and opinions expressed here do not necessarily reflect the
views of this website, which is however a defender of the
rights to Free Speech A Sign
of Life from Germar Rudolf, Revisionist and recent Political
Prisoner Dear
friends, dear supporters: Ever
since I left England end of August last year, I've basically
kept radio silence, for which I ask for understanding and
forgiveness. I owe you my gratitude for your continued moral
and in a few cases also generous financial support, which
are very important to me.
Please permit me to tell you about my late odyssey, which
might make it understandable why contact has been severed
for the past six months.
On August 31 I traveled to Latin America hoping that my
application for permanent legal residence in the US
("greencard"), which I had filed in late 2009, would soon be
adjudicated positively, so that I could join my wife and
daughter in the U.S.
As a reminder: When I was arrested and deported from the
U.S. in November 2005, I was banned to return to the U.S.
for five years. My motion to have this ban lifted early,
which I had filed in the summer of 2009, has not been
decided to this day. Although my application for a
"greencard" was processed by the U.S. Consulate in
Frankfurt, Germany, in April 2010, it was not finally
adjudicated due to the still pending ban. I was told to get
in touch with the consulate after the ban had either been
lifted or expired. Since the ban expired in mid November
2010, I traveled to northwest Mexico in expectation of a
On getting in touch, the consulate informed us on Nov. 15,
2010, that they would need five workdays to finally
adjudicate my application, after which they would get in
Since we still hadn't heard anything after eight workdays,
we inquired again. In early Decem-ber 2010 we were told that
there had been a delay due to a change of staff. They
apologized and promised to wrap up the case within the next
14 days at the latest.
After two more weeks we again had heard nothing from the
consulate. Repeated inquires remained unanswered. As a
result, Christmas for the Rudolf family fell through. I
spent it separated from my family in Mexico...
End of December 2010 the consulate finally got back to us
and apologized once more for the long delay, yet explained
this time that the case was so complicated that they could
not even give an estimate as to how long it will take to
adjudicate it. A formal inquiry filed shortly afterwards
about the state of affairs revealed in early February that
my application is no longer dealt with by the consulate in
Frankfurt, but that it is now in Washington, where it is
subjected to lengthy security screenings.
Considering that I have been an open book to the U.S.
authorities ever since my asylum case was initiated in 2000,
nothing justifies this lengthy "security screening." After
careful consideration and intensive consultation we
therefore decided to go back to court. On January 31, 2011,
we filed a "Writ of Mandamus" against the U.S. government,
asking a Federal Court to force the government to render a
decision. The government has 60 days to respond to this
suit, after which the court will either dismiss the case in
lack of jurisdiction or will decide it rather quickly
(assuming that water doesn't flow uphill...). By the end of
April/early May we hope to know more about our future.
However, all the court can do is force the U.S. government
to decide somehow. In case this happens, we now expect them
to turn down my application for some bogus reason.
Since my Mexican tourist visa waiver will expire end of
February, I have to leave the country. I will temporarily
live with friends in Central America. Should there be no
silver lining at the horizon by the end of April/early May,
I will return to Europe. Since I am prohibited to be a
spouse to my wife and a father to my daughter, I will at
least be a father to the children from my first marriage by
temporarily returning to Germany.
Meanwhile my wife prepares herself morally to leave the U.S.
permanently this coming summer. She can no longer bear the
stress of a career, of raising our daughter as a single
mother and of running a household without any support. We
will probably settle permanently in England, provided that
my wife obtains a permission to immigrate. For this I have
to prove according to British law that I am capable of
supporting my family - which I cannot do currently, as I am
formally seen homeless and jobless.
Marital and family bliss are apparently meant only for rich
people in England... - I've been out of prison for more than
one and a half year now , but I am still separated from wife
and child, with no end in sight. It feels like I am still a
prisoner. (Not to mention that my lawyer bill for January
alone amounted to 7,701 US dollars straight.) You
can imagine how I feel Since I will
probably be traveling during the next three months, email is
the only realistic way of contacting me. If
you want to support my family and me financially, you can
find details below about how this can be done.
kind regards

SpendenCredit Card
Kreditkarte Currently not possible Zur Zeit nicht
Überweisung | Account
holder: | Germar
Rudolf | :Kontoinhaber | Bank
name: | HSBC
Bank | :Bank | IBAN*: | GB57MIDL40200571299948 | :IBAN* | BIC°: | MIDLGB2129U | :BIC° | Bank
address: | 94
Terminus Road Eastbourne BN21 3ND Great Britain | :Bankanschrift | *
IBAN = International
Bank Account
/ Internationale
Kontonummer ° BIC = Branch
/ Internationale
Bankleitzahl |
| Note:
Acc. to European law, electronic bank transfers of
EURO amounts to banks in any member country of the
European Union have to be made at the identical
conditions as domestic electronic bank transfers.
So if domestic bank transfers are free of charge in
your own country, they also have to be free of
charge when made to an account in the UK. This
applies even though the UK is not part of the EURO
zone, as long as the transfered amount is in EURO.
Incoming EURO transfers will be exchanged to
British Pounds on arrival automatically with no
fees and at an excellent rate. So if you have a
bank account in a EU country, take advantage of
this law for EURO transfers to this British bank
account by using standard EURO transfer forms
offered by your European bank (they usually look a
little different than domestic transfer
forms). | Anmerkung:
Europäische Recht schreibt vor, daß
EURO-Überweisungen an Banken in
Mitgliedsländern der EU zu denselben
Bedingungen erfolgen müssen wie
Inlandsüberweisungen. Wenn
Inlandsüberweisungen in Ihrem Land kostenfrei
sind, so müssen sie ebenso kostenfrei sein,
wenn sie an ein Konto in Großbritannien
erfolgen. Die gilt, obwohl Großbritannien
nicht Teil der EURO-Zone ist, solange der
überwiesene Betrag in EURO ist. Eingehende
EURO-Überweisungen werden bei Ankunft
automatisch in Britische Pfund umgetauscht ohne
Gebühr und mit sehr günstigem
Wechselkurs. Falls Sie also in der EU ein Bankkonto
haben, nutzen Sie dieses europäische Gesetz
für günstige EURO-Überweisungen an
diese Bankkonto, indem Sie dafür
EU-Standardüberweisungsformulare verwenden,
die Ihre Abnk dafür anbietet (dies sehen
üblicherweise etwas anders aus als Formulare
für Inlandsüberweisungen. | Cash,
Checks, Money Orders
... Schecks
| Cash:
Germar Rudolf accepts all currencies, but prefers
EUR, GBP, and USD. Please send bigger amounts of
cash by registered mail only to the address given
below. Checks
... Money Orders: Having bank account
both in the UK and the U.S., Germar can accept
checks and money orders drawn on banks from both
countries. Please send checks and money orders
drawn on U.S. bank accounts to the below UK address
as well. They will be forwarded to Germar's wife,
who will deposite them into Rudolf's U.S. bank. Since Germar has no bank account in Germany or any
other country of the Euro zone, Euro checks can be
deposited only with hefty fees (ca. ¬20.- per
check). For
privacy reasons, the street address of Rudolf's
family in the U.S. will not be given
here. | Bar:
Germar Rudolf akzeptiert alle Währungen,
bevorzugt jedoch EUR, GBP und USD. Bitte senden Sie
größere Beträge nur als
Einschreiben an unten stehende
Anschrift. Schecks:
Da Germar sowohl in England als auch in den USA
Bankkonten hat, kann er Schecks von Banken beider
Länder annehmen. Bitte senden Sie US-Schecks
ebenfalls an die britische Adresse. Sie werden an
Germars Ehefrau weitergeleitet, die sie dann in
sein US-Bankkonto deponiert. Da Germar kein Bankkonto in Deutschland oder einem
anderen Land der Euro-Zone hat, können
Euro-Schecks leider nur mit heftigen Gebühren
eingereicht werden (ca. ¬20.- pro
Scheck). Zur
Wahrung ihrer Privatsphäre wird die
Wohnanschrift von Rudolfs Familie in den USA hier
nicht angegeben. | Germar
Rudolf, PO Box 118, Hastings TN34 1YL, UK