November 19, 1999
expert can't testify at hate
trial He's tainted by public
comments, judge says LILA SARICK The Globe and Mail,
Toronto A NOTED expert on the
neo-Nazi movement was disqualified by a
judge from testifying at the trial of
seven people charged with promoting hatred
yesterday because he may he
biased. Bernie Farber, executive
director of the Canadian
Jewish Congress's Ontario region, was
to be the Crown's final witness in the
case against demonstrators who picketed a
Scarborough motel where Roma refugee
claimants were staying in August,
1997. Provincial Court Judge Russell
Otter rejected him as an expert
witness, ruling that remarks he had made
to the press after the demonstration, but
before charges were laid, could taint his
testimony. Among the statements that Mr. Farber
made were: "This is a clear-cut case of
hate-mongering" and "If Canada's
hate-crimes laws were written for
anything, they were written for this." Mr. Farber was also quoted in another
newspaper article saying, "Slam (the
skinheads) hard and slam them now." In his ruling, Judge Otter said: "The
bottom line is there is a concern
[with] the approach and language
used by Mr. Farber in this case -- and I
emphasize this case -- urging immediate
charges be laid. There is quite logically
expert evidence he may give that could be
shaded, tailored, tempered and nuanced to
achieve that goal.' Although the job of the defence counsel
is to illustrate any potential bias
through cross-examination, in the case of
an expert witness it may be beyond
counsel's ability and expertise to do so,
Judge Otter said. It is the first time Mr. Farber has
been rejected. He has been called as an
expert witness in nine trials and two
labour-relations hearings. Mr. Farber declined to comment after
the judge's ruling because the case is
still before the courts. "We are disappointed that the court
won't have the benefit of this expertise,
but we pledge to continue to work with
government, with the courts and the police
in continuing to confront racists and
white supremacists," Danny Roth, a
spokesman for the Canadian Jewish
Congress, said outside the courtroom. The case continues today. |