London, September 14, 2000
KUJAU Konrad Kujau, forger, was
born in Löbau, Saxony, on June 27,
1938. He died of cancer in Stuttgart on
September 12 aged 62. On a wall in Konrad Kujau's house there
used to hang a handwritten letter from
Adolf Hitler. It was addressed to
the young Kujau and gave him authority to
"compile" the Führer's diary after
his death, for posterity. The letter was,
of course, a fake, a comical text created
by Kujau, the man responsible for one of
the 20th century's most infamous
forgeries, the "Hitler Diaries". Originally bought by the German current
affairs magazine Stern but sold to
Newsweek in America and published by The
Sunday Times in Britain, the fabricated
diaries fooled the world at first viewing
in April 1983. Even Lord Dacre, the
eminent historian Hugh
Trevor-Roper, author of a classic
account of The Last
Days of Hitler, was famously, if
temporarily, hoodwinked. The diaries' publication prompted some
commentators to proclaim that the entire
history of the Third Reich would have to
be rewritten. It seemed, for instance,
that Hitler had known of and approved the
"peace flight" to Scotland by his deputy
Rudolf Hess in 1941; only
afterwards had he declared Hess insane.
More shocking still, there was no hint
that Hitler had known anything of the
Final Solution; instead there was merely a
suggestion that he wished the Jews might
be resettled in the East. Sceptical voices
were quickly heard, with a number of
historians expressing deep
reservations. A day before The Sunday Times was due
to publish the first instalment, on April
24, 1983, Dacre, too, expressed serious
doubts about the forgeries that he had
originally declared authentic. Such had
been Stern's obsession with secrecy that
he had been allowed far less time to
examine the diaries than he would have
liked. He went so far as to telephone The
Times on the Saturday, the day the
newspaper broke the story of its sister
paper's scoop, to tell the Editor,
Charles Douglas-Home, of his
concerns. His message did not get through
to The Sunday Times. Rudimentary scientific tests, initiated
by The Sunday Times as soon as Stern
agreed to release the diaries for
independent analysis, quickly exposed "the
scoop of the century" as the oops of the
century, and the West German Federal
Archives declared the diaries to be
"grotesque and superficial forgeries". Yet
between 1980 and 1983 the publishers of
Stern had paid £2.3 million to Konrad
Kujau, who, they believed, was receiving
the volumes from a shadowy East German
general. The Führer's journal, the story
went, had been rescued from a burning
German aircraft that had crashed while
escaping Berlin in 1945. The cargo had
lain undisturbed ever since in the village
of Börnersdorf, near Dresden. In
fact, Kujau was churning out the diaries
himself, in the back room of his Stuttgart
shop. Brought up in an orphanage, Konrad
Kujau had been a forger from youth; as a
child he sold fake autographs of East
German politicians for pocket money. He
was studying art in Dresden when he fled
to the West in 1957, where he worked as a
window- cleaner. In 1967 he opened a shop
in Stuttgart, selling - and manufacturing
- Nazi paraphernalia and mementoes. His
creations included an introduction to a
sequel to Mein Kampf, poems by Adolf
Hitler and the beginnings of an opera by
the Führer entitled Wieland der
Schmied ("Wieland the Blacksmith"). But Kujau might have remained a
small-time crook had he not come into
contact with Gerd Heidemann. A
Stern reporter whose career had reached
something of an impasse, Heidemann had
developed an unhealthy interest in the
personalities of the Third Reich and an
expensive appetite for the artefacts
associated with them, extending even to
the purchase of Hermann Goering's
yacht. He was immediately fascinated by the
"Hitler Diaries". Kujau's first production
was no more than a single volume labelled
Political and Private Notes from January
1935 until June 1935. Adolf Hitler. It was
decorated with a red wax seal, a black
ribbon and the brass Gothic initials "F H"
(Kujau having apparently mistaken the
Gothic capital F for an A when he bought
the type in Hong Kong). Believing - or wanting to believe -
this extraordinary volume authentic,
Heidemann went to Stern with his
"revelation". His star began to rise at
once. Amid great secrecy, the magazine's
publishers agreed to give him the funds to
pay Kujau for more diaries, to be secured,
at some risk, via his high-ranking contact
in the East German military. Kujau set to work. For three years, he
wrote Hitler's daily thoughts in Gothic
script into a black A4 notebook. On to
each page he would pour tea, to give it an
aged appearance. He would then slap the
pages together and batter them against the
table to wear and age the volumes. Finally
he affixed two red wax seals in the form
of a German eagle on the covers. The diaries purported to run from June
1932 to April 1945. In composing the
content, Kujau worked from a library of
reference books, newspapers and medical
records. The result was not immediately
impressive, though it was only after the
hoax was revealed that the banality of the
entries seemed so strikingly clear. "Meet all the leaders of the Storm
Troopers in Bavaria, give them medals.
They pledge lifelong loyalty to the
Führer, with tears in eyes. What a
splendid body of men!"; "Must not forget
tickets for the Olympic Games for
Eva"; "On my feet all day long";
and "Because of the new pills I have
violent flatulence, and - says Eva - bad
breath." Stern paid around £50 per
word. By the time the payments began in 1980,
Kujau's neighbours had noticed a change in
his behaviour. Previously, his girlfriend
had had to explain to them why Kujau was
spending so much time alone. He was doing
a project for Stern, she said. Now,
however, he made frequent, ostentatious
visits to local nightclubs, often spending
more than £2,500 per evening. He
would sometimes arrive in uniform and
insist on being addressed as "General
Kujau". When the forgery was exposed, there
were suggestions that the diaries might be
a dastardly East German plot. Meanwhile,
Kujau had gone on the run, but he was
apprehended by the West German police at
the Austrian border on May 14, 1983. By
the end of the month he had confessed to
producing the 60 volumes and selling them
to Heidemann. After an 11-month trial, he was given a
4 -year prison sentence for forgery.
Heidemann, whose own financial
circumstances had markedly improved as the
diary volumes flowed in and his employers'
money flowed out, was also implicated and
sent to jail. He protested his innocence,
and insisted that he had been duped by
Kujau. Kujau (who also went under the alias of
Konrad Fischer), was released from prison
in 1988 when it was found he was suffering
from cancer. Despite the fact that Stern's
money had never been recovered, he now
told the world he was in debt to the tune
of £160,000 - money he owed to
lawyers, court and tax officials. He also proclaimed his own innocence.
He had told Heidemann all along that the
diaries were fakes, he said, and in turn
Heidemann had told him that he was merely
passing them on to a former aide of
Hitler's now hiding in South America.
Kujau claimed to have been shocked when he
saw his work in the press. Kujau was a balding, portly, jocular
man, who seemed to revel in the publicity
he received during the court case. In the
free world he continued to work as a
forger - albeit a slightly more honest
one. He opened a gallery in Stuttgart
where he sold "genuine" forgeries of
Hitler's paintings, and turned his hand to
producing Dalis, Monets, Rembrandts and
Van Goghs, signing them with his own and
the original artist's name. So successful
were his efforts, which could fetch up to
£42,000, that by the 1990s a
counterfeit submarket had appeared in
fakes of Kujau's fakes. In 1994 Kujau stood without success for
mayor of his home town of Löbau. Two
years later he ran for mayor of Stuttgart,
securing 901 votes. When he was released from prison, Kujau
had declared his intention to pen his
memoirs. Entitled
I Was Hitler, it would, he
said, "be the kind of book to read at
night when there's nothing on television".
In 1998 a book was published, but it was
not his. He denounced Die
Originalität der Fälschung ("The
Originality of Forgery"), which had
appeared under his name. "I did not write
one line of this book," he protested. His last exhibition, in Majorca, was a
mix of originals and works inspired by
Monet and Klimt. Earlier this year he was
fined DM9,000 for copyright infringment in
his latest "new interpretations" of past
masters. He was subsequently given an
18-month probationary sentence for firing
a gun in a Stuttgart bar. In 1991 Thames Television broadcast the
mini-series Selling
Hitler. The comedy-drama was based
on a book by Robert Harris and
featured Jonathan Pryce as Gerd
Heidemann, Barry Humphries as
Rupert Murdoch and Alexei
Sayle as Kujau. Related
items on this website:
the scholar, Professor Eberhard
Jäckel, tried to conceal that he
had fallen for Kujau and published his
Hitler poems as the real
Irving: "Torpedo
of Konrad Kujau and Gerd Heidemann for
"Till Eulenspiegel" Konrad Kujau erlag
einem Magenkrebsleiden Death
of Hitler Diaries forger Kujau. Mr
Irving's role in exposing the
The Times
obituary of Konrad Kujau, forger of
Hitler Diaries
Times September 26, 2000
'diaries' forgerFrom Mr Frank Giles Sir, -- Returning from
several weeks abroad, I have only just
caught up with your obituary (September
14) of Konrad Kujau, the forger
of the Hitler diaries. In it, the obituarist writes that
the diaries were "published by The
Sunday Times". This is not true. What
the paper did do, in the belief that
the diaries were genuine, was to devote
several pages of its issue of April 24,
1983, to the story of the "discovery"
of the diaries, together with a
foretaste of what they contained. Lord Dacre of Glanton, as the
obituary correctly states, had
throughout that Saturday been
expressing his growing doubts to the
Editor and Deputy Editor of The Times,
for which the diaries were originally
intended. But it was the evening, and
the first edition of The Sunday Times
was already off the press, before I was
able to reach Lord Dacre. In the following days the diaries
were proved to be fakes, the promised
serialisation abandoned, and an apology
offered to the paper's readers. I am, Sir, yours truly, FRANK GILES (Editor, The Sunday
Times, 1981-83), 42 Blomfield Road, - London W9 2PF.
September 25.