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Chicago, August 28, 2007 Course
cancelled a week before class DePaul
pulls plug on controversial professor
By Ron
Grossman Tribune staff reporter THE required reading was at the
bookstore, the students had the course syllabus,
and space in Political Science 235, "Equality in
Social Justice," was standing-room only when DePaul
University pulled the plug Friday on what was to
have been Norman
Finkelstein's final
year at the school. A controversial scholar -- accused by critics of
fomenting anti-Semitism and lauded by supporters as
a forthright critic of Israel -- Finkelstein
attracted wide attention across the academic world
when he was denied tenure in the spring. By Monday, the books for his course had been
pulled from the DePaul bookstore's shelves, while
his case was restarting a firestorm of protest. The
American Association of University Professors was
preparing a letter to the university, protesting
Finkelstein's treatment as a serious violation of
academic ethics. Finkelstein vowed not to take the rebuff lying
down -- or, perhaps more correctly, to do something
just like that. In addition to canceling his
course, the university informed him that his office
was no longer his. "I intend to go to my
office on the first day of classes and, if my
way is barred, to engage in civil disobedience,"
Finkelstein, 53, said in a telephone interview.
"If arrested, I'll go on a hunger strike. If
released, I'll do it all over again. I'll fast
in jail for as long as it takes." Fall classes start Sept. 5 at DePaul, where
Finkelstein has been a faculty member for six
years. During that time, his star has risen and
fallen at the Catholic school, founded by the
Vincentian order. His books brought him far-reaching renown. They
also were condemned for their provocative language,
as in the "The Holocaust Industry," where he called
efforts to get compensation from Germany for World
War II slave laborers a "shakedown." Finkelstein,
himself Jewish, has described leaders of
American-Jewish organizations as
"Holocaust-mongers." He has engaged in a long-running feud with
Harvard University law professor Alan
Dershowitz, a strong supporter of Israel. He
has charged Dershowitz with appropriating other
scholars' findings
plagiarism]; Dershowitz was
similarly skeptical of the legitimacy of
Finkelstein's work when asked by DePaul to comment
on his application for tenure, the academic
equivalent of a lifetime job guarantee. Nonetheless, Finkelstein's work has been praised
by ivory-tower luminaries such as the distinguished
linguist Noam Chomsky and the late Raul
Hilberg, dean of Holocaust historians.
Finkelstein's supporters are planning a
lecture-rally for him in October in Chicago. Two years ago, Finkelstein was held up as an
example of DePaul's commitment to freedom of
inquiry by its president, Dennis
Holtschneider. Students have held Finkelstein in high regard,
reporting that his tone in the classroom is
measured, quite unlike the red-hot rhetoric of his
books. This year, though, Dean Chuck Suchar
found Finkelstein's scholarship inconsistent with
"DePaul's Vincentian values," among them
respect for others'
views. Holtschneider seconded that motion in
refusing Finkelstein's tenure. Student
support continuesDePaul officials declined to comment on the
case. Denise Mattson, associate vice
president for public affairs, said: "Finkelstein
has been assigned to an administrative leave with
full pay and benefits for the 2007-08 academic
year. Administrative leave relieves professors from
their teaching responsibilities. He was informed of
the reasons that precipitated this leave last
spring." He was denied tenure in June, but officials
could offer no explanation for why his courses were
left in the schedule. On Friday, Andrew Riplinger, a DePaul
student registered for Finkelstein's course,
received an e-mail from him. "Professor Finkelstein wrote that if the course
was canceled by the university, it would be taught
at another location," said Riplinger. "Then the
university sent an e-mail announcing the course had
been canceled." Riplinger and other student supporters, fearing
such an action, have been meeting regularly over
the summer and communicating their uneasiness to
the administration. Their committee was scheduled
to meet Monday evening in the DePaul student
center, Riplinger said. Final year
at school threatenedAccording to the norms of academia, a professor
denied tenure has the right to a final year of
teaching at the university that turns him down. The
watchdog of those rights is the American
Association of University Professors, the umbrella
organization of college teachers, which can censure
a school found in violation of its ground rules.
Such a finding also can be the preliminary to a
lawsuit against the university by the faculty
member. According to Jonathan Knight, director of
the AAUP's program in academic freedom and tenure,
a university owes a faculty member denied tenure
more than just a year's salary. He or she has the
right to a classroom (and presumably an office). A
university can't simply buy him or her out by
invoking administrative leave, Knight said. He added that a faculty member can't be put on
administrative leave without a hearing except in an
extreme emergency. "We're not aware of an emergency requiring
DePaul to take such action at the 11th hour and
59th minute," Knight said. Finkelstein said that, rather than filing a
lawsuit, he intends to fight the university's
action with a hunger strike, and the attendant
publicity. "In the court of public opinion, I can win,"
Finkelstein said. "I say: 'Let the people
judge.'" Copyright © 2007,
Chicago Tribune  ALAN
DERSHOWITZ, the outspoken Harvard Law School
professor, is in the middle of a nasty Jewish
squabble with Norman Finkelstein, who accused him
of plagiarism DePAUL
University [Chicago] canceled the one
remaining class taught by a controversial professor
who has accused some Jews of improperly using the
legacy of the Holocaust.
Norman Finkelstein, whose work led to a
long-running public feud with Harvard law professor
Alan Dershowitz, says he may respond by committing
civil disobedience when classes resume Sept. 5. Finkelstein, 53, was denied tenure in June after
six years on the DePaul faculty, but he was
permitted to teach for the one year remaining on
his contract. On Friday, however, the university e-mailed
students saying that Finkelstein's sole political
science course had been canceled. By Monday, the
books for the course had been pulled from the
DePaul bookstore's shelves. Finkelstein's most recent book, "Beyond
Chutzpah: On the Misuse of Anti-Semitism and the
Abuse of History," is largely an attack on
Dershowitz's "The Case for Israel." In it,
Finkelstein argues that Israel uses the outcry over
perceived anti-Semitism as a weapon to stifle
criticism. Dershowitz, who threatened to sue Finkelstein's
publisher for libel, urged DePaul officials to
reject Finkelstein's tenure bid in June. The American Association of University
Professors is preparing a letter to the university
protesting Finkelstein's treatment as a serious
violation of academic ethics, the Chicago Tribune
reported Tuesday. Finkelstein told the newspaper that he planned
to wage his own campaign against the
administration. "I intend to go to my office on the first day of
classes and, if my way is barred, to engage in
civil disobedience," Finkelstein said. "If
arrested, I'll go on a hunger strike. If released,
I'll do it all over again. I'll fast in jail for as
long as it takes." After he was denied tenure, Finkelstein, a son
of Holocaust survivors, posted a letter on his Web
site explaining the school officials' reasons,
including Finkelstein's "deliberately hurtful"
scholarship along, lack of involvement with the
school and tendency for public clashes with other
scholars. "In the opinion of those opposing tenure, your
unprofessional personal attacks divert the
conversation away from consideration of ideas, and
polarize and simplify conversations that deserve
layered and subtle consideration," school President
Dennis Holtschneider wrote in a letter dated June
8. DePaul at the time verified the letter was
authentic. Denise Mattson, the university's associate vice
president for public affairs, released a statement
saying Finkelstein was on administrative leave with
full pay for the academic year. "Administrative leave relieves professors from
their teaching responsibilities. He was informed of
the reasons that precipitated this leave last
spring," the statement said. 
Finkelstein accuses Alan Dershowitz of
plagiarism | continued
Gordon Thomas
calls Dershowitz a Plagiarist and
Finkelstein interviewed
by Beirut newspaper after his university sacks
interviewed by Counterpunch after his university
sacks him
Jun 10, 2007: Controversial
DePaul Professor Denied Tenure
Aug 23, 2007: Finkelstein's
eulogy on death of the Real Historian, Prof Raul
Our website dossier on
Finkelstein and his crusade -
- Norman Finkelstein's website is www.normanfinkelstein.com
our website's excellent search engine to read
more on the sleazy lawyer Alan Dershowitz:
> "Dershowitz" (44 items)