Documentation: Correspondence with the FBI about Jeremy Hammond |
Friday, May 14, 2010 Dear Mr --- the lengthy report and letter which we mailed to you on December 16 about the case of Jeremy Hammond and his evident hacking our Internet bookstore and destruction of same, causing a loss to us so far of around 35,000 dollars, and his participation in the violent assault on my dinner guests in Chicago (Edelweiss restaurant) in November, has today been returned to me as undeliverable. The address we used was
Can you please provide a correct address so that I can mail it to you again. Hammond has not been convicted of the hacking, or charged with it, but he was for the misdemeanour assault, on March 24.
Mr. Irving, The address you sent the information to was the address of the Federal building in Chicago. The FBI moved out of the Federal building approximately 5 years ago. The address for the FBI Chicago office is 2111 W. Roosevelt Rd. Chicago, Illinois 60608. If you could, please resend the letter to my attention at that address. I contacted an Agent in Chicago that may be interested in looking into the case and I will forward the information to him upon receiving the letter. Thanks again, Special Agent Brian ---