[images and
captions and some links added by this
website] Her
lawyers imposed a gag rule on Deborah Lipstadt
during her trial with David Irving -- she was
banned not only from testifying in court but also
from speaking to the press -- because they knew
full well that a single word from this
know-nothing's mouth would sink the
[Source] August 22, 2007 There
Went a Man
Remembering Raul
Hilberg By Norman
Finkelstein RAUL HILBERG died on August 4
[2007]. A refugee from Nazi-occupied
Austria, Hilberg was the founder of the field of
Holocaust studies. I cannot now remember when I first read
Hilberg's magnum opus The
Destruction of the European Jews,
but it must have been in my early youth. In fact at
first I wasn't even sure whether I did plow my way
through the first edition, published in 1961 by
Quadrangle Books, with its forbidding double
columns of text in 10-point font but I just pulled
it off the shelf, binding broken, pages loose, and
sure enough it was all marked up. I read the expanded three-volume Holmes &
Meier edition published in 1985 many times.
Whenever I ventured to write something on the Nazi
holocaust I would again peruse all the volumes
cover to cover. They provided the psychological
security I needed before daring to render a
judgment of my own. Wanting to stand on the firmest
possible intellectual foundations I reflexively
reached for Hilberg. As it happens, in preparation
for a statement I was commissioned to write on the
Nazi holocaust, I was just in the midst of reading
the three-volume third edition published by Yale
University Press in 2003 when news of his death
arrived. Hilberg
was not pleased with the first edition -- a vital
table he pored over many weeks to get just right
was botched in the cramped composition -- but he
couldn't do better: no major publishing house
expressed interest in his groundbreaking study, and
he only managed to find any publisher due to a
private benefactor who agreed to defray indirectly
some of the costs. (The Israeli Holocaust memorial
Yad Vashem had also rejected the manuscript and
initially even barred him
from its archive.)
In his often acrid memoir The
Politics of Memory Hilberg tells the
story that when he first proposed studying the
Jewish genocide to his advisor at Columbia
University, the great German-Jewish sociologist
Neumann (author of Behemoth:
The Structure and Practice of National
Socialism, a classic study of the
organization of the Nazi state), Neumann warned him
that "this will be your funeral." It is hard now to remember that the Nazi
holocaust was once a taboo subject. During the
early years of the Cold War, mention of the Nazi
holocaust was seen as undermining the critical
U.S.-West German alliance. It was airing the dirty
laundry of the barely de-Nazified West German
elites and thereby playing into the hands of the
Soviet Union, which didn't tire of remembering the
crimes of the West German "revanchists." The
major American Jewish organizations rushed to make
their peace with Konrad Adenauer's
government (the Anti-Defamation
League took the lead) while those holding
commemorations for the Jewish dead were tagged as
Communists, which as a rule they were. In Eichmann
in Jerusalem, published in the
mid-1960s, Hannah Arendt could draw on only
one other scholarly study apart from Hilberg's on
the Nazi holocaust in the English language.
Nowadays there are enough studies to fill a
good-sized library, although it is perhaps not
accurate to grace all these publications with the
descriptive "scholarly." Arendt borrowed extensively from Hilberg's work
with less-than-generous attribution. He never
forgave her this oversight and -- what truly is
unforgivable -- her condescending references to his
study in private correspondence and her
recommending against its
publication by Princeton University Press.
In his memoir Hilberg parries the insult,
asserting, wrongly in my opinion, that Arendt's
study The
Origins of Totalitarianism lacked
originality. It is true that Arendt could be lazy
about facts, which might account for Hilberg's
harsh judgment, but the first part of Origins
contains many shrewd insights on the dilemmas of
Jewish assimilation and paradoxes of the
nation-state. Hilberg reserved even greater contempt (and
loathing) for Lucy Dawidowicz, author of the
highly touted The
War Against the Jews. Here it can be
said that his verdict was faultless. During the
heyday of the Holocaust religion in the
1970s-1980s, Dawidowicz was its designated high
priestess. The problem was that, as Hilberg
brutally demonstrates in his memoir, she got the
most elementary facts wrong. I once asked my late
mother, who survived Maidanek concentration camp,
about Dawidowicz's depiction of all the Jews in the
ghettos and camps furtively staying faithful to
their religion until their final steps into the gas
chambers. "When I first entered my block at
Maidanek, all the women inmates had dyed-blond
hair," my mother laughed. "They had been trying to
pass as Gentiles." The shocking accounts of Jewish
corruption that could be found in conveniently
forgotten memoirs like Bernard Goldstein's
The Stars Bear Witness were deleted in
Dawidowicz's fantasy. Hilberg's reputation for mastery of the primary
sources was such that my former coauthor (and an
authority in her own right on the Nazi holocaust)
Ruth Bettina Birn feared their first
meeting: no mortal being, she thought, could have
stored so many Nuremberg Tribunal documents in his
brain. The magnitude of Hilberg's achievement is
hard to appreciate today because the scholarly
breakthrough has passed into commonplace. His
sequential-chronological account of the steps
pressing ineluctably from the Nazi definition of
Jews to their expropriation, massacre, deportation
and assembly-line extermination has been
assimilated into the infrastructure of all
subsequent scholarship. Stylistically Hilberg's study might be said to
be the opposite of current Holocaust fare: a
sparseness of adjectives and adverbs such that when
he reaches for one it packs unusual intensity.
Apart from professional discipline his tersev
rendering was perhaps also meant to capture the
desiccated esprit of the bureaucratic -- dare I say
banal? -- process through which millions of Jews
were shoved along to their deaths. Hilberg didn't truck in the pieties of what
became the Holocaust industry that exploited the
colossal suffering of Jews for political and
financial gain. He rejected the notion that the
Nazi holocaust sprang uniquely from virulent
anti-Semitism and concomitantly maintained that
"Jews were only the first victims" of the German
bureaucracy's genocidal juggernaut, which also
targeted Gypsies and Poles, among others. He
reckoned Jewish resistance to be negligible but
Jewish cooperation (which however he distinguished
from collaboration) to be significant, while he
reckoned the total number of Jewish victims at
closer to 5.1 million. The third volume contains a
20-page appendix detailing his complex calculations
of Jewish dead. In contrast Dawidowicz gives a
figure for each country and then totals the number,
as if this calculation were simply an addition
problem whereas, as Hilberg notes, "the raw data
are seldom self-explanatory, and their
interpretation often requires the use of voluminous
background materials that have to be analyzed in
turn." It should go without
saying that whether the figure is closer to five
than six million is of zero moral significance
-- except for a moral cretin, who could utter
"only five million"? -- although Hilberg
believed it was of historical significance. Even
if it weren't he almost certainly would still
have insisted on the 5.1 million figure if his
research showed it was closer to the truth.
"Always in my life," Hilberg wrote unaffectedly
in his memoir, "I had wanted the truth about
myself." This was also how he approached the
study of the Nazi holocaust. His confident knowledge of the field no doubt
accounted for Hilberg's easygoing tolerance of
Holocaust deniers. Those who want to suppress them
do so not only in disgust at what they might say
but also in dread of the inability to answer them.
(The hysterical allegation of Holocaust deniers
lurking in every corner is apparently also
contrived to justify the endless proliferation of
Holo-trash.) Hilberg recently made the provocative
statement that whereas the Nazi holocaust is an
irrefutable fact this was "more easily said than
demonstrated." It is indeed easy for the non-expert to be
tripped up on the details especially when on
crucial matters like the gas chambers (a favorite
target of the deniers), there exist, as historian
Arno Mayer noted, "many contradictions,
ambiguities, and errors in the existing sources,"
none of which however "put in question the use of
gas chambers in the mass murder." On a personal note I myself vividly recall
reading Arthur Butz's Hoax of the
Twentieth Century and not being able at the
time to answer many of his simplest challenges.
the figure for Jews killed was put at six million
right after the war, and the total number of Jews
killed at Auschwitz was
then estimated at three million, how -- he asked --
can the figure still stand at six million if the
estimate of the number killed at Auschwitz has now
been scaled down by scholars to one million?) Her lawyers imposed a gag rule on Deborah
Lipstadt (right) during her trial with David
Irving -- she was banned not only from
testifying in court but also from speaking to the
press -- because they knew full well that a single
word from this know-nothing's mouth would sink the
ship. In her account of the trial Lipstadt can
barely conceal the lawyers' contempt for her, yet
she is too thick-headed to notice the absurdity of
her smug two thumbs-up after the jury announced its
verdict. She had as much to do with the victory as
I did with last night's performance of the
Bolshoi. Mention of Irving's name didn't evoke howls of
indignation or torrents of abuse from Hilberg.
Instead he recognized Irving's impressive
apprehension of some of the subject matter,
although qualifying it -- with a touch of snobbery
-- as "self-taught," and speculated that his
preposterous statements sprung less from
anti-Semitism than love of the spotlight. Of
Holocaust denial in the Arab world Hilberg observed
that "they are as confused about the West as we are
about them," while he casually dismissed the
Holocaust denial conference in Teheran as "needless
difficulty and trouble," and said he was "not
terribly worried about it." Echoing John Stuart Mill's On
Liberty, Hilberg even declared that
Holocaust deniers served the
useful purpose of posing questions that everyone
else assumed were already answered. Hilberg
was derisive of another of the Holocaust industry's
shibboleths, the "New anti-Semitism." The
much-ballyhooed resurgence of anti-Semitism, he
said, amounted to "picking up a few pebbles from
the past and throwing them at windows." In his last
interview Hilberg also sharply criticized Israel's
maltreatment of Palestinians, which, I suspect,
couldn't have been easy for him. (His daughter
lives in Jerusalem.) Although Hilberg suffered professionally because
he chose to study the Nazi holocaust when it was
politically imprudent and because he later resisted
the orthodoxies of the Holocaust industry, those
wanting truly to understand the unfolding horror
have benefited from his independence of spirit.
Like the best memoirs of the Nazi holocaust (many
of which are out of print), his study was written
before ideological exigencies deformed and debased
much of the scholarship on the subject. In recent
years Hilberg was given to observing that most
serious scholarship on the Nazi holocaust was
coming out of Germany while "there are not many
Holocaust researchers worth mentioning in this
country." It is hard to conceive a more withering
indictment of the Holocaust industry's
multibillion-dollar operation.
FOR reasons that frankly still perplex me,
Hilberg was a stalwart and vocal supporter of mine.
Truth be told I was always careful to keep my
distance. I didn't feel worthy of his praise and
feared alienating him. We couldn't have been more
different in academic styles and I am a person of
the Left whereas he was a lifelong Republican. When Daniel Goldhagen's Hitler's
Willing Executioners was released in
1996, I approached it with an open mind. Both my
late parents were of the conviction that all
Germans wanted the Jews dead (my
father survived
Auschwitz) so I figured
maybe there was something to Goldhagen's thesis.
Reading the book was quite the shock. The reasoning
was bizarre, the evidence nonexistent. In debates
on it I was accused of polemical overkill. It
couldn't be that bad: look at what reviewers were
saying. Indeed, who can forget the endless months
of breathless prose in The New York Times
for the Holocaust industry's new poster boy? It was
a singular relief when I read Hilberg's verdict:
"worthless." After a division of Henry Holt (Metropolitan)
agreed to publish my critical essay on Goldhagen
(together with one by Birn), the Holocaust industry
went ballistic. Its attempts to halt the book's
publication were neutralized, however, when Hilberg
stepped forward to praise my contribution. But
Adam Shatz, wielding the hatchet in
Slate, breezily surmised that Hilberg, along
with the half dozen other leading scholars who
blurbed the book, hadn't read carefully what I
wrote. In light of what is known about Hilberg's
fastidiousness, this would have been strangely out
of character. When my book The
Holocaust Industry could no longer
be ignored in the U.S. (it had created a huge stir
in Europe), the floodgates of vitriol opened wider
still. New York Times reviewer Omer
Bartov apparently consulted the unabridged
edition of Roget's Ad Hominems, while
Novick, author of The Holocaust in American
Life, declared that not a word I wrote could be
trusted. (Novick's study of Holocaust commemoration
in the U.S. originally elicited outrage as well
but, after joining in the assault on The
Holocaust Industry, he was heralded as a
responsible critic in contrast to me.) Hilberg
stepped forward again to support my most
controversial contention in The Holocaust
Industry that the campaign for Holocaust
compensation was a "double shakedown" of the
European states as well as the Holocaust survivors.
Hilberg told me that the U.S. Holocaust Museum and
Wiesel (left) relentlessly pleaded with him
to retract his endorsement of my book. He
refused. Prior to publication of The Holocaust
Industry Hilberg had himself denounced American
Jews for resorting to the "blackmail weapon"
against Europe. His disgust for the megalomaniacal
Edgar Bronfman and the irredeemably vulgar
Rabbi Israel Singer of the World Jewish
Congress, which orchestrated the shakedown, is
barely disguised in the recently updated Yale
edition of his study. The charges Hilberg and
I independently leveled back in 2000 have since
been vindicated. The $1.5 billion extracted from
the Swiss banks bore no relationship to the
pittance they actually owed, while Holocaust
survivors have complained of receiving only a
pittance of the fully $20 billion extracted from
Europe in their names. I only met Hilberg once. I was asked to be the
presenter for a documentary to be shown on British
television on Holocaust compensation ("The Final
Insult"), and he was one of the expert
commentators. Hilberg lived in a modestly furnished home in
Burlington, Vermont. His wife worked in a hospice.
He showed me the various foreign translations of
his study in which he took obvious pride (in
particular the Japanese edition), not least for
their physical workmanship. I doubt he ever used
the internet, just as it is unimaginable that a
citation of an old-fashioned scholar like him would
begin www. During breaks in the filming I put to him many
questions on the Nazi holocaust -- the role of Nazi
ideology (he was skeptical of its importance), the
female block in Maidanek (he said very few
survived), the Holocaust industry's claim that
millions of Jews survived (he put his index finger
to his temple, made a circular motion, and said
"cuckoo"), other Holocaust scholars (he was
uniformly generous in his appraisals, even of those
whom, he said, would "whisper the worst things
about me behind my back"). What Hilberg never did
was lapse into Holocaust cliché which, along
with Holocaust kitsch, he detested. Hilberg's last statement for the camera was that
next to the likes of Bronfman and Singer, even
Shylock looked good. Fully aware of just how
incendiary the juxtaposition was, Hilberg chuckled
after the camera stopped rolling that he'd probably
gotten himself into a lot of trouble. Ironically
the British television station forced the producer
to edit out this statement. Not even Hilberg could
be allowed to utter certain truths. When my tenure
troubles at De Paul University reached a
crescendo, Amy Goodman of Democracy
Now! rang up Hilberg for a comment. It was a
sobering occasion. Ruth Conniff and
Mathew Rothschild of The Progressive
had denounced me as a "Holocaust minimizer" for
citing Hilberg's 5.1 million figure. Jon
Wiener, writing in The Nation, another
left-of-center publication, "defended" me by
quoting Peter Novick's "thoughtful" remark that
Alan Dershowitz and I "deserve each other." Yet
Hilberg, the lifelong Republican, once again
stinted no words on my behalf. Character not
ideology, Birn once counseled me, is the better
measure of a person. Hilberg famously used the triad
Perpetrators-Victims-Bystanders to catalogue the
main actors in the Nazi holocaust. It is notable
that he didn't include a category for givers of
succor, presumably because they were so few in
number. Judging by the life he lived, my guess is
that, had the tables been turned, Hilberg would
have been among those few. Primo Levi originally titled his memoir of
Auschwitz If This is a Man. Of Raul Hilberg
it might be said, There went a man. Norman Finkelstein's most recent
book is Beyond
Chutzpah: On the misuse of anti-Semitism and the
abuse of history and the abuse of
history (University of California Press). His
web site is www.NormanFinkelstein.com 
Our website dossier on
Norman Finkelstein and his crusade
Our website dossier on Raul
Dershoowitz responds to Norman Finkelstein who
accuses him of plagiarism
Finkelstein accuses Alan Dershoowitz of
plagiarism | continued
Gordon Thomas
calls Dershoowitz a Plagiarist and
Finkelstein interviewed
by Beirut newspaper after his university sacks
interviewed by Counterpunch after his university
sacks him-
- Norman Finkelstein's website is www.normanfinkelstein.com
our website's excellent search engine to read
more on the sleazy lawyer Alan Dershoowitz:
> "Dershoowitz" (44 items)