Documents on the International Campaign for Real History
First posted Friday, July 8, 2011
© Focal Point 2011
There should be no confusion. Rupert Murdoch is no comedian - he is a very dangerous man indeed.
[Previous Radical's Diary] [link will be added later]
Saturday, June 11, 2011
Kew, EnglandUp at 8 a.m. I make tea for Jessica who is leaving for her vacation job at a pharmacy. Somebody writes me:
I came across the movie Mr. Death, about Fred Leuchter. The movie shows Robert Van Pelt, the architectural historian, uncovering surviving blueprints. I searched to find out about what you think about Van Pelt, and couldn't find anything. I personally do not know what to think about the whole thing, but Van Pelt to me seems like a man favored because he supports the consensus view, which is also supported by such coercive means that really call it into question.I reply: "I like Van Pelt, although he admitted under my cross examination that he is a charlatan - he never studied architecture, and was never admitted to a professional body like the RIBA, which makes it a criminal offence to call himself an "architect". He is however open to reasoning, unlike the other conformist historians, and he wrote a very good book on Auschwitz, Auschwitz from 1217 to the present. I have two dossiers on him on my website [dossier 1] [ dossier 2] where you will find much more."
DURING the day I have a rather acid exchange with historian Stephen Tyas again. He is now distinctly snooty, uncollegial and unfriendly. He seems very keen that there should not be forensic tests on the Höfle document, or am I imagining that?
I had written him: "Dear Stephen, The PRO [UK National Archives] has now indicated an interest in my request for forensic tests to be conducted on the Höfle intercept. Before I press them to go ahead, you mentioned to me a week ago that one other contemporary (wartime) HW-series document refers to the Höfle intercept. . . Can you let me have that reference this weekend please?"
He replies with five possible file locations, and adds: "My memory of this is getting on for ten years ago. I have moved on."
I pick him up on that:
One never really moves on. Did you reference this second item, the monthly report, in that paper [Holocaust & Genocide Studies]? Sorry to be persistent, but you will understand my interest. I want the PRO to be properly advised before committing resources to a forensic test. - I thought I had read all the English summaries too, and do not recall such a reference.His reply: "Nothing so far has caused me to re-think the Hoefle telegram. I believe you are barking up the wrong tree re a forensic test. . . It is farcical to say anyone would forge a couple of decodes among the hundreds of thousands to be revealed over 60 years later."
Which is all fair enough. But it overlooks the serious internal anomalies in the document. I reply, bringing the exchange to an end: "I am a lot less gullible than some. You will agree that the Höfle Funkspruch is a key document. For that reason I want to be absolutely certain that it was not planted in the PRO."
THIS letter goes to Scotland Yard:
I have read today's newspaper reports - which may be inaccurate - that you have set up an Operation Tuletta (?) to investigate among other things allegations of telephone and computer hacking by newspapers or their agents.These data can only have been extracted illegally from my computer. I attach a transcript of the article.
I have put an item on my website:
FAT JEWISH POOFTER Stephen Fry chooses to alter history: in his new Dambusters film script, the faithful black Labrador "Nigger" of hero Guy Gibson VC (right) is renamed Digger." I ask: "Why not Tigger, or Snigger - or even more appropriately in Stephen Fry's case, B*gger? As Churchill said about Tom Driberg MP: "B*ggers can't be Choosers"
Sunday, June 12, 2011
Kew, EnglandA MIDLANDS critic emails: "Stephen Fry may be annoying, but your insulting headline "Fat .. poofter" is really nasty and uncalled for. You don't have to stoop to that. One of the things I like about your site is its balance, malgré tout. Please keep it that way."
He is right, and I reply: "He has been much ruder about me on television, where I cannot answer back. That is one of the great things about the Internet." - But I change it to "Jewish faggot" [and later still to "prestigious actor" - a private joke for those of who know the true meaning of the adjective prestigious]
9:25 p.m I inform Jaenelle Antas in Indianapolis: "Just got back from Wiltshire. John seems stronger than ever. Jessica interrogated him for some time about how it feels . . . His brain was firing on all cylinders today, very impressive. Jessica played Black Rap Crap on the radio in both directions. No point telling her not to, she is as stubborn and mulish as you are. No sign of the satnav in John's cottage, alas; somebody seems to have stolen it. I will pull apart the first six feet of the warehouse tomorrow in one final search, then . . . buy a replacement. Grrr."
Monday, June 13, 2011
Kew, EnglandJaenelle has not communicated much last two days. Jessica says she's probably miffed by my remark about the polka dot dress making her "look wide". How was I to know that? I write:
Incidentally, I liked your hair, in the polka dot dress photo, it looked very under control yet feminine. Don't normally like your hair unless it's in a pony tail but that one looks really good
AN INVITATION comes from Norway students to figure at an Oslo debate. Here we go round the Mulberry bush.
My name is Elsa Skjong, and I am contacting you on behalf of the Culture and Debating Society, which is part of The Norwegian Student Society in Oslo. [etc., etc., etc.]A Jerry writes: Dear Mr Irving,
I'm very, very keen to get a professional opinion on whether Himmler's Posen speeches are authentic in their entirety. I've heard revisionists say they are wholly faked, that the Oct. 6 speech is faked, that both are genuine apart from the passages relating to the ausrottung of the Jews, that these are genuine as well but Himmler didn't mean 'extermination', etc.I'm sick and tired of all the debate. Please, as an expert, and before your Himmler biography eventually appears, can you publish a detailed and objective analysis of the speeches and their authenticity. Many unsure people like me would greatly appreciate it.
I reply: "I have a lot to say about them, but you will have to wait for the book."
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Kew, EnglandI WILL spend the morning at PRO reading the HW files again and making better photos of the Höfle document.
9:40 a.m at the PRO. Four files I have ordered are waiting, the fifth - the most important - is not, it is "out to the staff." I stay there until 1 pm, and work through four HW 16 files and take a lot of photos of pages. The actual one I needed has been withdrawn however, because of my challenging the Höfle document.
Wednesday, June 15, 2011
Kew, EnglandJaenelle reports: "Patricia F. asks what proof you have that the Reinhardt camps were used for extermination."
I reply: "You asked about the Reinhardt camps. There are three quite important documents.
- The Korherr statistical report which Himmler commissioned in January 1943 gives a total of 1,274,166 Jews sent to the camps in occupied Poland for Sonderbehandlung, "special treatment", explaining that this is one reason for a reduction in the number of Jews in Europe from 1933 to 1943.
- In our UK national archives is a document I call the Höfle report, dated Jan 11, 1943, a signal from Hermann Julius Höfle, a 30 year old SS major who was police chief in Lublin in charge of Reinhardt, reporting exactly the same number processed during 1942 in four locations he identifies as T, S, L, B. I attach this signal, which we British intercepted and decoded.
- My main concern is whether the latter document is genuine. It is a key document. I have last week asked the archives to carry out forensic tests on it. They have replied, and for various cogent reasons are reluctant, and we shall see if they finally agree.
- Finally, in July 1942 Höfle made all his men engaged in Reinhardt sign a confidentiality document under pain of death, about precisely what it was they were doing. I have it here.
AN INQUIRY comes from a Turkish publishing house about Hitler's War. "We currently lack a good single volume history of the second world war in Turkish and we wish to fill the gap with your masterpiece."
I ask the appropriate questions in my reply.
Thursday, June 16, 2011
Kew, England - Dover - (England) - Calais - Tours - Poitiers (France)I leave the apartment on the dot of nine a.m. and reach Dover around 11:20 a.m. The ferry docks at Calais around 1:15 pm (2:15 pm local) and I drive until 9:30 p.m. after that, halting once or twice for gas and coffee. Jessica texts me that she has been predicted a third A-star for her exams, this time in English. I am very proud of her. If only these grades meant anything now for UK university entry, instead of the levelling-up procedures being applied to enable Blacks to get in. Bente also texts, am I in Spain yet? She has a rather telescoped view of the size of Western Europe.
I cannot go online until I get to Paloma's in Madrid. She phones around 9 p.m. to ask where I am, and I say I have reached Tours and will soon stop for the night and should be in Madrid around 6 pm tomorrow.
check into a motel at Poitiers, cheap but rather smelly. Then a major catastrophe developes as . . . Sorry about that, readers, but to me it was memorable.
From Indonesia comes a more than modest offer to publish The Secret Diaries of Hitler's Doctor
Friday, June 17, 2011
Poitiers (France) - Madrid (Spain)GOOD, dream-free sleep, though not long enough. The hotel will not be amused, as I have transferred the historic blockage from my plumbing to theirs.
I leave Poitiers at nine a.m. on the dot, and drive all day - three three-hour shifts: I am conscious the whole way that I am bringing Josephine with me, on her last and final visit to Madrid, and I constantly recall little details from her ultimately unhappy life, in which she gave us all such pleasure. How cruel the Lord can be.
I reply to the Norwegian students:
It is good that you contact me today because in a few days time I will finalise my plans for a tour of the United States. I will accept your invitation of course. Please keep me informed of your planning.They reply, rather opaquely.
A correspondent asks: "Mr Irving - I have read widely about Sir Winston Churchill, and I even met him a few times. I have never heard or read him say to or about Tom Driberg what you claim. Where did you get it from?"
I reply:
One of his fellow MPs told it to me in an interview in 1985. Winston was in the Smoking Room at the House, and shown a photo of Tom Driberg's bride at their upcoming wedding. Driberg was a notorious homosexual. Winston looked at the photo - she was the ugliest bitch imaginable - and said at once: "Well, I suppose buggers can't be choosers."
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Madrid (Spain)I HAVE resumed work on manuscripting Himmler. Supper, very late, with Paloma and Adam at a restaurant. I emphasise it has to be cheap. Alas, cheap it is not, by my standards. Madrid has become very expensive.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
Madrid (Spain)THE printers have sent the proof of Dams to Jaenelle
Wednesday, June 22, 2011
Madrid (Spain)IT IS getting hot. The stolen bikes irritated me on and off during night, . . . Stephen Tyas sends just this reference without any content: "HW 16/65 . . ." I ask: "If you have the text, what precisely does the reference say?" His reply is somewhat terse: "I'm sorry, I don't do this research for you. I just give the reference. Steve."
I reply: "Keep Thy Shirt On, Steve! I spent a day reading those five other HW.16 files you pointed me to, erroneously as it turns out - but no hard feelings."
This message then goes to the National Archives:
- Re: The Hoefle Document, authenticity
- Researcher Steve Tyas has identified to me a second file where reference is made to the Höfle document item HW 16/23 355a, whose integrity I wished to confirm. Subject to its actual content, that may well suffice. . . .
- He declines to quote the actual text ("I don't do this research for you"!), and it will be July before I return to the UK. I would however agree that no further action on my inquiry need be taken unless you hear from me again. I appreciate your showing concern in this matter.
- For the sake of clarity I would add that I had only residual doubts about the original document, because of the anomalies I mentioned, to which others have drawn attention. I want to be able to say in a two-line addition to my notes that I am satisfied that this pivotal document is authentic.
Excellent news from Jessica during the evening. She texts me: "I won the Biology award to be presented at Prize giving by the man who pioneered IVF Robert Winston. Wooo!" I reply, "Well, MAJOR congrats. from Madrid. Well done. Winston is well known. A magnificent step in right direction. Extra pocket money! Love, Daddy."
Thursday, June 23, 2011
Madrid (Spain)THE NIGHTS are hot and still arid. A lone Mosquito woke me once - the insect, not the plane.
Albert reports: "David, Good news! The bikes are still there! One good thing about having a cat is that Abner can always be blamed. Sort of like Jaenelle. Albert."
I email to Jessica: "Lord Winston is a . . . but we won't hold that against him if he is giving you this nice prize. Tell him that your Daddy went to Imperial College (he teaches there). When is Prize Giving? I am sure Mummy will want to come in a nice dress and hat! I am very proud of this new achievement by my youngest daughter. Tempts me to have more."
Of course I tell K. and Hugo about Jessica's prize. K. asks: "Has she decided what she wants to do at University yet?"
I reply tongue in cheek: "At present either train-driver or traffic-warden or (her choice) epidemiology."
Hugo H-T reports: "Yes, I heard the good news from Jessica today. I can well see how you must be so proud of her. . . . Today, when she gets back from school and depending on the weather, we might go into Kew Gardens because, for 'members' (of which I'm one) it is open this evening till 9.30 pm. . . . Hope all is quiet on the southern front. Hugo."
Jessica emails: "Am attending Parents' Evening as a lone soldier tonight." I ask her again when is Prize Day. And Hugo states: "I truly welcomed the sound of BRC [Black Rap Crap] as I entered my flat this morning after returning from [Chelsea]. I feel immensely flattered that Jessica should like staying here."
Speech day is the First of July, Jessica reports.
"Okay, I don't think I can get back by then."
I really must try to be at the next parents' evening. I get no notice of it until too late.
I walked about three miles today. The latter part with the stick, which I hate and cannot really use. It is a long hobble, but the exercise will be beneficial. Those fourteen months in a tiny prison cell took their toll.
Friday, June 24, 2011
Madrid (Spain)JAENELLE says that the proof of Dams did come, the book looks good and she has read it on the way home - only the second book by me she has read. I reply: "Glad you liked the book. It is a children's book basically, so easier for women to read. (Ouch! Ouch! Don't hit me! . . . Ouch!)"
Saturday, June 25, 2011
ISIDORE LEIBLER Belgian-born billionaire pal of Jewish jailbirds like Gerald Ronson and Soviet oligarchs; former chairman of World Jewish Congress; bribed his crony Australia's prime minister Paul Keating to ban David Irving since 1992; wants to be pronounced Leebler, not Libeller
Madrid (Spain)A FRIENDLY message from Australia:
You have a photo of the Israeli billionaire plutocrat Isidore Leibler and a statement about how he bribed the Australian government to keep you out of this country since 1992 ... The point is Leibler has made large donations to both the Labor party and the Liberal party with the express purpose of keeping you out of Australia. To use an Australian colloquialism it's called having two bob each way.I reply: "Yes, and although my fourth daughter lives in Brisbane, is an Australian citizen, is married to an Australian, and I have two Australian grandchildren I still am not allowed to visit, which seems quite against the law. Asked about this in Parliament, I am told, [Prime Minister] John Howard said: "We changed the law once to keep him out and we are ready to do it again." Must have been BIG donations. What nasty folks."
Sunday, June 26, 2011
Madrid (Spain)Overslept in the heat. I complain to the Czech publishers about their delays. I think they are dead in the water.
Dear Mr HlavickaMany months ago you asked for licenses to publish some of our books in Czech language. We agreed on terms for two of these books this year... We know that there are economic difficulties; we share them. You have not made the payment or returned the signed contracts to us.
That is minus €4,000 in my financial planning.
I accept the British Airways compensation offer. I report to Jaenelle : "I have spent the day writing snappy letters to publishers, and transcribing Himmler's letters from his little girl. The reason for the latter is that they are written just before and after a particularly nasty episode in Minsk which he attended and which I shall fully develop."
A stranger in Buenos Aires, Argentina, asks, "How can I assist with your project to reprint all you books?" Please tell me how this works."
I tell him: "We are always short of capital for reprinting my many books; it is my aim to use the new technology to put all my older books back into print, including those in Spanish which Planeta Argentina no longer publishes, because they came under pressure."
AT seven pm to meet [ex wife] Pilar Sr with Paloma, and we sit until around ten p.m. in a street café on Via Ferdinand II at Alcalá, intending to discuss the final resting place of poor Josephine. Inevitably the conversation becomes heated. . . She asks about Bente, why we did not marry, and I tell her that I often offered it but Bente says it is not necessary, as it is not uncommon in Denmark. I say that it is proving awkward for Jessica, as I have predicted all along. I say that in my family it is looked down on, and that in our class divorce was unheard-of. My mother never divorced. . . As we leave I hand over the box to her, and suggest we go in about ten days to see the site personally. Poor Josephine has been comfortable with me for three years in Lake End House; now she can rest with her mother for a while.
How Barnes Wallis dambusting bomb worked
Monday, June 27, 2011
Madrid (Spain)JAENELLE tells me: "Well, well, well... look at this! The printers are shipping the Dams book already. I'm a bit puzzled that they are doing this even though we have overdue invoices, but I'm not going to ask questions!"
I reply with this suggestion: "Because (a) you are a doll (b) they like us (c) Gott mit uns (d) we got mittens too."
Only about half as much work on Himmler done as usual. The fierce heat probably.
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Madrid (Spain)THE day then continues on a sour note: The Bulgarian publishers Abagar cancel the deal: it was only small, but they were due to pay 500 dollars tomorrow, as I had reminded them. They explain,
I am very sorry about the delay in payment, but ABAGAR Publishing House experience financial difficulties at the moment. I think I could arrange for the book to be published by another publishing house. I shall send you an email when I arrange that. Dimitar DobrevI am furious. I reply at 9:35 a.m. "That is very wrong. This has taken months. We accepted all your requests." I pass this on to Jaenelle : "Sorry to say Bulgaria today cancelled... Very unusual for that to happen."
I resume work on Himmler, transcribing Marga's letters.
Later I send my proposed Fall U.S. Tour itinerary to Jaenelle : "The fly in the ointment is Oslo. . . . I have asked Norwegians for firm decisions and will then let them have mine."
Almost at once, Oslo has replied.
Since we last emailed you we have been discussing the premises for the debate, and to what degree the Norwegian perspective will be the main focus. We have come to the conclusion the debate we will be having this fall will be on a more national level than we originally planned. Therefore the panel will be put together differently than we sought out to begin with.We hope this hasn't caused any problems for you, and wish you good luck making plans for the fall.
I comment to Jaenelle : 'More morons. I cannot make head or tail of such messages. At least with you I know where I stand. Stood. Cowered. Ducked. Dodged, etc., etc.'
She however spots what I did not:
They are canceling your appearance, obviously. Told you they would. Scandinavians are spineless.So I write to the Norwegians:
It appears to us from your message that you no longer intend to invite me to participate. This was not at first evident to me from your wording, but others cleverer than I have pointed this out to me. Thank you.
Wednesday, June 29, 2011
Madrid (Spain)
Very hot. An Indian company emails, they want permission to print five hundred Rommels. I think $500 would be right, and that is what they in fact offer, less tax. [Shortly increased to one thousand].
SCOTLAND Yard has replied today to my letter, confirming that they are widening their inquiries and investigating Guardian Newspapers Ltd over my suspicions. I am sorry really, because The Guardian and Independent are two newspapers that I like to read. Justice eventually catches up with these swine. Ironic, because Alan Rusbridger, editor of The Guardian, was the one who started the ball rolling against Rupert Murdoch and triggered the wiretapping scandal. I guess Rusbridger has a grudge against me ever since I forced his newspaper to print an apology in October 1983 [see Memoirs]. It stuck in his craw to have to apologise, and for thirty years he has vilified (and smeared) me.
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Madrid (Spain)ANOTHER night of heat and exhausting dreams. I am still bogged down in transcribing the Himmler handwritten letters from his wife Marga and Gudrun; and I am acutely aware that I shall be using very little of them directly in the final book.
Eleven a.m to Jaenelle : "India has increased their book offer however, and I hope to sell them more. Turkey will decide this week. I think the Czechs are dead in the water. I am starting the procedure to retrieve rights in the German Hitler's War."
Saturday, July 2, 2011
Madrid (Spain)IN the afternoon I finish the ghastly task of transcribing the handwritten letters of Marga, Heinrich and Gudrun, so far as I photocopied them in Stanford.
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Madrid (Spain)
A HOT night filled with mostly negative, exhausting, story-line dreams. Today, having done the ground work, I resume writing Himmler again, after a pause of four months (taken up by archive research, and transcribing the handwriting). Here is how Heini meets Marga:
"Heinrich Himmler's staid old father had bestowed on him a Bavarian hat; he became unusually fond of it, like a pet animal, he practised with it often but was as yet unaccustomed to it. It figures in many photos, and in the story of how he met his wife. Yet that story is open to speculation: the product of, one suspects, the kind of legend that men or women generate to paint over what might otherwise be regarded as a pick-up, except that Heini was not that sort of kind of man. Aged twenty-six, he was still a virgin, and that was, as he repeatedly admonished Gebhard, not a principle to be abandoned lightly. One suspects that he was unversed in the clever ways of single women, or of those whose menfolk have been detached. The Germans have a useful word to describe the hormonal terror that seizes such women - Torschlusspanik, the panic of the closing door. The Germans speak a language full of useful euphemisms. The man who picks up a girl has aufgelöffelt her, or spooned her up. In Heini's case it would be abgehängt, uncoupled, because the woman was seemingly already married - and seven years and one month older than himself. "After seven p.m. Jaenelle finally reports in, having found an Internet café. "I will be at a Panera in a couple hours. . . . Looks like I will have quite a few book orders to pack up tomorrow, and even more so if the Dams books arrive as arranged."
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Madrid (Spain)I REMIND the two Greek publishers that we are awaiting the 2010 statements. With Greece in financial meltdown, I may not see any payments this year.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Madrid (Spain)Frank A. writes: "I just read an article in World War II History magazine that Hitler tried to have Roosevelt, Churchill and Stalin assasinated by Otto Skorzeny during the [1943] Tehran conference. Is any of this true?" I reply: "That is completely untrue. In the diary of Erwin Lahousen [chief of Abwehr II] it states early 1943 that Hitler had ruled that assassinations of foreign political leaders were absolutely forbidden."
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Madrid (Spain)Marcus H. sends me more Hedwig Potthast items. She was Himmler's mistress 1939-1945. I thank him:
Ich habe den Inhaber der 200 Briefe in Washington vor 2 Monaten wieder aufgespürt und plauderte mit ihm; freundlich, aber eishart, will nicht, dass die Briefe zitiert werden, das schädige ihren Wert, usw. Ich habe vor 12 Jahren jedoch alle bei ihm durchgelesen . . .I write to Sir Harold A., - he must be 93 now - in Long Melford, Suffolk about Carl Langbehn:
That's a name from the past which may, or may not, mean something to you now. Your late wife Elke was his daughter, and a close schoolfriend of the daughter of Heinrich Himmler, Gudrun. . . In fact I found two lines that Elke wrote in copperplate to Gudrun, a quotation from Goethe, in the US Holocaust museum archives. I have spent many years writing a definitive biography of this man Himmler, and the contacts between himself and Langbehn are of some fascination for me. . . I am looking for a good-looking original photograph of Carl Langbehn, who would have been your father-in-law, or if you can point me toward one.
Right: Rupert Murdoch in meltdown >>
ON the drive back from supper through Madrid I listen to the Spanish radio news. Rupert Murdoch has ordered that grand old British institution The News of the World to shut down with immediate effect. So he has killed the carp to save the shark. After days of grubby revelations about his newspaper journalists' systematic bribing of British police officers and wiretapping and hacking cell phones, Murdoch has taken the drastic decision - no doubt as a way of saving his own reputation, as the British government has yesterday started to ask whether he is in fact a man of sufficient good character to be allowed to swallow the rest of BSkyB TV. He has been bankrolling all three British political parties, rather as Leibler bankrolled the Australian. The question now is, did he pay them enough?
I always confuse him with that fine comedian Richard Murdoch, of the 1940s BBC radio show Ignorance is Bliss. There should be no confusion. Rupert is no comedian - he is a very dangerous man indeed.
Deborah Lipstadt: "Why Murdoch's BSkyB bid really is worrying" - Now, that is worrying: perhaps we should back Rupert after all?
Courtesy of Rupert Murdoch and his News Squawk: Fox News accidentally labels Madoff-multi-millionaire Elie Wiesel 'Holocaust Winner' - your Happy Holidays Guffaw
Tell 'em what they want to hear: Rupert Murdoch spoke before the Anti-Defamation League, warned of the rise of anti-Semitism - ADL was honoring his News Squawk conglomerate | Murdoch's Jewish origins: A matter of controversy | Is he just ignorant?
The Guardian: U.K. phone-hacking scandal hits Rupert Murdoch as investors grow restless: Storm surrounding News of the World threatens to engulf global empire | FLASHBACK: But we remember when Don Guttenplan of Guardian Newspapers Ltd in 2003 freely published secret data hacked from David Irving's files | Meanwhile Huffington Post: Rabbis Petition Murdoch To Crack Down On Fox TV's Holocaust Language | Adam Curtis: "A Portrait of Satan"
David Irving writes to lawyers stated by Lance Frickensmith to be acting for him, about stock stolen from his Illinois warehouse
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David Irving