
 Posted Wednesday, November 24, 1999

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The Not So Independent

London, Monday, November 22, 1999


Spies in the "Forests"

Website comment: Last week, The Independent reported that a US spy agency had patented a system for eavesdropping on phone calls. Now it is lab-testing software that can sift through calls and e-mails in search of key phrases

By Suelette Dreyfus

THE US Department of Defense is lab-testing technology that could make it easier automatically to sift through a vast pool of private communications, including international telephone phone calls, in a similar manner to using an Internet search engine.

The technology, called "Semantic Forests", is a software program that analyses voice transcripts [...].


WE regret that by letter dated Tuesday, December 12, 2000 a Ms. Louise Hayman, the head of legal services at The Independent newspaper, requested that this article be removed from this website. We have adjusted the masthead accordingly.

The above news item is reproduced without editing other than typographical
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