June 13, 2007
new President: a war criminal par
From Khalid Amayreh in the West
Bank To many in the West, Israel's
new President Shimon Peres is a respectable
statesman and man of peace. However, in truth,
Peres is a repulsive racist and war criminal who
has tons of innocent blood on his hands. In 1993, Peres acquired the image of a
peacemaker for his role in concluding the
Declaration of Principles, better known as the Oslo
Accords, with the Palestine Liberation Organization
(PLO). The inherently vague agreement, which both the
PLO and Israel interpreted differently, even
contradictorily, enabled Israel to impose its own
interpretation and consequently consolidate its
tight control of all aspects of Palestinian life
under the deceptive rubric of peace. And when the late Palestinian leader Yasser
Arafat told his people in the mid 1990s that
the Oslo Accord would eventually lead to the
creation of a Palestinian state with East Jerusalem
as its capital, Peres snidely remarked that "I
can't post a guard at Arafat's lips." Peres, born as Szymon Perski in
Vishniova, Belarus [White Russia], in 1923,
has a long history of serving the evil Zionist
enterprise in Palestine. In the mid 1950s, he
introduced nuclear armament to the Middle East
when he reached a secret agreement with the
French government whereby France agreed to
supply Israel with the Dimona Reactor for the
express purpose of developing an arsenal of
nuclear bombs and warheads. The agreement was part of a larger deal whereby
Israel also acquired Dassault Mirage warplanes from
France, which it later used during its aggression
against Arab states in 1967. Peres, then a protégé of David
Ben Gurion and prominent figure in Mapai, a
predecessor to the Labor Party, conspired with
France and Britain to launch the tripartite
(Anglo-French-Israeli) invasion of Egypt in order
to topple Egyptian President Gamal Abdul
Nasser. This enabled Israel to launch a naked
aggression on Egypt and occupy the Sinai
Peninsula. Following the occupation of the West Bank, Peres
enthusiastically supported a highly aggressive
campaign by Talmudic Jewish settlers, known as Gush
Emunim, to grab Palestinian land in order to build
Jewish-only colonies. The purpose of the large-scale land-grab was
twofold: First to build a Jewish colony near every
Arab village and town so that the messianic
settlers would harass the native Palestinians into
fleeing their land, and, second, to create
irreversible "facts" on the West Bank in order to
make it impossible for any future Israeli
government to withdraw from occupied territory. Peres' criminality and cruelty assumed a
high-pitched expression in 1969 when he as Prime
Minister ordered the Israeli army to bombard the UN
peace-keeping forces at the village of Qana where
hundreds of Lebanese civilians had sought shelter
from indiscriminate Israeli bombing of Lebanese
villages and hamlets in southern Lebanon. The bombardment, in which heavy artillery shells
were used, killed at least 101 children and women
and injured and maimed many others. TV screens around the
world, probably except for the
Zionist-controlled American media, featured
gruesome, phantasmagoric images of decapitated
children and other innocent civilians cut to
pieces. UN officials in south Lebanon then solemnly
testified that the wanton bombardment was carried
out knowingly and deliberately, given the fact that
the site was clearly and conspicuously marked. Moreover, a more comprehensive report issued
later at the UN headquarters in New York made it
very clear that "the bombing was a deliberate
act." As usual, Israel and her guardian-ally, the
United States, rejected the report, insisting that
the pornographic atrocity was "collateral damage"
and carried out "by mistake." Interestingly, until this day, neither the
Israeli government nor "Mr. Peace" (Shimon Peres)
has apologized for the Qana massacre. Far from apologizing, the Israeli army actually
carried out another massacre at Kfar Qana last year
during its genocidal campaign against Lebanon,
which also saw the dropping of 3-4 million cluster
bomblets throughout the country. (Nearly every day
a Lebanese child or farmer, or shepherd is killed
or maimed by the unexploded ordinance). In the past few years, Peres has acted as an
eloquent but utterly mendacious defender and
apologist for Israel's Nazi-like behaviors against
the Palestinians. In his frequent TV appearances, Peres would
defend every Israeli crime in the West Bank and
Gaza Strip and Southern Lebanon. Peres, who shared a Nobel Prize for peace with
Yitzhak Rabin and Yasser Arafat in 1995,
thanks to the moral degeneration eroding our world,
has defended the land-grabbing "Separation Wall"
built on stolen Palestinian land in the West
Bank. He has defended the
Israeli policy of extra-judicial execution of
Palestinian activists as well as the ugly
practice of exterminating the entire families of
Palestinian politicians and resistance
activists, such as the Abu Queik and Khail al
Hayya families (see "The Jews committed a
holocaust against my family", thepeoplesvoice.org). Of course, unlike other Zionist spinners and
professional liars, Peres would always seek to
ameliorate his defense of the devil with nice
sound-bites and human-sounding feelings of sorrow
and regret. Unfortunately, the vacuous and
disingenuous trick would work, especially with
gullible and/or ignorant news anchormen and
interviewers who would rarely go beyond the chummy
chats, fearing inviting Zionist displeasure. Indeed, after every atrocity of Palestinian and
Lebanese children, Peres would claim that "Peace
will be around the corner only if and when Arabs
learn to love their children more than they hate
Jews." Such verbal quibbling is a continuation of
Golda Meir's infamous claim that "Jews may
forgive the Arabs for killing our children, but we
will not forgive them for making us kill their
children." Well, all criminals and mass murderers would try
to cover up their crimes. The Nazis could, and probably did, say something
along these lines to justify their genocidal
acts. It means nothing because the important thing is
not what the criminals, whether Jews in the West
Bank or Germans at Ghetto Warsaw in 1944, say, but
what they do. In
short, Peres, who is about to become Israel's
President, succeeding the disgraced Moshe
Katsav, is nothing short of an evil war
criminal and child-killer. The fact that he is
received with respect, and probably some admiration
around the world, doesn't alter this