and anti-Semitism, the origuins
| and see
Tsunami Jews
and anti-Semitism - Nazi tactics United
Jewish Federation tries to silence Prof Norman
Finkelstein ("The Holocaust Industry") by
filling 400 seats of Pittsburgh university
lecture hall with their stormtroopers
- Parents
of 23-year-old US peace worker Rachel Corrie sue
Caterpillar Inc: Israeli army drove their
bulldozer over her, killed her
- Israeli
spy Jonathan Pollard ("we do not spy on the
United States") makes new attempt at overturning
life sentence
 - More on those nice
folks next door 24
arrested in money-laundering operation; Israeli
ambassador to London to be questioned
nice folks next door again Israeli
involvement in criminal activity in East Asian
countries is causing serious damage to the
country's image- Outrage of "British" Jews London
mayor Ken Livingstone brands Ariel Sharon a war
- More on those nice folks next door Former
Israeli Minister Segev admits he smuggled 32,000
Ecstasy Pills
- Loud chuckles from Canada: (Let's all try
this one) Fraudster
(Western Canada head of the B'nai Brith). stole
thousands from Edmonton charity, claims in
mitigation she was depressed because her parents
were Holocaust survivors
(depressed -- because her parents
survived?) | Same sad case, 2004:
industry hypocrite unmasked - Australian billionaire fraudster bites dust
Adler faces jail for his billion dollar fraud;
but gets very kind press notices indeed --
why | Adler
peads guilty to four serious charges |
AJN 1991-1993
- it viciously campaigned for Mr Irving's
exclusion from Australia on grounds of
"character". Let's see if Der Adler does any
"bird." - Tumult of pained Holocaust survivors,
outraged Board of Deputies, Holocaust
Educational Trust, community leaders, and their
journalist- and politician-sycophants Mayor
of London Ken Livingstone still won't abase
himself before bad-mannered journalist
| Gilad Atzmon
asks, Why should he? Or Rather, Who should
apologise? | Mr Irving writes a Radical's
Diary: Support
for Livingstone over his retort to a
journalist who turned out to be a Jew - More on the Ken Livingstone saga Princess
Michael (Austrian born) hints at
problem-ownership of the British press.
Quote: "If [Prince] Harry had worn a
hammer and sickle, nobody would have got
excited. . . . The press has a
different sensibility because of its ownership
structure." German press screams:
"anti-Semitism!" - Yes, but is it true?
- Wages of sin George
Tenet, ex CIA director, gets highest award of
Israel's terror agency Shin Bet
despite memorable glitch in his career (of
which, one image
suffices) Outrage
of Wiesenthal Center as InterContinental Hotels
magazine Highstyle highlights Hitler's
Berchtesgaden resort: "It's
not just a peak, it's a treat"- More tales from the bathhouse "A
box of soap ... made from the bodies of Jews
killed in the Holocaust was found Thursday
in a funeral home in Magdiel in central Israel,
Army Radio reported."
[Website note: Yad Vashem has long
determined that the "Jewish soap" story is a
myth] - Those nice folks next door Expelled
Israeli diplomat linked to Mossad, NZ spies, and
US secrets | The
strange case of the disappearing diplomat - told
to leave Australia, but just why is hard to pin
| More on those folks Mall
kiosk probe ends in deportation of Israelis
 - Israeli
diplomat who ran a child prostitution ring from
Brazil embassy will leave safe-haven Israel for
a new diplomatic post in Australia
The choice of Arie Scher has sparked outrage.
According to Ma'ariv (Israel), Scher fled Rio
embassy five years ago after being implicated in
child pornography. - Farewell, femme fatale Mossad's
most famous hit woman died
 Sylvia Rafael, who was jailed in Norway for her
part in a botched 1973 assassination, died of
leukemia in her native South Africa over the
weekend. She was 67 - Conservative leader Michael
Howard reveals that his grandfather may have
entered the UK as an illegal immigrant David
Irving suspects he's lying, and his grandmother
never "died in Auschwitz"
of Deputies of British Jews will be outraged
Salt Club item (left) offered for sale on
eBay -- now bought by one of our
readers- Remember coach cheerleader Marilou Breswell?
-- sacked
because the traditional enemies wanted one of
their own girls, Jackie Steele, in her
squad? Here are two more links: Help
Marilou - the Breswell's side of the story
and The
story of Jacyln Steele and the ADL
(with music, photos) - Charles Taylor is
effusive about Prof Lipstadt in Salon:
for Hitler"
-- "Eminent historians defended Holocaust denier
David Irving in the name of free speech and
scholarship. Deborah Lipstadt's account of her
libel trial with Irving proves how colossally
wrong they were." -- Yes, the book's arrival in
London is eagerly awaited by
all. . . - In article for domestic student consumption
(Emory University) Lipstadt
claims to have been the kingpin in Lipstadt
Libel Trial (not so: she never even spoke!)
| What really happened: Mr
Irving talks in Atlanta, March 12
- Another skeptic bites the dust French
far-right politician suspended from teaching
duties over gas chamber remarks
- More reviews by Lipstadt's friends of her
new book on the Trial (has she no enemies?):
University ("The British press was nasty,
seeing it as a battle of class -- an English
gentleman against an American Jewish woman
upstart") | Jewish
Journal of Los Angeles
- Auschwitz: The
Barber's Story -- CNN interviews Pole who claims
to have witnessed Everything | Our
readers comment dismissively
- Coming soon to a labour office near you
Berlin waitress told to accept job as hooker, or
face cuts to her unemployment benefit under new
German laws
- German
Supreme Court may ban right wing German party
NPD, on the usual pretexts
- Ordinary people (1) It's
riches to rags as Australia finds fashion
matriarch and sons guilty of $15m tax fraud
- face 20 yrs jail "There were 8,000 pages - transcripts of 350
intercepted phone calls in Hebrew, Bulgarian and
English and a computer and cash register taken
from Ida Ronen's home." - Ordinary people (2) The New York Times
reports Michael
Chertoff gave advice to the C.I.A. on
 - In The New York Times The
Forward editor warns fellow-Jews against
over-playing their "Holocaust Card"
 - Apologies all round Outrage
of Auschwitz survivor because Canadian
Television included interview with Prof Norman
Finkelstein | and Mr Irving's comments
- Hebrew University: Film
of Eichmann trial mainly a "perverse
Forgery" -- and what else, we wonder?
- An
insufficienty respectful Conformist reports for
us on his visit to Auschwitz on the Great
Day | Israeli
newspapers criticize ceremonies marking 60th
anniversary of Auschwitz liberation
| wardrobe malfunction Cheney's
insufficiently respectful Auschwitz togs
(purchased at a Lake Woebegone boutique?) raise
eyebrows  - Liars and other eye-witnesses Ha'aretz
on Auschwitz "survivor" Rudolf Vrba's hatred of
Yad Vashem and the conformist Holocaust
scholars, for ignoring him - We suspect that
they ignore him with good reason. Is he another
- David Irving writes a Radical's
Diary: An Italian TV program commemorates Global
Holocaust Day "I won't be invited there
again in a hurry, I fear; with or without my
- Kirkus
reviews Deborah Lipstadt's turgid new book on
the 2000 London trial ("it has dry patches" -
like the Sahara): she has abandoned first choice
for a title, My Struggle (no kiddin')
- Paying their way Canadian
TV says 'ordinary' Quebecers outraged at secret
Jewish donation to Jean Charest's ruling Party
in exchange for favourable school funding --
others "wonder about the Jewish community's
capacity to raise money and access power"
- Up to their old tricks Jewish
graves desecrated at Aldershot, Hampshire
(UK) ("and so close to Global Holocaust
| Reader's
letter - Columbia campus war: Traditional
enemy accuses Mid-East Profs of anti-Semitism by
traditional enemy
(one asked ex Israeli soldier-student, How many
Palestinians did you kill?) - Those nice folks next door New
York porn king sought by cops for
multimillion-dollar Manhattan operation
Wiesenthal Center's Dean Abe Cooper is worried
about the teaching of the Holocaust. So are we,
comments Mr Irving, referring to fakery in the
forthcoming BBCtv spectacular | In which
connection: Henry
Barth challenges us on 'new documents' the BBC
claims to have discovered about Auschwitz.
New? Huh!- Ethics
office claims Ed Fagan, now missing,
misappropriated more than $400,000 from
Holocaust survivor accounts
- Swiss
Jews outraged at government's report on Jewish
"extremism", call for an explanation from
Justice Minister
- Cashing in Outrage
as one Josh Kaplan tries to sell domain name on eBay for $50,000
 - What goes around Poland
again demands Israel hand over Solomon Morel for
trial, accused of the revenge murder of hundreds
of Germans in 1945
- Dual-loyalty update Jewish
US Leaders fear FBI probe will force Pro-Israel
Lobby AIPAC to file as 'Foreign Agent' under
1938 anti-Nazi laws
- Another fine squabble at World Jewish
Congress HQ: NY
Attorney General Eliot Spitzer looks into World
Jewish Congress money laundering
- More custom-built history Israeli
dealers accused in antiquities fraud
CBC News: Relics
from Solomon's temple faked  A
little girl of Anne Frank's age Israeli
soldier emptied machine-gun into teenage
Palestinian girl (right); case is seen as
complex- Are we powerful or what? Federal
Judge rejects request to restore job to
University of Georgia cheerleading coach Marilou
| remember, a
Jewish cheerleader demanded inclusion in her
squad on grounds of race? - Called "anti-Semitism" Half
today's Germans think Israeli army similar to
 - Another dual-loyalties update Now
a Grand Jury: FBI steps up AIPAC espionage
probe - Christian Science Mionitor article
with good links
| Confessed
Pentagon spy has stopped cooperating |
Accuses Israel of Spying; Second Charge in 4
Months - Greatest friend and ally FBI
investigating Israeli industrial espionage
 - Scuttlebutt Israeli
Agent Found Dead In Washington, DC
 - Too young to remember Tony
Blair lights a menorah at No.10, welcoming those
who used to "light a little candle in their
heart" each time a British soldier was murdered
in Palestine
 - Commanding the moral low ground Outrage
at image of Israeli soldiers forcing Arab
violinist to play at roadblock
 - Another fine squabble Money-laundering
Uproar Shakes World Jewish Congress A story
complete with a "demented" accountant
- Sex-slavetrader Trachtenberg comes "clean"
plot to force Russian girls to work in NY strip
release - Nasty surprise for some: FBI
slaps Grand Jury subpoenas on officials of
AIPAC, pro-Israel lobby group, over war secrets
smuggled to Israel
- Swept out to sea like Robert Maxwell
drowning death of Israel's notorious mass
murderer and former C in C, Rafael
- Israel's "Murder Inc." Fawning
article profiles Meir Dagan (born Huberman),
current head of The Mossad
- Not a "nucular" threat either
Iran is not
a nuclear threat
- Oops Two
CNN stories, on nukes in Iran and North Korea,
both use the same satellite photograph of the
same purported nuclear power plant [we
are told that CNN has now changed the
- Israeli
Troops accused of abusing Palestinian dead
 - The Great Shakedown Holocaust
Insurance Claims body to be wound up: spent
"way too much" on itself
 - Reliable moving Israeli
movers go on trial in US for extortion and theft
- Twenty-year sentences possible, then removal
-- from USA
- Truly tasteless fags Israeli
advert uses New York's 9/11 terror-image to sell
- Sure way to halt anti-Semitism Frank
Dimant and the B'nai Brith target Canada's
oldest universities | Then the squabble
starts: "B'nai
Brith is giving Jews a reputation as 'whiners',"
says Canadian Jewish Congress
- NY
Jew's ex-wife arrested, spray-painted swastikas
all over Brooklyn and Queens
- Really bad news from Paris: Jew
arrested for Paris arson: Crude slogans at the
scene had suggested an anti-Semitic
- Pot calling TV
anchor Bill O'Reilly calls Abraham Foxman a nut,
the ADL "extremist" Now, that's tough
- Another anti-Semitic report Israeli
troops kill more than 30 Palestinian children in
first two weeks of Gaza operation
- Won't eat in this town again Trump
fires "apprentice" for "fat old Jewish ladies"
remark (oh, and she also loses real job)
 - Racist
attacks, pork sent to Muslims - their leader
blames NZ Jews; comparisons with cemetery
- Desecration News Sanitation
company filled graves in Jerusalem cemetery with
- More hatred Armenian
archbishop quizzed over spat with yeshiva
student - "Jews ... customarily spit on the
ground as a sign of disgust on seeing the
- More ghastly set-backs to hate-crimes
industry Young
disordered Jew arrested for death threats,
graffiti, and racist posters at Toronto
University| Bid
to Fuel Jewish, Arab Tensions on Canadian
- Another anti-Jewish letter: Friedner
... could not explain to FBI why the letter was
found on his computer
- An
Israeli historian on Jewish organised crime in
eastern Europe before Hitler's armies wiped the
slate clean
- Israeli: "I
killed thirty children" | "Palestine:
The Assault on Health and Other War Crimes," by
British professor Derek Summerfield in
British Medical Journal | critiques|
from the traditional enemies of the
- Long arm of the Knesset: Bill
in advanced stage extends Israeli legal
jurisdiction, calls for any "Holocaust denier"
to be tried in Israel (neutral experts
- Western Australia Auschwitz
"survivor" complete with "tattoo" published
bestselling memoirs -- now Australia finds he is
yet another ASSHOL | Publisher
'shocked' and fears the incident may incite
Holocaust denial | Refunds
tipped on fake "Auschwitz survivor's"
- More
news from the Holocaust-Survivor front, and
other meaningless phrases
- Lessons in hate Ottawa
teacher pioneers Holocaust propaganda for the
Canadian classroom
- Dual loyalties snare again US
Supreme Court refuses "Israeli spy" David
Tenenbaum's case alleging religious
- Cosmetic surgery Updating
the record of Jewish heroism in the American
wars | and a comment by Mr Irving
- We can all
sleep safer now Israel
free to assassinate in USA and friendly
- Still dining out on it: Lipstadt
writes on The future of Holocaust denial in that
objective daily, The Jerusalem Post, and worries
that Arabs who have taken up the cry |and
the same article to The Atlanta Journal :
reminisces in the International Herald Tribune
about her famous victory in the London High
Court (she took the Fifth) and mentions her new
book - it was going to be called My Struggle
(no kiddin'). Mr Irving's lawyers are among
those eagerly awaiting it
- Index on Censorship Don
Guttenplan asks, How Many Jews does it
-- and rather overlooks the fact that
(a) the International Jewish organisations
have spent millions trying to stop David
irving's books from being published, and to
destroy him personally and that (b) the English
have always fought back - Are we powerful or what? Outrage,
that US delegation to Ukraine's presidential
inauguration included activist who says Jews
manipulate the Holocaust for their own gain
and caused Soviet-era atrocities in Ukraine |
Jewish Congressmen want Kuropas sacked by
university for his (true) remarks
- and other plans to rewrite History - We know what he means "It's
Holocaust, Holocaust, Holocaust. I am almost
holocausted out," said one well-known
 - In reader's letter (not published) David
Irving challenges daily death figure in
Auschwitz (the math does not add up);
compares that with daily deathroll in Allied
bombing holocaust
- Dresden too? Illinois
Jews outraged at proposal to make students study
all holocausts, not just "The One"
 - President
Bush sends Lipstadt, Lantos, Wiesel to
- Not Van Pelt? Historic first: As battleship
slowly sinks, rats go aboard? - Despite Holocaust-Tsunami One
in six Canadians believe fewer than 1 million
Jews perished in the Holocaust - The great
achievement of Ernst Zündel (still held in
solitary confinement)
- University of
Bielefeld finds 62 per cent of Germans are 'sick
of all the harping on about German crimes
against the Jews' - and Daily Telegraph
agrees (which'll cost 'em).
- Honeymoon over? Slovakia's
government will decriminalize "Holocaust
denial," argues law is odious, infringes freedom
of speech
Sydney Morning Herald publishes an
extraordinary attack on Bush and his satraps,
particularly Condoleeza Rice and the 'Zionist'
Douglas Feith Israel Bush
war against Iraq - An Israeli states the
obvious in The Guardian: If
my prime minister [Sharon] is a war
criminal, so is Tony Blair
- Blair
broke ministerial code by withholding anti-war
legal advice from Cabinet colleagues
 - Gosh, no!
Says Public Version of Saddam Capture was
in your local newspaper? Iraqi
Health Ministry says American occupation forces
used nerve gases and poison gases in attack on
al-Fallujah - Unliked The
Germans that President Bush was not able to
- Thug-leader
Sarah Saltzmann speaks in Denver, splutters
outrage at David Irving again
| Mr
Irving returns to Denver soon - New York Times President
George W Bush was secretly taped, revealed his
cocaine- and marijuana-past, and real views on
homosexuals; speaks of Christianity as a useful
- Washington Post confirms Donald
Rumself hesitates on visit to Germany, as US
rights organisation has asked for his arrest
there as war criminal [we first reported
this last week]
- British Ministry of Defence forced to reveal
secret figures: Toll
of British wounded in Iraq war reaches
- Memo for your notebook: The
background (and illustrious father) of Douglas
Feith; once awarded highest honour of Zionist
Organisation of America
 - Robert Fisk writes on Iraq in The
Independent The
Ghost of Vietnam
 - International Herald Tribune:
historians will deem the Bush regime's
enthusiasm for Torture the most striking aspect
of its current wars [with full
links] | Newsweek:
Gonzales will likely be confirmed as US attorney
general. That won't stop the widening scandal
over the US torture of Guantánamo
detainees, including
the American use of the Israeli flag as a
torture instrument - Tom
Dispatch on US global torture regime around the
world: the evasions of
Gonzales at his confirmation hearing
 - Washington Post editoria: Bush
Administration war crimes exposed by documents
obtained under Freedom of Information Act
 "For now the appalling truth is that there has
been no remedy for the documented torture and
killing of foreign prisoners by this American
government." - The Green Zone's Quality of Life committee
stories from the US Mission in Iraq

Face of War in Fallujah: mass murder and
(Warning: graphic images)- Meanwhile, what is happening outside the US
media-bubble New
England Medical Journal prints recent images of
US wounded from Iraq war
 - Loses no sleep Blair
refuses independent inquiry into civilian death
toll in U.S.-led war in Iraq | and David
Irving's commentary
- Knight-Ridder Newspapers once again has
superb on-the-spot writing on the Fallujah
"epic" The
battle of Fallujah | continued
(and discreet praise for the "insurgents"
heroism) - Washington's problems with al Qaida
Disgraced OSI
lawyer Neal Sher is outraged that the CIA does
not denounce book's claim that blind support of
Israel is to blame
- David Irving: A
Radical's Diary - on the latest war crimes seen
in Iraq
"Alas, Mr Sanctimonious Blair's love affair with
Mr Illiterate Bush is already leading some
unsightly morning stains on the bedspread.
" - Doing the math Greg
Palast examines US newspaper deceptions about
Falluja casualties
- The Bremer Orders Bush's
hush-hush business Diktat for post-war
- David Irving: A
Radical's Diary - on The Destruction of Falluja;
Blair, Bush, and their Iraqi Quisling, Iyad
"In England we were always taught instinctively
not to trust a man who spoke fluent French. Now
I think the rule must be not to trust an Iraqi
who speaks perfect English." - Drudge
reports: ABC News holding back terror warning
tape - masked terrorist believed to be
Californian, Adam Pearlman | MSNBC CIA
unable to authenticate tape
| "Terror"
video: An Adam Pearlman/US Army PsyWar
Production? | Whatever happened to the Adam
Pearlman tape? Was it a fake October
surprise? - Farnaz
Fassihi, indiscreet Wall Street Journal
journalist, wrote a true Iraq diary for Columbia
Journalism Review
- Not in your local newspaper? CIA
whistleblower sees 'long war', says BBC
 - German agency
reports Rumsfeld
cancels trip after US human rights organisation
asks German authorities to arrest him for war
| German
prosecutors announce they won't arrest Rumsfeld;
he will now attend Munich security conference
after all
- David Irving
Radical's Diary -- on the Inauguration, war
crimes, and Osnabrück
- That'll teach 'em
on wrist for US soldiers who killed Iraqi by
making him jump from a bridge
military doctor ordered to close down online war
diary of Iraq mess-hall disaster  - Controversy New
analysis of the graphic US army gun-camera video
of Apache helicopter massacring Iraqi
| Mpeg
Video | our
original posting | theirs,
Jan 9, 2004 | Robert
Fisk | reader's
letter - Iraq "improved since Saddam": The
Massacres Continue as 'Democracy-Building' |
Taylor: Hostage in Iraq: Five days in Hell |
American NCO in Iraq on Why We Cannot Win
- is
threatened now by US Army with 20 years'
jail  - Iraq Muzzling
soldiers is nothing new says Colonel David H.
Hackworth | Situation desperate, but not
serious Edited
e-mail, sent privately to friends by Wall
Street Journal's Baghdad correspondent
Farnaz Fassihi (who has lost her job in
- Cost of the Iraq war: A
Soldier's Mother's view
 - We wonder how he can afford it British
Prime Minister Tony Blair and his wife, Cherie,
have purchased a $6.4 million townhouse in
Connaught Square and plan on spending another
$900,000 fixing it up
 - Blair's criminal shame Tortured
terror suspects have mental illnesses, say UK
 - US heroism (and fine writing) Soldiers
at Camp Eagle weary of Baghdad slum, Iraqis,
mission | More
on the suicide missions in
 - British
Member of Parliament starts motion to impeach
Tony Blair for lying over WMD
Hitler Lipstadt
Trial and Auschwitz Free
Speech World
War II History Miscellaneous
casebook on the
of modern antisemitism
Hillman is outraged at the alleged neo Nazi
desecration of a Jewish cemetery in Aldershot
(and calls Mr Irving a draft dodger!)
Walker tells us that the US Army National Guard
once used the swastika as a badge emblem --
then came WW2
Supreme Court in Australia now filter out access
to David Irving's website; we offer a method of
foxing the filters
mum frets in German about this scurrilous,
near-the-knuckle website (she would like to see
it and Mr Irving banned)
Jacobson asks are we familiar with the diary of
Dr. Johann Paul Kremer (of Auschwitz), and is it
genuine? | Eric
has pertinent information about the
controversial diary: Kremer was coerced into
'explaining' and expanding entries in postwar
courts | Frank
Lowe Jr draws attention to contradictions and
anachronisms in the Kremer diary
Christopher Price asks Mr Irving why he withdrew
Lipstadt appeal evidence, and whether gassings
took place at Auschwitz or not?