writes: "Some of these crooks have fled
Russia for the protection of Israel, where
defrauding Gentiles is not considered a
crime. Lebedev and Khodorkovski are behind
Russian bars because prosecutors convinced
the Judges they too would flee the
country. "This site, for
instance, http://globalfire.tv
quotes German news magazine Der

"Roman Abramovich (above) is known
to be the second richest man in Russia
with an estimated cash reserve of 5,7
billion Dollars. He is one of the youngest
amongst the Oligarchs, the resources
barons." [Der Spiegel, 29/2003, p.
LIKE Khodorkovsky, Lebedev ,and
other Oligarchs, he also made his wealth
by deceiving the Russian people. In the
British media, Abramovich was never
mentioned as the son of Jewish parents
from Saratov, but was always politically
correct described as a 'Russian'. All the
more surprised he and his new Jewish
managers, Jevgeni Shwidler,
Richard Creitzman and Jevgeni
Tenenbaum must have been to hear
unpleasant shouting from the ranks of the
football supporters at the Chelsea stadium
[which Abramovich has bought]:
"Gas a Jew, Jew, Jew / put him in the oven
/ cook him through" [Der Spiegel,
29/2003, p. 156]
 Wanted by Moscow
law courts for murder, now safe in Israel:
Leonid Nevzlin of Yukos is
estimated to have a fortune of
$2bn |