SEE ABOVE] 1980 - 1982 1. On 25.1.80, Irving reviewed 'The
Medical Casebook of Adolf Hitler' for
'Now' magazine. 2. In February 1980, the Treasury
Solicitor, Sir Basil Hall, wrote to
Irving, demanding that Churchill's diaries
be made available to the public in
accordance with the 1958 and 1967 Public
Records Act. Irving angrily refused. 3. On 1.2.80, Irving again addressed a
Dinner of the Clarendon Club. On this
occasion the venue was the Ecclestone
Hotel, Victoria, and he spoke on his
forthcoming book on Churchill, and his
plans to establish a political party.
Those present included Robin Rushton
(LOSG), Steven Brady (then LOSG, now NF),
Bob Edwards (NF, later British Movement),
Tony Mulski (BM), Lucy Roberts (LOSG),
Malcolm North (NF), Mary Dowton (NF) and
other leading neo-Nazis. 4. On 3.4.80, Irving reviewed 'Canaris'
by Heinz Höhne for 'Now' magazine.
Admiral Canaris was head of the German
Secret Service during W W II, until he was
hanged by the Gestapo for his part in the
bomb plot against Hitler in July 1944. 5. In 1980, Irving took part in an
annual cultural event at Lüneberg,
the Nord-deutsche Kulturtage, organised by
GFP. He also participated in the Deutsche
Kulturgemeinschaft and joined a youth
group, Bund heimattreuer Jugend, from
11-13 April, He addressed a GFP meeting in
Munich on 19 May, his subject was
"Research into Contemporary History and
Freedom of Opinion". 6. On 20.6.80, 'Now' magazine featured
a "special enquiry" into German attempts
to persuade the abdicated Edward VIII to
support Hitler, in June 1940. Whilst the
lengthy article had been written by Les
Wilson and Gordon Gregor, much of its
content was attributed to Irving, This
included a number of private telegrams and
documents from the Duke of Windsor,
Ribbentrop, the German Foreign Ministry,
and the Italian Foreign Ministry. 7. On December 1980, Irving wrote to
the Manchester Evening News, and claimed
that the recent Paris synagogue bombings
had been blamed on the Far Right by French
Jews 8. In a letter to the Southern Evening
Echo, on 12.1.81. , Irving called for the
return of National Service on the grounds
that it would deter immigration, and would
probably lead to "a net outward flow". 9. Irving wrote to Private Eye
columnist, 'Mr Tomkinson' and asked him to
talk informally at a Focal Point meeting.
The letter sounded more like a threat than
an invitation. 10. Irving was shouted down by students
who opposed his invitation to speak at
Leeds University on 4.2.81. 11. On 6.3.81, Irving's secretary,
Christopher Brogan, wrote to the Jewish
Chronicle in complaint at their reporting
of a recent meeting at Birmingham
University, when protesters prevented
Irving from speaking on the subject,
"Hitler and the Holocaust". 12. The May 1981 edition of Phoenix (a
neo-Nazi journal), featured a booklist
which included Irving's titles,
"Destruction of Dresden" and "Rommel". 13. The New Statesman, (8.5.81)
contained an interesting exchange of views
between Irving and Kai Bird. This followed
Bird's hostile review of Irving's latest
book "Uprising". Irving denied that he had ever been
called himself a "mild fascist" , denied
that he had spoken at an Oswald Mosley
rally at Imperial College in 1959, claimed
to have never visited Berchtesgaden,
claimed that the Russian publication of
PQ17 had happened without his prior
agreement and said that he had had no
knowledge of Ullstein's alterations to
'Hitler's War', until the day of its
publication. Each of these points were
thoroughly refuted by Bird. 14. On 22.6.81. , Irving held a party
in his Mayfair flat to celebrate the
publication of "The War Between The
Generals". In his workroom hung three
framed pictures from "Völkische
Beobachter" and a self-portrait of Hitler
scribbled on a postcard. Irving proudly
declared, "it was given to me by Hitler's
secretary. He heard me speak at a public
meeting in Germany recently. 'Just like
A.H.' she said." (The discrepancy between
"he" and "she" is from the Evening
Standard's report on the party). 15. On 17.7.81. DNZ announced Irving
was preparing a Goring biography. On
22.1.82. DNZ reported that Irving had
spoken at DVU meetings in Hamburg and
Düsseldorf. On 19.2.82. DNZ devoted
over a page to Irving's new book 'Von
Guernica bis Vietnam' which "exposed
Churchill as one of the most unscrupulous
war criminals in world history" . 16. Irving spoke without incident, at
Durham University, on 11.12.81. 17. It should be noted that in 1982,
whilst Irving did not deny the Holocaust,
two of his books, 'Hitler's War' and 'The
War Path', did appear on the book list of
the Californian Institute for Historical
Review. 18. Irving paid tribute to Hans Ulrik
Rudel at his funeral in Rosenheim,
Bavaria, shortly after Christmas, 1982.
The funeral was attended by around 2,000
mourners, many of whom it was claimed were
elderly Nazis. Colonel Rudel, a famed
Luftwaffe pilot, is believed to have
played an important role in the ODESSA
network during the post War period. 19. It was reported in "National
Student, Start of the Year 1982" that
Irving had circulated a mailing
"specifically addressing itself to FCS
members" and containing copies of "Focal
Point'. The letter began,. "Dear. . . as a
leading FCS official... " and continued,
"'Why you? We have taken the trouble to
develop a list of over a thousand
sagacious FCS officials and activists. . .
We want FP to be the voice of the educated
Right so it is being particularly promoted
in universities in the coming term".
National Student then quoted "a reliable
Conservative source" as saying, "It would
be nigh on impossible to get that list
from anywhere but inside the Federation,
and even then you could count the people
who would have access on the fingers of
one hand". 20. On 14.1.82. Irving spoke to
approximately 120 people at Cambridge
University Union Society and claimed
"Hitler knew nothing about the murder of 6
million Jews in Nazi death camps. Anyway,
the total was probably 1 1/4 million
deaths" . 21. An article in the Cambridge Student
Newspaper spoke of Irving "digging up half
an East German forest in order to recover
abandoned weapons. . . his participation
in rallies for Oswald Mosley in 1959. . .
On a previous visit to Cambridge he
encouraged anyone interested in his
historical work to sign a list. The
material that they received a few days
later had little to do with history and a
lot to do with politics". 22. 'Focal Point' of 31.1.82. condemned
the Israeli annexation of the Golan
Heights and used this as an excuse for an
anti-Zionist tirade. The article claimed,
"We endorse all condemnation of
anti-Semitism. . . We try hard to like the
Israelis, but they make it powerful
difficult for us all". 23. 'The Times' of 1.2.82. reported
Irving's plans to computerise 300,000
names of possible sympathisers. He planned
to advertise cash rewards for mailing
lists of right wing groups, Irving claimed
to have paid £50 to the organisers of
a raffle for "beleaguered Poles" for about
10,000 ticket stubs which recorded names
and addresses. 24. Alexander Chancellor, editor of
'The Spectator' wrote to The Times to
announce that 'The Spectator' would not
carry Irving's adverts. He did admit,
however, that the Spectator had, in the
past, carried adverts for 'Focal
Point'. 25. On Irving admitted that
"Focal Point" had printed false adverts in
order to attract future advertising
revenue. 26. 'The New Statesman' (26.2.82.)
revealed that Irving had written to its
editor Bruce Page suggesting that Page
join him in helping to "fuel our little
counter attack" on 'Private Eye'. The
proposal was summarily rejected by
Page. 27. Irving's invitation to address the
Oxford Union Society was withdrawn
following protests. 28. Irving received an extremely
hostile reception when speaking at
Cambridge's Corpus Christi History
Society. He lashed out at Sam Jacobs of
the Union of Jewish Students, accusing him
of "leading a conspiracy" to bar Irving
from addressing students. 29. On 28.5.82. it was reported that
Irving had been awarded the "European
Freedom Prize"' by the Munich neo-Nazi
weekly, 'Deutsche National-Zeitung' . 30. On 7.8.82. Irving appeared on the
Radio Four interview programme, "In the
Psychiatrist's Chair'". Accounts of the
interview show that Irving referred to the
mental breakdown of one of his daughters,
and denounced his former wife, marriage,
and women in general, before defending his
book. 'Uprising" from accusations that it
gave undue attention to the position of
Jews in Hungary's Communist Government
. On the topic of his controversial
thesis that Hitler knew nothing, of the
Holocaust, Irving told the interviewer, I
think that the ordinary Jews are enraged
at me, if anything at all, because I've
detracted from the romance of the notion
of the Holocaust. . . to find out that
this 6 million people were killed by one
rather grubby and ordinary criminals,
definitely detracts from the romance. . .
I can't help it because that's my sincere
view; I don't think there's any evidence
that it happened any differently". When asked why he had wanted to assume
Hitlers persona for 'Hitler's War', Irving
said Hitler felt his brain was "some
modern computer into which he would feed
all the relevant data and then he would go
to sleep on it and then in the morning he
would wake up and the decision would come
popping out". Irving added, "I'd like to
regard myself as having that kind of
attitude to decision making" . When asked about his political
ambitions, Irving replied, "I've got
enormous ambition and energy and personal
drive and a pretty clear sense in myself
that I'm right. . . This is one problem
that the existing established parties in
this country are suffering under, that
they're incapable of doing things in ways
that are right. . . I've always wanted to
influence people and destinies, and for
the last 20 years as a writer I've been
influencing their destinies. . . I'm a
very patriotic, dedicated, clear-thinking
person, and I've tried very hard to keep
myself ready for this moment. In as much
as I've never smoked, never drunk, and I'm
very anxious not to deteriorate in the way
that people otherwise might between the
ages of 40 and 50. . . Somebody has to be
the person who takes the decisions. . .
that person should be a person who the
rest of the people can trust, and I think
that if I've been doing anything for the
last 20 or 30 years, it's been trying to
establish that people can't frighten me
into adopting views that aren't right. . .
I have 40 years - I think - in which to do
it. Time isn't running out very fast for
me". 31. The 12th edition of the
'Nationalism Today' (the journal of the
neo-Nazi National Front) contained an
analysis of Irving, written by Martin
Webster. The scathing tone of the article
may well have been Webster's way of
telling Irving that as far as the NF were
concerned, he was an object of derision
and could expect no support whatsoever.
Webster's article showed how poorly Irving
was regarded and may have convinced Irving
that his future ambitions would mainly be
pursued in Germany, where he was held in
high esteem . 32. In March 1982 Irving lectured in
Hanover, Bremen, Kassel, Bad Godesberg,
Duisburg, Mainz, Karlsruhe, Nuremberg,
Munich and Stuttgart. His tour was
organised the DVU, headed by Dr Gerhard
Frey, editor of the neo-Nazi weekly
Deutsche National Zeitung (DNZ). His
lectures were entitled "The Nuremberg
Trials -Righteousness or Victors'
Justice?" and he was introduced by the DNZ
as the first author to have "revealed the
methods by which the victors perverted
justice and laid the foundations of
re-education for the vanquished". 1982 -- 1984 1. Irving spoke to the annual rally of
the DVU on March 5/6 1982. At this
meeting, Frey gave the Hans Ulrich Rudel
prize to Rudel's biographer, Gunter Just.
Irving spoke on 'the Barbie Case' and
alleged that in 1942, De Gaulle had
established a Gestapo-like organisation im
London, which "tortured and murdered
German agents". He also claimed that the
British had sunk a German refugee ship in
the Blight of Lübeck, killing 7,000
civilians. 2. Dr August Priesack, a Nazi party
archive worker from 1935-39 ("now" living
in Munich), was named as one of Irving's
sources by the Sunday Telegraph on 1.5.82.
The article went on to talk of a "minor
industrialist" near Stuttgart who
collected Nazi memorabilia, and whose son
recalled with "pleasure", a visit by
Irving. 3. In Spring 1983, Macmillan
readvertised Irving's $1,000 challenge on
Hitler's knowledge of the Holocaust. The
advert appeared in The Bookseller. In
June, 'Searchlight' (the anti-Fascist
magazine) reported that Ian Souter
Clearance and Tony Malski (known neo-Nazi
activists) had arranged "protection" at
Clarendon Club meetings. The Clarendon
Club was a dining club of known neo-Nazi
activists organised in a covert basis. Its
functions were attended by leading members
of the NF League of St George, and other '
similar organisations, Irving addressed
their meeting, on occasions. 4. An advert for Focal Point appeared
in the Summer 1983 issue of Scorpion (a
neo-Nazi journal). 5. In August 1983, Searchlight claimed
that Irving was travelling to the USA in
order to find Eva Braun's diaries. 6. 'The Sunday People' of 28.8.83
reported that Irving would be addressing
the Institute for Historical Review (IHR).
Irving told the People, "I'm doing it just
for the fee. . . A five figure sum in
dollars. . . I know their (IHR) reputation
and the odours hanging around them. But I
have never refused an invitation to speak
to an audience, left or right. They may
not hear everything they want to hear"
. 7. The March, June, and September 1983
issues of Nationalism Today offered a free
copy of 'The Destruction of Dresden' to
subscribers to 'Nationalism Today' (a
neo-Nazi journal). 8. Hitlers War' was issued in paperback
format by Papermac. 9. On 3/4.9.83. , Irving addressed the
IHR Convention in Los Angeles. This was
his first public meeting in the USA and he
was very warmly received by his
audience. The esteem in which he was held, is
illustrated by the way he was introduced
to his audience as, "(having) had no equal
among English speaking or German speaking
historians in tracing and discovering and
utilising to the maximum impact, untapped
documents, personages, and other sources,.
. . As a consequence of his work there is
no one -- and this quite includes the
establishmentarians -- will ever again be
able to write history quite the same way
it was written. . .David Irving is without
question one of the very most important
figures responsible for the revolution im
World War Two historiography which is a
single feature of our day. . . He will deal with a variety of topics
including.. . the question of Hitlers lack
of knowledge of the exterminations, the
role and practices of contemporary
historians. . . . 10. On 10.8.83. 'The Guardian' reported
that Irving ran the racist group, WISE
(Welsh, Irish, Scottish, English).
Although this nay have been an
exaggeration, he was certainly involved
with it and its leaders. 11. On 18.10.83 Irving' address to
Reading University (on 'The Hitler
Diaries') was constantly interrupted by a
barrage of protests. 12. On 21.10.83 Irving wrote to the
Jewish Chronicle that he had just returned
from "researching in North America" and
claimed that he had instructed the IHR to
find an opposing speaker to his views - no
historian would accept the invitation. 13. On 25.10.83 October, his proposed
talk to Kent University (again on the
subject of forged historical documents)
was cancelled due to opposition to
him. 14. In November 1983, Irving attended a
talk by Professor Eberhard Jaeckel at a
German Historical Institute meeting in
London. At the end of Jaeckel's talk
("Decision making im National Socialist
Germany and the Holocaust"), Irving waved
$1,000 in the air to show that Hitler
remained "innocent". 15. Irving repeated his $1,000
challenge during a debate at University
College, Dublin. 16. The Guardian of 2.11.83., reported
that Irving's "political secretary", Robin
Davies, was sharing a flat with Scorpion
editor, Michael Walker, and Italian
neo-Nazi, Roberto Fiore, who was wanted by
the Italian Police for' alleged
involvement in terrorist activities . 17. On 8.12.83, The Guardian reported
that Irving had informed the police that
Robin Davies was living with Roberto
Fiore. 18. On 12.12.83, Irving wrote to The
Guardian that the principles of the free
world were worth dying for. 19. Irving spoke at a memorial service
to Nazi Germany's most highly decorated
pilot, Colonel Hans Ulrich Rudel. The
meeting was held in Munich's
Loewenbraeukeller, and organised by the
DVU -- of which Rudel had been a
member. 1984 -- 1985 1. On 3.2.84. there were widespread
disturbances at Durham University, as
demonstrators tried to prevent Irving from
speaking. 2. On 4.2.84. Irving wrote to the
'Jewish Chronicle' to complain about the
behaviour of Jewish students on his recent
speaking tour of various British
universities. He claimed such incidents
led to anti-Semitism from other students
who believed in his right to free speech .
. 3. In late February, Irving parted with
his political secretary, Robert Davies due
to his 'alleged' embarrassment at Davies's
links with Roberto Fiore. 4. In May, Irving visited North London
Polytechnic at the height of the
controversy over Patrick Harrington's
attendance at the college. Harrington was
the leader of the neo-Nazi National Front
whose attendance as a Philosophy
undergraduate was being challenged by
other students. 5. On 22.6.84. 'The Daily Express'
reported that Irving was having to sell
his Duke St home for financial reasons.
Irving told the Express, "I've been
writing it (Churchill's War) for so long,
it has almost bankrupted me" . The sale
did not go through and it remains his
home. 6. The August edition of 'Searchlight'
reported that Irving had been expelled
from Austria on 19.6.84. He had been
invited to Austria by the Committee for
Truth in History, led by former National
Democratic Party (NDP) leader, Norbert
Burger who was involved in anti-Italian
terrorist activities, in South Tyrol in
the 1960's. 7. In September 1984, Irving addressed
the annual conference of IHR in America
. 8. On 16.4.85. Irving was interviewed
on LBC radio, regarding the news that
Princess Michael of Kent's father had been
in the SS. Irving revealed that he had an
"association with the Allied Intelligence
Authorities. . . a close friend of .mine
was a director of the (Berlin Document)
Centre, . . . I used to have access and
could go in and see whatever files I
liked, but more recently, under Daniel
Simon, it has been tightened up and it is
very difficult indeed to get access to the
files of certain key people". 9. On 7.5.85, Irving appeared on an LBC
chat show to discuss WWII. He referred to
"the Hollywood version of WWII. . . 40
years later a lot of propaganda is still
believed as gospel.., certainly over
1,500,000 (Jews) were ]liquidated.. .
the six million Jews were the victims of a
very large number of individual German
Nazi gangsters. . . There is no evidence
at all that Hitler even knew about
Auschwitz and Treblinka.. . . hundreds and
hundreds of ordinary Europeans' in whom
anti-Semitism is endemic pulled the
switches and threw the levers that killed
those six million Jews and that a very
large number of them are still alive or
that their sons and grandsons are still
alive and they still have this same ugly
seed within them and this is the
danger". 10. In June 1985, Irving was expelled
from Austria. 11. 'The Evening Standard' of 3.6.85.
revealed that Irving "flew to Bavaria at
the weekend to collect the Colonel Rudel
Prize" . The Standard also claimed that
the US publishers, Doubleday, had demanded
the return of a £56,000 advance. The
report also claimed that Irving had
offered a reward for £10,000 for the
capture of Dr Josef Mengele -- possibly
the same £10,000 that he had received
"this weekend from the ultra right wing
DVU for his historical work" . 1986 -- 1987 1. On 28.2.86. Irving left London for a
world lecture tour entitled "the
manipulation of history in the 20th
Century". 2. In March 1986 Irving toured
Australia where he received extensive
media coverage. He accused one
particularly troublesome interviewer of
being manipulated by a "sinister hand
operating out of London" . 3. On 25.4.86. Austria rescinded
Irving's expulsion order. 4. 'The Times' of 9.9.86. reported that
Irving's great great grandfather, Alfred
Dolman, was "murdered and eaten by his
bearer in Bechuanaland in 1851". 5. On 9.9.86. Irving left London for a
speaking tour of South Africa. 6. On 24.6,87., Irving dismissed an
Israeli claim to have found evidence that
Hitler had personally ordered a 1941
massacre of over 10,000 Jews. He accused
Israel of manipulating the evidence, which
came from the UN War Crimes
Commission. 7. Interviewed via satellite on
Australian television, Irving praised "the
courage" of Veritas Publications for
handling the worldwide distribution and
promotion of the forthcoming, (Churchill's
War). 8. On 14.9.87. , Irving began a
speaking tour of Australia, to promote his
new book "Churchill's War, Volume One: the
Struggle For Power". The tour was
organised with the help of the Australian
League of Rights and their highly
anti-Semitic leader, Don Butler. 9. Irving was scheduled to deliver the
final paper at an international seminar
being organised by the Australian League
of Rights at Melbourne's Victoria Hotel on
3.10.87. It is not known if he did address
the meeting. 1988 -- 1989 1. In January 1988, 'Churchill's War',
was published by the extreme right-wing
Australian book company, Veritas
Publications'. Irving had reputedly worked
on the book for 10 years, and had
completed it by 1985. He claimed that
Michael Joseph had originally been
contracted to publish the book, but that
they had rejected the typescript owing to
the severity of it's attacks on Churchill.
Alan Brooke, managing director of Michael
Joseph, denied that this was the case and
claimed Irving had asked to withdraw from
the contract, and still owed the company
his 'advance'. The typescript was then
rejected by Collins and Macmillan, before
a deal was made with Veritas.. 2. On 13.1.88., Irving delivered his
biography of 'Goering' to Macmillan, whom
he claimed to be "over the moon", about
the book. Two days later he claimed that
Macmillan wanted him to write his own
memoirs. He quipped, "(they) will probably
have to be called "My War", and hinted
that he. would write them after his
Roosevelt project. 3. 'The Independent', (15.1.88.),
reported that Irving had completed the 2nd
volume of Churchill's War , and that it
would be released im Australia "later this
year". It was also reported that Irving
was now concentrating on his book on the
life of Franklin D Roosevelt, whom he said
he would portray as "viciously
anti-Semitic" . 4. On 11.3.88., Irving claimed on Radio
Adelaide News, that "without Hitler the
State of Israel probably would not exist
today, so to that extent he was probably
the Jews' greatest friend" . 5. Robert Silver wrote an article on
Irving, entitled "Thoughts from the
Bierkeller", published im the Evening
Standard on 8.3.88. Silver noted that
Irving drove a Rolls Royce and referred to
himself as ultra-Conservative" Irving
claimed that he told revisionists "not to
go too far", and that he personally would
only discuss Hitler's role in the
Holocaust. He would never write directly
about the Holocaust for fear of "a Jewish
bullet in the back". He then claimed that
Jewish organisations had threatened his
home, and argued that he admired Hitler
for being a "creator", whereas Churchill
was merely a destroyer. 6. On 15.3.88. the Berlin Document
Centre (where German WWII files are
stored), announced that it wished to
interview Irving with regard "to the
disappearance of at least 30,000 sensitive
WWII documents" . Interpol was reported as
having joined the search and 1,500
documents were said to have been recovered
in raids in West Germany and West
Berlin. 7. Investigators were reported to be
focussing upon '"the suspended German
deputy head of the Centre", and wanted to
interview Irving following claims that he
had sought information on 700 well known
persons including "West German politicians
from the Centre". . Irving claimed that he
had acted on behalf of Dr Gerhard
Frey. 8. Irvings proposed lecture to the
University Philosophical Society of
Trinity College Dublin, to be given on
25.11.88. (Kristallnacht anniversary), was
cancelled following mass protests.
Irving's topic was to have been, "The
Holocaust: Did Hitler Know?" Reportedly
the meeting took place in a Dublin hotel,
and Irving was soundly defeated by Morgan
Dockerell. 9. Irving wrote to 'The Guardian'
concerning the controversy over the death
of Rudolf Hess. His letter was published
on 24.5.89. 10. On 21.6.89. 41 MP's signed a
Commons Early Day Motion condemning
Irving's claims, made im The Leuchter
Report foreword, that Britain's
Psychological Warfare Executive had
invented the Holocaust . 11. Irving's 'Focal Point Publications'
hired a room at the World Trade Centre for
23.6.89. in order to launch 'The Leuchter
Report' in Britain. When the booking was
cancelled, Irving's secretary Sally Cox
seemed to be unperturbed, even though the
meeting had been advertised in a press
release to various agencies. The room was
booked by a Tony Wilson of FPP, but the
booking request was faxed to the WTC in
Irving's name. The correspondence address
was given as 81 Duke St, Mayfair, London
W1, 01 499 9409 -- Irving's home and
answerphone number. It should be noted that Tony Wilson is
an alias which has been used by the
neo-Nazi publisher Anthony Hancock, (who
is about to stand trial in Britain for
alleged printing of passport
forgeries). 12, On 23,6.89 Focal Point launched
'The Leuchter Report' at a press
conference in Irvings Mayfair flat. Irving
is believed to have written a Focal Point
Publications press statement advertising
the "launch, which described him as
"controversial -but always right. . .
Irving has a record of exposing fakes and
swindles. . .Now he is saying the same
things about the infamous "gas chambers' .
. Hear Irving deliver his epochal
announcement; obtain your copy of the
Focal Point publication The Leuchter
Report - and ask for yourself: is this
indeed the end of the line for Auschwitz"
" 13. In an interview with Radio Ulster
(23.6.89.) claimed to have documentary
evidence that the "Joint Intelligence
Committee" had disseminated Holocaust
claims which the "Psychological Warfare
Executive" warned the Cabinet to be
propagandist. 14. It is believed that Irving was
responsible for the publication -of a
leaflet entitled, "The Proposed War Crime
Law: Some Facts You Should Know . The
leaflet called for Parliament's rejection
of the War Crimes Bill and claimed that
the Board of Deputies of Deputies Jews
sought to keep the Jewish community in a
"state of nigh anxiety and stampede" . It
then attacked 'Searchlight' , and ended
with a quotation on the essentialness of
"English Justice", supposedly from
Benjamin Disraeli in 1857. 15. 30.6.89
Irving wrote to Hugh Dykes MP and offered
to "stand in the Auschwitz 'gas chamber"
and you or your friends can dump in the
Zyklon B in the prescribed manner. I
guarantee you will get little satisfaction
from the outcome!". 16. On. 24.9.89. Irving wrote to 'The
Sunday Times' and denied that he had ever
said that "'the Holocaust never happened
at all". Rather, he refused '"to swallow
the whole Holocaust package that is now on
offer"'. He then claimed that ""recent
American laboratory tests" had shown that
the Auschwitz gas chambers contained no
cyanide residues and condemned the attack
on Robert Faurisson . . who published the
laboratory findings in a report to which I
contributed a historical introduction...
If the forensic tests are disproved I
shall of course recant; until then, I
refuse to knuckle under". 17. In October 1989, Irving predicted
that German reunification would take place
within a year. 18. In October 1989 Irving sent to a
number of newspaper 'diaries" a copy of a
Tass report claiming the existence of 46
Auschwitz 'death books', which contained
'proof' of 74.000 deaths. Irving's
accompanying letter ended, "It is
certainly good news that the death roll at
Auschwitz was nothing like as bad as had
been feared'" . On 2 10.89. "Londoner's Diary" in doe
"Evening Standard"", reported that Irving
was 'triumphant' over the 'death books'.
He commented, I do not think there were
any gas chambers or any master plan. It's
just a myth and at last that myth is being
eroded. . .Eye-witness evidence is a
problem for psychiatrists. You see, the
pride of people who lived through these
times tells them they saw things that may
not have been there". 18. Irving again used the 'death books'
argument, when he wrote to 'The Spectator'
on 25.11.89. He asserted, ". . .The figure
of 74,000 is! of course, bad enough:
nearly twice as many died in the July 1943
RAF attack on Hamburg. . .Since Professor
Arno Mayer of Princeton, himself a Jew,
has now concluded in a book that most
deaths at Auschwitz were from what he
called 'natural causes', the murder
figures may well be even lower than
74,000". 20. A court in Vienna issued an arrest
warrant for Irving after he broke a police
order banning him from speaking on "how
the story of the gas chambers, . .derived
from an English propaganda warfare story
in 1942" . He had been invited on a
speaking tour by extreme right-winger Otto
Scrinzi, a former Austrian presidential
candidate . 21. It should be noted, regarding
points 18 and 19 above, that Irving
omitted to add that the 'death books'
referred only to part of 1942 and were
therefore an incomplete record. 1990 -- 1991 1. Around January 1990 Irving sent a
copy of "The Leuchter Report' to several
MP's. He enclosed a letter which ended, I
am, incidentally, sending copies of this
technical report to every senior school in
Britain". There is no evidence that he did
so. 2. On 13.2.90. Irving spoke to a crowd
of 1,000 people in Dresden's Kultur
Palast. It is believed that he distributed
300 copies of 'Destruction of Dresden' at
this event. 3. In March 1990 Irving spoke at a
series of neo-Nazi meetings throughout
Germany. The meetings (shown below) were
secretly advertised by word of mouth and
by telephone. Date Venue 3.3.90. Hamburg
4.3.90. Porta Westphalica Subject: "The
Warmonger Churchill" Organiser: Udo
Walendy (neo-Nazi leader) 9.3.90. Moers,
North Rhine, Westphalia Subject:
"Germany's Route to Unification". 10.3.90.
Passau, Bavaria. Organiser: DVU. (This
meeting may have been cancelled, and held
in Antwerp) 11.3.90. Antwerp, Belgium
Subject: "Legends Created by the Jews and
Reality" . Co-Speaker: Rost Van Tonningen
(widow of Dutch wartime Nazi collaborator
and herself a leading neo- Nazi) 4. On 19.3.90. Irving wrote to 'The
Daily Telegraph' to protest at columnist
Stephen Vizinczey's description of him as
a "neo-Nazi propagandist" . In his letter
he repeated the basic claims of 'The
Leuchter Report' and said that he had
deleted all references to "factories of
death"' from the revised edition of
'Hitler's War' . He then claimed, "Mortal
pride demands that an Auschwitz survivor
must have seen gas chambers'" before
repeating the Tass "death book' report,
Arno Mayer's claims, and asserted that
'missing Jews' had been "whisked into new
homes, lives and identities im the Middle
East"" by the Haganah after World War
Two. 5. The Leuchter Report was advertised
in "Exchange and Mart', (5.4.90.) It was
advertised as "Auschwitz, 1st ever
forensic examination of Europe's most
notorious site. 'The Leuchter Report' by
US expert on gas chamber design and use,
with foreword by David Irving". Copies
were £5 each, to be sent to
"Historical Review Press (TB), 20 Madeira
Place, Brighton, Sussex, BN2 1TN.
Proprietor: M.McLaren" . It should be
noted that the Historical Review Press is
owned by Anthony Hancock. 6. On 25.4.90, Irving was arrested in
Munich after joining an illegal neo-Nazi
march, which followed his address to 500
neo-Nazis in a local bar. It is not known
if he was charged. 7. In August 1990 it was revealed that
Irving was writing a book, to be published
in three volumes, entitled 'Hitler and the
Jewish Question' . Having been turned down
by seven 'reputable' German publishers he
reached an agreement with a small
publisher in Bremen, called
Faksimile-Verlag Bremen. This company is
believed to be owned by extreme
right-wingers. 8. The August 1990 IHR Newsletter
described an agreement with a "British
principal" who had agreed to promote and
distribute IHR literature throughout
Britain and Ireland. It is believed that
the "principal" is Irving. 9. Neil Mackwood, writing in 'The
Sunday Correspondent' , (29.7.90.),
claimed that Irving "has announced to me
that he will shortly be sending Mr Bernard
Levin a writ for libel. . .Irving
principally objects to Mr Levin stating he
believes in an international Jewish
conspiracy, that the Holocaust is a myth
and that he is becoming increasingly an
admirer of Hitler. He is determined to see
the thing through to court. . .His
solicitors have been instructed"' . The
writ was never pursued. Bernard Levin (a
noted journalist) has stated that he was
never contacted by Irving. 10. On 14th September 1990, Irving
addressed a Friends of Oswald Mosley
meeting at the Craiglands Hotel, Ilkley.
He reportedly spoke on the difficulties of
finding a publisher and claimed that there
was an arrest warrant for him in Berlin.
The meeting was organised by the BNP. 11. Irving was a keynote speaker at the
Institute for Historical Review's Tenth
International Revisionist Conference, held
in Washington, 13-15th October 1990. He
spoke on the subject of Rommel, and why he
committed suicide at Hitler's command. 12. On 5.1.91. the Bavarian Interior
Minister called for Irving to be banned
from addressing the DVU im Passau. It is
not known if he addressed the meeting. 13. On 6.1.91, he wrote to 'The Daily
Telegraph" and declared his "unrepentance"
at being a '"revisionist historian'" . DAVID IRVING -- SELECTED
BIBLIOGRAPHY1. Title: The Destruction of
Dresden 1.1. Published: 19631.2. Content: Claimed that 250,000
people had been killed by Allied
bombing im Dresden, at the end of WW
II. Further claimed that Dresden was a
town of no . strategic importance and
that the bombing was simply a case of
premeditated mass murder. 2. Title: Accident: The Death of
General Sikorski. 2.1. Content: Claims that
Stalin bribed Churchill into killing
General Sikorski, the head of the WWII
Polish government in exile.Following publication, the
publishers, William Kimble, were put on
trial and forbidden to continue
printing the book. 3. Title: Hitler's War 3.1. Publisher: Hodder and
Stoughton (in UK). Propyläen (in
Germany). (Part of the Springer
publishing group); and Ullstein Verlag.3.2. Date of UK Publication: 13.6.77
(earlier in Germany and US). 3.3. Date of Writing: Irving began
in 1964. 3.4. Content: Irving presents
Hitler's conduct of WWII through his
(Hitler's) own eyes. Irving described
it as "as far as possible through
Hitler's eyes, from behind his desk"',
The book gained instant notoriety
because of its assertion that Hitler
knew nothing of the Holocaust. Indeed,
Hodder and Stoughton enthused of the
book, 'here, the author believes is the
truth about Hitler and the Six
Million'. In the publisher's words, he
had "de-demonised" Hitler. The book however, was far more than
a simple denial of Hitler's role. It
was thoroughly researched, and employed
a variety of themes with which to
rehabilitate Nazi Germany. 3.5. Reaction: The book's
revisionist tone was roundly condemned
by many historians and led to a furore
(and resultant publicity). It also
confirmed Irving's reputation as one of
the world's most thorough researchers
and an exciting and readable
'historian' . 3.6. Other: After Propyläen
deleted certain parts of the book,
Irving disowned it . The book was then
republished by Ullstein Verlag, with a
foreword im which he wrote that Anne
Frank's Diary had been a forgery.
Ullstein were subsequently successfully
sued by Otto Frank'. Irving claimed it had taken six or
seven years of '' politeness and
patience"" to gain the confidence of
Hitler's private secretary, Christa
Schroeder, from whom he had gained much
of his 'exclusive' material.
Reportedly, he collected "70 linear
feet of original archives" . 4. Title: The War Path: Hitler's
Germany 1933-39 4.1. Content: Describes how
Hitler recruited Germany and rebuilt
its economy. Hitler is portrayed as
humane and artistic, loving his people
and the pets that he kept in his home. 5. Title: The War Between The
Generals 5.1. Publisher: Allen Lane5.2. Published: August 1981. 5.3. Content: An uncontentious book
on the behind the scenes conflicts of
the Allied High Command during WWII.
The book relies upon previously
unpublished materials . 5.4. Reaction: The book was reviewed
as being highly readable and avoiding
"muck raking". 6. Title: Adolf Hitler: The Medical
Diaries of Dr Theo Morell, edited by David
Irving 6.1. Publisher: London --
Sidgwick and Jackson. New York --
Macmillan's6.2. Date of Publication: May 1983.
-- in the same week as "Hitler's
Diaries" . 6.3. Content: The book is 310 pages
long, and consists of an abbreviated
version of Morell's medical diaries. It
is little more than a succession of
entries detailing medication prescribed
to Hitler, and how he reacted to
them. 6.4. Reaction: The book was
described as being boring and lacking
im Irving's usual 'exciting' style. It
should be noted however, that Irving
only wrote the introduction to the
book, and translated the . diaries. 6.5. Further Information: The
diaries were originally loaned to a
Washington "agency" in 1946. Irving
claimed to have discovered them in
Washington's National Archives, but
this was denied by Professor Hugh
Trevor-Roper who said that they had
been catalogued in 1959. It was claimed
that Irving had gained the co-operation
of Morell 's widow prior to their
publication. 6.6. Quote from reviewer: "They
reduce the great demon of the century
to a pitiable concatenation of gastric
bumps and bowel rumblings'" . 7. Title: Churchill's War, Volume One:
The Struggle For Power 7.1. Publisher: Veritas
Publications Address: Bullsbrook,
Western Australia7.2. Distributor in UK: Irving, and
reportedly Bloomfield Books (a neo-Nazi
book distributor) 7.3. Date of Publication: January
1.988 Date of Writing: 1975 -- 1985
7.4. Content: The book is 650 pages
long and portrays Churchill as a
ruthless alcoholic, who fought against
Germany to help his own political
career. Irving alleged that prior to
the war, Churchill, "a gentleman of
much mixed blood" had been dependant
upon Jewish financiers, ending up as
"the hired help of these Elders of
Zion". It further claimed that during
the war he was guilty of extreme
cowardice, and had destroyed the
British Empire. 7.5. Reaction: The book
was scathingly reviewed by the British
press, who attacked Irving for having
so obviously allowed his hatred of
Churchill to affect his analysis of
him, He was however, praised for the
depth of his research, and was reported
to have crossed the Atlantic over 50
times during the writing of it. 7.6.
Further Information: The initial print
run of 10,000 copies sold very quickly
in Australia, and Irving arranged for
12,000 copies to be distributed to
independent book sellers in Britain. He
claimed 2,000 copies had sold within 10
days of its publication im Britain. Some of the book's content is taken
from Churchill's diaries which Irving
rented for £5,000 p.a. from Simon
Ward-Thompson, godson of Churchill's .
bodyguard, Commander 'Tommy'
Thompson. 8. Title: Göring A Biography. 8.1. Publisher: (in UK)
Macmillan (in USA) William Morrow and
Company.8.2. Date of Publication: (in UK)
August 1989 (in USA) May 1989 8.3. Content: A 573 page long
biography of Luftwaffe commander, Reich
Marsha] Hermann Goring. The book
begins with Irving's suggestion that
Göring's excessive greed and
immorality may be due 'to the influence
of his "Jewish. . .godfather", a Dr
Hermann von Epenstein. (It is highly
dubious that Göring's godfather
would have been a non-Christian).
Irving then blames Churchill for
provoking the London Blitz (ignoring
Hitler's earlier bombing of Warsaw,
Rotterdam, and even London, on the day
prior to the first British air raid on
Berlin). Irving's distortions continue
when he claims that Goring was often
not consulted on important decisions
and not surprisingly it is claimed that
Hitler and Goring were only vaguely
aware of reported '"atrocities". He
claims that Goring"naively" signed an
order drafted by Heydrich to prepare
the "final solution", and then attempts
to deny Hitler's knowledge by
reproducing a note from the head of the
Reich Chancellery that he wanted "the
solution of the Jewish question
postponed until after the war". (The
note actually refers to a file
regarding the legal status of German
Jews of mixed parentage, and Jews with
gentile partners. 9. Title: "Hitler and The Jewish
Question". 9.1. Publisher:
Faksimile-Verlag Bremen9.2. Address: Alte Heer-strasse 5
Postfach 660180 2800 Bremen 66 9.3. Content: three volumes -- no
further information -- 10. The above does not yet include
notes on Dresden and Uprising, Irving's
QUOTES1. Date: 1956 Source: "Felix" ,
Imperial College magazine. (9.12.77). Quote: "He (Hitler) was a
great man". 2. Date: 18.6.77 Source: 'The
Spectator' Quote: 'Mr Irving concedes that
Hitler eventually came to know what was
being done im his name, but "wholly in
keeping with his character. . .he took
no action to rebuke the guilty. His
failure or inability to act im effect
kept the extermination machinery going
to the end of the war" . 3. Date: 9.3.78 Source: 'The Birmingham
Post'. Quote: I have no axe to grind about
Hitler and the destruction of the Jews. He
was a gangster; my book (Hitler's War)
concedes all the crimes charged against
him, so much so that I thought it
worthwhile making an issue of this
particular one, about his direct
responsibility -- or not -- for the Final
Solution.". 4. Date: 1.7.78 Source: The
Spectator. Quote: ""The truth is, I
suggest, that there is a large criminal
stratum im all European nations that is
prepared, given the proper conditions
and the opportunity, to harass,
persecute and even kill Jews. The
Holocaust was not the result of one
lunatic's order, as people so
comfortably believe, and it is time the
Jews faced up squarely to it". 5. Date: December 1980 Source:
Manchester Evening News. Quote: On the subject of the
recent Paris synagogue bombing: "In the
twilight world of the terrorists no
tactic is deemed too obscene or bizarre
as long as the long term aim is served.
The planting of bombs which kill or
maim innocent victims, regardless of
their political viewpoints, can reap
enormous dividends if the perpetrators
of these, acts can successfully .
implicate those of diametrically
opposing politics im the act". 6. Date: 23.6.81. Source: Evening
Standard. Quote: On his Adolf Hitler self
portrait, scribbled on a postcard: '"It
was given to me by Hitler's secretary. He
heard me speak at a public meeting in
Germany recently. 'Just like A.H." she
said" . (It is likely that '"He'" is a
misprint, not '"she'"). 7. Date: 17.10.87 . Source: New Zealand
Herald. Quote: "Adolf Hitler said to
his doctor in the summer of 1944 that
the first man to write a fair biography
of him would have to be an Englishman
who spoke German and knew the archives.
"But," he added, "he will have to be an
Englishman of the next generation. The
present generation cannot and will not
write objectively about us. I found
those words in the doctor's diary. . .
(On Churchill's War) I trawled through
archives like those in Canberra,
Ottawa, Berlin, Paris, and Washington
and horsetraded with authorities in
Moscow and Israel to lay hands on key
documents, like the records kept by the
Soviet ambassador im London and the
Zionist leader Chaim Weizmann on their
furtive pre-war meetings with
Churchill... "When my critics have done
the original research that I have. . .I
shall heed their objections but they
haven't so I won't" . 8. Date: 1989 Source: Irving's foreword
to The Leuchter Report. Quote: "The infamous gas
chambers of Auschwitz, Treblinka and
Majdanek did not exist -- ever, except,
perhaps, as the brainchild of Britain's
brilliant wartime Psychological Warfare
Executive (PSE)." 9. Date: 23.6.89 Source:- Interview
with 'The Jewish Chronicle" on "Focal
Point' launching the UK edition of 'The
Leuchter Report'. Quote: "'The Jewish community
have to examine their consciences. They
have been propagating something (the
Holocaust) that isn't true". 10. Date: 5.7.90 Source: German
newsagency DPA Correspondent Jobst
Knigge's interview, published in
Allgemeine No. 45/27. Quote: "Iche Mache on Moment
I am engaged in subversive activity"
(trans)