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Tuesday, August 28, 2007 The
Holocaust scholar who was hard on the
By Dan Michman RAUL Hilberg, a professor of
political science at the University of Vermont,
died on Saturday, August 4
He was certainly one of the most influential
scholars in Holocaust research in the world,
despite the fact that his list of publications was
relatively short. But his relationship with Israeli
Holocaust research was ambivalent. Hilberg fled as a child with his parents from
Vienna to the U.S. after the Anschluss (the
annexation of Austria by Nazi Germany in 1938). He
was recruited to the U.S. army at the age of 18,
toward the end of the Second World War, and took
part in the last American campaign on German soil.
Afterward, he started his studies at Columbia
University in New York, attending courses taught by
another refugee scholar, Franz Neumann.
Through Neumann's mediation, Hilberg became a
member of the U.S. War Documentation project, and
thus encountered much German-captured
documentation. He became intrigued by these
documents and by the modes of functioning of the
Third Reich as revealed by them, and when he had to
decide on a topic for his PhD-thesis in 1950, to be
supervised by Neumann, he chose to focus on the
bureaucracy of Nazi Germany. The major question propelling Holocaust research
in its initial post-war years was: How could a
modern state and society turn into a barbaric,
though highly efficient, slaughtering machine? At
that time, the term Holocaust was not yet in
use (shoah was used only in the Jewish Yishuv in
pre-state Palestine), and the murder of the Jews
was perceived as one, although perhaps the most
extreme, of many atrocities carried out by the
Nazis. Hilberg
finished his thesis in 1954, and later expanded on
it; the updated version, which became the masterly
comprehensive study of the Holocaust, "The
Destruction of the European Jews," was
published in 1961.
Indeed, some comprehensive histories of the
Holocaust had been published before -- by Leon
Poliakov (1951), Gerald Reitlinger
(1953) and Joseph Tenenbaum (1956). But
Hilberg's magnum opus served as the basic
introductory study for all who entered the field of
Holocaust studies with an analytical and scholarly
approach. The strengths -- as well as the flaws -- of
Hilberg's study lie in two facts: First, he
approached the Holocaust from a political
scientist's point of view, not as a historian; as
such, he viewed the Holocaust as one clearly
defined unit, stretching over the years in which
the Nazis ruled Germany, 1933-1945, and tried to
present a neat model. Second, he focused on the
bureaucracy of the state. Hilberg, a highly
analytical scholar, with an enormous body of
knowledge and an outstanding memory, succeeded in
depicting a very clear picture of the bureaucracy
of a modern, highly-developed state, which adapted
itself to the vague goals set by the leader
(Hitler). The linear
path of history IN
his eyes, Hitler played actually a minor role in
the development, because he himself did not know at
the beginning (in 1933) where to lead the movement.
Anti-Semitism was not new, and racism existed also
elsewhere, such as in
the United States. It was the bureaucracy that made
the difference. It turned into a "machinery of
destruction" (the key term developed by Hilberg),
which escalated the whole process -- in a linear
path, through clear bureaucratic stages (definition
of "the Jews," expropriation, concentration,
extermination) -- from vague beginnings to the
enormous killing project which was symbolized by
From this perspective, the lesson of the
Holocaust was universal and related to the dangers
of the modern state, which should find ways to
balance and control the almost unlimited power and
ability of the bureaucracy of the centralized
government. An interesting example of the functioning of an
apparently unimportant bureaucratic institution was
presented in another study in the 1970s: "German
Railways, Jewish Souls." In this study, Hilberg
showed how Reichsbahn officials made the
deportation system function smoothly and
efficiently (for instance: They offered SS clients
transportation rate reductions if more Jews were
pushed into trains, and exempted children under 4
from payment), and thus contributed their
share. With the rapid development of Holocaust research
from the second half of the 1960s, Hilberg's book
became a "must" in academic courses on the topic at
universities. He therefore published an expanded
3-volume version in 1985, which was translated into
many languages. In 2004 he published a third
revised version. In the updated and revised
versions he added much new material, but never
changed his basic interpretation. He also hardly
related to historiographical disputes, which
affected Holocaust research. Even if the focus of
his research was the machinery of destruction, it
was he who introduced the categorization of three
"players" in the Holocaust arena, which became
widely used: perpetrators, victims and
bystanders. The fate of his book in
Israel was twisted. Shortly after finishing
the manuscript of his book, he presented it to Yad
Vashem for publication (1957), through the
mediation of Philip Friedman, perhaps the
most eminent Holocaust
historian at the time. Yad Vashem, headed by its
chairman, historian Prof. Ben-Zion Dinur,
and its director, Dr. Jozeph Melkman (later:
Michman, father of this writer), first agreed, but
later declined. The reason was not the
quality of the whole work -- it was evaluated as
the best comprehensive study to date - but
Hilberg's evaluation of Jewish behavior
vis-a-vis the Nazis, especially the
Judenrate (Jewish Councils), whom he saw
as a cog in the destruction machine. He had written that "if
we look at the whole Jewish reaction pattern, we
notice that in its two salient features it is an
attempt to avert action and, failing that,
automatic compliance with orders. Why is this
so? Why did the Jews act in this way? They hoped
that somehow the German drive would spend
itself. This hope was founded on a
two-thousand-year-old experience. In exile, the
Jews had always been in a minority; they had
always been in danger; but they had learned that
they could avert danger and survive destruction
by placating and appeasing their enemies. This
experience was so ingrained in the Jewish
consciousness as to achieve the force of law. A
two-thousand-year-old lesson could not be
unlearned; the Jews could not make the switch
[to resistance when their leadership
realized] that the modern machine-line
destruction process would engulf European
Jewry." Once
rejected, later embracedHilberg had grown up in a Zionist revisionist
family and youth movement (adherents of
Jabotinsky) in Vienna, and his view of
Jewish behavior in the diaspora, as well as of the
Jewish Councils, was in the 1950s the dominant one
in Israel too. He had hoped that the major Holocaust memorial
site in the Jewish state would be the first place
to accept his book. Therefore, Hilberg
could not understand the decision of the Yad
Vashem historians, who thought his was an unfair
generalization of Jewish behavior; he felt
insulted and remained critical of Yad Vashem for
many decades to come. No other Israeli publisher
took it upon himself to publish the book. Later on, a second polemic would emerge. Hilberg
was a scholar of documents, mainly of German ones.
He also published Adam Czerniakow's diary
(together with Yad Vashem's Joseph Kermisz),
but remained extremely
critical of the value of
survivor testimonies until his death (see
his Sources of Holocaust Research,
2001). Yad Vashem and Hebrew University historian Prof.
Israel Gutman, a participant of the revolt
of the Warsaw ghetto and a survivor of Auschwitz,
was very much in favor of using them, although with
critical examination. They directly and indirectly
clashed on this on several occasions. Nevertheless, in spite of what has recently been
claimed by some, Hilberg was never "banned,"
neither did he sever contacts with Israeli
scholars. He wrote several articles for Yad Vashem
publications and used its resources, and his book
was (and is) used in Holocaust education at Israeli
universities. Hilberg himself was invited to Yad Vashem
several times, and participated in its
international conferences on the Jewish Leadership
(1977) and on the history of Holocaust
historiography (2004). On the last occasion, the hall was packed during
his concluding talk, which was attended by about
500 people. Immediately after that last conference,
Yad Vashem decided, together with several
universities and research institutions, to finally
undertake the translation of Hilberg's book, and he
responded enthusiastically. While working on the
manuscript, he constantly made updates and
responded to questions raised by the Yad Vashem
experts; the Hebrew
version, which will hopefully be ready in the
forthcoming year, will therefore be the most
updated and precise version. Unfortunately, he will not be present at the
closing of the circle, to which he so much looked
forward. The writer is a professor of modern
Jewish history at Bar-Ilan University and chief
historian at Yad Vashem. 
of world's leading Holocaust scholar,
conformist, Raul Hilberg 
Walter Reich:
What could make a dedicated Holocaust scholar,
cry? Raul Hilberg, witness to
Hilberg dossier
criticised David Irving's imprisonment-
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