in Munich in this May 12, 2011 file photo. (REUTERS/Michael Dalder/Files)

Vengeance overview: Peter Worthington, Toronto Sun: No satisfaction in Demjanjuk case

Sonderbehandlung #1: Jeffrey Shallit looks back with nostalgia on how Canadian Jewish Congress thugs attacked David Irving's lectures in Canada in 1992

Sonderbehandlung #2: Maryland (USA) passes Bill requiring French train company to disclose its Holocaust history - Is it just possible that just such obnoxious special-treatment demands culminated in the Holocaust?

Israeli historian writes of "pleasure" at murder of Italian, pro-Palestinian activist

... and in other, totally unexpected, news:  IMF chief Strauss-Kahn to be charged over sex attack on Negro hotel maid | Your taxpayer money: IMF head Strauss-Kahn pulled off plane, arrested for sodomy in $3,000-a-night suite at hotel in Times Square, New York | Lawyer, Benjamin Brafman says his client will plead not guilty | Identified in police lineup | whereupon, Cute French writer files fresh assault charge against IMF chief - wait now for first charges of "anti-semitism" | Ann Coulter: To Liberals, every woman looks like a hotel maid | Strauss-Kahn's DNA found on maid's shirt...

Jerusalem Post: MI5 warns British Government minister has links to Israeli "oligarch", organized crime, and a Russian mafia boss; she quits

German court finds John Demjanjuk, 91, guilty: sentenced to five years | Bloomberg | Read Patrick J. Buchanan: The Persecution of John Demjanjuk: "Not until paragraph 17 [of the BBC report] does one find this jolting fact: 'No evidence was produced that he committed a specific crime.'" | Die Welt (German)

DAVID IRVING spoke on May 12 to his friends at the famous and lavish Drake Hotel in downtown Chicago. The pansy-Left failed to find him until the dinner was nearly over - then broadcast an emergency appeal on the Internet (right) - but were too late and could not then muster enough thugs to invade. As happened the next day too, in Detroit: the brainless thugs trotted off to the wrong location


The Holocaust - the gift that keeps on giving. German grandchildren of Nazis delve into past. (Coming soon: ... Great-grandchildren, ditto)


Survivor Elie Wiesel, who suffered so grievously (at the hands of Bernie Madoff (he lost 30 million dollars)

Multi-millionaire Elie Wiesel to receive first U.S. Holocaust Museum Award: and indeed, where would the legends be without him? Deborah Lipstadt to deliver keynote address. One could not make it up (this event, that is) | our Wiesel dossier

Doctored photos: New York newspaper apologises for faking White House photos for religious reasons

"Southern Poverty Law Center" whines because nobody is stopping Mr Irving speaking | our dossier on the curious SPLC millionaires | Wikipedia on the SPLC
- Mark Potok "doesn't support violent attacks" -- but feeds talk locations to others less squeamish than himself | now read Harper's Magazine on SPLC's billionaire fixer Morris Dees

Ex-Dior fashion designer John Galliano accuses his defence lawyer in anti-Semitism case of stealing $4 million

This new Europe: Regensburg, Germany, court sentences right-winger to four months for thought-crime: Gerd Walther zu 4 Monaten auf Bewährung verurteilt (in German)

German judge files complaint against Chancellor Angela Merkel over her Bin Laden Comments

That's funny. Seattle's full-o'-cr*p "anti-fascist" thugs gathered at wrong place: failed even to locate David Irving's speech event, but claim victory for "forcing him underground". Fact: A large, respectable audience listened to Mr Irving at a swank high-rise location downtown. Hint: don't get needled

Mike Huckabee's Revealing Holocaust Gaffe: Holocaust comparison blows up in fervent Israel-supporter's face

John Demjanjuk's lawyer in closing speech accuses Munich prosecutors of using fake documents and rubber affidavits (Der Spiegel, in German)

And in other legal news: Der Spiegel reports Germany tried to bribe Israeli judge during Eichmann trial (we are shocked that governments can bribe judges); and Unsealed US document shows that FBI considered OSI's "Nazi ID" evidence against Demjanjuk (left) was a clumsy Soviet fake | FLASHBACK to an earlier Neal Sher (ex-persecutor of Demjanjuk) embarrassment: Disbarred as Washington lawyer over $136,000 in fraudulent travel expenses. Now this, after all he has suffered...

The Nazi Holocaust - The gift that Keeps on Giving: Israel launches new Shakedown Operation

Another ASSHOL*: Eyewitness account of a Nazi atrocity: except he wasn't there, he was in Oxford at the time


WND: A tale of two birth certificates: "Rosetta Stone" documents enable forensic comparison:
Obama's latest is signed by Registrar "U.K. Lee" (Ukelele?); dated and numbered out of sequence; other anomalies spotted

HINT: In 1961 a man's race was given as Negro, not "African"; but not in this item:

THE LATEST VERSION OF the President's Certificate of Live Birth (not legally the same thing) released reluctantly by the White House; so why did they spend six million dollars keeping it secret ?

Another ASSHOL*: Veracity of Auschwitz book in doubt: The British soldier who said he smuggled himself in

Austria cracks down on free speech: Third arrest in website case
This New Europe #2: Austrian police arrest Gottfried Küssel (above), search homes, under 1945 Soviet-era "Re-Activation Law" - in German 
(it is used to intimidate all right thinkers)

Ethics Corner: Why Helen Thomas no longer has a Lifetime Achievement Award named after her

Israel's chief rabbi says "Obama must free [Israeli spy Jonathan] Pollard if he wants another term" - AWPOW!*

How unfortunate: Israel's Foreign Minister to be indicted for fraud. Fraud, rape, drug dealing, organ trafficking: what a government

This New Europe #1: Germany jails nine for operating Internet radio station presenting rightwing views

Obituary: Professor David Bowen, British forensic pathologist who doubted officially stated cause of Rudolf Hess's death in 1987 | see our book, Rudolf Hess, The Missing Years




David Irving sets out on his ten-thousand mile tour of the United States, speaking privately in dozens of cities

Lefties of Orange County, California, angry at David Irving's coming visit: but will get nasty surprise [others can register for his meeting here]

Release of Adolf Eichmann tapes from time before his kidnap by the Israelis |
Is heard boasting about his role in Holocaust (these tapes have been known to us since January 1992: Switzerland's Weltwoche bought them from Dieter Eichmann at our suggestion)

World not safe: Austria pastry maker faces prosecution over "Nazi" cakes

'Allo 'allo 'allo! Shropshire auctioneer who offered that fake Hitler self-portrait (sitting on a Devon bridge) and many other dubious "Hitler" works now has sketches by Hitler's (hitherto unknown) "official artist" for sale: oh, and Hitler's artist got the sidecar on the wrong side of the motorbike

Shock for Montana press: David Irving Scheduled to Speak in Kalispell, Billings: [yes, register here]


Hitler's troops used wonder drugs to keep fighting in impossible conditions

Yad Vashem publishes memoirs of Abe "The Claw" Foxman's father - may even outsell Anne Frank

>> Abraham Foxman, "Holocaust survivor" (a Catholic family sheltered him as a baby) is the millionaire director of the Anti-Defamation League

It's that man again: Hitler "diaries" to go on show in Hamburg - police exhibits show how the conformist historians were so easily fooled | our own dossier on the "Diaries" scam

Another nice man next door: New York Rabbi confesses to money laundering - and much else: Rabbi Saul Kassin, spiritual leader of New York's Syrian Jewish community | and in unrelated news, Harvard's Alan Dershowitz writes: "Norway to Jews: You're Not Welcome Here" | Labour MP Sir Gerald Kaufman apologises after saying "Here we are, the Jews again" when a fellow Labour MP stands up in British Parliament

Costliest pound of flesh yet: German prosecutors want six-year prison term for Demjanjuk
and polls show it is the most unpopular war yet in his adopted country, USA; CIA files on Nazis back from Soviet captivity yield nuggets for Himmler; stolen books and crooked publishers; waitress tantrums; photos of a KGB execution

No special treatment:Israeli ex-President Moshe Katsav is sentenced to seven years for rape

Deborah's friends huff 'n puff about our forthcoming US lecture tour: Solidarity Forever! "Scumbag David Irving on tour"

Won't be lunching there any day soon: Ex White-House correspondent Helen Thomas tells Playboy - "Jews own the White House" | wants apology from Obama, reasserts "Zionists own White House, Congress"

Try behaving better, then: Jewish group outraged at results of survey on anti-Semitic attitudes in Europe - "They take advantage of having been victims"


Hitler mistress Eva Braun photo album released | gallery| but LIFE magazine was suckered, we've had these photos and better (right, with her sister) for years: "Rare photographs from the private collection of Hitler's girlfriend Eva Braun show the pair happy and at play as the Second World War reached its climax"

He's next: Alec Baldwin advises Charlie Sheen: "Go on Letterman and make an apology. Write a huge check to the B'Nai Brith". And then beg for your job back.

Had occurred to us too: US Nuremberg war-crimes prosecutor says: US wars are same as Nazi wars | Prelude: the fake propaganda "Air strikes on Libya" did not take place

Obituary: Raymond D'Addario, Nuremberg photographer: took scores of color photos, which we were the first to use in Nuremberg: The Last Battle | special half-price offer


Cat among the pigeons: Charlie Sheen says he is Jewish - and with one mighty bound he was free

Ambassador Carl Coon: What price Israel? "When little Israel cracks the whip, the American colossus obeys"

A verdict of headline importance to the average mortage-foreclosure sufferer: Pope says Jews are not to blame for death of Jesus - rather discounting St Matthew's testimony that "the Jews" demanded His crucifixion and shouted to Pontius Pilate: "Let his blood be on us and on our children". AWPOW*



Michael Berenbaum: Re-imagining the Museum at Auschwitz: yes, imagination. Now imagine what words are now missing from his story

Nice Guy next door: Kept secret safe for crime tools and proceeds, forged passports

Not necessarily untrue: Julian Assange in anti-Semitic row accusing journalists of 'Jewish conspiracy' against WikiLeaks | Assange Complains of Jewish Smear

Shouldn't do that: Actor Charlie Sheen Makes Anti-Semitic Attack on "Two and a Half" Men Writer - "this contaminated little maggot" | Then: The epidemic spreads: Paris police arrest top British Designer John Galliano for "anti-Semitic remarks"  - but did he make them? Galliano claims he only said, "You're ugly, and your bag is ugly, too" | Camp behaviour update: "He called me a Jewish whore . . . with ugly eyebrows" | Another complaint | Never rains but it. . . "I love Hitler" video | Sheen seeks whole pound (of flesh)

Professor Hans Mommsen: Too much emphasis on Hitler, rather than Nazis

World safe again: Canadian tourist arrested for giving Hitler salute outside Berlin parliament

The rest are preumably only recent Brits anyway: Half of Britain "would vote for far-Right parties if they gave up violence" - "Half of Britain" doesn't sound very far-Right to us; closer to a majority

Southern Poverty Law Center counts 1,002 active hate groups in the United States of America: Or 1,003 if we include the multi-million-dollar "poverty center" itself 

Right: The demon-filled, disordered world imagined by the multi-million-dollar SPLC >

New York Times interviews Auschwitz Chief: 1.5 million gullible tourists are shoveled through the site each year. But: The chief now talks of "hundreds of thousands" of victims, and the word "gas chamber" is missing. Slowly, the revisionists are gaining

Nice guy next door: Highland Park, Chicago, man charged with Taliban weapons deal: would ship narcotics, to buy weapons for Taliban in Afghanistan. Meanwhile our sons and grandsons are in Afghanistan, fighting for our side | ...and in related news: Rabbi Marvin Hier publishes List of Top Ten anti-Semitic Slurs (when you guys learn to behave, we'll stop criticising you)

Germar RudolfA Sign of Life from Germar Rudolf, Revisionist and recent Political Prisoner

US "diplomat" arrested after Pakistan killings was in fact a CIA hitman, The Guardian reveals: his killer cronies have "fled the coop"

As world economy reels: Anti-Semitism flares in Greece: and still they ask, "Why us?"

Not that nice Mr Balkany next door? New York Rabbi Milton Balkany, 64, gets four years for extorting $4 million from hedge fund. Threatened to blow whistle on billionaire Steve Cohen's SAC Capital for massive insider trading. "I never gave a toothpick to a public official in my life," says Milton. Yes, there are Six Million stories in the Naked City

Thou shalt have no other Holocaust than ours: Jewish leaders outraged at proposed national day of remembrance for 12 million ethnic Germans expelled from Eastern Europe after World War II

Dublin conference denies Fredrick Toben: Refuses his registration for International Conference on Holocaust Denial

The Guardian: Dr. Goebbels' men made world's first 3-D films: "The quality is fantastic"

Sex, drugs, and oligarchs: Jewish millionaires from Ukraine surprise friend with video clip showing them stripping, dancing with prayer shawls. Local rabbis outraged: video stars Kiev community's biggest donors

HEIDI BEIRICH, SPLCKnown within the SPLC as Frau Bitch: Heidi Beirich: The Ugly Face of the Million-dollar "Southern Poverty Law Center" - now there's a freshly shaved picture to spoil your week 

Leaked e-mails embarrass German National Democratic Party - show party is "soaked in racist and neo-Nazi ideology". Eeeek! Some even use Code 88.

Outrage at "anti-Semitic" banker invited to speak at London School of Economics: once said "all Jews share a certain gene"; described Muslims as "dunces" | Jewish Chronicle: LSE cancels talk after violence threats - "why us?" AWPOW*

Mad Judge Disease spreads: Australian court gives three year sentence for loud words to "racist" Jews about Palestine horrors - "Is it racist to call someone a racist or homicidal maniac? Or only racist to call a Jew a racist homicidal maniac?

Some get balance, others don't: Danish TV to air 'controversial' film documentary Defamation after all (it exposes ADL and its millionaire chief Abe "The Claw" Foxman, right); but Jewish TV chief orders it "balanced" with other material

Can't fault that: Greek hero and Mel Gibson thinkalike, Mikis Theodorakis (he wrote "Zorba" film music) says "everything that happens has to do with the Zionists" and "American Jews are behind the world economic crisis"

Demjanjuk lawyer produces new evidence: case "fraught with government cover-up, prosecutorial misconduct and fraud"

California dealer offers Hitler inkpot for $1 million | San Diego dealer (we think it's vulgar and fake)

Billionaire Redskins football owner sues for libel over newspaper cartoon which "featured an anti-Semitic depiction of Mr. Snyder with horns on his head, bushy eyebrows, and surrounded by dollar signs"
Several readers have reminded us of Berlin's pre-1933 police chief "Isidore" Weiss, who sued over a long-nosed donkey caricature in Dr. Goebbels' newspaper; the judge agreed that it clearly looked like him - Goebbels's headline the next day "Judge says police chief looks an ass"

Jimmy Carter's bookLibel tourism #2:
Jews sue former President Jimmy Carter in $5 million lawsuit over his "Palestine" book
US District Court, New York (where else!) Good that some folks, no matter what price they have to pay, finally have the courage to take on these vicious haters and stand up for helpless Israel | Jim Galloway

Dresden survivors get nothing. Israeli Holocaust survivors kvell as Germany doubles annual aid to survivors to $150 million. Half of the 520,000 survivors reside in Israel | Meawhile Poland is stuck with an eyesore: Poland wants Auschwitz Internet website to drop .pl suffix

The Guardian: U.K. phone-hacking scandal hits Rupert Murdoch as investors grow restless: Storm surrounding News of the World threatens to engulf global empire | FLASHBACK: But we remember when Don Guttenplan of Guardian Newspapers Ltd in 2003 freely published secret data hacked from David Irving's files | Meanwhile Huffington Post: Rabbis Petition Murdoch To Crack Down On Fox TV's Holocaust Language | Adam Curtis: "A Portrait of Satan"

Israel urging Canada, U.S. to curb criticism of Mubarak - don't overdo it, fellers

skunkProfessor Richard "Skunky" Evans (right) to be wheeled out by the BBC's Panorama on February 7, 2011, as part of a "holocaust denier" smear against Wikileaks associate Israel Shamir

Horst WesselWorld Safe again: Traditional enemy of free speech forces Apple bosses to remove historic Horst Wessel anthem from iTunes | Daily Telegraph | Sing along: 840,000 viewings on YouTube! | For the true story of how Horst Wessel (right) lived and died, read David Irving: "Goebbels. Mastermind of the Third Reich"

Holocaust Memorial Day: Czech Prime Minister warns against Holocaust denial, says: "It has become a real industry" - he knows which side his Brot is geschmiert

Europe starves, dead victims flourish: Germany donates 60 million euros to fatten up Auschwitz site. (You read right: sixty million, and nobody dares say no) | Austria adds, um, six million: Even "gas chambers" to be restored: but read the comments too (in German) | Two British town councillors refuse to sign Holocaust memorial book Send them to Auschwitz? | our Auschwitz dossier
FLASHBACK: The Gift that Keeps on Giving: Germany to pay millions more for "renovating" Auschwitz camp

David Irving on Iran TV: They have overplayed the Holocaust, and this has tarnished the Zionist Cause

click image for video




Nazi war crime probe launched from mystery photos: inquiry starts, after anonymous gift of photos of WW2 killings in Soviet Union

Not that nice Mr Bronfman? France fines Edgar Bronfman Jr seven million dollars plus fifteen month jail for insider trading: this real criminal record could complicate Canadian's future foreign travel | video | earlier

Australian law expert calls latest extradition attempt "appalling" - Barrister Malcolm McCusker, QC, asks as an Australian taxpayer: "What's motivating the government to do this?" He knows, and so do we


Was demonstrating against fruit: Australian Friend of Palestine Charged with Anti-Semitism in Israel


War criminal Tony Blair's phoney regret draws scorn: British Inquiry into war. "Your lies killed my son," mother screams at discredited prime minister

Wild guess: Novelist's fame will survive longer than Klarsfeld's: Controversy swirls around French ceremony for celebrated author and anti-Semite Louis-Ferdinand Céline - Outcome: Klarsfeld yelped, and Celine was removed just 24h later. AWPOW*

How they do it: Cyber campaign to smear British King George VI as unhelpful to Jews in 1939 threatens Colin Firth's Oscar hopes

So much for two World Wars: Visiting Alsace, French President Sarkozy causes outrage by saying region is still German; blames 'simple error'

Israel sees sense on Bernhard Frank: Ephraim Zuroff speaks of money and "trumped-up" charges. Should suspected Nazi war criminal be extradited? | document: a 1945 interrogation

AWPOW* Another Israeli front group shows its teeth: Society of Professional Journalists abolishes Helen Thomas Award: Remember? "Tell Israelis to get the hell out of Palestine," she said. They should "go home" to Germany, Poland and the U.S.

CJC: "Thou shalt have no other Holocaust than ours": Ukrainian groups oppose Canada museum's Holocaust exhibit: so CJC's Bernie Poofter calls Ukrainian anti-semitic

Baltimore Sun: Freeing Israeli spy Jonathan Pollard would be a terrible mistake

[Left: Pollard, trapped by NCIS and serving a life sentence for peddling USA secrets to Israel and has been guaranteed a multi-million dollar reward by Israel on his release: search "Pollard" on our page 2 for more]

Dog days for Journalism: Jerusalem Post, Fox News, and world press squawk that anti-Semitism was a factor in Arizona shooting, blame right-wing American Renaissance movement
  Fox News and Daily Mail quote [fake?] US Homeland Security memo, terming shooting suspect Jared Loughner an AmRen supporter. AmRen has no trace of Loughner in its records | And then, oh, no: It turns out that his parents are Jewish - just as at Columbine. Fearing retribution and advertising losses, US media thereupon fall silent on that, but not on their sword

John Demjanjuk: Now Spain's high court requests arrest, extradition of Demjanjuk, 90 | The Independent writes: The final chance to get justice has descended into farce in Germany

Jewish teacher suspended in Nancy, France, for excessive Holocaust lessons and tours is reinstated




And a Happy Christmas to them too: Outrage at AIPAC as fired spy Steven Rosen (above left) discloses their Secret Files - sought court relief on Dec 23, filing a 53-page motion asking Judge Eric Christian (that's tough) to sanction Rosen over the illicit release of "sensitive" AIPAC documents. (Rosen claims $20 million in defamation suit against AIPAC his former employer. But I thought they were anti-defamation. We get so confused)

Fearful of ghosts, Froggies feel much safer now! AWPOW! Marshal Pétain: Both Hero and Traitor, but No Longer on the Map: Last French village street removes his name. AWPOW*

We didn't think much of "experts" either: New Zealand High Court reverses victory, endorses Radio NZ smear of citizen as "denier" - The broadcaster argued that statements made by a Dr Hamilton were his expert opinion "to which the standard of accuracy did not apply"

Not that nice Mr. Katsav? Former Israeli president (right) convicted of rape - he's lucky, in Hitler's armed forces that was a capital offence

Christopher Hitchens wades in again: "Mr. Kissinger, have you no shame?"

Arson (or more "lightning") heats up Toronto's dirty war: Gold War pits shark against shark - "someone had torched his store, but when you're in the middle of a cash-for-Gold war, there's no excuse for closing shop" | Outrage, after Caledon (Canada) councillor warns: "We do that [protect a historic home], and it's going to be hit by Jewish lightning."* That's a new one on me, says Canadian Jewish Congress chief Bernie ("Proud to be gay") Farber

* Dictionary definition: Deliberate torching of a property that has proved unsaleable, to justify a fire insurance claim

Abe Foxman's outrage, as Conspiracy Theorists link Israel to WikiLeaks - ADL calls it latest 'Big Lie'

Just like old times. What colour were the thugs' shirts? Professional Holocaust survivor Noah Klieger approves of beating administered to a Berliner trying to ask him awkward question

Guilty outrage: European Union rejects Eastern Europe's call to treat Soviet WW2 atrocities same as Nazi Holocaust - and to outlaw their denial too. Israel's high-paid Nazi Hunter Dr. Efraim Zuroff terms it a "false symmetry" | Zuroff reports that Lithuania has not changed- Aaaargh, the KGB killers are back? and we know who they were | Great Christmas news for children and Holocaust fans, everywhere: Australia adds Holocaust to the national education curriculum - force-feeding hatred, at the expense of what: Greek, Latin, Math?

What about "Julfest"? More British madness: The Red Cross bans "Happy Christmas" - in case it offends you-know-who

More revelations coming: WikiLeaks to publish Israel files on Second Lebanon War, Dubai assassination

Your US-taxpayer funded atrocities: Anti-Israel ads on buses fuel controversy in Seattle | Followed by: Anti-Israel Ads Will Not Run on Seattle Buses - AWPOW*

Courtesy of Rupert Murdoch and his News Squawk: Fox News accidentally labels Madoff-multi-millionaire Elie Wiesel 'Holocaust Winner' - your Happy Holidays Guffaw


Christina Patterson of The Independent: How I was smeared as an anti-Semite - i.e., Simon Wiesenthal Center wishes everybody a Happy Hatred

US Vice-President Joe Biden calls Julian Assange a "hi-tech terrorist" - if any nation engages in hi-tech targeted terrorism it's yours, Joe | Bank of America, panicking about unreleased documents, targets Wikileaks: Assange calls it "business McCarthyism"

Billionaire Australian Isi Leibler* (verbally) crucifies influential British Jew for criticism of Netanyahu and Israel - verbally, because the real thing just ain't done much more

* Please pronounce his name "Leebler", as this gentleman, who bribed the Australian government to refuse David Irving further visits, does not like the sound of "Libeller"

Death of Von Braun's V2 rocket genius Walter Häussermann, aged 96 - helped us writing The Mare's Nest [see column at right]

Should help repair her career: Actress Winona Ryder [aka Winona Horowitz ] claims Mel Gibson called her an "oven-dodger" (and didn't like homosexuals either) | Hollywood.com

At point of gun: Estate of Jeffry M. Picower, a Palm Beach philanthropist, to cough up the $7.2 billion received "investing" with Bernard Madoff

Careful they don't deport you: German-Canadian Congress criticizes Winnipeg museum's permanent Holocaust display - "no other human-rights violation has one" | National Post

Divided loyalties again - Retiring politician Julia Irwin reveals Zionist influence on Australian Labor Party

Christopher Hitchens: Latest Richard Nixon tape buries Henry Kissinger's reputation | Nixon excluded Jews from decisions on Israel | In newly released tapes, he rails about Jews ("very aggressive and abrasive and obnoxious") and Blacks

London appeal hearing: BBC: British High Court frees Wikileaks founder Julian Assange on bail | Assange granted bail to cheers from supporters. But: He remained in custody pro tem, as "Sweden" says it will appeal

The Why-us factor: Larry Summers Replacement - List shows no surprises - List for director of U.S. National Economic Council is down to three - Sperling, Altman or Levin. The brave Huffington Post does not mention the J-word, but it is the common factor

Wikileaks reveals more: Australian Intelligence chiefs fear nuclear war between Israel and Tehran | Sydney Morning Herald| No refunds: Washington helps Madrid at expense of US treasure hunter Odyssey in return for clawing back a painting for one, um, American (his grandmother sold it to Nazis: "The [Wikileak] cables seem to indicate that someone in the U.S. State Department has literally offered to sacrifice Odyssey". AWPOW*

Israel National News: Richard Holbrooke Dies at 69, mother was Jewish; he exposed Washington "Anti-Semitism"

Hippocratic oath, Schmippocratic oath - Jewish surgeon refuses to operate on patient with Nazi tattoo

Smiling Albert: Field Marshal Kesselring's stolen baton sells for $731,600 - Hague Rules state that the baton was insignia of office, and not subject to confiscation


Thesis on Jewish "privilege" sparks row: Ontario's condemnation of thesis on Jewish victimhood is called an attack on scholarly freedom | Philo-Semitic minister dutifully called thesis "garbage" | Outrage that Univ. of Toronto accepted thesis: In thesis, Jennifer Peto argues that Jewish programs perpetuate "victimhood" legends: The Victimhood of the Powerful: White Jews, Zionism and the Racism of Hegemonic Holocaust Education. -- She lit blue touch-paper, forgot to stand back

Not that nice Mrs Kohn next door? The one with the Orthodox wig? FT: Madoff trustee launches $19.6 billion lawsuit: "Sonja Kohn went by many names and operated under many guises, creating an international network of spurious investment entities . . . to enrich herself, her family, and the largest banks in Austria and Italy" | Sonja Kohn | Trustee Seeks $19.6 Billion From Austrian Banker | Madoff's son found dead in New York | Reuters - Maxwell'd out? | Interim list of the millionaire "victims": where they lived [click for map] [full list of names - pdf] | US goes after Madoff "investors" - Boston Herald: Philanthropist Carl Shapiro returns $625 million, Hadassah $45 million | Jerusalem Post

Bernard Madoff,
stole $50 billion: now that's "discredited"

This New Europe: El propietario de la librería Europa de Barcelona ingresa en prisión por enaltecimiento del genocidio (in Spanish. Pedro Varela, Barcelona bookstore owner, begins jail sentence for thought-crimes). Letters of support and cash can be sent to him at this address: Señor Pedro VARELA, CENTRE PENITENCIARI LLEDONERS, Carretera C-55 de Manresa a Solsona, km. 37, E-08250 Sant Joan de Vilatorrada, SPAIN.

Hackers take down websites of financial giants Visa, MasterCard, PayPal in WikiLeaks "Payback" revenge | also websites of Sarah Palin, Senator Liebermann, Swedish prosecutor | Australian fury at Britain's "shonky" arrest | Embassy Cables reveal: Israel's man in Australia, Sen. Mark Arbib, removed Kevin Rudd as PM in cahoots with US - pleaded "don't reveal my name" | Swedish sex charges bogus? | Op-Ed | Britain's day of shame: Scotland Yard arrests WikiLeaks' Julian Assange on Swedish Trollops sex charges | Note the gap in US embassy telegrams, July - Sept 2006 during Israel's 33-day Lebanon war - to be released later? | Huffington Post: Under unidentified pressure Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, Swiss cancel accounts, freeze his cash | Asher Moses reports: US [and others] want Assange imprisoned for "espionage offences" | Assange threatens to release entire secret cache | Newt Gingrich calls him "enemy combattant," Canadian politician demands his targeted killing | Documents Expose Israeli Mafia's Growing Influence in US | US embassy in Tel Aviv sent cable in May 2009 entitled "Israel, A Promised Land for Organized Crime?" | Leaked cables show: "Sarkozy the American" mulled offering French troops to Bush for Iraq war | We think: Wikileaks founder Julian Assange (picture) will soon disappear - so oder so | A tool to search the leaked cables: CABLESEARCH: key into lower box words like "Israel" or "oligarchs" to find the cables the world's newspapers are frightened to talk about

<< Click for satirical Bernard Madoff cartoon by Eli Valley, in The Forward, the leading Jewish magazine, Nov 2009 | outraged comments at that time

SS officer, 97, "admits signing extermination order" - uh, no he didn't | New York Times: Nazi Is Exposed, but Did He Have Anything to Hide? | Guy "Dumpster-Diver" Walters: Another day, another tall "Last Nazi" story | Says Michael Burleigh: Sometimes survivors can't even remember if they were at Auschwitz or Austerlitz Jew Dumped in England

World safe again: After a complaint, Christie's, the auction house, withdraws from sale a famous 1903 Bateman caricature, Jew Dumped in England >

Image courtesy of The Daily Telegraph >

Taki on how MI6 and the British Government were taken in by he ultimate Afghan con man and "the [other] con man who convinced everyone but David Irving that Hitler's Diaries were for real"


Avigdor Liebermann

< Avigdor Liebermann (Getty) | US taxpayer funds at work: Israel's foreign minister Avigdor Liebermann tells each embassy in ten European countries including London to hire 1,000 willing idiots as agents to improve Israel's standing | 1,000 Danes to spread Zionist propaganda | The Guardian | A cheaper way would be just to behave better?

Father (rear right) looks pretty harmless to us. Wouldn't like to tangle with the lady next to him, though.

Right: Murdoch in meltdown >>

We announce the death on Nov 5, 2010 at 97 of lawyer and former Luftwaffe hero Hajo Herrmann - he saved the lives of hundreds of thousands of Berliners in Aug 1943, and defended historian David Irving in three Munich "thought crimes" trials 1990-1993 [click image for photo with Irving and Austrian lawyer Dr Schaller].

New York assemblyman's outrage at payback time: Support for rival of crooked assemblyman Dov Hikind on Bradley Smith's blog - it was Hikind who pulled the money-switches against historian David Irving in Nov 2009 | Bradley Smith (left)

  • British secret service "lured" Rudolf Hess in 1941: Daily Telegraph - This is nothing new: we reported this in HESS; THE MISSING YEARS (1987); now back in print


In memoriam: US columnist Joe Sobran. Right: at our Washington DC dinner in 2004: "In 100 years," he once wrote, "we've gone from teaching Greek and Latin in high school to teaching remedial reading in college" | his appearances at seminars under David Irving's aegis had made it impossible for him ever to acquire an Australian visa - AWPOW*


But will it work in Germany? UC Berkeley develops Nanoscale Light Mill Motor >>

World unsafe again: Google Earth discovers shock images of buildings in Obama-birthplace, Kenya >>

Karl Bitar Australia

UN ex-plomat John Bolton >

Outrage in Germany, Poland? Veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas to Jews: "Get the hell out of Palestine and go back to Germany and Poland!" | Result: Apology, resignation | "David Irving, Helen Thomas: Mainstream"? | BBC News - Thomas quits - AWPOW*| Rabbi who brought her down upset with "Hate Media"