Fighting to Eradicate a Smear David Irving's Attempt to Sue the Board of Deputies for Planting their Secret Smear Report in Foreign Government files. The Board's director, Michael Whinge (below) later confessed to having planted the document
London, November 14, 1995 Dear Mr Whinge, Defamatory Publications by the Board of
Deputies of British Jews As you will be aware I am a professional speaker and an
historian of repute, whose works
have been published for thirty-four years in the major
publishing houses, newspapers, and journals of the world,
including several titles being published in the former
Soviet Union, and of whom The Times has written:
"David Irving takes his place in the first rank of
historical chroniclers." The fact that the reports referred to and the covering
letters thereto were marked, as they were, confidential does
not exempt them from the provisions of the Defamation Act.
The reports were designed to damage my reputation; they did
such damage, and I now propose to hold the authors of those
reports liable. Please regard what follows therefore as a Letter before
Action, and consider my requirements set out hereinafter
most seriously. I have as recently as September succeeded in
enforcing swift but satisfactory High Court libel action
against a major British Sunday publication on very similar
grounds indeed. The reports of which complaint is made are riddled with
reckless inaccuracies, overstatements, and outright
lies--precisely the kind of unfair dealing in data, by way
or transfer or disclosure to third parties, which the
Protection Act was designed to obviate. I now list some, but not necessarily all, of the passages
to which I take exception; these include both passages which
are defamatory and untrue and passages which are untrue but
not necessarily defamatory. The paragraph numbers are those
assigned by your author or authors: In the report entitled: "Confidential. David Irving
Biographical Information":
The implication of the word "supposedly" is that it is untrue. I have more than adequate documentary evidence of my employment in Germany at that time (1959-1960), and at any hearing of this action I shall produce payslips, correspondence with my steelworks employers and similar documentation to substantiate this, the sources of my income, and the state of my finances at that time. I started researching my first book in 1961. In the Daily Telegraph you will find an article by me published on September 6, 1960, entitled "Men Behind Germany's Miracle," in which I described my experiences at the steelworks. The Jewish Chronicle also published an article by me on the same theme. Let me state quite categorically that neither then nor since have I "received funding or other material assistance from Nazis" even taking the broadest definition of those words. 3.2.3. "Irving enjoys an opulent lifestyle, and has done for many years. It does not seem that he could maintain such a standard of living without source of income other than his books." Again the innuendo is that I received some kind of illicit funding from, as stated in the introductory paragraph, "Nazis." This is grossly libellous. My accountant will provide adequate evidence of my lifestyle during the time specified, which was not opulent.
In the Section "David Irving -- History of Activities":
In the Section headed "1970 1980": 2. "Irving had written in The Destruction of Convoy PQ.17 that Broome had deliberately abandoned the convoy to Nazi U boats." Untrue; there is no such statement or implication in the book.
In the Section headed "1980-1982": 2. "Irving angrily refused." This is untrue. I not only readily provided the Treasury Solicitor with access to the Churchill diaries, but I wrote to the Public Record Office offering them a set of the diaries at my own expense.
In the Section headed "1982 1984": 10. You reported that on August 10, 1983, the Guardian stated that I "ran the racist group WISE." I have never heard of this group, nor did I read the clipping at the time. It is untrue and libellous, notwithstanding that you simultaneously call the allegation a possible exaggeration. In the Section headed "1984-1985": 4. "In May, Irving visited North London Polytechnic at the height of the controversy of [right-wing student leader] Patrick Harrington's attendance at the college." Quite untrue. I've never been there in my life nor have I to the best of my knowledge and belief met Mr Harrington. In the Section headed "1988 1989":
In the Section headed "1990 1991":
In the Section headed "David Irving Selected Bibliography": 2.1. This statement is grotesquely wrong: e.g., the suggestion that following the 1967 publication of my book Accident: The Death of General Sikorski, "the publishers, William Kimble [sic. William Kimber Ltd] were put on trial and forbidden to continue printing the book." There was not even a hint of a lawsuit against this book or me as its author.
In the Report headed "1991":
We are all accustomed to a certain amount of rough and tumble, when we--as writers--are in the public eye. You and your anonymous authors have however stepped over the line that separates robust criticism from publishing malicious and reckless defamations with the avowed intention of injuring, and with reckless disregard for the truth. For thirty years and more I have adopted the Christian etiquette of turning the other cheek; I have gritted my teeth at these and similar smears, and looked the other way; no more. I therefore require the Board, within seven days of receipt of this letter, to undertake in writing:
Failing satisfaction in each and every one of the above five points, I reserve my rights to commence without further notice proceedings under the Defamation Act and to serve Writs against the Board of Deputies and the individual author or authors of these libels. I further expressly reserve the right to expand any statement of claim to include statements made in this publication complained of about me which are not set out above. May I now have a reply to this letter within seven days?
Will you be so good in your reply as to indicate whether the
address below is the Registered Office of the Board of
Deputies of British Jews, and whether it is a registered
company under the definitions of the Companies Act; and to
confirm the identities of the President, the Chief
Executive, and the director of the Research Unit at the
Board of Deputies of British Jews in June 1992; and to
confirm whether you will receive service of legal documents
or instruct solicitors to act on your behalf. Yours sincerely, David Irving Board of Deputies of British
Jew |
1996. I. No. 1328 Form
10, O.7, r.2
* If action assigned *Master
in Chambers
Intended Plaintiff THE LONDON COMMITTEE OF DEPUTIES OF THE BRITISH JEWS (AN UNINCORPORATED BODY ALSO KNOWN AS "THE BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS") Intended First Defendants Intended Second Defendant Intended Third Defendant Intended Fourth Defendant
1996. I. No. 1328
Intended Plaintiff THE LONDON COMMITTEE OF DEPUTIES OF THE BRITISH JEWS (AN UNINCORPORATED BODY ALSO KNOWN AS "THE BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS") Intended First Defendants Intended Second Defendant Intended Third Defendant Intended Fourth Defendant
I, DAVID JOHN CAWDELL IRVING, the Plaintiff herein, self-employed writer, historian, publisher, broadcaster, and lecturer, MAKE OATH and say as follows:- 1. I depose to the facts and matters herein from my own knowledge.
SWORN at Royal
Courts of Justice A Solicitor |
By the Plaintiff in
Person Telephone 0171 499 9409
In the Matter of an Intended Action
This Writ of Summons has been issued against you by the above-named Plaintiff in respect of the claim set out herein.
Within 14 days after the service of this Writ on you, counting the day of service, you must either satisfy the claim or return to the Court office mentioned below the accompanying Acknowledgement of Service stating therein whether you intend to contest these proceedings.
If you fail to satisfy the claim or to return the Acknowledgement within the time stated, or if you return the Acknowledgement without stating therein an intention to contest the proceedings, the Plaintiff may proceed with the action and judgement may be entered against you forthwith without further notice.
Issued from the Central Office of the High Court this day of 1996.
NOTE: This Writ may not be served later than 4 calendar months (or, if leave is required to effect service out of the jurisdiction, 6 months) beginning with that date unless renewed by order of the Court.
The Plaintiff's claim is for libels contained in the thirty-one page report headed "CONFIDENTIAL. DAVID IRVING -- BIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION" and in the six-page continuation thereof headed "1991" the whole of which document the Defendants did jointly and severally publish or cause to be published in or about June 17 of 1992 to the League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith Canada and to divers other parties within and without the United Kingdom. |
1996. I. No. 1328
Intended Plaintiff THE LONDON COMMITTEE OF DEPUTIES OF THE BRITISH JEWS (AN UNINCORPORATED BODY ALSO KNOWN AS "THE BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS") Intended First Defendants Intended Second Defendant Intended Third Defendant Intended Fourth Defendant
1996. I. No. 1328
Intended Plaintiff THE LONDON COMMITTEE OF DEPUTIES OF THE BRITISH JEWS (AN UNINCORPORATED BODY ALSO KNOWN AS "THE BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS") Intended First Defendants Intended Second Defendant Intended Third Defendant Intended Fourth Defendant I, DAVID JOHN CAWDELL IRVING, the Plaintiff herein,
self-employed writer, historian, publisher, broadcaster, and
lecturer, MAKE OATH and say as follows:- sworn at A Solicitor |
1996. I. No. 1328 In the High Court of JusticeQUEEN'S BENCH DIVISION
Intended Plaintiff THE LONDON COMMITTEE OF DEPUTIES OF THE BRITISH JEWS (AN UNINCORPORATED BODY ALSO KNOWN AS "THE BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS") Intended First Defendants Intended Second Defendant Intended Third Defendant Intended Fourth Defendant 2. The Intended Plaintiff ('Mr Irving') has published
several books, including biographies of Hitler
and Goebbels.
His career is described in the report about which he
seeks leave to commence libel proceedings (the 'report')
which is exhibited to Mr Irving's affidavit at pages 27
to 63 of DJCI1. 3. Mr Irving's activities have
been monitored by the Board for a number of years.
The reasons for this are plain from the report. The
report was compiled by my department as part of its
normal day to day activities. It was not intended for
external circulation. However, at some time in 1992 I
received a request for information on
Mr Irving by the B'nai Brith League of Human Rights, a
similar organisation to the Board in Canada. They were in
the process of providing information to the Canadian
Department of Citizenship and Immigration which, at the
time, was considering whether to permit Mr Irving to
enter Canada. Mr Irving obtained a copy of the report
following his inquiries in Canada under the Canadian
Access to Information Act. This is common ground between
Mr Irving and the Intended Defendants. What are not
common ground are two key issues developed in Mr Irving's
evidence in support of his application for leave to issue
proceedings, namely his 'date of knowledge' of the
relevant facts which he puts at 22 December 1995 and what
he terms the Board's 'deliberate concealment' of the
authorship of the report. I will take each of these in
turn. Date of Knowledge a. The report on its face made it likely that it
was written by, or at the instigation of, the
Board. b. Mr Irving admits in his affidavit that he
suspected that he knew the report's authorship before 22
December 1995 At paragraph 19, Mr Irving sets out the information
that led him to this belief. It was the which led him
to make his (in the circumstances, quite needless)
enquiries under the Data Protection Act in the Summer
of 1995 which are referred to in paragraphs 10-16 of
his affidavit. I was the person at the Board dealing
with the enquiries. At the time, I had no idea that Mr
Irving had a copy of the report in his possession. It
did not occur to me that he was making his requests
under the Data Protection Act he was, in fact, seeking
an admission as to the authorship of the report. I
will return to this in respect of 'concealment'
below. c. Given that Mr Irving was on notice that the
Board had written the report he ought to have asked the
Board directly whether it had or not. Presumably, he suspected as early as December 1994
that the author of the report was the Board. In any
event, he did nothing about it until 31 July 1995 when
he served his first request under the Data Protection
Act. It must be remembered that in September 19995 I had
no idea that a copy of the report was in Mr Irving's
possession. Neither I nor Mishcon de Rhea (the
solicitors acting on my behalf of the Intended
Defendants) realised until reading paragraph 30 of Mr
Irving's first affidavit and page 121 of DJCI2 that Mr
Irving was using a circuitous and time consuming
method of asking a simple question (or avoiding asking
it). Without realising what information Mr Irving was
in fact seeking to obtain we were not in a position to
shorten matters. Only he was. d. Mr Irving's actual knowledge of the identity
of the author of the report prior to 22 December 1995 is
set out in his documents sent out at the
time. The second document is a letter on the David Irving
Fighting Fund notepaper dated 8 December 1995. It is a
fund raising letter circulated to all his supporters
outlining his recent activities. At paragraph 6 on the
second page of the letter (page 9 of 'MW1') is a
direct reference to the report. He says that he
is: The reference to 'they' is to the Board. The
documents referred to is the report. The quotation
about the opulent lifestyle is a direct reference
(completely wrongly quoted and taken out of context)
to an allegation made about him in the report (see
page 29 of DJCI1). from this document and the one
mentioned above it is clear that Mr Irving was well
aware that the Board had written the report at least
as early as October 1995. Prejudice b. The cost implications for the Board are horrendous.
The Board is a charitable organisation funded by the
Jewish community via levies from members of the
synagogues around the country. The cost of defending a
potentially very large and wide ranging libel action
could have a detrimental effect on the Board's
constituents and the important work it does for the
Jewish community. Because of the passage time and the
reasons stated in (a) these costs will undoubtedly be
higher than they would have been had the proceedings been
issued 2 years ago. c. An additional argument relates to confidentiality.
Much of the information the Board has collected on Mr
Irving is confidential in nature and sources do not want
their identity disclosed. Each year new sources with new
information contribute it to the Board. Were Mr Irving to
have sued in 1994 discovery would have compromised the
anonymity of some of the Board's sources. This is a
consequence of litigation the Board would have accepted.
However, were the Court to grant Mr Irving leave now to
commence proceedings, additional sources who have
provided information over the past 22 months will have to
be revealed. This is not a necessary consequence of
anything other than Mr Irving's delay. Conclusion SWORN this 19th day of November
1996* Before me, A solicitor |
1996. I. No. 1328
Intended Plaintiff THE LONDON COMMITTEE OF DEPUTIES OF THE BRITISH JEWS (AN UNINCORPORATED BODY ALSO KNOWN AS "THE BOARD OF DEPUTIES OF BRITISH JEWS") Intended First Defendants Intended Second Defendant Intended Third Defendant Intended Fourth Defendant
I had previously visited Canada without difficulty some thirty times since 1965, and lectured and promoted my writings around the world. In consequence of the above-mentioned entry bans enforced against me, because of the actions of the Defendants and their agents overseas, by the governments of Canada, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, as well as by the governments of Germany, Austria, and Italy, I have suffered accumulated losses since 1992 of many hundreds of thousands of pounds sterling in speaking fees, book sales, publishing royalties and license fees and other emoluments, television and radio fees, as well as legal costs. These consequential losses will continue in coming years. The Defendants successfully conspired in secret with their overseas partner organisations and other agents to destroy my livelihood, denying me my civil rights and robbing me of my liberty and of my freedom of speech around the world. THE DATE OF KNOWLEDGE para.4 (b): My communications with the Data Protection
Agency were concerned additionally with asserting my rights
as a Data Subject under the Act. Ten days ago, on November
4, 1996, since I was satisfied that on the balance of
probabilities, provided that the Board of Deputies of
British Jews had not pre-emptively destroyed all its
information files on me, it was not withstanding its denials
still maintaining data about me on its registered database,
I wrote to the Data Protection Agency asking it to institute
compliance and enforcement procedures against the
Board. para.4 (c): My concern in not identifying to the Board
the information I had received was to prevent it from
destroying any or all of the files it held on me before they
could be inspected by myself or by the Agency. Whether the
'Data Protection Act exercise' was pointless remains to be
seen. para.4 (d): The Second Defendant has distorted the
infrequent stereotype references to a 'traditional enemy' in
my irregular newsletter Action Report -- which
reports on my worldwide legal actions. The reference is not
to an enemy of me (or 'us') but explicitly to 'the
traditional enemy of the truth' (see e.g. para. 1 of the
Christmas letter's first page, and the first line of its
second page). The OPERATION BODYLINE
was a fictious codeword used in the newsletter in a
further attempt to smoke out who the author of the report
was, since we were aware that various unauthorised addresses
were on the mailing list. The real file-name was
ILL WIND. The Action Report issue
dated October 1, 1995 referred to a 'North London' body
identified as Network HQ: To my knowledge there are situated
in North London the Zionist Federation and the Jewish
National Fund namely at Balfour House in Finchley or Hendon,
while the offices of B'nai Brith and the Herut Party's
branch in the UK (that is, the late Menachem Begin's party)
is in Compayne Gardens, West Hampstead. The Board of
Deputies of British Jews is however not in North London but
at Woburn Place, London WC1. DELIBERATE CONCEALMENT PREJUDICE In the premises I submit that the delay in instituting
these proceedings before this Honourable Court was largely a
consequence of my desire to negotiate in good faith with the
Defendants for an amicable settlement as is evidenced by the
documents exhibited above at pages 123, 124, and especially
137, final paragraph. SWORN at A Solicitor |
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