[images added by
this website]  The Times, London Tuesday, 30 January 2007
memorial becomes public restroom By ROGER BOYES BERLIN -- German authorities
were preparing for criticism from the Jewish
community after it was revealed that a Holocaust
memorial in Berlin was being used as a public
lavatory by tourists and by neo-Nazi sympathizers.
Irving comments: ORLRIGHT, so the monument, being new,
'ad teething problems. Like that there Lea
Rosh (bottom), who built the damn thing,
her tooth should be planted in the cement.
The old dragon. But this latest is
going a bit too far, know what I mean? ". . . used as a public lavatory by
neo-Nazi sympathizers." Us Nazis, we get blamed for everyfink.
How wuz we to know they wuz watching to
see who pee'd and then rushing off to
check their democratic databases to see if
we wuz on them -- "einschlägig
bekannt," is the phrase the German
Schmierfinken, the press, just loves now.
Notorious. No sooner uv we took a
leak, than we're being smeared. Know what I fink? I fink that this hideous
monument did to the city of Berlin just
what they say we gone done to the
monument. Like widdling first and
unzipping after. A big mistake. But if I
say that in public, well that's anuvver
400 days in solitary I've got, so I'm
keeping it to myself. Holding it in, know
what I mean? 
an example: Squatting on the Berlin
tombstones. Lea Rosh | The disclosure, in a Berlin newspaper, will
trigger a new debate about how the Holocaust should
be remembered in Germany. One argument against
building the monument -- that consists of 2,700
concrete slabs resembling Jewish gravestones -- was
that it would become a target of anti-Semitic
vandals.The managers of the memorial, which attracts 3.5
million visitors a year, have tried to play down
the scandal. "This just belongs to the teething
problems of any new monument," Uwe Neumaerker, of
the Memorial Foundation, said. The German Government has been aware of the
problem since the monument was completed in May
2005 but has tried to maintain a silence for fear
of encouraging more vandalism. The defacing of
Jewish memorial areas in Germany by followers of
the far Right has become a widespread problem that
is acknowledged rarely. On the eve of Holocaust Day at the weekend a
group of youths set fire to a restored railway
carriage -- symbolizing the deportation of the Jews
-- in Lower Saxony. In the eastern German port of
Stralsund, concrete was poured over a memorial for
a Jewish family, the Keibel-Cohns. A court in Frankfurt an der Oder, on the Polish
border, sentenced three youths to between nine and
14 months jail this month for urinating on a Jewish
dossier on Auschwitz-
plans to fix the tooth of a murdered Jew into a
concrete pillar at the site
on Holocaust Memorial Stopped over Degussa
Jul 2001: Lea Rosh's Holocaust
Memorial Campaign Aims to Shock Germany |
Der Spiegel:
"Welches Plakat?" | Holocaust
Memorial Donations Sought | 'Holocaust
Never Happened' ad prompts survivor's
lawsuit | Provocative
German Holocaust Denial Poster Removed
1947 Bruno Tesch trial (whose Degesch firm
distributed the Zyklon B pesticide product East
of the Elbe)
on Lea Rosh 
History, new Memories, but old Problems
versus memory
York Times: Old Crimes and Continuing
Responsibilities (Degussa) -