| Index to items on
Professor Richard J Evans EVANS
was one of the neutral "expert witnesses"
expensively (£250,000) hired by Prof
Deborah Lipstadt and her publisher to testify as
to Mr Irving's worth as an historian during the
libel action against her. After spending 20
man-years searching Mr Irving's thirty works,
Evans and his team wrote a report charging that
the author had made 19 errors (e.g., he
had misread a five-letter word in Himmler's
handwriting). In a remarkably hostile judgment,
Mr Justice Gray reduced even that figure to
- Bloomberg: Nazis
Chew Cyanide, Germans Feign Ignorance of
Holocaust - George Walden MP reviews Evans'
Third Reich trilogy in harsh, even
disrespectful, terms: "The glumly unimaginative
style that makes Evans's account like a long
draft of flat beer is at times enlivened with
poignant details. ... Evans is curiously
inarticulate and galumphing."
- Letter: Chris
Poole hasn't seen Richard J. Evans since he was
at Forest School in the mid-sixties. "We were
amazed that he became an Historian"
- Nov 2008: David Irving, A Radical's Diary:
Richard 'Skunky' Evans (right) talks at the
- Feb 2008: Donald
Bady throws more light on the profound wisdom of
the ineffably gullible "Skunky" Evans about
World War Two: a mysterious note found in a
German unexploded bomb -- allegedly
- Jan 2008: Should
Prof Richard "Skunky" Evans become the Regius
Professorship of Modern History at the
University of Cambridge?
- Aug 2007: Thank
Evans: Meeting David Irving's nemesis:
Australia- Israel Review interviews Professor
Richard "Skunky" Evans, the well-rewarded
Third Reich 'expert' who did not even know who
Albert Speer was
- A Historian
Comments on Richard "Skunky" Evans's masterpiece
'The Coming of the Third Reich' (Penguin
- Jul 20, 2004: FAZ
deems Evans's first volume of War Trilogy
boring, needlessly elaborate, and
insensitive | Can
Prof Richard Evans only write turgid, boring,
over-detailed tracts of history? Nov 20, 2004: A
Canadian acolyte Robert Fulford
- May 2004: Reviewing
"Skunky" Evans book, Abraham Brumberg in The
Nation calls Mr Irving "foul, mendacious
apologist for and admirer of Adolf Hitler" --
and gets a reply
- May 2004 (letter): Clint
Swift thinks that Professor Richard Evans is so
cool, compared with the [expletive] Mr
- Geoffrey Wheatcroft
reviews the latest Erguss by Richard "Skunky"
Evans | and Mr
Irving's sarcastic comment
- David Irving:
Radical's Diary, Jan 12, 2004: on documents in
the latest Deborah Lipstadt claim, for all his
possessions to be turned over to her
- Richard Evans:
Why There Are So Many Books About the
"Evans looks confused for
a moment. 'I've got someone flying in from the
US to research the Irving trial'
..." - Analysis
of the Lipstadt trial from the Yale Law Journal,
Jun 2001, by Wendie Ellen Schneider, with
special reference to the role of the "expert
- Oct 2003: The Skunk's
new book trashed The
Sunday Times scornful of Evans's latest
- A
Norwegian PhD scholar reveals Evans's
unconcealed hostility to Mr Irving at Cambridge
University | Bruce
C, of Melbourne, Australia, compares Evans's
Cambridge statements on Irving's research
("worthless") with what he said on Australian
radio ("undeniably important")
- A
reader asks Mr Irving's opinion of the
conformist historians Ian Kershaw, Richard
Evans, Peter Padfield
- New
Review of Richard "Skunky" Evans book Telling
Lies about Hitler
- Richard
Evans praised a book which says Eichmann's word
is not proof enough against Hitler
- "The
book of my enemy has been remaindered" -- A
Clive James poem, from The Nation's Favourite
Comic Poems
- London
Socialist Historians Group gives Professor
Richard "Skunky" Evans a rave review
- R L
Cope: "Irving versus Lipstadt: a[n]
historian's view of the case," in
Kleio, No.33, 2001 (University of South
- See the learned but stodgy review article by
Raymond Martin, "Clio Raped", in History and
Theory, vol. 41 (May 2002): 225-238.
as pdf file]
- Richard J. Evans, "History,
Memory, and the Law: The Historian as Expert
Witness" (abstract only online) in History
and Theory, Oct. 2002
- Richard Evans article, "History, Memory, and
the Law," in History and Theory, a
journal published by Wesleyan University, in Oct
2002; his article is entitled: [Full
text: pdf, Zipped to 108K]
- On Jan 16, 2003, Richard "Skunky" Evans
lectured to the University of Glasgow. We do not
yet have a transcript to post: Richard J. Evans,
The Holocaust in Court: History, Memory &
the Law. The third University of Glasgow
Holocaust memorial lecture (University of
Glasgow, 2003). If somebody will supply a scan
we will post it here. [email]
- Antoon De Baets, "Defamation
Cases against Historians"(abstract only
online) in History and Theory, Oct.
- Flashback: The
Jerusalem Report has unsurprising praise for
Richard ("Skunk") Evans
- Philip
Adams interviews Prof Evans at length on
Australian Radio [with Mr Irving's added
comments] | Australian
Victor Ashelford attempts to ask. Evans an
awkward question
- The
draft of the David Irving appeal document book,
refuting Prof Richard ("Skunk") Evans's
- David
Pryce-Jones has words of highest praise for
Evans' book (US edition)
- Richard
Evans puts his side of the story, "The Real Cost
of Free Speech", in The Times Higher Educational
Supplement | and
is promptly denounced by one publisher involved
for "fudging the truth"
- Evans reviews
Guttenplan book in Daily Telegraph (Mar 20,
2001), calls it "A controversial account of the
Irving libel trial"
- Don
Guttenplan reviews UK edition of Evans book on
the Lipstadt Trial, Telling Lies about
Hitler | Furious
reply by Evans in New Statesman
- Radical's
- Sunday
Telegraph: Irving's home is repossessed as libel
debts mount
- Michael
Burleigh writes: It is time for the David Irving
libel case to be consigned to history
- Private Eye, June 2002, accuses Evans of
lying: The
Führer, The Jackal, The Professor and his
- Evans
Lying book reviewed by revisionist
- Evans book to hit UK bookstands: Nick
Cohen writes in The Observer: Jun 17, 2002 "At
last, an English publisher has had the guts to
stand up to David Irving ... a neo-Nazi fraud
with a smattering of legal jargon" |
Irving replies | The
Guardian reports: UK
publisher paid Prof. Evans nothing for his book
on the Lipstadt Trial (after four others
rejected it) | Michael
Burleigh reviews it for The Sunday
"Evidently, the duel goes
on. Evans clubs the prostrate Irving with this
book; [Mr Irving's] website depicts the
Professor as a cartoon skunk." | Private Eye
scalps the Skunk: The
Führer, The Jackal, The Professor and his
Publishers | Publisher
accuses of "Fudging the Truth" - Dagens
Nyheter (Stockholm) interview reveals Evans
plans to publish his Lying book in UK after all
[Swedish] [see
David Irving, Radical's Diary]
- Sydney
Morning Herald reviews Prof Evans book on the
Lipstadt Trial
- Paul J Weindling
has just published Epidemics and Genocide in
Eastern Europe 1890-1945 and has done what
Richard Evans most feared, subjected his book to
a thorough scrutiny
- Richard Evans
reviews for The Jewish Chronicle a bumper
Holocaust almanac: "An umbrella that's almost
too big for the storm"
- Extract from
Trial Transcript, David Irving challenges Prof.
Evans -- testifying on oath -- about his
manifest bias
- US Library
Journal reviews Prof. Richard Evans's libellous
- 1987:
Richard J Evans scoffed that Germany would
never, NEVER, be
reunified (but David Irving got it
- David
Irving, Hitler and Holocaust Denial by Richard
J. Evans
- Mr Irving invites
Prof. Evans to answer some queries about his
expert report
- Review of book, Richard J. Evans, Rituals
of Retribution: Capital Punishment in Germany
- April 21, 2000 Irving
trial witness [Evans] to sit on 'looted
art' panel
- Letter:
Prof. Evans: If the price is right
- The
Times diary: Prof Evans smears Mr Irving behind
his back at Cambridge
- Richard
J. Evans in Frankfurter Rundschau:
Blitzkrieg und Hakenkreuz Vom Irving-Prozess zur
Holocaust-Ausstellung: Der Nationalsozialismus
in britischer Perspektive
- David Irving
answers requests of Cambridge University
newspaper Varsity for comments on Evans
- Professor
Richard Evans' libellous comments on David
Irving in Cambridge university magazine
- A learned
reviewer suggests that Professor Evans's book is
unscholarly, ignorant, and sloppy |
response to some of his critics
- Radical's Diary:
Evans's book on Lipstadt Trial to be published
Feb 2001
- Professor Evans
writes his own version of the trial for BBC
History magazine
- Prof Richard Evans: David
Irving, Hitler and Holocaust Denial by Richard
J. Evans. Warning: The Evans report in
particular is highly defamatory, and is
reproducible only in connection with this
in leftwing Berlin newspaper TAZ on Jan 23, 2001
Evans calls the Lipstadt trial a victory for
free speech- Richard Evans:
Lying About Hitler: History, the Holocaust and
the David Irving Trial [Our book
- Jacob
Heilbrunn reviews the US edition for The
National Review | Mr
Irving's comment
- The Guardian, March 14, 2001: "Top
historian's work rejected amid libel fears finds
new home" (and our comment)
- Bertelsmann-Ableger
[Heinemann-Verlag] kneift vor David
Irving | Mr
Irving warns new publisher | Frankfurter
Allgemeine Zeitung Angst vor David Irving:
Heinemann zieht ein Buch zurück
- The Observer
(London) whinges about "A ploy named Sue": Other
publishers are now suddenly frightened of lying
about Mr Irving | [ and Mr
Irving's response]
- Evans reviews
Guttenplan book in Daily Telegraph (Mar 20,
2001), calls it "A controversial account of the
Irving libel trial"
- Prof.
Evans defended May 8, 2001 by an anonymous
- Evans
turned out to be totally ignorant of the CSDIC
interrogation reports in British
Bogdanor praises Evans's book in The Spectator
review of Mr Irving's Churchill
biography- Der
Geschichtsfälscher. Holocaust und
historische Wahrheit im David-Irving-Prozess.
von Richard Evans
- Telling
Lies About Hitler, by Richard Evans, by
Paperback - 400 pages (May 27, 2002) Basic
Books; ISBN: 0465021530
- David
Irving writes to Connecticut student Marie
Miller with some views on Prof. Evans and other
conformist historians
- Transcript
of Radio Four broadcast on Lipstadt Trial. Nov
8, 2001 (Evans participates)
- Berlin
Tagespiegel reviews Evans book: Ein britischer
Historiker entlarvt den Holocaust-Leugner David
- Adrian
Colmenares reports from Mexico that Prof Richard
Evans's book is unsaleable in USA
- David
Irving reflects in his Radical's Diary on
Richard Evans and his worth as a hired
expert | Dean
Palmer investigates, finds that The Skunk's book
has been remaindered - and worse
- Dick
Earley comments on the ratio of Jews who fought
for Germany in WW1 to WW2: another historical
distortion by Richard Evans
Hayward case (NZ) - Extraordinary
finding by New Zealand university board that
Prof Richard Evans was not neutral or objective
in Hayward inquiry, but motivated by malice
- Professor
Evans is at it again: enough to make a skunk
- Evans
hired to destroy career of New Zealand academic
Dr Joel Hayward
- N Z Herald, July 2003: "Notwithstanding
the working party's remarks on Evans' language
and lack of objectivity, he appeared both to the
Jewish Council and the working party as a
witness otherwise above reproach."
- Richard
J. Evans defends himselfs: Academic standards
the issue, not freedom; he was hired by New
Zealand Jewish Council to destroy Joel Hayward's
reputation | Hayward
replies, reminding us that Evans was highly paid
to destroy him
- NZ
Academic Martin Lally corresponds with Prof
Richard "Skunky" Evans on whether universities
should accept theses on 'Holocaust denial' |
Journalist Philip Matthews asks Lally how this
correspondence with Evans is being leaked to
this website
- 'Skunky' Evans will be wheeled out by the
Panorama on Monday, February 7, 2011, as
of a "holocaust denier" smear against Wikileaks
associate Israel Shamir
- Dr
Diane Purkiss, Fellow of Keble College,
Oxford:"For a man passionately keen to argue
that historians must judiciously evaluate all
available evidence and refrain from going beyond
it into speculation, Evans seems strikingly
reluctant to use this august methodology on his
hapless victims."
in his books | Picture
section  Professor
Richard Evans His books A
skunk | A
warning about too much Brain Candy
RICHARD EVANS fans scouring the Internet for
favourable tidbits about the academic and financial
genius Richard Evans, the professor and
historian, will stumble, as one of our readers did,
across the website of a "Professor Richard Evans"
at http://www.awwwsome.com/braincandy/
which displays the portrait on the right. Those who witnessed the brilliant and vivacious
witness testifying in the High Court are almost
certain he is not the same person. |