ON PAGE 3 Right:
anti-Semitic Nazi postcard, "The Eternal Jew" (IRVING COLLECTION / RASMUSSEN)
- Wayne Madsen Report: Libby
a Long-Time Mossad Agent
| More on Irving Liebowicz ("Scooter Libby" to you):
Justin Raimondo: "Marc
Rich's lawyer, you probably don't remember, was
Libby." | Bush
commutes prison sentence on Liebowicz |
#1] - How they do it: Keeping
Talk Radio Pro-Israel : Publisher of Talkers,
Presidents Conference work around the dial
 - Call for Ouster of Abraham Foxman: "The
ADL chief is a danger to the future of the community, and
it is a scandal that he remains at the head of a major
Jewish organization. Foxman must go"
| Our ADL dossier
- French
courts order author Georges Theil to pay $135,000 in
fines and penalties, plus prison sentence, for
non-conformist book on WW2 history
- A Very Useful prayer,
the Kol Nidre sworn by orthodox Jews each Yom Kippur
(some restrictions apply however)
- Must be doing something wrong? BBC reports Israel
is (again!) voted least likeable nation
- worse than Iran, USA - ADL-Front
"Southern Poverty Law Center" issues its long-awaited
polemic against Prof. Kevin MacDonald, "Promoting
Hate" | Right
wing video makers are getting a big bang for their buck,
thanks to YouTube, complains the SPLC
- Die Lichter gehen aus. Jewish Chronicle (London)
reports that Chicago
Tribune, Newsday, Baltimore Sun and Los Angeles Times
have "now been acquired by the most Jewish of
- They seek it there, they seek it here Händel's
'Hallelujah' chorus: A malice toward Judiasm?
 - Nice folks next door, down under Israeli
tried to import narcotics worth $37 million into
Australia inside three hot water tanks
 - More on those nice folks next door Secret
Briefing by Zinni Seen as Key In AIPAC Duo Trial
 - Nice folks next door - Jerusalem
Post reveals Israel tops world in malicious Internet
activity | Israel
becomes International Sex-Slavery Center
- More on those nice, if unprincipled, folks next door:
Dov Tenenboim guilty of hacking into eBay and bank
accounts, stealing $34,000
 - More on those nice folks next door: The
Case Against Jacob The Jeweler - Prosecutors detail money
laundering rap
| Convicted
drug dealer found guilty of swindling eBay users --
another phisherman | and another Fugitive
porn mogul caught: Hijacker of '' Is
Arrested  - Nice folks next door, latest U.S.
plea deal with Israeli on drug charges
 - More about those nice folks next door BBC
reports that Norway activist was a Mossad
 - Daily Mail (London): How
David Miliband, challenger for succession of Tony Blair,
avoided inheritance tax on Marxist father's
£1.5million house in Primrose Hill -- "a strong
community of Jewish emigres who, like the Miliband
parents, fled the Holocaust."
journalists's union calls for boycott of Israeli
goods - Washington Post US
Presidential candidate steps on third rail - "... And
Tommy Thompson, a new entrant, quickly disqualified
himself by telling a Jewish group this week that making
money is "part of the Jewish tradition"
 - Nice folks give girlfriends great jobs - "Outrage"
at World Bank over Wolfowitz Colleague's Generous
Salary - so much for his anti-corruption drive
 - Basket-ball player
Micheal Ray Richardson fired for saying Jews are 'crafty'
and adept at security - He was correct on both counts
says Zev Chafets in the Los Angeles Times
- That'll teach them - Synagogue
of New York Rabbi who attended Iran revisionist
conference destroyed by fire | Sippenhaft Rabbi
Friedmann 's four children expelled from Torah school
because he too attended conference
[German] | Don't expect Austria to protest
honors thug who beat up revisionist Austrian rabbi at
Auschwitz (that'll teach him) - Holocaust
survivor aged 87 in £6.9million scam freed as "an
act of mercy" - Mercy? some restrictions apply |
Mail version
- The Guardian: Tory
chief David Cameron encircled by British neocons -
bent on a foreign policy driven by interests of the US
and Israel | The Economist
highlights Jewish lobby power in Washington DC:
"These are both the best of times and the worst of times
for the American-Jewish lobby" | Download it here: Prof
John J. Mearsheimer's seminal study, The
Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy (pdf file, 1.2MB)
| Flashback The
Shah of Iran on "Jewish control of the USA"
  - Washington Post: World
Jewish Congress on verge of split | NZZ: Critic
of Swiss neutrality ousted
- Boss Israel Singer fired; Eliot Spitzer, NY attorney
general, reported that Singer embezzled WJC funds | - The Great Shakedown continues - Israel
Singer (right, WJC) to lodge $65 billion claim against
Poland - Yes, Poland
 - Tasteless - Simon
Wiesenthal Center fury at Croatian distribution of sugar
packets bearing Hitler likeness and Holocaust jokes
 - Outrage in Italy, reports Jerusalem Post, as
della Sera praises book by Historian, Rabbi's son,
authenticating ancient "ritual murder" blood libel -
"Neither in Trent in 1475 nor in other areas of Europe in
the late Middle Ages were Jews always innocent victims"
| Blood-libel controversy boils over in Israel: Ha'aretz:
the author had been Christian the dilemma could have
quickly been solved by branding [him] an
anti-Semite  - Great Shakedown leads to Lawyer squabbles - Survivor
outrage at $3 Million Fee for Holocaust Lawyer Burt
Neuborne: Israel Abreiter, survivor: "Mr Neuborne
said many times that he was working pro bono" -- i.e.,
for no fee
| Survivor
payments range from $500 to $2,500 - Flashback My
perfect place to hang Irving, kvell'd the poo-obsessed
Times writer Giles Coren prematurely after Austria
sentenced the historian to 3 years in 2006 | and
David Irving's answer
- Night-Night, Elie: Wiesel
survives assault in San Francisco hotel elevator -
attacker accuses him of lying in memoirs, Night
| More on our favourite survivor's lucrative speaking
agenda: Elie
Wiesel, The Witness who can't Stay Silent | World
safe again ADL
reports Arrest in Elie Wiesel Assault Case | - The Guardian: Tory
chief David Cameron encircled by British neocons -
bent on a foreign policy driven by interests of the US
and Israel | The Economist
highlights Jewish lobby power in Washington DC:
"These are both the best of times and the worst of times
for the American-Jewish lobby" | Download it here: Prof
John J. Mearsheimer's seminal study, The
Israel Lobby and US Foreign Policy (pdf file, 1.2MB)
| Flashback The
Shah of Iran on "Jewish control of the USA"
 - Does
It Matter? Churchill's anti-Semitism is exonerated by
Rafael Medoff | Churchill's
1937 warnings about the 'Hebrew bloodsuckers'
revealed: "the Jew is 'different'. He looks
different. He thinks differently" | "... they are
inviting persecution ... partly responsible" for their
sufferings | Breitbart
comments | Flashback: Churchill's
1920 article on Stalin's Jewish torturers
 - Birmingham
UK graduate accuses Holocaust survivor of helping
 - Lord
Levy's rabbi and UK big business blame Anti-Semitism
for bribes-for-honors furore and Jewish-award winner
Geoffrey Wheatcroft asks: "Is
Levy a victim of racism?"
Quis custodiet custodiens? The Guardian reports: Sir Ian
"Trigger-Happy" Blair, Britain's
top police officer, shared a table with Levy at big
dinner, and -- curiouser and curiouser, said Alice --
BBC reports Judge
squelches BBC probe into Downing-street's role in this
scandal  - BBC reports A
stolen painting is discovered at Steven Spielberg's
home 18 years after he unwittingly bought it
 - Award-winning Canadian novelist Yann Martel:
upcoming book will deal with the Holocaust in a novel
way: it will take place between two talking animals
on a man's dress shirt."
 - Emperor, clotheless - Indiana
Republicans ask man who hinted that Jews are pushing for
war with Iran not to stand as its candidate for
Indianapolis mayor
 - Out of control, the Internet ADL's
Abe Foxman calls it a major factor in growing
anti-Semitism | three examples of what offends him:
-- British film crews threatened, slatterns stoning an
old lady, kids filled with hatred - Why They Hate Us - HBO
documentary on the Protocols of the Elders of Zion
 - Remarkable if true: Does
George W Bush Know What Neocon Means? That isn't a
rhetorical question. "Well," said [his
father], "I'll give it to you in one word: Israel"
language Radio
talk-show mogul Michael Savage calls Diane Sawyer (right)
a 'lying whore' for not talking about Holocaust
 - Germany
jails Ernst Zündel for 5 years | Canadian Jews
are kvelling - "Right-wing
activist Ernst Zündel sentenced to 5 years" |
Center Gloats | NY
Times blog sparks free speech debate
- 2005 flashback: "A
good investment" - Cost to Canadians of sending
Zündel to his native Germany: $130,000. "The
cost of the trip is not of great concern to members of
the Jewish community, said Bernie Farber, executive
director of the Canadian Jewish Congress."
- Chicago Tribune Op-Ed: Jimmy
Carter enters lions' den - Despite criticism, his book is
work of a true patriot | Major
donors to Brandeis University will no longer donate in
retaliation for its decision to host former President
Jimmy Carter, a strong critic of Israel
| Familiar slur: Lipstadt
attacks Jimmy Carter, says his book on Palestine relies
on anti-Semitic stereotypes in defense | Lipstadt
shown to be "less
popular than chicken-sh*t"
| Ex
OSI-chief Neal Sher writes: Jimmy Carter Interceded on
Behalf of Nazi SS Guard | Hint: now
search for Lawyer-with-a-grudge Neal Sher on our
website, - he was disbarred in the US for embezzling
Holocaust funds  - Wheels of Justice - Former
BAWAG bank CEO Elsner whisked surprisingly into Vienna
prison: Austrian TV reports
 - Blair's moneylenders call in a marker: British
Govt to promise immunity to Israeli war criminals
visiting UK
 - Australian Jews' outrage at German beer ad: 'Insensitive'
Beer commercial 'leaves sour taste'
- Seek asylum in Canada: Refugees
claim they're persecuted in Israel; Israeli authorities
  - Minority opinion Israel
was victorious in the recent Lebanon war says prime
minister Olmert: Disbelievers will be jailed for
"Victory Denial"

"Too good for gridlock" - Well, here's NYC "reckless
rabbi".. Thanks God every day that he was born Black? Britain's
blind minister Blunkett  CONTINUED
ON PAGE 3, with many many more disturbing
examples |