[Real History USAsm Cincinnati, Sept
24-26, 1999 pictures]
- Violent rioters try
to halt Doug Collins Address
- Jerusalem Post voices anxiety
about upcoming trial of Deborah Lipstadt
- Author
Ron Rosenbaum is irritated by Errol Morris's
film on Fred Leuchter
- Reviewer George Jonas
comments that Stalin and Mao killed millions,
but no one seems to care
- US Scholar proves Nazi
scientists were first to Nail Tobacco as Cause
of Lung --
- Republishes a contemporary 56-page
report on infamous Dachau freezing
- Proxies and other
ways of bypassing filters installed by the
Internet "Gestapos"
- Hilary Clinton's election
Quandary: Whether to Visit Auschwitz or
court battle over secret spy files continues
in San Francisco [
Dossier: The
ADL'S illegal penetration of US police
agencies, exposed in 1993] - US Army
Confirms it's Blocking Websites | [previous
story] | ADL, Wiesenthal Center
plead for
laws to censor Internet
- Official German newsreel on the Dec 1947
conclusion of the trial of the Auschwitz
defendants in Krakow, Poland [description]
] - Pat
Buchanan: Hitler was never threat to US; UK,
France aided Stalin by attacking him
- Russians
have started resealing their archives of
captured Nazi documents, complains Stuttgart
- Auschwitz killings allegedly
mentioned by Jewish leaders to FDR on Dec.
8, 1942
- David Copeland's Lawyers Playing for Time;
Insanity Plea? [Latest news, Sept 30, 1999:
he sacks his legal team, doesn't trust them. Not
quite as mad as Jack Straw et al. would like him
to be.]
- World's
Largest Single Gold Deposit Near East Timor: so
Greed is at Core of the Timor Problem
- Treasure-hunters
rake over the ruins of Carinhall, near Berlin,
holiday home of Hermann Göring
- Ruth,
the girl whose job was to shut Churchill up
- Poland
protests Moscow denial that Soviet 1939 invasion
of eastern Poland was aggression
- Tourists
at Buchenwald want to see its gas chambers,
but there never were any, admits New York
- Russians
have started resealing their archives of
captured Nazi documents, complains Stuttgart
- David Irving's Radical's Diary: funeral
of his oldest daughter Josephine |
Traditional enemy, true to form: sends
hate-wreath to David Irving
- Paris court tries Auschwitz SS doctor
Münch for praising Nazis' extermination of
gypsies; court
asked to order psychiatric examination
- New [German] document found:
Greiser addresses the political leaders in
Vienna on his methods in the administration
of occupied Poland
- Prof Deborah Lipstadt is vaguely
uneasy that a German Historian should examine
the Holocaust
- Martin Bormann's
ashes buried secretly in the Baltic
- Probe of Mossad's
use of Canadian ID halted
- Anger at further Russian
anti-Semitism over money-laundering
- US, UK lawyers claim the Holocaust
took place in Poland "because of the
- Toronto Globe alleges Paul Fromm
and Far Right using Web to whip up hostility to
Chinese migrants
- FBI, US, finally admit
using pyrotechnics in Waco assault |
Canadian incredulity
over Janet Reno's denials
- President Francois Mitterand
was closet anti-Semite, charges French
- Tony Blair
is running a Leninist government, three
ministers have Communist backgrounds, yelps
leading left-winger
- More on a perennial mystery, Who
financed the Nazis when out of power?
- Respected Canadian citizen Sol
Littman attacks Paul Fromm allies over
immigration fears
- Christoph
Meili, hounded out of Switzerland for turning
bank records over to Israel, now lives well
in US refuge
- Ignatz
Bubis dealt in Swiss Gold and with firm which
melted dental fillings of Holocaust victims
| tomb vandal
calls him "thief, cheat"| obituary
- IG Farben agrees to compensate
former slave labourers at Auschwitz "where
120,000 died"
- $10bn
laundered through Bank of NY in operation
run by Russian mafia (and others)
- Washington
watchdog panel slates Holocaust Museum
chairman Miles Lerman for meddling,
- The
secret Adolf Eichmann memoirs in
| Israeli
historians' ethics questioned | Debate
rages | His sons
demand hand-over | Israeli newspaper
publishes excerpts | Die Welt
publishes 100pp memoirs [our updated
dossier] | Hitler author Ron Rosenbaum
attacks Eichmann
for repeating deceitful 'just following orders'
alibi | Jerusalem
Post report on the memoirs
casebook on the origins
of modern antisemitism | And see
our David Copeland dossier | Ignatz Bubis,
A Memoir
written for Action Report in 1997 |
Jewish Chronicle on Bubis, a checkered
career- Our
Dachau dossier is now updated
photo shows German soldiers bristling with
cameras; so where are the pictures of the
out our latest
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