- Financial Times reports: Dutch
insurance giant resists WJC blackmail, is
threatened with ruin
- Germans
jail Manfred Roeder, 70, for 2 years for
humbugging Holocaust in 1998 election speech in
former Soviet-zone city
- Firebomb
Outrage at Connecticut Synagogue | Police Charge
- Document: Dr Korherr, Himmler's
statistician, analyses in 1943 the
disproportionately high percentage of Jews in
Moscow's communist party
- FAQ: Any news on Copeland, alleged to be the
racist "Brixton bomber"?
Schoenfeld uses gutter language to attack David
Irving in "Commentary"- American
Prospect smears David Irving and The History
Channel's Dresden documentary
- Ottawa
spy agency reprimanded for accusing anti-racist
group of firebombing Zündel HQ
lab-testing "smart" eavesdrop software
Prof. Lindemann highlights danger to Jews in
banning books
- German
outrage over Taiwan use of Hitler caricature in
heater advert
- Internet
debater asks if Prof. Lipstadt's refusal to
debate does not make her the
- The
worms turn: Judge rejects as "tainted"
[Lipstadt witness] Bernie Farber in
Toronto hate trial
- David Irving
to Speak in Irish Republic | Traditional
Enemy threatens Violence | Marxist Mobs Riot
in Ireland, Police halt Irving Speech:
Times Dublin] [Cork
Examiner] | David
Irving's Radical's Diary reports on the riot
| Dublin
Press backs David Irving: "Freedom of speech
is no freedom at all if it is to be conferred
solely on those you agree with" | David
Irving's Radical's Diary
- Manhatten
Sentinel reports on Shoah Showdown:
"dangerous" Irving's London action could put
Holocaust itself on trial
- Oskar
Schindler's 1938 arrest as a Nazi Spy: the proof
- Atlanta
Jewish Times: Fears David Irving may win in
historic Court Battle
- After
Wilkomirski: another candidate for ASSHOLS
[The Association for Spurious "Survivors of
the Holocaust" and Other
GI's daughter asks about photos of
Buchenwald- The
Campaign for Democratic Renewal [one of
Lipstadt's defence witnesses], summarised in
Who's Who in Terrorism
- Amazon.com
Stops Selling Mein Kampf to Germans |
says Hitler's Berlin Bunker must Survive |
as TIME readers rank him third in Century poll
- "Rite of
Passage" Leads Youngsters Astray
- Nazi
documents mystery: What has happened to the
papers of Kempner [right]?
- Toben
Case: The "new Freisler" fears Internet will
punch holes in Germany's anti-revisionist
crackdow | Toben makes Bail, freed
| International
press coverage of sentence on Australian
historian | German
Court Jails him for Ten Months, plus $5,000 fine
| Earlier: Mannheim
Court in Uproar: Defence Lawyer quits, Toben
- Outrage
at Atlanta-based firm's Internet sale of
silverware looted from
- Trial of
Polish Prof., author of revisionist Holocaust
Book begins
- Newspapermen
acted as Nato's "Stenographers" during Kosovo
bombing war
- Sunday Times
accuses Foreign Secretary Robin Cook of lying
about Kosovo massacres
- Canada's
justification for bombing Yugoslavia was 'mass
graves' and '100,000 Albanians killed':
both were
- The
Canadian Professor who advocates killing
disabled children
- Hitler
was a homo, says German historian (does not fear
- Israeli
ex-Prime Minister calls for investigation of
Shin Bet role in assassination of Rabin
- The
Times concludes that Nato welcomed the "mass
graves" lies of Kosovo eye-witnesses
Exhibition forced to Close: Major Revisionist
Victory |Germany
stunned - Egged-on by
British Leftists: Germany pursues scientist
Germar Rudolf's Extradition | National
newspaper prints
David Irving's protest
- Death
threat by JDL chief Irv Rubin [right] to
David Irving at Los Angeles Show
of modern antisemitism [September 1999
Radical's Diary] Wanted:
photos, and reports on the 1945 Suicide of Heinrich
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