| Document
Obtained by Law
 from Canadian Government files | DAVID IRVING Deportation from Canada 1992 Documents Released
Under the Access to Information
Act by the Federal Department of Citizenship
and Immigration in 1994 |
Immigration Trumps up a charge against David
Irving (but it won't wash, as the German
"conviction" has to have an exact parallel under
Canadian law -- and it does not). | EMPLOYMENT
ONLYReport under Section 27 of the Immigration Act Document no. N901600501 OFF file no 5133-24-9377 Client ID 2817-6161 To: Deputy Minister of Employment
and Immigration From: Jack Avery In accordance with the Immigration
Act, I have to report that: David Irving born 24 Mar
1938 in England is a person in Canada, other than a
Canadian citizen or permanent resident,
described in:
Paragraph 27(2)(A) A person who, if he/she
were applying for entry, would not or
might not be granted entry by reason of
being a member or the inadmissible
class described in: Paragraph 19(1)(d)(i) : Persons who there are
reasonable grounds to believe will
commit one or more offences punishable
by way of indictment under any Act of
parliament. this report is based on information
in my possession as follows: That David Irving - has been convicted in Munich,
Germany District Court on may 5, 1992,
of slander concomitant with the
disparagement of the memory of deceased
persons, pursuant to the German
Criminal Code, section 1, 2 and 52, an
offence that would constitute an
offence in Canada, namely public
incitement of hatred as defined in
section 319(2) of the Criminal
- has been invited to Canada by
the Canadian free speech
- has spoken at public rallies
denying holocaust took place.
- has planned a speaking tour in
Canada with stops in Victoria, Calgary,
Kitchener, Hamilton, Toronto, and
Dated at ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... 27 Oct 1992 signed by Immigration Officer .....
..... ..... ..... ..... |
ONLYReport under section 27 of the immigration act Document no.
N901599893 OFF
file no 5133-24-9377 Client ID 2817-6161 To: deputy minister of employment and
immigration From: Jack Avery In accordance with the immigration act, I
have to report that: David Irving born 24 Mar 1938 in
is a person in Canada other than a Canadian
citizen or permanent resident, described in: Paragraph 27(2)(a): A person who, if he/she were
applying for entry, would not or might not be
granted entry by reason of being a member of the
inadmissible class Described in: paragraph 19(2)(a): Persons who have been convicted of
an offence outside Canada that would constitute
an offence that may be punishable by way of
indictment under any other act of parliament and
for which a maximum term of imprisonment of less
than ten years may be imposed, This report is based on information in my
possession as follows: that David Irving was convicted in
Munich, Germany, district court, on May 5, 1992,
of slander concomitant with the disparagement of
the memory of deceased persons, pursuant to the
German criminal code, sections 1, 2, and 52, an
offence that would constitute an offence in
Canada, namely public incitement of hatred as
defined in section 319(2) of the criminal code
and for which a maximum term of imprisonment not
exceeding two years may be imposed. Dated at: ..... ..... ..... ..... .....
..... on 27 Oct 1992 Immigration officer: ..... ..... ..... .....
..... ..... ..... |